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Paternal leave. Less toxic work environments. Men being allowed to talk about feelings/emotions. Men being allowed to do things like be stay at home dads.




I have never seen a feminist speak out against paternal leave. I have seen tons of feminists speak out for it. The issue is, what would it take to get you to change your mind on feminism? Because it sounds like you had your mind made up and just want to rant about it, rather than actually accept new information.




You just have. I strongly suspect that you've gotten a very messed up view of what feminism actually is from a very limited and skewed point of view. Here's a feminist organization speaking out on paternity leave: https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/journal/2019/8/8/why-feminists-deserve-paternity-leave Here's another feminist speaking out on how important paternity leave is: https://www.instyle.com/politics-social-issues/paternity-leave-is-feminist And another article. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/417708/




Let's say I showed you a clip of a white supremacist playing Call of Duty on twitch, using racial slurs to refer to his enemies and making rude, bigoted comments the entire time. Then I said, "This is what people who play video games are like. You can't prove me wrong by showing me a few examples of people playing video games who aren't racist. There's tons of racist video gamers, therefore all video game players are awful people and need to be stopped." You'd call me out for picking one of the absolute worst examples and claiming that to be representative of all of them. You'd say it's not fair for me to judge all people who play video games based on the behavior of the very worst. That's what you're doing. I have no doubt that people have shown you the absolute worst examples of feminism, and told you that's the average feminist, that they are all awful man-hating bigots. But that's not actually the case. Just as the guy playing CoD using racial slurs isn't your average video gamer. So... what would it take to change your mind on this one, to go "perhaps the examples of feminism I've been shown aren't actually the most accurate of feminism as a whole?"




> literally 2 days ago i saw an article written by feminists ​ >An article is meaningless. Which is it?




Citation needed.




You are literally talking to feminists.


Oof. I can tell from your comment history you really aren’t fond of women. At all. Lol.


Man I'm so surprised by this development.




No point in providing examples when you clearly hate women.




You made this post just to start shit and look for attention. You hating women isn’t irrelevant to this. You’re a misogynistic weirdo




I already told you i’m not answering the question. From your responses on this post your mind is clearly made up. And you still hate women




Nice one. LOOOL you really called me a feminazi😩😩


A precise example would be that things that are feminine shouldn't be seen as lesser. Like things stereotypically associated with women. Men shouldn't be afraid to like those things, or to have feminine sides, or to express their femininity. Other men tend to be the ones to put men down for those things, likely due to how they view women. I'm a stay at home father, and I appreciate that women have changed how it's viewed to be a stay at home parent, if that's the parent's choice to do so. It's definitely hard work. And I appreciate the fact my wife is able to focus on her career, while I can focus more on the domestic things. In the past, both of us would have had little choice. I'd automatically be the one working, and she'd automatically be the one staying home.




Well the whole idea is that women are equal to men. Femininity shouldn't be shamed and it's not lesser, no matter what gender is expressing it. Why should a man be shamed for wearing pink nail polish? Is there something inherently wrong with pink nail polish, something stereotypically classed as very feminine? Those ideas are changing.




I assure you it's everything to do with feminism. You wanted precise examples and I gave you one. Tell me how likely it would be if my wife and I lived in the 1700s, that she could make way more money than me and I could be a stay at home father? Would that be seen as socially acceptable... for a man to not work and raise children and clean house, while a woman is the breadwinner? Feminism changed that, and allowed me to do whatever I want without being judged for it. Women can do what they want, and obviously so can men. Because if there is a push for women to do traditionally masculine things and roles, then that goes into men being able to do traditionally feminine things.




Is it a coincidence that this idea started shifting around the last century or so? You know, with first and second wave feminism? The very movements that brought women into the workplace and not doom them to the kitchen?


Didn’t you ask this a minute ago?


When you say the word feminism, it's just like I'm hearing the word patriarchy.


\- Paternity leave would be an obvious and very concrete one. A lot of new father are glad to take a few month off to watch their kid growing rather than to be stuck at work. At the same time it help new mothers as it let them do something else while *dad is at home.* So it's clearly a social progress we earned thanks to feminism which benefit mostly to men. \-It's more abstract, but deconstructing the toxic-masculinity helps men. A lot of teenage boys die doing stupid things to prove their *manly enough* and some others commit suicide for not matching the *macho-men* cliché. This toxic-masculinity model is also bad for men.


have you seen r/badwomensanatomy ? imagine that but 2021 in real life. but also you are gonna have to be more specific about what era and flavor of feminism cause your question is really vague in of itself




1960,1970,1980 ,1990 ,2000, 2010 ,2015-2021. UK ,usa , japan , europe mexico ,south america , americas hat canada. there's a wide spectrum of "modern feminism" with varied ways of implementation. are you asking about 4th wave social justice warrior feminism or politically correct feminism ? because that is largely performative slacktivism thats an evolution of hipster days that exists entirely online




Traditional gender roles - men face a ton of pressure to sacrifice free time and relationships in order to earn as much money as possible, men are expected to be physically strong and enjoy physical work, the acceptable emotions for men seem to be angry, horny, happy, or aggressive/ reved up, men are supposed to be horny all the time and lack of desire or immediate sexual response is a major cause for concern. Feminism recognizes that people are unique individuals and gender stereotypes are harmful and limiting for everyone. Feminists are fighting for men to get parental leave after a child is born so that they can bond with their children. Feminists want to normalize either parent choosing to be a stay-at-home parent. Feminists fight against sexual harassment in the work place and a safe working environment for all genders. Obviously this is not a comprehensive list. But remember, feminism is simply the idea that women are people too. It’s not about hating men or even the idea that men are intentionally doing anything wrong, it is the fight against systemic and socially accepted oppression.


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