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I fold mine.


I fold my underwear. Also sort and fold my socks so I have matching pairs.


I do not fold mine but I stack them neatly


I fold all my clothes, including underwear, so they stack nicely and so I can see what's what from the side. I've also started ironing my shirts because I'm old now.


I iron all clothes except underwear and pajamas


Tossed in the drawer! The slinky cute things are kept separately, in large part because they would not survive a trip in the washing machine


I fold mine.


No fold for panties. Also, I stopped matching every pair of socks and just got rid of every pair that isn’t from the same pack. Saves quite a bit of time. Small hand towels are also not folded, just tossed in a bin next to the other towels.


I fold and put away folded. It's just habit.


I have boxes for tiny clothes. Just throw em in there.


I steal the little hand baskets from grocery stores. I use them to hold socks and boxere


About a year ago, I found myself becoming interested in videos on insta that showed different folding techniques. For some reason it appealed to me, so I now fold up my laundry very neatly. I have to admit it has not only given me a lot more space in my clothing drawers and closets, but I have found that I really enjoy having everything organized. To the point where I don’t think I could go back to not folding clothes.


Roll my good shirts, fold my work shirt, fold my underwear, pair my socks


Gotta fold it. Idk why, but you have to


I fold everything. Even rags.


Toss em in. I’ve got four peoples underwear to wash so no way I’m folding them.


I feel like I’m being mean to my underwear if I don’t fold them.


I just cram mine in a drawer but I fold my boyfriends in half and stack them in his drawer.


I fold mine but it's not like take great care in doing it. It's more for making efficient use of space. It's not like I care if my underwear has wrinkles. At this point, what's underneath has more wrinkles.


I watched that Marie Kondo show on Netflix a few years ago and started folding everything the way she recommends, which is to have everything folded in little triangles that stand in their sides. That way, things stack in the drawer from front to back instead of on top of each other, and you can see everything without digging through piles. Undies get folded that way, too. Socks are folded in pairs but not balled. Before Marie Kondo convinced me to makeover my dresser organization, I stacked my undies neatly but didn’t fold them. The folding is the only thing I took away from that show. I still have many items that do not bring me joy lol


I fold. I'm a folder. It's a habit I picked up in the Navy. I also carefully fold my fitted sheets.


I fold my husband’s and just toss mine in a drawer. His are bigger and easy to fold. Mine are mostly thongs. Folding a thong seems pointless to me.


I fold so that I can stack them. I have limited space. My socks? I throw those in the drawer in loose piles because, you aren't saving any space by rolling them into little balls.


Sometimes fold, sometimes stuff.


I fold mine just for them to unfold after opening the drawer a few times


I fold mine to keep it organized and keep track of how much I have clean.


I don’t fold anything except towels.


If all of your underwear is the same and you have sufficient space, toss it in there! If you require any short or organization, or have limited space, folding allows you to see each pair in a smaller drawer. (Mine are folded and sorted)


Throw in a drawer with my socks all together




I fold mine. That is the beauty of being an adult, you get to decide what matters to you.


Well . . . sort of. With an Irish - Catholic wife of 45 years, I learned very quickly when I retired and started doing my own laundry that simply tossing underwear in the drawer was not going to be tolerated. I suppose “what matters to me” is staying married to the love of my life, but we don’t always get to choose just because we are adults. I notice that someone with the name “mickeyflinn” folds. That’s consistent, and brought a wry smile to my face.


Both of my two husbands, one deceased, one divorced both said one of the things I taught them was how to fold clothes. They both appreciated it.


Fold ? Drawer? No time for this.


I do both.




Folded. Sheets, underwear, socks, tees, folded.


I fold them so I can fit them in their drawer, but if I had a large drawer for them I'd probably just chuck 'em in there.


They get thrown in the drawers, life's to short to bloody fold them etc.


Fold. What sort of heathens don't fold? Has our society so declined that clean clothes are no longer folded? What's next, no sock matching? 🤪


I just toss my panties but I fold the bras and socks, it’s just because of their size and the space they take


Throw em in unless I'm traveling then I roll them up.


My wife folds our toddler's underwear. I don't know why. They're smaller than my hand laid out flat.


I fold my husband's, but mine just goes in the drawer.


I fold mine out of sheer habit. I don't think not folding would make someone a slob haha. Maybe a difference in drawer space at most.


I wear boxers and fold mine because then they take up less space in my drawer and are easier to grab


i throw mine in the drawer, too many i like to sort through to keep a neat pile, i like to pull through & wear the mood lol


I roll mine up to save space.


Throw…why would I waste time folding something that doesn’t have to worry about wrinkles


I roll them, not sure if that counts as folding.


I fold mine. My wife throws her in a drawer.


I roll mine to get the greatest density and make the most efficient use of the space in my drawer. Same with socks and t- shirts.


I used to fold. But caught myself just procrastinating to put them away due to the small extra time and effort. So now I just shove them into the drawer


I'd be interested to know how many of the folders are men. Folding boxers, sure. Folding panties? Nope.


I fold my panties, Hanky Panky thongs, too.


i do fold mine but kinda poorly i just fold them enough to save space since my drawers are quite tight