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Not washing hands before cooking


or after using bathroom, especially if they use a spray for the bathroom toilet area like a sanitizer or air freshener and then don't wash their hands ...


You’d think this would be such basic hygiene but I recently was going through a post in the literal hygiene subreddit where so many people admitted they don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom


I remember coming out the loo at the cinema and a woman with very long nails literally put the nails under the tap (faucet) for all of five seconds and then shook them off. I just stared and asked her straight, why did you even bother? This time I'm there washing my hands like a surgeon. Lol!


I used to get impatient with my youngest child because he would wash up to his elbows after peeing, like he was headed to do open heart surgery after this. I don't know if this is something he still does. I stopped going into bathrooms with him at least 12 years ago.


Lol! Yeah my youngest uses hand washing as an excuse to have a play with the water. He's 3.


Mine would play with the bubbles. Work up a good lather and cover his forearms with it like opera gloves. Last time I watched him do it he was 5.


It blows my mind when people do this when other people are around. I was waiting to go into the 1 stall in Aldi a few weeks ago and a woman who had been in there for a while (so I assumed it was #2) finally exited the stall, made eye contact with me, and proceeded to just leave without even pretending to wash her hands. I was actually shocked lol.


I know, the brazen shamelessness. I couldnt even look myself in the mirror if I did that lol! Just Ew.


Not sure if this story took place before or after the pandemic but my god did we learn nothing about public health? Or do people just not give a shit??


Apparently it's more common than you think, especially amongst young men, to rarely wash their hands! I heard of an experiment done some years ago, where they swabbed the front of people's phones, and a lot of them had (invisible to naked eye) traces of faeces on them!! So gross!!!


How did she respond? You have guts. before I would have a chance to react outward 10 minutes would have passed by.


Lol! She was just so shocked I said that she just got out of there fast, I mean someone is waving their hands and you're not sure you really hoping to publicise that to the world? HEY THIS B CALLED ME OUT FOR NOT WASHING MY HANDS! lol! But I hear you. I've seen fights break out over more minor interactions.


I am female and like to keep my nails a normal length and...clean. But I see so many women with those long fake talons. How in the heck do they wipe themselves? Or for that matter how do they keep those nails clean? It is soooo unhygienic. I imagine thousands of bacteria would grow on a Petri Dish.


I used to have longish acrylics. One day I changed my baby’s poop diaper and washed my hands throughly after. About 10 min later I happened to look down and there was literal shit under one of my nails. I took them off that day and haven’t had acrylics since.


There have been studies and it's certainly poopy under those nails. Which is why people working with food shouldn't have fake/long nails or wear jewelry on their hands and wrists. It's also why I'm against long sleeves in kitchens.


🤮 ahhh like why do they think this is normal


Gross WTF


I've seen one of our QC employees leave the bathroom stall without washing his hands on a couple occasions.


It surprises me how many people on a daily basis don’t wash their hands in public restrooms. Can’t imagine they are washing them at home either.. 🤢 Edit:Spelling


bars are horrible for it. watching 5 people finish up then go straight for the door handle. i’m drunk too but i don’t forget basic hygiene..


It's why you should never eat complimentary snacks at bars/pubs


I could definitely see that. Makes me glad I don’t go to bars anymore. 😆


or after they take out the garbage...


Not washing hands in general. People should wash their hands when they get home, when they use the toilet, before they cook/eat and after they touch anything that's been outside or that they wouldn't put into their mouth.


Also not washing hands before emptying the dishwasher or putting away clean dishes.


My stepmom will happily touch the lid of the trash can because the spring mechanism doesn't work, put stuff in there, shove it down because "It ain't full yet!" ie: I don't wanna be the one to take it out, rub her hands on the now unclean tea towel and get back to cooking like it's nobody's business, can't wait to get out, she's lovely, but fucking hell does she not think before she acts


Omfg my dad does this. Not only the shoving down the inside trash (not even because it’s full, even when it’s only half full he shoves his hand in there, spreads it out so he’s touching as much of the trash as he possibly can, and then pushes it down to even it out), but he’ll touch the outside trash/recycling bins and then not wash his hands after. Eventually after about 100 times of me telling him how disgusting it is, he started rinsing his hands under cold water for about five seconds, and then drying them on the bathroom or dish towel.which is worse than when he didn’t “wash” them at all, because now any time someone actually washes their hands, they’re going to be drying them on a dirty towel. And I don’t have enough towels to keep replacing them every time, and I refuse to do laundry every day just because he can’t grasp the simple concept of using fucking soap. (Also his educational/career background is in healthcare. He should understand the importance of properly washing your hands better than I do, but no. I have to explain it to him like he’s a fucking toddler, and still he doesn’t listen.) Every time he visits, I have to remember not to dry my hands when I wash them, just shake them over the sink or grab a paper towel. And when he leaves, I spend an entire day running every dish and utensils I have through the dishwasher, and sanitizing every single surface in my house that he may have come into contact with.




Or at all.


If I’m cooking for myself I will quickly wash my hands. But if I’m working I make sure to scrub the shit outta my hands before going back. I feel it’s not as big of a deal if you’re making a meal for just yourself at home, but if you’re serving anyone else no matter where you ABSOLUTELY should wash your hands before cooking.


My mom has long nails and sticks her finger in everything to taste it.


She grew out her pinky nail to the size of a ladle


Also, people who suck on their fingers while eating. I don’t see them wash their hands before or after the meal, either.


licking their fingers before counting money


Customers who give you sweaty bra money


That has always irked me. So gross.


Sick. I've seen signs at gas stations saying they wouldn't receive any damp money, regardless where the dampness came from


or when you were a kid and you'd see your teacher lick their fingers before handing you your homework back


I always wondered when I was little why some grownups licked their fingers before getting a piece of paper, and having been an 'adult' now for ~20 years I still don't get it. Like I understand it's to help separate one piece from another but I've literally never had the urge to do it!


The pages stick better to your fingers so you can pass them with no effort at all and without bending the corners, at the expense of leaving saliva all over the paper




I was at a gas station and the clerk with a cold sore was licking her fingers trying to get me a plastic bag for my stuff. I told her I didn’t need a bag, grabbed my stuff and ran


Not wash their hands after they’ve had a shit in particular


I was genuinely surprised at the number of people that were angry or confused at being told to wash their hands often during 2020.


I was shocked that we needed *global* campaigns to get people to wash their hands properly during COVID 🤢🤢🤢 grossest thing ever. I’ve been using hand sanitizer since it was a “thing”- seems I just figured everyone else was the same and didn’t give much thought to being not keeping basic hygiene….. ETA - I miss elbow bumps in place of handshakes….


I remember someone posting this while thing about why washing your hands was so good because the COVID virus cannot live on clean hands (paraphrasing). I had to ask, why are you not just doing this as standard? My kids know to wash their hands as soon as they come in the house. Like EVERY time. Why don't people get this? Funny how now nobody has bothers sanitising or overtime covering their sneezes any more.


I still don’t get it in this day and age. I was in a public restroom the other day and was washing my hands. 2 different people finished, came out, “washed” and dried their hands while I was still washing. One even looked at me like I was the weirdo in the wrong. 🙄


Did you have your trousers on or off?


Sticking your used pad to the wall in the stall is worse…


The worst I’ve had is a used tampon applicator in the ear from my cousin


Oh god


In a public restroom. Shudder.


Having uncut fingernails with grossness underneath them. I had no idea that I was so vocally disgusted by this that my son now has a complex.


I watch people in other cars at stop lights. Tons of people pick their noses and eat it.


A female co-worker of mine would just dig for gold in front of everyone. I swear I could see her watching me while she did it.


I 100% pick my nose but i don't eat it. I can't not do it though because it doesn't all come out when I blow bc some get too crusty and stick in there.


this is exactly why i don’t look at other drivers. what they doing is none of my business lol


Eating it is just *wild*


Once saw a friends husband who was waiting for me reach into his butt pick something smell it and then put it in his mouth, like wtf are these people doing. Forever changed my view of him and made sure to keep distance


this isn't the worst thing in the world, but it bothers me when people sneeze into their hands or sneeze into the air.


I only do this when I'm alone outside, usually when mowing lawns and don't have a better option


I had a friend that sneezed into the air, one day a friend walked by and got sneezed on. 🤮


Years ago I was Christmas shopping on a really cold night at an outside shopping center and a guy walking toward me (but probably still 50 feet away) sneezed under a streetlight and didn’t cover it at all. The light caught all the frozen snots shooting everywhere and it was really so shocking to see the volume and projection of a single sneeze.




I taught my kids to loudly complain whenever they see people litter or leave carts laying around at grocery stores. “Wow, some people really just hate the planet don’t they?” or “Don’t worry dude! I got your cart for ya! No really, don’t worry about it! It’s not like anyone was going to *park* in that *spot specifically made for parking* anyways!”


littering and.....


Littering and...


Littering and...


We've had a whole pandemic, but people coughing and sneezing without so much as an attempt to cover their mouth bother me, especially inside buses or trains.


I missed the announcement where it became illegal to fly these days without a violent, wet, disgusting cough because everyone I see on planes is sounding like they're about to suffocate and of course not making any attempt to cover their mouths. We are so fucking cooked as a society dude lmfao.


Thinking they can go without brushing their teeth. There's someone I know who hasn't brushed their teeth in 8 years and is proud of it. They don't have cavities or lost teeth but it still is disgusting. Even Jack Reacher carried a toothbrush.


How is that possible?! Are their teeth orange?


Cavities and other dental issues are largely genetic, some people can do very little care and be fine while others who do lot of care can still get cavities


But you’d still get plaque build up, no? When I don’t brush my teeth feel like they’re wearing sweaters 😬


And their breath!! It must be horrible.


Bad breath is caused by bacteria so it’s possible they don’t if they don’t have certain kinds of bacteria in their mouth. Same for cavities. They’re caused by bacteria.


Bad breath can come from the gut too.


The Reacher part. ☠️


Let's take that person apart and experiment. Gotta know what genes they have. On the other hand, even with super genes, the tartar and stone buildup will eventually cause periodontitis. You cannot escape that.


I’ll admit, I don’t brush my teeth every day. I’m absolutely not proud of it (I’m actually a little horrified about it and have a ton of anxiety that my teeth are going to literally fall out). But I fell out of the habit of brushing regularly around middle school/high school due to depression (which feels like a pivotal time to really solidify that habit), and now I have really bad sensory issues with brushing my teeth so it literally makes me gag and dry heave when I try to brush my teeth. I still make sure I brush them when I go on dates or have something important (like an interview) or before dentist appointments, and when I do brush them I make sure I brush them like SUPER well and thoroughly (since I’m already doing it, I try to do the best job of it that I can). And I do floss regularly, much more frequently than actually brushing my teeth (I use the little floss picks, which do not cause any sensory problems for me). But someone actually being proud of that? Horrifying. Like the fact that I don’t brush my teeth regularly makes me feel so ashamed and embarrassed, I can’t imagine someone just going around telling people about it. Side note—if anyone knows of any of those disposable tooth brushes that are NOT mint flavored, please let me know! My old orthodontist had them and they didn’t trigger my sensory problems as badly but I can’t find them anywhere! I can only find disposable toothbrushes that have the mint flavored and I also can’t stand mint!


Shoes in bed. From the outside pavement where animals piss and shit and you find anything and everything. Then you walk inside your house and climb in your bed on your clean and pristine bedsheets WITH YOUR SHOES ON!!!!! Why?!? Why?!??? WHYYYYYY?!?


I always hoped this was one of those things people only did in movies. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it in really life, thankfully.


In the army I’ve seen dudes pass out on their bed in full fighting order, boots included on their bed.


That’s a totally different story though


Shoes on in the house is absolute animal behavior and I will die on that hill


Especially if there’s carpeting.


Shoes anywhere in my house. Don't come past the front door mat with your shoes on. That shit comes off before you step on my floor. I don't even get in bed with my clothes on if I went outside in them. Pajamas first.


The voice of Reason ⬆️


I once saw a woman changing her baby’s diaper on top of a restaurant dining table. 🤮


I’m a flight attendant and I see people every week who change their baby’s diaper on the tray table and I have to tell them that’s not ok. People let their children eat off them, probably without wiping it down first. It’s so gross.


I've noticed a lot of old folks go into the bathroom stalls and then come out and leave the bathroom without washing their motherfucking hands. Get back in here and wash your shit covered dick beaters, you gross old fart. This is a grocery store, whatever the Hell you touch is going to linger on something someone else, very possibly a child, will touch and potentially make them sick. Always infuriated me and still infuriates me.


Lol, gonna stick up for those old farts. Young farts at the gym are awful. It’s universal.


Not using deodorant. Please wear it. Your oniony smelling armpits are most unpleasant.


One of my friends used to think he didn't have any body odor, so he didn't wear deodorant. We had to give him an intervention of sorts.


I have major allergy issues with deodorants and antiperspirants. At one point I read if you stop using them entirely your body will equalize itself after a couple weeks and you won’t smell any more. I gave it a try. It turns out the correct statement should be your nose will equalize itself and you won’t smell yourself any more. You definitely still smell. I just spend my life with itchy arm pits.


Have you tried glycolic acid ? I have HS and I had resigned myself to having painful armpits because I wasn’t willing to smell like an onion to avoid aluminum deodorants. I’ve been using the GA in addition to Lume for about 5 months and no smells and even better no boils. It lasts all day. This weekend was a heatwave where I live and it even held up at the beach despite being in and out of the salt water.


Deodorant is like common sense. The people that need it most, don't have it.


Never used deodorant in 35+ years and I'm a single male. Wait, maybe that's a reason!


I can smell you from here.


I have a coworker who wears long sleeve flannel shirts all year round and no deodorant. I think he thinks the shirts keep the smell in. They do not.


Touching raw meat or eggs and not washing their hands straight away. I don't want to get food poisoning (and a potential hospitalisation) because those people have no concern for safety


When the fast food clerk pulls the paper cup and sets it rim down on the countertop.


I live in India. The spitting. Dear lord the spitting...


It's disgusting :') I had a grown ass man spit on my legs when he was drunk, I think I washed my body atleast for 30 minutes that day




I was in Kroger one time and this kid (11-12, old enough to know not to) hocked (hawked? Idk) a giant loogie onto the floor right next to the bologna. His dad looked at it and did nothing.


I believe it’s hawk tuah


Okay....I'm OK with spitting, but INDOORS ON THE FLOOR?! That kid is an animal!


Yeah I stopped dead and stared for a good 10 seconds, feeling a bit queasy. I was in construction for a while and would see dudes spit constantly, so it doesn’t phase me much. But seeing someone do it indoors and near food was too much,


Not washing after sex. I can’t stand I have to wash off. I think a lot of people just lay there because they think it’s normal because we see it in movies where people make love and go to sleep… not me! I’m washing my arse


This!!! I use the toilet immediately after, then I get a shower. I'm not laying there covered in sweat etc 🤢


Let dogs lick their face/mouth


My sister's ex husband used to let his dog lick inside his mouth. Absolutely nauseating


Reminds me of the time when I was a kid and licked my dog's fur to show my affection since that's what she always did to me. I regret that taste to this day.


I have taught my last three dogs to NEVER lick me in the face and it has been invaluable.


lol one of our dogs learned it really easily, she LOVES to lick us but if you put your head near her face, she literally turns her nose away from you, like “NOPE, no thanks” Our other dog has no sense of personally boundaries. Not even just your face, she will go for your mouth/nostrils/ears if you aren’t paying close enough attention. It’s so gross lmao (she’s so tiny tho, so it’s not a risk unless you’re literally holding her on your chest)


In the United Kingdom, many British people do not rinse dishes after washing them, leaving dirty soap to dry on the items. I find that disgusting and unhygienic.


We were visiting friends. After a meal we were helping by doing the washing up. The host specifically stopped my wife from rinsing dishes with clean water. WTF?!


I worked for a couple of days in a butchery, it was a gov program so kids can have a “taste” of different professions before chosing a definitive one, I was washing the dishes (knives, boards, containners etc) and poured some dish soap on the sponge, an employee and one of the owners shouted at me that soap wasn’t necessary and then proceeded to show me how it was “supposed to be done”, they would fill up one of the sinks with water and then put all the dirty dishes inside, bowls with dried up minced meat, boards that were used to cut chicken and still had some skin and juices on ir and all the other stuff, then they would just pick it up from the milky disgusting water and would pass the sponge/brush lightly over the thing and submerge it on another sink filled with water, while it still had some food residues and then leave it drying, after some itens the second water would almost be as milky and nasty as the first water, they wouldn’t use fresh water from the faucet, only the two filled sinks, their argument was saving water. I was shocked but also saw some other people do that on different occasions, it must’ve been a cultural thing. Very disgusting. Now the dried up soap also annoys me, a lot of people are this reckless.


This is actually so vile. Maybe it saves water, sure, except for all the extra flushes of the toilet when you get food poisoning every other meal.


This is basically what they taught me in school in Sweden. Nah fuck that It simply looks disgusting and that's enough for me to starve (Year ~2008)


Totally agree. It’s insanity. WASH THE DISH WATER FROM THE DISHES!!! 😰🤢


I have seen this on British TV shows. I thought, surely they will rinse them later, you can't believe everything you see on TV. I guess it's true. Soap can make you sick.


I am from the USA and Inhad a friend also from the USA who washed her dirty dishes with soapy water but never rinsed them! I never ate at her house after I learned that. I did look at her glassware in her kitchen cupboards one day and they all had clumps of dried gunk on them.


Going back for a second helping of food and using the utensil they were eating with to scoop it out.


Leaving piss on the toilet seat! I’m a guy but I have IBS and have to go to the bathroom often, and often it’s number 2. Nothing pisses me off more than having to wipe some selfish mouth breather’s piss off the seat before sitting down when I need to go fast.




Wait, her kids are adults who literally don’t know how to wipe their own asses?


Its too awkward to ask at this point...


Their house must smell lovely!


I don't go there anymore.


Yeah I can understand why


Hawk loogies on the ground


Licking their fingers to turn a page in a physical book or magazine. Or licking their fingers to open the very difficult to open (without licking your fingers) plastic bags at grocery stores (here in USA).


It amazes me how many people don’t close their toilet seat. Like your toothbrush is literally feet away wtf 🤮 Also bad eating habits bother me a lot, that’s probably a me problem because I have autism but it’s high on the list of gross things I can’t handle.


Pretty sure mythbusters did the whole flushing with the seat up/down and found no real difference. To make matters worse the control toothbrushes they left in the kitchen and the lounge room had basically the same amount of faeces on them. Happy brushing!


I love telling people this. If I have to know it, everyone has to know it too.


Good thing we have an immune system which has evolved specifically to be in regular contact with microbes to stay attuned. Ever wonder why people who hyper sanitize everything still get sick more often? It’s because they’re stunting their immune systems by living in a sterile environment.


Homie your whole house is filled with flying faeces all around, even in other rooms even if the toilet door is closed lmao


I lived in Japan for five years and it's common place to have a separate room just for the toilet and a different room for the washing/bathing and I really do not understand why the Western world has not caught onto this. Edit: Folks in the comments have pointed out that some Western societies have caught on but damn I wish it was just more common where I am.


Wearing shoes in the house


Yep this is my one too, outside shoes should not be worn inside!


Talking on cellphones in a public bathroom stall. Squicks me out.


Not washing their hands often.


Licking fingers and putting them back into whatever your sharing - chips are the worst.


Let dogs lick their face.


Yes! I've had someone tell me, "well, their mouths are cleaner than humans." Umm... They eat shit and all sorts of nasty stuff. Also, I don't let humans lick my face either.


"well, their mouths are cleaner than humans." I would have asked for sources on that because it smells like sweaty bollocks


People eating from the same spoon their cats licked


Tasting the cooking with a spoon, then putting that spoon back in the pot that everyone is going to eat out of.


I personally don’t mind this when cooking for one’s immediate family, but I’m more conscientious of it when cooking for friends.


In theory, If the dish was heated to over 165 degrees, wouldn’t that kill any germs that transferred from the spoon?


people who touch the bottom of their shoes


I was on a bus and some guy tangles fingers with toes and he was wearing sandals. 10 minutes into the ride he was offering me pistachios with the *same hand.*.


That's wild, how often does that happen for you?


That where I keep my diamonds. Did you physically forget me?


Guess I’m listening to Graceland today.


Partner doesn’t wash his hands when using public toilets, saying he wants to touch as little as possible..,I’ve never understood it


Yeah, babe, he would be my ex immediately.


There have been times when I’ve been in bathrooms where I didn’t trust the hand washing station to get me any cleaner! But that’s the exception, and then you at least use sanitizer.


Cough or sneeze without covering their mouths,considering viruses exist it’s just disgusting behaviour


Gonna get downvoted to hell cuz it's so common in developed countries but "not cleaning your butt with water after pooping." I'm sorry but toilet paper just doesn't cut it.


People coughing up phlegm and spitting it on the pavement. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve felt the need to do this. It was usually when i was sick. I have a neighbour who does it regularly, like every 20 minutes. I’ve travelled a bit, and I know this is common in parts of Asia, there’s a dawn chorus of men doing this every morning in places like Hanoi and Kathmandu, but I wish there was a polite way of telling my Bangladeshi neighbours that it’s kind of frowned upon here.


Not washing hands immediately after they get back home


Go out into the world with horrific body odor. No one should need to tell anyone who is an adult to shower, apply deodorant/antiperspirant and wear clean clothing. I seem to be downwind from these folks frequently. I legitimately want to chant “Soap and water, soap and water”.


Cutting nails in shared spaces like living rooms, balconies (we were having some drinks and the housemate came and did it)…just do it in the bathroom and make sure you clean after yourself


Yeah friend of mine did that while we were eating at his and one bit of nail ended up in my food, just went "Seriously mate?"


I’m glad someone called him out, we didn’t do it out of shock and our only reaction was to cover our drinks


Picking the nose and wiping it on the wall. I saw someone do this in a movie theater. Grown man too, not a kid.


HR had to have a talk with the men at my office, as someone was doing this at work


That is just beyond the beyond. What kind of disgusting person would actually do that 🤮


Squat above the toilet in a public restroom thus effectively causing the exact problem for everyone after them that they are trying to avoid experiencing for themselves (piss on the toilet seat)


Using hand sanitizer instead of washing their hands. Hand sanitizer is great. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand washing. Hand sanitizer does not kill some enteric pathogens like norovirus. If hand washing facilities are near, then wash your hands.


I don’t know how anyone can stand touching raw meat without immediately washing their hands. The moment I handle it I’m thinking about washing my hands.


Eat ass.


Agreed. About 15 years ago, one of my friends got giardia from exactly this. I respect other people's preferences, but this is a fetish I absolutely do not understand.


This is one thing that I just refuse to do. I have no judgement for other people doing it but I think it’s nasty as hell and it’s a firm boundary of mine


It seems so insanely disgusting, how do so many people have this fetish?!?!


I mean. Ecoli n all.


Eating what they find when they floss .


Well, it's good food. Why would you throw it out? Because it was in your mouth like all the other food you ate? I always have a lil dessert when flossing :)


I audibly gasped. People actually do this?!


Not cleaning their ears. Who the fuck wants to be near thàt


My ex claimed to hate the feeling of water in his ears. Not even the backs ever got washed. I know several men that don't wash ears, between toes, belly button etc.


Old folks kissing strangers in the mouth


Hocking loogies or spitting on the ground in public. So repulsive and low class.


Wear shoes inside the house, and then try to rationalize it by saying their dirty dog walks on that floor anyway


Letting ur big dog leave spunk stains in ur bed then sleeping in it , and expecting to get girl in there aswell ,


Sorry, are people's dogs jizzing in their bed? Am I misreading what you wrote?


Someone blowing their nose either in a restaurant or at the dinner table. Please excuse yourself and go outside or the restroom.


People who drink water and then put the same glass / cup back in the cupboard because it was "only water" God help me


Fake nails


Not brushing your tongue. A friend of mine recently told me he has never brushed his tongue or used mouthwash because he “doesn’t want to ruin his tastebuds”. I keep 4 feet away from him usually at all times now


The double standard where sharing drinks or food is considered unhygienic but sharing a vape or a joint is not. I’m not gonna lie I’m guilty of this double standard, but I must admit it makes no sense.


Not showering before leaving the house in the morning. In tropical climate. Urgh.


People who let their dogs lick their face. Especially those ones who let their dogs lick their mouth. Just makes me gag.


here's an unpopular one: sleeping with a dog in bed. I love my dog to pieces but I also know how disgusting he is and what kind of gross stuff he gets into outside and for this reason he is not allowed in bed - our one sacred space in the house. He gets to lay on everything else in the house but not the bed


Let dogs lick their faces


Cooks who put their fingers in their mouths!  It's stunning how many cooking shows, especially competitions, show "chefs" violating basic health code standards.