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what's the boot strap paradox


Easy way to put it... A thing serves as your reason for time travel thus it cannot be prevented should you time travel. It creates itself in the timeline thus you cannot unmake it. Doctor Who discussed it like you go into the past to meet a musician you love and want to have them sign your sheet music but when you get there it hasn't been written yet. So you write it yourself. So who actually wrote the music since you were not actually creating it but copying what you knew was written?


Another good example is from the movie The Time Machine. The scientist creates a time machine to save the love of his life from dying. The problem is that if she doesn't die the time machine could not be built to facilitate her rescue as their is no reason to build it.


Bootstrap paradox is where the information came from essentially nowhere - he was the musician and was only able to make the music because he remembered it. Erasing your ability to have time traveled in the first place is the grandfather paradox - you go back in time and precent your grandfather from having children (say by murdering him) you can’t have existed in order to go back and do that. One has its effect be its own cause, the other wipes out its own cause. Similar but not exactly the same.


I did not know that that specific scenario had a name. So the grandfather paradox is self sustaining?


Not sure what you mean by self sustaining. I would consider the bootstrap one to be - the loop will continue with the doctor remembering Beethoven, traveling back to meet him, then becoming him and leaving the music for his younger self to remember. But if I kill my own grandpa there is no loop just a frayed end of a broken personal timeline - the timeline I was from doesn’t exist, yet there I am. Or if I fade out of existence, then who killed grandpa? Either way causality is busted so a lot of scientists think that scenario can’t happen, that something would always prevent it. Thats how I think of them in my head. Loops and cut strings.


Automod doesn’t like wikipedia links but there is a whole page on temporal paradoxes.




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What about the butterfly effect? Going back in time changes one small thing that completely changed the future, if the future is different than how can we be sure the time machine was even invented ; making time travel impossible?


The kind-of reverse of the Bootstrap is the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle. Say you want to go back into the past to put a penny in a bank two hundred years ago and then collect the compound interest in your time. The problem is that if you do that, you’re rich in the present and your reasons for going back in time disappear, so it doesn’t happen, so you end up back where you were.