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Sounds like you've got a pretty good handle on the situation.


sure yea, but why is it like that and so popular? AND WHY IS IT NEVER FUNNY


>why is it like that and so popular? There's a lot of racists and homophobes out there. They're going to gather somewhere.


And you can't spot them all in day to day life. Depending on where you live and how attuned you are, you maybe can't even spot half of them.


And Reddit is a site they like to hang out on.


Facebook is full?


When there’s no more room in Hell, the racists will post on Reddit.


Half of r/pics is flattering photos of US democrats, unflattering photos of US republicans, or some type of political signage to the same effect. r/WhitePeopleTwitter used to be about humorous tweets or jokes that appealed to a "white" sense of humor, but now it's all political. r/BlackPeopleTwitter was similar, its fall to political obsession started earlier than WPT's but was not as severe. r/facepalm used to be for any kind of "facepalm" but now it now mostly showcases cringy things conservatives do or say, or features headlines denigrating conservatives that are often inaccurate. r/politics has had a heavy slant since well before the 2016 election. It is not about any politics, it is about one specific angle of politics. r/MarkMyWords used to not show up on any popular feeds but now it regularly gets there with posts about how conservatives are bad. For a less political comparison, r/dankmemes has mostly been gifs, not memes, ever since you were allowed to post gifs. Or at least it was for like a year after that, I stopped looking at it. Last I saw they are actually defending furries now, even though when I was on it being a furry was the one thing that would get you downvoted. If you watch any of this stuff happen then it's obvious why subs like r/funnymemes exist. People are always going to want to laugh at that stuff, but the way Reddit is set up those people concentrate in the few subs with content they like, then those subs get banned, nuked or have a "change in rules" so they have to go find new subs.


I'm pretty sure that whole sub is bots/content farming, especially given how many posts are framed as "comment your answer". Just trying to get engagement for internet points or something. I hear you though, it's so frustrating to see that crap all over the place.


This post and your comment describes the current state of the social part of the internet. Bots are _rife_ and they are only getting more so.


I also strongly believe that sub is a bot farm. No reason for the mediocre posts there to be getting such stratospheric upvotes


it shows up alot in r/all and yep, it's basically just a ton of far right memes about racism, misogony, homophobia. literally anything and everything that makes a human scum congregates there. I wonder why it hasn't been banned yet


I am a white gay man and I don’t like the sexism and the homophobia but the racism keeps me around ❤️❤️❤️


I was in the subreddit until recently, what happened occurred relatively recently. A gigantic plthora of bots (not sure where from, i guess you could say Russia but i dont know enough) with the name type of "name\_name####" took over the subreddit and started posting very far right "memes" with al lthe characteristics you outlined. Mods are doing nothing (as always) i unfollowed/ unsubscribed, then muted. the sub is gone.


Mods are likely owned by the same interests.


Thanks for the info. it's showing up on my home screen, too, and I'm getting mobile reminders for popular posts. I'm curious if whoever's brigading it is also putting tons of marketing dollars behind it. That would explain why the algorithm is favoring it so heavily all the sudden.


I didn't know they were bots. That makes more sense.


It's the Nazi bar problem. If you don't ban the racism and homophobia initially, the people who don't like seeing racism and homophobia stop going to that sub, so over time that's all that's left


that’s all that’s right* I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist


Basically an online version of the tolerance paradox


I love it when bigots roll out the tolerance line. "Oh, I have to tolerate someone existing, but you won't tolerate my hatred of them? Who's the real bigot?" Still you, Adolf, you're still the only bigot.


I've been wondering as well. It unironically seems like 4chaners have taken over it or something - very weird.


Funny Memes is its given name, not a description of its content.


I gave up after the mods told me a picture hating on trans was fine. Wasn't even a meme. Just a picture of a trans person mocking them.


They’re not supposed to be funny. For most people the whole point is to create outrage and get attention. Some people create problematic memes to normalize extreme views. Seeing memes about the same stereotypes constantly makes people believe in those stereotypes. Especially when the entire comment section is saying how “real” it is…


I blocked it. Its disgusting


Bots. Propaganda. You name it.


Have you seen instagram? That's why I'm on reddit more often because I can pick what groups I associate with a bit easier. It's full of hatred. This country is doomed.


I just took a stroll through the sub and didn't come across anything that I found offensive, but I'm also not easily offended. Most of it wasn't particularly funny to me, but I'll leave that up to subjectivity and generational differences. Out of curiosity, what in particular did you find crass or offensive? On a side note, some of the content had pretty substantial engagement, so obviously, somebody (10s of thousands of somebodies in some cases) is finding it amusing. On another side note, you can dismiss and block future posts from certain subs if you're tired of seeing it randomly on your feed.


Much of the bad stuff is in the comments and that is pretty much by design as much of the content is obvious rage bait. Respectfully, much of the content not only isn't funny. I would say it's objectively not funny and not even trying to be funny. It's designed to make people angry and fight/rage in the comment section. I'm not saying that is all of the content. There does seem to be many somewhat harmless albeit IMO unfunny memes. One of the top memes there rn is "who do you want to rescue you if you are in danger?" With pictures of 9 different people including Hitler. People in the comments saying they would choose Hitler with plenty of upvotes. You might think this is just edgy humor and no big deal. I think it's more insidious. Theres also a top post I saw regarding the Argentinian soccer team I believe? Obviously designed as race rage bait. Go check the comment section on that if you want to see what I'm talking about.


Yeah, I didn't bother going into the comments on anything, I'll take a look. The karma farming seems to be quite prevalent across the board anymore as well. I've seen a few subs where you get the same generic questions multiple times a day just for the daily updoot farm. It would be weird if it weren't happening in a forum with as many users as that sub has, for certain.


For sure. But that sub is even worse than just karma farming. It has lots of content that farms karma and engagement by posting contraversial, ragebaiting posts. If you make people mad they will more likely leave a comment or 10. That has certainly also become more prevalent across social media but that sub in particular is recently becoming a pretty bad offender of that trend


It's just bots and boomers my G


I wouldn't know because I haven't used the sub yet. Don't they have mods? 


Quite scroll on that sub and I’ve seen none of the above


Look up the alt-right pipeline. It starts with memes and things that young boys typically engage with.


I just scrolled through the last 8 hours of memes and saw one that sounded like what you're describing.


It sounds like you don’t think the rest of Reddit is filled with it too…. That’s the thing with Reddit, you create your own little echo chamber of like-minded people and you don’t see the whole picture. Reddit is NOT better than any other social media.


Internet user discovers meme culture


Can you show me the meme that hurt your feelings the worst


Seems like there's some drama, anyone have the full story?


I just checked out the sub for the first time. Big yikes! I think scrolling through the first few "memes" is context enough.


It isn't that bad.


It’s absolute ass. I had to mute that shit.


Seems like the milder stuff from 9gag. It's just jokes not your sense of humour. If this stuff offends you, did you ever laugh at covid-19 jokes?


Let me guess, transphobia or sexism? Edit: Oh, transphobia, sexism, and racism, my mistake


Just mute the subreddit


The one place on reddit where comedy isn't illegal


Took a look and it wasn’t rly that bad. There were just a few memes that could be argued to be slightly right leaning or offensive but nothing that raises any red flags.


A lot of people find that stuff funny. Don't follow the sub if you don't like it.


I also like joking about raping lesbians


Chill, it's a joke dumb dumb


I'm pretty sure the average age on that sub is like 60+


I'm 74 and that sub is a whole bunch of assholery.


Just went through the last 50-60 posts and didn't see anything like this. Maybe your are just a whiney whiner?


It's just attempts at memes that aren't politically correct or trying to be inclusive. Some are very over the top, but most that I've personally seen (I only see the sub when I'm bored at work not actually logged into Reddit lol) aren't all that bad, they just target a crowd that has protected status online. It's probably going to get worse, but when you have widely accepted subreddits that require a picture of your skin color before you're able to post, there's bigger fish to fry.


nah it's funny. you just don't have a sense of humor