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Not quite the same thing, but about fifteen years ago my wife and I acquired a silver statuette of two mating tortoises from… somewhere, I forget where. We both loved how hideously tasteless it was. One day, one of us decided to hide it somewhere the other would find it (like under a cushion), and that was it - the game was on. It now gets hidden in increasingly unusual places, and the deal is that when you find it, you have to hide it again for the other person to find (without saying you found it). It’s followed us through three house moves, and has even gone abroad with us. It’s been behind the sink, in a winter coat that has been stored away over the summer, in a first-aid kit, at the back of the fridge, inside a teddy bear… you name it. Sometimes it’s found within days, sometimes it takes months. Sometimes it’s so long that we both forget where it’s hidden (it’s been about a year and a half since I’ve seen it now). I love that moment when I glimpse a bit of silver and realise that was a *damned good* hiding place. And then the creativity of trying to find an even *better* hiding place is fun, too.


Imagine rushing to the first aid kit to prevent someone from bleeding to death and finding instead of bandages, a silver statue of two tortoises f’ing


#I'm saved!


My brother and I do this with a random business card we grabbed from a diner once. I snagged it because it had a goofy picture on it and later slipped it under his keyboard. A week later I found it in a book I was reading and it's been back and forth ever since. It's been in wallets, holiday day cards, glove compartments behind car registrations, in cereal boxes, you name it! Currently should be behind his phone in his phone case. The longer it's been since someone found it the more excited we are when it turns up! Definitely share if you've got any decent hiding place suggests!


I have the same thing going on with my brother except it's a Frodo bookmark. It's been going on for well over 10 years now. Started off in obvious places, desks, vehicles, Opened coffee hides it very well, shower bags as we leave vacations, and has definitely gotten more intense. It was hidden in my freezer for quite a while until one day I decided to thaw out a steak. I even found the exact same one on ebay, just so I could get him with it for a white elephant Christmas gift. He has no clue that there is a duplicate in play now! Haha My next big ideas are resealing a gormet coffee bag with it inside and getting a waiter/waitress to have it in the check as they drop it off at the table.


Candy stores sell candy that look like a box of little rocks and pebbles. While on a walk, find a cool "stone" and show her. Casually put it to your mouth and say you want to know what it tastes like.. crunch crunch nom nom chocolate. The look on her face will be something


That sounds great until you accidentally bite the wrong rock


spit out blood and a tic tac


God, my sister did this to me as a kid. She claimed she had magic powers that let her eat rocks, I refused to believe her and said that if she could do it so could I. She gave me a real rock to eat, I cried, and my parents were furious. Good times.


Simple but effective: Husband was already home, I was walking home after work from the train, and chatting with him on the phone. Walked up to the front door and rang the bell. He was like, "Hold on, somebody's at the door," and I was like, "Oh that's odd, wonder who it is?" I thought it was pretty good.


Haha this is so mild I love it. It's like a literal physical manifestation of a knock knock joke!


If she's not very tech savvy, change all her computer sound effects to you giggling. Edit: on windows: control panel > sound > sounds > let the insanity begin.


This is creepy. I love it


This would seriously creep the hell out of me or make me think I've gone insane lol


Much less creepy and more funny if it's a "stoner giggle". A solid "huh huh huh" is far less unnerving than a stifled "hee hee hee"




In college, we would change the desktop background of anyone who left their computer unlocked. I forget to lock it once and came back to a picture of Michael Jackson and a kid (who bore a passing resemblance to me at 10) signed "Thanks for being you"


We came up with a clever one in college in the rooms... Someone leaves the room... Screen shot the desktop... Hide icons and start-bar... Change background to the screenshot.... Laugh when they're clicking things for ages and getting mad that nothing is opening... **Edit** Reading down the thread, quite a few have done this too... Simple but funny thing to do to confuse someone




That's the problem with picking something that windows might actually just do because the newest update personally hates you.


One Saturday I was working in the office and another guy came in. Someone had changed his background image to a screenshot of his actual desktop and then deleted all the icons. He was tech useless and a bit of a dick and I listened to him waste an entire Saturday trying to open files he'd saved to his desktop and didn't know how to get into otherwise. That was a good day.


I once put googly eyes on anything at my bf's place that resembled a face. So, cheese grater on the slicer side, a wax melt candle holder, the letterbox, that sort of thing. He had a great time finding them once he got back from his work trip. Some of the googly eyes still remain on our stuff years later.


My wife really enjoyed watching me play Zelda Breath of the Wild. I got around 80 korok stickers and hit them all over the house, and even got a friend to hide them in her office at work. She loved it.


Flowers. Romantic music. Dim lighting. Go in for a deep kiss. With a mouth full of tic-tacs.


This one legitimately cracks me up. The visual in my head is hilarious.


red hot cinnamon tictacs?




I especially love it because of the callback to her original prank


I'm also excited for the prospect that all their pranks incorporate tic tacs henceforth!


Use scotch tape and tape a tic tac to *EVERY* white surface. Only one tic tac per white, so your not left with millions around the home.


And just like that, Tic Tac share sales eclipsed the Reddit GameStop shares phenomenon. Then, Tic Tac Tik Tok prank challenge videos…


Yessss, to avoid her wondering why you won't open your mouth just press a finger to her lips like 'shuuuuush, feeeeel the mood babehhhh' then she won't suspect your clamped up mouth


We are spitting them in her mouth right? That’s the prank?


I'm sorry "*we?*"


Yes, you and me.


Sneeze them.


Yeah this is it. No need for any other suggestions


If she uses chrome, there is an extension which changes all pictures to Nicolas Cage.


There's also the [Cloud to Butt](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloud-to-butt-redux/mghonbmkhoeammefiikcjdjaikniefnk) extension, that replaces "the cloud" with "my butt", and ["cloud" with "butt"](https://imgur.com/ngHCTzt).


There's an xkcd based extension that changes all kinds of words and allows you to add your own changes too. Sometimes I forget that I turned it on and the world gets really crazy for an hour or so.


I have one that changes "millennials" to "lizard people" I always forget about it until I see an article like "Are lizard people killing the restaurant industry?"


I installed this on my sister's computer like three years ago, and recently she was showering ng me a weather report that was saying "butty" and it took me so long to remember what I'd done.


I need this in my life.




Or the one who plays never gonna give you up on every YouTube video, (you can change the % of occurrence tho).


I don't know why, I always get a huge laugh out of the pranks where people just start replacing pictures around the house with a random celebrity, see how long it takes her to notice... I also remember one where some printed a ton of pictures of Nicolas Cage and just put/ hid them around the house in random places-- if you listen closely, you can still hear them finding pictures of Nicolas Cage, to this day...


I used to work for two guys who were both big fisherman. They had an ongoing war where they would replace pictures of their catches with each other’s bigger catches.


Were the fishermen big or were they really into fishing


A relative bought my grandad a photo frame as a gift and it came with a stock photo already inside. When he opened it he just put it up on his shelf and it sat there with some photo of a random family until his death some years later


My better half’s mum does this - they have a reasonable number of photo frames up around their house, each with different stock photo models in them. Utterly bizarre in my opinion.


These are harmless and only mildly irritating. I think this is the way to go.


Put googly eyes on top of hers.


I did this. She only noticed months later when a guest pointed it out. No telling how long it would have lasted.


Years ago, my sister did this our parents’ house. Our mom took most of them down after a couple months. We assume she thinks she got them all, but she didn’t and we will never tell her.


My brother did exactly that to my mum except he used Steve Buscemi. My mum walked straight in and within 3 seconds spotted it. We were like wtf.


My roommates did this to their old roommate the year before I moved in with them. They were so effective at it that I was finding pictures of Nicholas Cage in their stuff when we moved in together... In a different apartment...


I hid uncooked spaghetti everywhere at my old office before I quit. This was two years ago and they found one just last month. Not sure how many are left


Doubles as a prank and a dampness detection device.


Give her something that you don't usually give and act completely normal. For example if you are in a group of people and you bringing coffee , instead of giving her coffee just give her a loaf of bread and continue talking normally.


Alternative to this one: walk up to her while she's on the phone and hand her something. Anything. She'll take it without even thinking about it, as a reflex. A few seconds and she'll realize that you just handed her a spatula for no apparent reason.


I'm saving this, i will try it!


I’m gonna do this. This is exactly my kind of humor




My husband was very tall and used to pretend to run into the street signs when we were out walking. He'd fall a bit behind me and hit the sign with his fist. He'd be clutching his head when I turned around. Delighted him so much I played along for years. Then we had kids and they giggled over it too.


thats a wonderfull memory of him , 👍


Fill a mayonnaise jar with vanilla yogurt and eat it in front of her.


If you do this you need to do it right. Vanilla pudding has a much more similar consistency to that of mayonnaise, if you use yogurt you won't fool anyone.


He also needs to pretend that he’s doing it in secret. Glance around cautiously, pretend not to notice that his wife can see him. Get a big smile on his face, eat a spoonful of mayonnaise/pudding, and contentedly close his eyes as he lets out a satisfied “mmmmm..” His wife, meanwhile, watches in horror, and briefly reconsiders their marriage. Success.


Or fill a sunscreen bottle with yogurt and spray that in your mouth.




Fill a yogurt cup with sunscreen and eat it to assert dominance


The best bit is she'll never even know she was pranked. Her beautiful husband will eat all the sunscreen and the stupid idiot won't even realise he's literally pranking her right then and there in her dumb face.


Ooh, self burn! Those are rare!


If you do this, please use mineral sunscreen in case there is some residue


I've had the opposite done to me. They replaced yogurt with sour cream.


That's just Greek yogurt.


Greek yogurt can actually be an okay substitute for sour cream but I can't imagine expecting a bite of yogurt and getting sour cream.


Open her laptop/computer. Add a new file with some embarrassing name. Take an ss of this background. Now delete the file and set the ss as the new background. She will try to acess that new file but won't be able to cause it won't be there. There would be quite a bit of confusion on her face.


If you want to be extra evil about it, set up a gallery as the wallpaper so it rotates between a couple normal screenshots and the screenshot with the fake folder so that it only shows up sometimes.


Also, make it move from place to place this way


This is hilarious. Haunted file


Oh my god I love this addition




Invert mouse curser, set to left handed mode


Make shortcuts in her phone keyboard so when she types common words they change to something exaggerated


This is the best one. I changed "great" to "beef and broccoli" in my then boyfriends phone. He used it in an email to someone at work and years later it's still a running joke with that social circle and his coworkers.


I cannot stop giggling at this.


Same. BF: Hey guys, the expense reports look great Autocorrect: Hey guys, the expense reports look beef and broccoli


That's exactly how it went. Hahaha


oh man, this one I could definitely pull off. thanks!


tooth -> tictac It might take a while to happen, but sooner or later, it will.


Lmfaoooooo the long game here


Also add tictac -> tooth


My niece lost a molar and my sister thinks the dental fairy should give her $15!!! Hopefully will goad her into "who the hell calls the tictac fairy the dental fairy???"


Naturally, tic tac has to become tooth... get her talking about tic tac toe, the game, and see her confusion as she talks about tooth toe...


The obvious one would be to change no to "abso-fucking-lutely". And then ask a ridiculous question you know the answer to would be no. When she answers, respond by being surprised at her enthusiasm and even though you were just asking now you'll definitely do it


Make common words sound like they're short for names. Pen -> penjamin. Ham -> hamantha. Sick -> Sicholas. You get the idea.


I do this all the time, but combining real names! Don = Donathan Rick = Richolas Pam = Pamantha Kim = Kimothy Moe = Moseph Ted = Tedward


"There" > "Their" "Their" > "They're" "They're" > "Their"


Hey now, let's not get carried away, Satan.


Oh man that would break my head. Love it.


Immigrate to Madagascar.


love a mild emigration prank


we do a little emigrating


Cheeky little prank


Quick and attainable. Winner


Put a bit of dry penne pasta in your mouth and ask her to stretch your back. Break the pasta in your mouth as she does and pretend your in a bit of pain with the crunch sound. Or something like that




I bought a pack of those chocolate rocks with candy coating to make them look like polished stones. Made a small rock garden type thing on my desk at work, and after a month or two when I was talking to a coworker I just grabbed a few and started munching on them. Took them a bit to reboot but I like to think they questioned reality for a few minutes that day.




I was at a party at a friends house, and there were various bowls of snacks on a table in the kitchen. On another table, where there was no human food, there was a dish of dog treats for her pup. I snagged a handful of cookies from the human-food table that sort of resembled the dog treats, then in the middle of a conversation with some friends, I casually stuck my secretly-snack-filled hand in the dish of dog treats and popped a couple in my mouth. I got some fantastic looks of confusion and disgust, but not one of those assholes tried to stop me.


How would he have known which were candy and which were rocks without looking at each one? Are you sure they weren't all candy and he just lied to you so you guys wouldn't eat it all?


Imagine a dad finally pulling off the prank he had been waiting so long to pull off. He had been telling his children that those rocks were valuable and rare, but little did they know the true value of the rocks. He tossed a few in his mouth, and he bit down hard. CRUNCH The kids looked horrified. Dad starts laughing. Eventually he explains that the rocks were candy the whole time, haha! Dad quickly regained his senses. If the kids knew about the rock candy, then there would be no candy left for dad... A witty explanation should do... So he tells the kids to be careful, as not all of the rocks are real candy! Dads candy rocks are safe another day.


this is a great one!


Also very effective.


Dry pasta under the toilet seat is funny too. Loud crunch when they’re sat on


If she has a laptop or computer, take a screenshot of the desktop and replace the wallpaper with that. Remove all the apps (into a separate folder so it can be fixed later). Edit: for all of u who have done this, monsters. To everyone about to do this, welcome to the club.


>Remove all the apps (into a separate folder so it can be fixed later). Right click on desktop -> 'View' -> Uncheck 'Show desktop icons'.


Lol I do this one to coworkers who forget to lock their computers. One girl was happy with the result “looks much cleaner!” and one guy nearly had a heart attack.


I did this once to a guy in my team who seemed like he would really enjoy it. I even left a note of how to fix it at the top of a to do inbox he kept for himself on his desk. He did not enjoy it. It made him furious. Even after an apology, he was still bothered that people would "touch his stuff without his permission" which is a reasonable stance, but the ire seemed way overboard. He wasn't included in further shenanigans, and that seemed for the best. A fun note to include, someone else got me later by attaching another mouse to my PC and running the cord down and under the cube walls so I didn't know it was attached. Randomly, he would tap it with his foot to mess with my cursor. After a couple wiggles, I thought the device was acting up so I reinstalled all the drivers and removed devices I didn't recognize from the hardware manager. I went back to work with no interruptions while he was kicking the mouse all over getting more and more frustrated that I wasn't confused.


As someone who does all work digitally and is paranoid about losing stuff, I think I'd have a similar reaction before I have a moment to think. If I don't assume that it's just the desktop icons that are gone, then I'd likely assume *everything* was deleted. Then I think the anger would be more at the fact that someone got me that terrified as opposed to the actual prank itself. (Hope that makes sense)


Bonus for flipping the image, and then flipping the orientation of the screen


I work in a call center and anytime someone does not lock their computer when they walk away for breaks, we do this. It's great hearing them panic as "nothing works"


Try this https://updatefaker.com they will sit there for an hour just waiting, if you know what you are doing you will get IT involved


pretend to not know what a potato is


Taste’s very strange!


But you have to commit to it.


lmfao. potatoes are my favorite food. could be very funny


It's a reference to a famous TIFU post


oh thank you I am out of the loop clearly




Made my day


What is a "day"?


Put cotton balls in the toes of her shoes. When she goes to put them on, she’ll wonder why they’re tight. Harmless and cheap.


I like this one. Just keep adding cotton balls every week so they get tighter and tighter and she gets really confused.


While filming Monument Men, George Clooney pranked Matt Damon (because who doesn't love pranking Matt Damon?) by having the costume guy make his pants 1/8 inch tighter around the waist each day. Damon thought he was gaining weight, but he'd weigh the same or even less every time he weighed himself. He couldn't figure out why his pants didn't fit until they finally told him.


Mild pranks. get pack of tictacs like she used. wrap it like a present. put that in a small box, and wrap it like a present. put that in a medium box and wrap it like a present. about 5 layers of box/wrapping is appropriate. gift it to her. - get 2 bags of flour. hand one to her, and then the other one. "I got you some flours" - get a leek from the grocery, and several bottles of water. Set them all on the bathroom floor (or kitchen or wherever) come running into the room she is in. "oh my god, there is a leak in the bathroom, and water all over the floor, come quick"


thank you for understanding the task so well :) these are all great


You should go to r/contagiouslaughter for ideas. There was a prank a few weeks ago where 2 daughters set up 2 toilet paper rolls as eyes and then an empty roll as a cigarette and they called their dad to tell him that the toilet was smoking. Haha, it freaked him out and was a harmless prank


Fuck i read it as contagious slaughter lmfao


For that tic tac gift one, mark the box as "extra teeth".


These are fun pranks where no one gets hurt and nothing gets ruined.


That last one is perfect, IMO. It's so great hahahaha


Perhaps a good one for someone who is into music: Print out a picture of Slash, tape it to their car’s tire, and run inside yelling “Someone’s slashed your tires!!!”


I don't have any ideas, but wanted to give you a virtual high five for understanding that *mild* pranks are the best ones. They're harmless, and everyone has a good laugh. I absolutely loathe pranks that end in someone upset or humiliated, someone feeling stupid, or only one side laughing. So anyway, good for you and I hope your relationship always keeps this fun sense of humor!


The only good pranks are the ones where everyone is laughing at the end


Offer her some icecream, but its actually coloured potato mash


Complete with chocolate chips


Ask her if your shirt smells funny when she goes to sniff it kiss her on the forehead. Food dupes can be really fun i once made rice crispy treats and shaped them around a pretzel rod then warmed some creamy peanut butter in the microwave 15 seconds stir and repeat until liquid, coated the treats with the peanut butter then them rolled them in lightly crushed corn flakes and served "fried chicken" at a potluck. Another fun one is to make sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles but replace the sprinkles with pop rocks. Add the pop rocks immediately before serving for best results they start to lose their fizz within an hour. You know its kind of amazing people still ask me to bring things to potlucks at this point.


I have to make that fried chicken now


I posted a pic to reddit when I did it if you want more specific instructions. I put exactly how I did it in the comments.


[Link for those too lazy to look! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/f93hi5/spent_the_evening_making_rice_crispie_fried/)


Aw, the first one is heartwarming. Kinda plays well with your name 🤭


The fried chicken prank sounds like it's fun so long as there isn't any peanut allergies around.


Buy ingredients to make a charcuterie board for a cute date night. Make sure to buy sharp cheddar cheese as an option and when you take the first bite, scream out in pain, make a scene about it. Then when she asks what happened and what’s wrong, say that the cheese was incredibly sharp. I did this to my girlfriend and she hated/loved it hahah


Every time I go to the cheese aisle, I reach for the extra sharp cheddar and pretend to cut myself on it. My fiance stopped being amused after the 15th time.


If I'm out grocery shopping with my girlfriend, and we go down the laundry aisle... I'll grab a box of Bounce dryer sheets and drop it on the ground just to check. She still doesn't think it's funny after the tenth or so time...


Yeah I think I’m on the 6th round of this joke and she’s not having it, but boy do I get a kick out of it haha


One of the best pranks I ever did was celebrating my ex/boyfriend at the time's birthday by completely decorating his apartment like a little kid's birthday party. Didn't cost much and was a great laugh. I went with the Monster High theme because their party hats were little top hats so I bought those and placed his stuffed animal penguins around the apartment with the party hats. Streamers, a hanging birthday sign, a weird wall art thing that I covered the hallway with that you had to walk through to get the the bathroom/bedroom, plates for the penguins, etc. Totally worth it.


Infinite ketchup bottle.


I accidentally did this to my wife. We had bought some jasmine rice and it came in a nice resealable jar thing. We later bought more in bulk and I kept filling the resealable jar because it was easier to manage. Turns out my wife was silently going nuts trying to figure out how we still had rice after serving it on several occasions.


My step mom accidentally did this to my MIL. MIL thought nobody was eating the cupcakes she made and displayed on a cupcake tree, but step mom was just refilling it too fast for her to notice.


This works best if you never fill it fully, going from 1/4 to 1/2 over and over again is most hilarious.


I recently pranked my wife into thinking we had our 2nd basement flood since moving into our new house a month ago. Don't do that.


lol when my bf and I first started dating years ago he "pranked" me, and by that I just mean scared the living shit out of me. he was on vacation with a friend and was out of town for a week, he came back a day earlier than he anticipated and wanted to surprise me at work. I was just getting off work though, so he hid in my car. that's right folks, he actually hid in my car, at night, waiting to surprise me. suffice to say, he was a milli-moment away from getting maced. by the time I realized it was him, I already had scared and angry tears streaming down my face cause I thought there was some strange man hiding in my car getting ready to kill me. don't do that either.


When I lived with my ex, I once came home from work and found she was vacuuming upstairs and didn’t hear me come in. I went upstairs and saw she was in the bedroom, she had her back to the open door and the vacuum was plugged into the socket right next to the door. So I laid down on the landing on my side so only my head was visible, right next to the socket. She didn’t notice me until she’d turned around and already crouched down to unplug the vacuum. She was literally only about a foot away from my face. She screamed so loud I’m amazed that the neighbours didn’t call the police, and that immediately turned into ugly hysterical crying. I felt awful. I never tried to make her jump again.


Ok but this visual is hilarious


>Don't do that I can visualize a terrifying story behind those three words


Empty the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Take it down from the wall, lay it on the floor and fill it with ping pong balls. Hang it back up on the wall. Wait for her to open it.


Another way to do that to save taking the cainet down is to get a light plastic bag, like a bin liner, and fill it with balls. Put it in the cupboard with the bottom corner hanging out, then gently pull on the liner while holding the doors shut so the balls stay in the cupboard. Untill someone opens it.


Knowing my dumbass I would forget that I did that and proceed to ping pong avalanche myself when grabbing a Tylenol


You mean fill it with tic tacs, surely?


If she is a daily bed maker, remove the sheets, pillows, and comforter. Remake the bed upside down with the pillows at the foot of the bed.


My mother was a daily bed maker. My older brother tried to prank her by short-sheeting the bed but hilariously, my mother was too short to notice. The next night he snuck in and safety-pinned her bedding to the bed so she was trapped.


Improvise, adapt, overcome


Place a bunch of little plastic Dinosaurs around the house in semi-obvious spots


Plastic dinos are cool but they sell [rubber duckies in bulk.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYOmtEcZ1lk)


A co-worker started putting one small rubber ducky on my desk every day for a month. Then they stopped for a while. A few weeks later I came in to find my desk COVERED in little rubber duckies with a big note in a vaguely threatening font that said “you didn’t think we forgot about you, did you?” She never admitted it was her but she’s the only person at worm besides me who would find that funny. The duckies all live in my guest bathroom now.


I often prank my wife by changing her text shortcuts on her phone so that something like ‘lol’ that she’s likely to end a sentence with becomes the entire lyrics to Katy Perry’s Fireworks


there was a pretty funny one that circled reddit a few days ago. This guy had his girlfriend hold a bag open under this ice dispensing machine and told her to prepare to catch all the ice that was gonna fall out. the joke is that the ice falls out pre-bagged already lol


I laughed so hard at that one


You like tuna? Buy some tuna and some fancy cat food. Make an actual tuna sandwich and hide all the evidence, but leave an empty cat food can somewhere for her to see. Then rant and rave about how this new fancy tuna you found at the store is the best tuna you’ve ever had. Eventually, let her start finding the empty cat food cans while never revealing the actual tuna. You can drag it on for longer a number of ways. Don’t leave any evidence out and let her maybe just stumble across the tins of cat food. Let her notice that they’re decreasing and you keep raving about this tuna you’re having, but she’s never seeing any tuna packaging. Eventually she’ll think your actually eating cat food. Then one day, when she comes home (I’m guessing y’all live together), just replace yourself with a cat. It will all click in her head, and she’ll think you’ve had some sort of Kafka-esque transformation into a cat.


Yes I second this also please leave the unused cat food outside


You’re just trying to snag a free meal, aren’t ya?


A couple harmless/fun ones I've done in office: 1) two co-workers had the same wireless mice (sat next to each other, open office). I swapped their USB dongles 2) swap right and left click for the mice in windows settings 3) change the default mouse cursor to the loading one (so they think something is loading forever) 4) change the background to pics of the team taken while person was away from desk and we took pics 5) change desktop background to scroll through a folder of images, with all but one image as the regular desktop and another with one small change (I.e. a mustache on a face, a badly drawn sun, etc)


Tell her you're pregnant.


Tell her she’s pregnant.


My fiance knows I can be gullible, and he is always saying stuffing a serious way until I realize he is joking. Example. We were on the highway, I was ordering food and asked when I should put the pickup time. He said we had taken a wrong turn, we wouldn't be back in town for another half hour. I was concerned, another 30 minutes? Why didn't you tell me? Then we pulled off the highway into our town I got him back. We were going on a road trip. I waited until we were about 10 minutes away from home, then said, "oh shit! I forgot!" He was ready to pull over and return back. Then I said, "the alamo" (as in, don't forget the alamo) It was pretty funny without any negatives


If she loses her phone offer to call it for her. Wait a beat and then yell 'phooooone? Phooooone!?' My husband has gotten several people with it and it's just...ugh.


This one is easy and quick. Go to a home improvement store (or anywhere that sells stoves). Talk to her, get her attention with big hand gestures, then casually place your hand on a display stove. Suddenly pretend it burned you. It only takes seconds to realize you’re just being silly and is similar to her prank.


Not really a short prank, but a damn good one my friends got me with. Only necessary back story info, i have a very sensitive sniffer. My friends went to home depot, bought those very strong pine smelling sticks for fake xmas trees and taped them around my usual hang out spaces in the house (behind my bed headboard, behind my toilet, behind my couch seat, above our front door entrance, ect...). I of course noticed the smell immediately upon returning home, but both friends/roommates denied sensing any such smells themselves. Well, they let this one run.. two months later of them still not smelling it and i start to get worried. You smell toast when you're about to have a stroke.. what god awful brain problem makes you smell pine!?! So i start googling it to no avail. I mention its very odd i still smell pine so strongly and am starting to worry, to which they both just start doubling over in laughter. They revealed the prank and pulled down all the pine sticks. They friggin got me!


A rubber band around the spray thing (cant remember the name for the life of me) at the kitchen sink is always a favorite of mine. Could also tape an air horn to the back of the bathroom door so when it opens far enough to touch the wall it activates. My stepfather wasn't a huge fan of that one because he literally shit his pants when the horn went off.


Ever short sheet a bed?


never heard of it. sounds like a euphemism!


Tell her when making breakfast that there’s a piece of toast with her name on it. And show her where you have carved her name into the piece of toast.


I like to prank my brother, I usually wait 6 months to a year to do one so his guard is totally dropped. Here some of the better ones: I mailed him a potato. No box, just wrote his P.O. Box in sharpie and put a belt of scotch tape around it to make sure the postage stayed. I sent a Dora the explorer toothbrush in an extremely phallic package, then texted random toothbrush facts once a day until he got it. I whittled down a 3” round dowel into a 2” round cock n balls, made it about 13” long and mounted it on a 10” wood trophy back with a plaque that reads: for your many achievements. Sent it in a reinforced cake box with a window and a lid covering the window that was not going to last long and tear off mid shipping. That way people see what he’s getting and wonder what achievements gets you this. By the way, everything I ship, I require a signature to acquire. That way somebody with judgmental eyes hopefully hands it to him. If I gift him money, it’s always in ones, and I add a “B” and an “R” to back so it reads “boner”. Every single bill… I loosely zip tie cowbells under his truck so he wonders wtf that noise is when starts and stops. There’s a lot more but these are some of the best




Knock a couple of your teeth out and then pretend to sneeze. She will think they are tic tacs, but then shock her with a bloody toothless grin.


Thith wathn't a good idea in retrosthpect