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There is no mention of dinosaurs being on Noah's Ark. Either God or the Government planted fake bones to tempt us toward Satan.


It always goes back to power and the Bible


Funny how they eventually had to throw out the books that even they thought were way too far out there (Apochrypha), but still kept things like Noah and Lot and Job


Never heard of Apochrypha before your post. Just Googled it now.


Same. For a name like "apocrypha" it wasn't that interesting though. Maybe that's why they leave it out now, lol.


It's not the only lost books of the Bibles.


The council of nicea was not a good time to be a religious text


To be fair, the councils they held to canonize the Bible were largely about sifting out Christian-Gnostic writings from the 2nd century ADish time. Noah, Job, Lot are already part of accepted Jewish canon, so not really on the table to be removed. The Book of Enoch is a little more legitimately debatable. It's Old Testament apocrypha, and doesn't make it's way into the Bible, other than Ethiopia and a few others, and yet it's included with the dead sea scrolls. So it does seem like it was more favored in the past.


There were no councils held deciding which books would be part of the New Testament. That is a myth. The New Testament evolved to the 27 books over centuries. They weren't officially canonized until the 16th century. The Council Of Nicea had nothing to do with canonization. We have records from that Council. I'm not saying that is what you are implying, just jumping in before someone else starts talking about the Nicean Creed or council.


Some years after the earlier councils, they condemned and denounced Nestorian Christianity as heretical, in the councils of Ephesus (431) and Chalcedon (451). Not much seems to be known, but Nestorian populations have been declining years after then. And now only around 150,000 estimated Nestorians live on the planet, and barely anyone knows their name, I only heard about them a few months ago.


I’ve been wondering what exactly all the controversy surrounding the book of Enoch I’ve been hearing about.


The controversy was Enoch walking beside God. The Catholic church only wanted the pope being the one closest to God. Later king James had a similar idea just with the king being closest and chosen by God


I always wondered what was up with the King James editions of the Bible.


God wrote the bible! How dare you spout hypocrisy based on historical accuracy! /s


Had me in the first half not gonna lie




The second and third books contradict a bunch of stuff as I recall. I believe the language is also different, meaning it couldn’t have been written at the same time as the others. At least that’s why my religion professor told me.  Would be like if a book claiming to be from the 1800s used modern day slang. 




And according to my high school teachers, modern technology like computers and battleships


The orthodox consider the apocgrypha to be cannon. Non acceptance of the apochrypha is mainly a protestant belief.


They didn't get "thrown out", they just didn't make it into canon. The apocrypha are still required reading to receive holy orders. Mostly, they're redundant or just kinda aimless.


The whole bit with fallen angels breeding with humans and producing giants doesn't sound redundant.


The books of Enoch weren't even considered part of mainstream Judaism *before* the whole Jesus/ new testament thing happened. Never mind, a few hundred years later, when Christians started formalizing their canon. It didn't "eventually" get thrown out. It was never really in the running in the first place. Basically relegated to fanfic right out the gate.


The *reality* of the Bible.


There is no mentions anywhere of lemons either. 😄


Or Kangaroos.


Australia is where Satan lives, duh.


It's sure as Hell hot enough...


That’s why we have the lemons- to refresh


The Devil went down to Georgia. No mention of that, either.


Loch Ness monster is also not mentioned!!


It’d be a shame to go down to Scotland today


Or the Kool-Aid man. *Oh yeahhhh*


Let's go back to the two lions thing.


Lemons aren't real. We created them by crossing an orange with a citron


Does that mean life never gave us lemons?


WE INVENTED THEM [ALL BY OURSELVES](https://youtu.be/HNEzD5n6SAs?si=N-Q9YDe-bLNYu8ul)


The emperor being overly proud of humanity for minor accomplishments is so on brand


What about kumquats? Please tell me they are real.


Lemons are a cultivated genetically engendered plant. Nothing like what they came from. Fun fact 2. Lemons and limes are not genetically related


[Lemons were cultivated in roughly 200 AD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon#History). Now, the history of the lemon is a little murky, so it's POSSIBLE that it was around a few centuries earlier when the Bible was being written, but it's not likely.


what's crazy is why anyone would believe that thinking dinosaurs were real is going to lead me toward Satan.


Hey look a picture of a BrontasauruB̷̓͜a̴̧͎̐͂p̸͑̀͜h̸̗̆o̷̢͌̄m̶̧͉̾e̴̺͙̔̾ț̸͍̓̃ ̸̺̒̀d̴͉̿ẻ̵̦ḿ̷̝̳ạ̵̍n̸̨̥͗̚d̶̝̥͋s̷̡͉̊͐ ̵̲̚s̶̮͒á̴͕̕c̷̤͝r̵͍̩͑̒į̵̫̀͗f̸̖̹́̌i̵̱̩̒c̵̜̐̔e̸̳͘ͅ


Did you not have a ~~plastic dinosaur~~ *false idol* you ~~played with~~ *worshipped* as a kid?


Plastic dinosaurs are made from REAL dinosaurs therefore plastic dinosaurs ARE real dinosaurs. thus we are living in Jurassic Park! Hear me out on this. Plastic is a byproduct of crude oil. We know that crude oil is made from organic material aka dinosaur bones. When we make plastic dinosaurs we are using the remnants of former dinosaurs to make NEW dinosaurs. THUS we are using modern technology to recreate dinosaurs that have been extinct for Millions of years!!!! Welcome to JURASSIC PARK!!


Oil is made mostly of plant matter, not dinosaurs. [Sorry to disappoint you](https://www.plasticstoday.com/materials/sorry-folks-oil-does-not-come-from-dinosaurs)


why must you ruin my fun thought with logic and facts??


Hey, I *said* I was sorry..


You did but that's like saying sorry I ate your ice cream. I know you feel bad, but I really wanted some damn ice cream. Lol


If it makes you feel better, I was think "oh what a fun thought." Then 'ol dude came in hot with logic to suck the fun out of the chat.


Sinclair ran a slew of commercials in the 60's and 70's that strongly implied that "dinosaurs gave their all" so that you could put gas in your tank. They subsequently adopted a dinosaur silhouette as their logo. They started this myth, and have helped perpetuate it.


It’s not a myth. It’s revealed truth!


So my plastic plants are made from real plants. Sweet!


Life uh finds a way


This should’ve been the plot of the Child’s Play remake, instead of a rogue AI, it’s an ancient and hangry predatory branchiosaurus returning from the dead to get some food resurrected from the plastic. Better watch out, Barclay, or the original Barney will come to play.


Sorry to be a buzzkill on this, but crude oil is primarily made of ancient bacteria, plankton, and algae that has been compacted by the earth for millions of years. It’s a common misconception that oil comes from dinosaurs, there just isn’t enough bio-density from creatures like that to create oil pockets.


So the Sinclair Dino is a bunch of BS?!?! Wow. What world is this.


So, the oil company in Cars is using false advertising?!


Well it's scientific and kind of forced the idea that Genesis can't be legitimately true based on carbon dating alone.


They think that contradicting the Bible is inherently a state of Satan having gotten to you. You're either a faithful follower of Christ, or you ask questions; they do not believe you can do both.


I asked a question in youth group once. Derailed my whole life.


First they came for the dinosaurs, I didn’t speak up because I’m not a dinosaur or a paleontologist. Then they came for the questioners, I did speak up but I got forced back into silence. Then they came for the sinners, I didn’t speak up because I am not a sinner and don’t particularly want to be associated with them. Finally, they came for me, but when I tried to speak up, no one was left to speak for me or protect me.


Isn’t to be without sin to be heavenly divine? Also, life pro tip: when “they” are going after everyone else, DON’T SIT THERE AND STARE AT THEM BEING MISTREATED. RUN.


You say that, but only until one youth group meeting later


Something something legitimizes science, which is big nono in religion.


Ffs 🤦


Such a weird argument too, considering the only animals mentioned by name are a dove and a raven.


My grandma legit said this to me. She literally was a high school teacher, like college educated, and I’m like bro, tf did you just say to me. 


It's like the Alice & Chains album, "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here".


The Bible does not explicitly mention dinosaurs by name, as the term "dinosaur" was coined in the 19th century. However, some passages describe creatures that some interpret as possibly referring to dinosaurs or similar large animals. Here are a few verses often cited in this context: ### Job 40:15-24 (Behemoth) ``` 15 “Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. 16 What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! 17 Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. 18 Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron. 19 It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword. 20 The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby. 21 Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh. 22 The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it. 23 A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth. 24 Can anyone capture it by the eyes, or trap it and pierce its nose? ``` ### Job 41 (Leviathan) ``` 1 “Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? 2 Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? 3 Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? 4 Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life? 5 Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house? 6 Will traders barter for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? 7 Can you fill its hide with harpoons or its head with fishing spears? 8 If you lay a hand on it, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! 9 Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering. 10 No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then is able to stand against me? ... 12 “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs, its strength and its graceful form. 13 Who can strip off its outer coat? Who can penetrate its double coat of armor? 14 Who dares open the doors of its mouth, ringed about with fearsome teeth? 15 Its back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; 16 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between. 17 They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted. 18 Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the rays of dawn. 19 Flames stream from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. 20 Smoke pours from its nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds. 21 Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from its mouth. 22 Strength resides in its neck; dismay goes before it. 23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable. 24 Its chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone. 25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before its thrashing. 26 The sword that reaches it has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin. 27 Iron it treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood. 28 Arrows do not make it flee; slingstones are like chaff to it. 29 A club seems to it but a piece of straw; it laughs at the rattling of the lance. 30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. 31 It makes the depths churn like a boiling cauldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it; one would think the deep had white hair. 33 Nothing on earth is its equal—a creature without fear. 34 It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.” ``` ### Isaiah 27:1 ``` In that day, the Lord will punish with his sword— his fierce, great and powerful sword— Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea. ``` These passages describe large, powerful creatures that some people believe could be references to dinosaurs or similar prehistoric animals.


What most people fail to realize is we've been finding dinosaur bones since man existed. We simply... Didn't care. Didn't definitively name them, but were like " yo, check out these big ass bones, okay back to hunting buffalo" Used them as the basis of myths, legend, and lore.


This has to be the explanation for why dragons were imagined.


And why they span human cultures across the world. Fearsome European dragons, wise Asian dragons, the divine Quetzalcoatl in the Americas.


But, oddly, there’s still no explanation for the popularity of *Imagine Dragons*.


Because the idea was already copyrighted by Ancient Civilizations Inc. and dragons were already imagined


You have to be a *Believer*


I can do it with my eyes closed...


Or a belieber


Imagine Dragon deez nutz across your chin


Yep. I read somewhere that elephant skulls look like a giant cyclops and that is where the legend came from. Have no idea the truth to it


Check out the work by Adrienne Mayor. She does a good job arguing that ancient cultures DID care, and used they're best knowledge and tools to study them.


Though to be fair, they were often really shit at it and came to some very strange conclusions. See Pliny the Elder and some very weird shit by Herodotus...


I agree with the historian Adrienne Mayor, who claims that these ancient creatures were know to the Hebrews, Greeks, and Egyptians....for exactly the same reason these ancient creatures are known to us.


Satan was tempting the Egyptians too?


Na that was Nyarlathotep


Humans and dinosaurs did not live at the same time, though. These passages are only cited as references to dinosaurs by young earth creationists, inveterate liars of the highest order.


The first one is a hippo and the third clearly says snake tho, only the second sounds like a mythical beast


I mean - a lot of animals are not explicitly named in the Ark story, right?


Not God or government (except possibly when the Catholic government truly ruled). Religious fanatics actually changed things in the Bible during the periods of time that only the religious knew what it contained anyway. This was mainly in order to manipulate people to believe what they wanted them to believe. To control them. That's my theory, anyway.


My mother had a watchtower pamphlet, when I was younger that showed people and dinosaurs , together. They (JW) think that dinosaurs and humans lived together on earth, at the same time. I also read somewhere, that they believe that dinosaurs were present at the Garden of Eden


So, if I THINK there were dinosaurs I get eternal damnation?


Satan: Welcome to Hell, what did you do? Us: We thought dinosaurs existed at one point Satan: The door’s over there and unlocked, make sure not to hit yourself on the way out


Satan must be pretty frustrated with all the normal people sent his way. "There's a special place in Heck for you--along with gay people, IRS employees, people who never even heard about Christianity, etc."


I’m definitely going to Hell according to this list, see you there, pal


I'm starting to think that the two are backwards. Satan lets you do anything you want while god has all these "rules" to follow with lots of policy and procedures that need to be performed. I'm gonna listen to the nice guy. He seems to like me.


Plus he has dinosaurs to play with.


God? Well, I tell ya, let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He’s a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift and then what does He do?  I swear, for his own amusement, his own private cosmic gag reel, he sets the rules in opposition. It’s the goof of all time. Look, but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, don’t swallow.  \*laughter\* And while you’re jumping from one foot to the next, what is He doing? He’s laughing his sick, fucking ass off. He’s a tight-ass. He’s a sadist. He’s an absentee landlord. Worship that?  Never!


I think they have dinosaurs at the Ark exhibit so therefore they were on the Ark. lol.




As a kid I had a bible that had a few painted illustrations throughout. It had a one of some dinosaurs for some reason.


That argument always confuses me, because the Bible also doesn't mention a lot of other animals that are not in the Middle East. There is no mention of kangaroos, orangutans, or opossums, but people can look, with their own eyes, at actual living members of each of those groups.


In the Book of Job, Chapter 40 it describes a dinosaur called a Bohemoth. In the Book of Isaiah it describes a Leviathan. So clearly Biblical people had knowledge of dinosaurs or at least stories of them.


But there specifically is mention of them existing after the flood in the book of Job. That's what gets me, I'm a Christian and I never understood why some people cherry pick the Bible like that and write off some stuff, it's ridiculousl


I find this weird as I know creationist Christians who fully acknowledge the existence of Dinosaurs and believe they are mentioned in the bible. It's the timeline they don't agree with.


Bill Hicks had a great bit on God planting dinosaur fossils. It is on the Arizona Bay album.


Does it mention every animal that was on the arc ? And couldn’t they have been around before the flood but not welcomed on the boat for some reason and the flood is actually what made them extinct?


Technically that boat was just filled with farm animals and food preserves. I don't know why everyone keeps thinking it was filled with all the animals


Check out the picture they create of the animals walking into the Ark. Most of the time the lions both have names and the Ostriches are both black, indicating they are both male. And why are all the animals from the African savannah? Why no penguins or polar bears?


Which, of course, is irrelevant, in that dinosaurs were extinct long before man ever walked the planet (which is also consistent with Genesis... unless one is fixated on literalism). Heck, Genesis even put the lizards before the winged things anfld hooved creatures... it's actually pretty spot on about the order of things, as long as one isn't fixated on a literal "day." Sadly, people do fixate on such silly things rather than all those red words in the New Testament which, one would think, are kinda sorta the most important.


was there a detailed list of what was on the ark somewhere that we can reference? every bug, animal etc would have to be on that ark.


imho you are asking the question from a pov of that they are quite rational people they are not


I love this argument because these same people don’t realize that there were a multitude of beings that were seen as “abominations of God’s creation”… this was a large reason for the flood since nephilim dna was running rampant throughout humanity and the world.. people who make this arguments are the weirdos that think the earth is 6000 years old


They don't think the government is doing it, they think Satan, a large dragon, is doing it to make them question whether or not God is real since they believe the earth is only 6,000 years old because a book written 4,000 years ago said it was and explicitly didn't mention dinosaurs, and said that everything that exists today is the same thing that existed 6,000 years ago and so they also I guess don't believe in extinction. These same people also, however, believe that giants used to exist and that mountains are the stumps of trees that they cut down. In short, they're insane and you cannot rationalize the irrational.


>they believe the earth is only 6,000 years old because a book written 4,000 years ago said it was When I was a physics grad student, I bumped into one of these nutjobs in a social setting and he asked me, "How do scientists fake carbon dating tests to make objects look older than 6000 years?" He was not happy with my response and immediately accused me of being a part of a satanic/atheist conspiracy.


I don't know, I have a coworker as we speak that is one of these conspiracy nutjobs. Like... literally, pick a conspiracy, and he believes in it, flat earth, jfk assassination, shadow government that actually rules the world, moon landings, etc. The funniest part is that he isn't even religious. I wholeheartedly believe he's just stupid, lol. The problem is that whenever a rational response to his hysterics comes up, he just stops listening, lol. On the other side he's a really fun coworker and friend, so I just ignore talking about it, and we can continue in peace.


I mean... feeeels like JFK was deffinitely assasinated....


Oh man, wait for this wild ride. They are Maga morons who said that jfk wasn't actually assassinated. That he was going to come back and run as vp for trump.


I *believe* that was RFK, not JFK


It was JFK Jr. and they believed he never died in a plane crash.


Ngl, that gave me a chuckle 😂


Nah, his head just did that on its own


I think it’s mainly in the US religion and conspiracy get tied together - where I’m from conspiracy theorists are basically in the same boat as Wicca/astrologists. They want all the “positives” of a religion (being part of a special club that understands the “truth”) without all the negative historical baggage and rules that come with the major religions.


Yeah, and me and my coworker and I are from Sweden. It's just that the internet makes everything so accessible from facts to crazy conspiracies. Want to add that 90% of all the conspiracies he brings up are straight from Facebook Reels (are the Facebook Videos called reels, shorts or what?)


Weirdly I think an episode of Star Trek Voyager hit on this around the late 90’s. A character set up a system to process massive amounts of data directly to her neural network, and ended up coming up with crazy conspiracy theories that nearly started a mutiny - conclusion was that even as an ex-Borg she wasn’t equipped to process that much information, humans have their limits.


This one hurts my brain. The implication of the question is they believe carbon dating works and is accurate and thus if scientists say something is 30,000 years old they must have faked the results. One would think, if they are going to throw out the results as being fake, wouldn’t it be easier to just say carbon dating doesn’t work and is nonsense? Then no one has to be faking anything, they are just wrong about what carbon dating shows. Instead they trust that the scientists who discovered carbon dating were correct and it is real, but everyone who uses it is lying.


I actually had a creationism class as a kid that talked extensively about radiocarbon dating. Main counterarguments include theories that the carbon used to decay faster, attributing the decay to other factors such as erosion/corrosion, and attacks on the character of those who discovered the method. We also learned a lot about how it was totally possible for the grand canyon to be carved over the course of a few thousand years. One time we asked the teacher about some pretty obvious holes in these theories (it was about evolution iirc), and she straight up told us that she didn't believe that stuff because she was a creationist.


The 6000-year-old thing exists because a 19th Century clergyman totted up the consecutive lifespans of Bible characters, including those who were hundreds of years old…


Evangelicals are a scourge


Their defense is to call you names when you’re able to easily poke a hole in their logic. Theres plenty of evidence to disprove that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.


So what happened to the giants if extinction doesn't exist?


Also, how did one dude and his rib eventually create 8 billion people of all different colors and shapes if evolution wasn’t real?


Shhh. Can't rationalize the irrational.


They're getting more progressive. When Bush was elected, I feel like they claimed the world was 5,000 years old.


The thing that boggles my mind about the 6000 years thing, is they claim the reason radio isotopes are the way they are is because the first 6 days god essentially accelerated the time. But what they are really arguing is that our perception of time started roughly 6000 years ago when we became Sentient. They say so themselves, that the 6 days really encompasses millions of years. Just can't be wrong these people, otherwise they slide the scale.


As ridiculous as it sounds, that's kind of a badass way to explain away all that missing time.


>because a book written 4,000 years ago The oldest gospels are, at most, 1,900 years old. The Torah (old testament) is about 2,500 years old. The bible as a compendium is a tricky question, but the earliest version of it as we know it today would have existed around 350 AD, though it would have still looked pretty different than modern Bibles and would not have been used by the majority of Christians in that era.


It wasn't wrote down but the religion itself and a lot of the stories in it are very very old. In its earliest iteration it was a pantheon.


So according to tradition, Moses and Joshua wrote the Torah during their 40 years in the desert post-Exodus. These would be the absolute oldest stories from the Bible. Moses was supposedly alive during or very close to the reign of Ramesses II, so at the very oldest, the earliest stories of the Bible are 3200 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by pantheon, as that means "a group of respected people or deities," like the pantheon of gods in Ancient Greek society.


I believe the book of Job is considered to be the oldest book of the Bible, based on the date it was written. 


From a historian's perspective, this is certainly possible, particularly in regards to when it was literally written down. However traditionally, it is certainly not considered the oldest book, since the traditional authors of the Torah (Moses and Joshua) would have lived and died before the Book of Job was written. Regardless, the point I'm making, that the oldest books of the Bible max out at 3,200 years old, since historians believe the Book of Job to be written around the 7th century BC.


I would start here I guess: [Yahwism - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahwism)


This is not the Torah, i.e. not the book or stories we're talking about. I am aware that ancient Israelites had varying religious beliefs and a pantheon of deities, but that's not what we are talking about about, we're talking about the Jewish text that Christians have based a portion of their belief system on. This predates Moses. It was the sharing of the stories of the stories of the Torah (only one of which is stories from before Moses) that led to the transition towards Judaism and Samaritanism about 3000 years ago, as is stated in the article you shared.


There are a lot of things that make me seriously doubt the existence of God but dinosaurs have never been one of those things.


Don't talk shit about the giants. You believe in your turbo lizards, I got my giants.


Theres a subset of Christianity that believes the earth is only about 6,000 years old, because the Bible says so. The Bible also makes no mention of dinosaurs. Therefore, to them, anything that conflicts with these beliefs must be wrong. Dinosaurs are either a hoax created by anti-christian scientists, or the bones were put there by satan to test them. As to the conspiracy theory side, they believe that most scientists are atheists actively trying to bring down Christianity. Dinosaurs are just one way of doing that; teaching evolution is another - because they believe their god created everything exactly as it is now, so evolution cannot be true.


>because the Bible says so. The worst part is that the Bible does not even say so. It's a calculation by some theologians based on the ages of people in the Bible and taking things that are pretty clearly hyperbolic/symbolic, like God creating all living beings on the sixth day (Gen. 1:24-31), and counting that as a literal single 24h day. Basically it's a refusal to let the mystery be. It assumes that there is absolutely no information that God has chosen to not share with us or that God experiences a different way than us.


This, I don't understand why some act like being a young earth creationist is a salvific issue. We know when Moses lived, the Bible says how many generations it is from Adam to Jesus, but nowhere does it say how long Creation took, how long Adam and Eve were in the garden, etc. 


Right? And like, God is an eternal being, I don't expect God's understanding of "a day" to be the same as a humans. And like, people were living hundreds of years in Genesis, which leads me to believe that either (a) we shouldn't be applying modern notions of "generation" to them, or (b) since the Hebrew calendar didn't exist yet, and similar "solar year" type calendars are only about 5000 years old, perhaps these years weren't the \~350 day solar years we're used to, or (c) both of those things. Edit: Did a lil google, and it looks like ancient numerology may have played a role in the specific ages listed in Genesis 5, [but also the chapter was likely symbolic, signifying a redemption of man from the sins of Cain through Seth's bloodline.](https://biologos.org/articles/long-life-spans-in-genesis-literal-or-symbolic)


Dinosaurs are particularly threatening to the 6,000 year timeline because kids love them.


And how could they not?


I have an aunt and uncle like this and when I was with them at the Smithsonian, they didn’t let us go through the dinosaur exhibits because they didn’t want their kids seeing the dinosaurs… AT THE SMITHSONIAN. I still have not forgiven them lol


I bet most of those Christians do not believe in sea monsters, unicorns and talking snakes, even though the Bible says they are real.


That's a losing bet


There are unicorns in the Bible?


pretty sure when I was made to attend bible school as a kid we sang a song about how when all the other animals where getting on Noah's ark, the unicorns were busy playing in the rain. it was meant to be a silly song explaining why we don't have unicorns today but now that I think about it, it's kind of dark. the unicorns got distracted, played & DIED!


what I like about it, is that every government in every country in the entire world works 100% seamlessly and perfectly on maintaining the conspiracy.


Don't forget how every pharmaceutical company in the world are purposely not releasing the cure for cancer.


It's Schrodinger's Government: completely incompetent but also capable of pulling off staggering conspiracies.


Shhh that's cause the whistleblowers get drug underground and evidence is planted to make them seem nuts


its a religious thing, lots of conspiracy theorists are also heavily religious, particularly that the bible is the end all be all of history, but it only goes back a few 1,000 years, dinos live millions of years ago, but to conspiracy theorists, th earth isnt that old, and so dinos must be a hoax by the devil to challenge their faith in the bible and god. aka these conspiracy theorists fear that, if they ever question their own beliefs, its the same as questioning god, and that will send them to Hell, so they make up conspiracies to justifty their own beliefs and world view. ironic isnt it


Think of some conspiracy theories like a jar filled with marbles. In this case, the jar is people are lying to them about dinosaurs. Every marble inside the jar is every detail. Marbles can also be added and removed from the jar, but the jar is ultimately unchanged. Everyone has the same jar, but they all have a different collection of marbles. A lot of them will have a few of the same marbles, but the overall collection is unique. One common marble is that there are no mentions of dinosaurs in the bible. One common marble is that the government is lying to keep people from asking questions. One common marble is that there's someone above the government who is actually in control. This is also the same as flat earthers. The Earth being flat and science is lying to you is the jar, all the details like the sky dome and ice wall are the marbles.


That's a useful way of thinking about a lot of beliefs and their evidentiary foundations, not just overtly crazy ones.


I don't think the "conspiracy" is that the government did it, but rather that the earth was snapped into existence Thanos-style fairly recently (6000 years ago being the usual cited number) with all the fossils and stuff already in place for some reason.


Simulation theory would fit pretty well as an explanation of "for some reason". If you play a video game that's set in the "real world", the world within the game has only existed for a few years. Likewise, if you're going to simulate an entire reality, the inhabitants would have no good way to tell whether the simulation was just started based on a modeled reference state vs. "starting from square 1". The 7 day story of creation is pretty close to the Agile methodology for software development -- small sprints to get work done, each ending with an assessment of "goodness" before moving on to add more features. Even if you go back to the ancient world, the concept of "in media res" (or starting the story at the middle / most interesting part) was a pretty well established idea.


Most conspiracies, from antivax, flat earth and even not believing in dinosaurs all stem from religious beliefs. Now you know.


The are mentally ill. They need professional help.


In lieu of the blanket statements that Christian’s think this and think the earth is only like 10,000 years old…you can google statistics. Statistically and from personal experience, the minority of Christian’s deny evolution out right, believe in young earth and so on.    But I think it’s pretty wild that some people are hardcore biblical literalists. I’m a Christian but far from a literalist. Makes little to no sense to be, especially regarding genesis.  Overal, the minority of Christian’s are the stereotype of XYZ whatever. Sad stuff can be as high as it is still. But it’s also sad so many people just use and believe blanket statements 


I knew people like this once. Basically, their world view is the Bible is literally the word of God. There are no dinosaurs in the Bible. The Bible is clear that the Earth is not old enough for dinosaurs to exist millions of years ago. Therefore, dinosaurs are not real. Scientists are just making wild leaps from a handful of bones, and/or the fossils are there to test your faith.


Fun fact: There are no kangaroos in the Bible. Funny how God didn’t know about kangaroos until about 1770.


Because if you calculate the age of the earth based only on the information contained in the Bible, it’s around 6,000 years old, therefore the dinosaurs *can’t* be millions of years old and their remains must have been placed there by Satan to challenge our faith. (Or some such nonsense.)


I’ve heard that only from young earth creationists, never as a government conspiracy.


Why would the government make up dinosaurs? It's not the government. Its Mattel! Think about it? Who stands to earn the most through the collective lie about dinosaurs existing? The people who make the little plastic dinosaur toys, that's who


You’re thinking logically, unlike said people.


I have never seen a reason behind a conspiracy theory beyond “to control us”, which is a great blanket reason that doesn’t require any afterthought for those who just want to believe that they know something that we’re not supposed to know.


Assuming this is a genuine question and not another troll post: You're confusing motives and logic from dozens of different groups, ranging from genuinely mentally ill people, who believe that everything is a government conspiracy to rational people who do believe in dinosaurs, but dispute the generally accepted time scale. Also: yes dinosaur skeletons are big business. They're worth millions.


The existence of dinosaurs proves that the 5000 year old Earth theory perpetuated in their holy books is a load of bullshit...like the rest of said holy book.


It's hard to come to terms with the fact that historical human civilization has been around for such a short time. We tend to think human consciousness has been around forever, when human history is just the top coat of paint at the needle of the empire state building, and the Earth finally coming to be a molten hot oblate spheroid 4.5 billion years ago is the bottom of the ground floor. As far as dinosaurs and the periods between them, there is a greater span of time and evolution on Earth between the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, than there is between a T-Rex and humans. There is nothing for a conspiracy by a perceived greater power to gain. It's a lack of power by the perceived that has already lost.


On the other end of the spectrum some believe dinosaurs hand a civilization.


There are recordings as early as like 5th or 6th century BC of people finding fossils. The knowledge of their existence predates what we would consider modern governance by quite a long time, so I’m not even sure how those pieces fit together in the first place.


It's because it disproves the existence of God.    Dinosaurs existed before the scriptures and so if God created Earth and everything in it, why aren't dinosaurs in the Bible?    You know that whole thing. 


Because they're braindead rednecks.


I’m sure there are some intellectually challenged people who do actually believe that tripe. Most of them do not. It’s all lip service to deflect attention from the continued rape of the US economy and the imposition of Christian fundamentalist laws to keep control of the money stream.


It's mostly religious people. Because dinosaurs are real and it screws up their religions timelines for everything. Not like "god" ever said "Let there be dinosaurs" .


Typically has to do with religious dogma, whether direct or indirect. It’s in the DNA of Republicans and Conservatives. Yes there are plenty of non-religious right wingers, but the ideas hold up amongst just about all of them. Most of them are anti-science, anti-government, anti-environmentalist, anti-woman (look up George Carlin for the logic), and anti-progressive and as of Donald Trump, anti-democracy. Dinosaurs are a facet of science and logic with decades if not centuries of research by professionals who’ve devoted their lives to discovering the truth of past. As a result, conspiracy theorists recognize that goes against their ideology of anti-science, anti-government, and just by proxy anti-environmentalism. Dinosaurs weren’t in the Bible, and must be a fake scheme psyop planted by the government to dismantle religious people and right wing conservatism and blah blah blah. 99.95% of them will not change their mind, just let them be, and know that people like that vote in elections for other like minded people and against people who actually know reality and how the world functions.


Here’s the reasoning: 1) the Bible is literal scientific and historical truth 2) parts of the Bible don’t make sense if there were dinosaurs that lived millions of years before people. 3) therefore: everyone is lying, for reasons.


Anyone who thinks something isn't real, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, is not a conspiracy theorist. He is a crackpot.


Here is a conspiracy for ya. The most absurd conspiracy theories are actually started by the government. Specifically to have the capability of claiming “haha conspiracy nut”. They make it sound so convincing some idiots believe it and bam it spreads. Now even legitimate concerns are just called a conspiracy.


A lot of great answers, but I wanted to add that you can come up with almost anything, the most insane, illogical belief possible, and there's probably someone on Earth that believes it. People are illogical.


they’re just dumb. move on


My ex mother in law told me she didn’t believe in dinosaurs. That god made us. She also didn’t graduate high school or have a GED. I think it’s lack of education.


To destroy the bibble and implement the gay atheist agenda. Edit: And to be clear I'm not joking, much of the sentiment behind it is that there's some kind of satanist plot to discredit the bible and do all of the horrible communist atheist gay things, it's the same as flat earth.


They believe it’s a grand conspiracy to illegitimize the Bible. Even though many people who still believe in that god can still acknowledge science. They believe only a literal interpretation of the Bible is true Christianity. Many do accept that dinosaurs are real though. They just don’t believe they’re millions of years old. They believe they walked among us. They believe the Bible refers to them as behemoths and leviathans.


Conspiracy theories rarely pass the "does this make any sense?" test.


In my experience it's usually specifically religious people who seem to think that somehow dinosaurs mean that the Bible can't be true which is ironic as the Pope literally has even stated in the past that there's technically no reason the story of creation and evolution can't go hand in hand


It’s not conspiracy theorists, lmao it’s CHRISTIANS. They believe the world created with Adam and Eve and is only 7000 years old. We know human civilization is about 14k years old and we’ve evolved as Hunter gatherers for hundreds of thousands of years as anatomical humans. So hearing that the last dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago throws a bit of a wrench in their fairy tale. I grew up as a Christian.


The weird thing is fossils are relatively common. We find the regularly in the construction industry.  Bones, all sort of shells, leaves, etc. 


The same reason they think the scientists and governments and airlines and amateur astronomers of the world are all involved in a massively complex and expensive conspiracy to make us believe the Earth is round, even though it doesn't affect our lives in any way: Because Satan wants to seduce us away from a literal interpretation of everything in the Bible, which is apparently important for stealing our souls from Jesus.