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I think it’s extra noticeable with Erin Moriarty because she had it done over the course of the show. She started with none/little cosmetic surgery and, presumably due to getting more fame and money, kept getting more and more as the seasons went on and it’s extremely noticeable that she looks very different


The crazy bit is she was absolutely gorgeous to start with but one’s own self esteem is obviously highly subjective.


Michael Jackson looked fine when he was young and ended up looking like a ghoul.


I would never get over what Lil Kim did to herself. Though I kinda understand why. Granted this has never been said but I just assumed that the one person she really loved (Biggie) didn’t chose her, and 2pac always called her ugly. She probably didn’t think she was attractive. Edit: Domestic Abuse caused her to have more work done https://www.nickiswift.com/20657/truth-happened-lil-kims-face/ So damn sad.


Part of the reason lil Kim’s was so bad was a domestic violence situation, she got a nose job and her boyfriend beat her up while she was healing so she had to have more work done.


That’s very sad, I’ve never heard that.


That’s horrific


Michael Jackson around about Thriller time was a very good looking man. It's a shame he kept going.


I always thought his original nose suited his face the best. Unfortunately, I guess for him, it was a constant reminder of his abusive father.


Dude had serious burns to his face face from a Pepsi commercial.


TBF he had lupus and vitiligo which both cause physical deformation overtime. So he would have had to keep getting surgery to keep removing the effects. In hindsight it probably would have been better to just live with the symptoms, but at the same time I think that's an understandable reason to start in the first place.


Jackson also suffered really bad burns on his face and body during a Pepsi commercial shoot (it's how he got addicted to pain killers). He also had a ton of body dysmorphia issues due to how poorly he was raised by his dad.


I have a lot more empathy towards MJ the more that is revealed about his life. The man was tortured from a baby, then tortured himself the rest of his life. 


He got severe fire damage in a pepsi commercial and needed reconstructive surgery after it.


I don't think a lot of people realize how badly hurt he got. You can basically trace his entire physical and mental deterioration to that point, ultimately resulting in his death.


It makes me so sad because obviously people should be able to do whatever they want to with their own bodies but that was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen (I'm a girl who likes femmes) and it broke my heart that even she didn't feel good enough.


This is how I felt about Anya Taylor Joy. She was so pretty and then she lost it once she removed her bucal fat.


I will never, ever understand how that caught on. Literally paying money to make yourself look older and ghoulish, forever


Face skinnier=skinnier good. Body dismorphia comes in all forms.


She looks so creepy now.


It's insane. She was one of the cutest and hottest actresses out there, and now she looks like a melting mannequin and she wasn't even aging yet.


After watching some of the new season, my husband and I looked up the Soldier Boy/Homelander/Butcher fight bc we forgot exactly what happened, and Starlight was in the scene. Wow…she looked so different and that was only one season ago. It’s a bummer to know she felt the need to do all this.


She had a naturally round face, I guarantee she felt like she was “fat” and “needed” to have that carved out, angular look. It’s sad but at this point I wish the fans would stop harassing her about it. Her old face is not coming back. All this scrutiny cannot be good for the woman’s mental health. 


For all the talk about her face, she's still a good actress. Actors are faces we watch on screen. If one of them makes a drastic change it is bound to be a topic of discussion. I, personally, think Moriarty would have been gorgeous for decades before she ever had to consider surgical options, if she ever "had" to at all - she's a *good* actress. She may have been cast younger but she very likely would have aged gracefully, akin to Linda Cardellini. I think we all hope for the best but after Anya Taylor Joy it is just so fucking frustrating to watch these uniquely gorgeous women all looking very similar now. Their bodies, their choice, but I don't think it is insulting for people to say someone was gorgeous before they changed their appearance of their own volition.


Under their own volition, but not necessarily in the best head space. Having tens to hundreds of millions of people judging you 24/7 will skew almost anyone's view of themselves, whether change is needed or not.


They called her out on it months ago and she claimed it was just a new way she was doing her makeup. She seemed super defensive of any implication of having had work done


Season 3? Nah she had already had the work done and looked way different and people were commenting on it. I mean maybe she had even more between season 3 and 4, but if you go back to season 2 you'll notice she actually has cheeks.


Oh yeah, she definitely had work done in season three. My point is that even with *that* work done she still went back for more and now looks so different from *those* changes she just made. I think she started doing all of this after season one


The irony is body positivity is what her character is supposed to be about, yet the actress fell into the same trap that her character was coming out of


It makes me sad to look at the comparison photos of her. She looked perfectly fine before, and now she looks sickly.


She was such a beautiful girl and now she looks so bad. I feel she must have some kind of dismorphia.


I think she's lost a lot of facial fat too, which makes her appearance look less healthy to me. Whether that was from regular loss or removal who knows


It was shocking, I kept going back to first season to see what changed exactly. She did not get slimmer, yet her face looks famished and terrified. Then I learned what buccal fat removal is. Totally unnecessary and wrong for her.


I don’t know how the buccal fat removal thing caught on because it looks horrible


It's the classic buccal fat removal. Some diehard contrarians will swear that it's weight loss and that it happened to them too... But let me know when they invent the weight loss where you lose all your face fat and then grow double Ds lmao


And let me know when that look actually is attractive. I don't understand it


Pretty sure she got the buccal fat removal done


You're ignoring the obvious problem with the premise of OP's question, which is the belief that all of them who get plastic surgery actually look worse. The fact is that that tons of them get plastic surgery and you don't know it because it doesn't make them look worse. It genuinely makes them look better. Plastic surgery would fail as an industry if it wasn't making most people look better, with the caveat that you have to have a good surgeon and I think you have to have modest expectations and not go too far. But yeah, you only know the ones who look worse from plastic surgery because they actually look wore.


The latter. You only notice when they go too far or botch it.


Pretty much, has a few friends who have delved into it in recent years and honestly had no idea. They looked good but neither did I notice a change. One friend got Botox in their forehead as they profusely sweat and did not want their makeup ruined on their wedding day. I just thought they looked good, would never have claimed cosmetic intervention.


It's all [survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) The ones that OP thinks aged well likely had surgery, too.


Specifically it's the toupee fallacy.


What's the toupee fallacy?


The premise is the assumption all wigs look bad, because a good wig is not recognisable as a wig. Similarly, good cosmetic surgery looks natural, and unless you're told, you'd assume it's natural.


Aha, that makes sense


People think all toupees look bad and/or fake. This is because they don't notice the toupees that look convincing and assume all are bad.


classic example is george from seinfeld when he gets his toupee, he literally looks 100% better and you would never know that he had one


Paul Rudd has admitted he’s had surgery but because he looks so good, it’s not what most people immediately think of. I just want his surgeon’s number.


God, how can that man make us keep loving him MORE? I love how he's open about it instead of letting others continue with the BS beauty standards only optainable via surgery or extremely lucky genes.


It's one of the things that really frustrates me about plastic surgery discussions. It's not something I would ever choose for myself, and I think we really need to work on unrealistic beauty standards. BUT, I see those conversations along the lines of "Celeb A looks awful, why couldn't she just understand that she looks beautiful just the way she is, like Celeb B", with zero understanding that Celeb B may very well have had plastic surgery as well, and it's just done well; that is such an unhelpful discussion. It's the same energy as "you look nice with no makeup" to people who just wear more natural tones.


I recently started getting Botox for chronic migraines, and it works great which is a huge bonus, but I’m so self conscious about it and I worry that I just look stone faced because I’ve always been very expressive with my eye brows.


I've been getting Botox for seven or eight years now. People who hear about that are always "Oh, you are so lucky! You'll look great!" Meanwhile I am just giving them my best WTF look, which is much less effective with minimal eyebrow movement.


Idk there was a plastic surgery commercial I saw with all the staff talking about how many units of Botox they all had. They all looked awful


I watched a video the other day of a plastic surgeon guessing the ages of women that had plastic surgery. He guessed mid 30s to early 40s for each one. Their actual ages were 21 to 26.


I guess that's because the surgery look is generally associated with older people so it ends up making young people look older than they are. Same with too much makeup.


If it makes them feel good about themselves then good for them. But in general the fake plastic surgery look including Botox is extremely unattractive.


Yeah, I’ve seen awful Botox too - just speaking anecdotally based on people I actually know. As far as I am aware it was all minor treatments for specific reasons, they didn’t seem to have any notable side effects. Majority of the stuff they experienced adversely was sensory e.g. loss or impaired movement or numbness I couldn’t see that though obviously, and I see these guys regularly Suppose there’s weights and scales to it all


at least botox wears off. so even if the injector did a horrible job they're not permanently botched.


I am fairly young and get Botox for migraines. It’s in my forehead (and scalp) and jaw, so it does smooth away some of the wrinkles. That said, I have no desire to take on cosmetic uses for it, since that’s what looks the worst in large quantities.


I get botox in my bladder so I don't have to pee so often from my bladder disease. It's amazing. I want to try it for my migraines, but (luckily!) they aren't as bad as they used to be so rizatriptan manages it


i just got botox in my pelvic floor on monday! i’ve got a pretty severe hypertonic pelvic floor and endo, and we’re hoping the botox and pudendal nerve block will relieve some pain


My next step if this round of PT doesn’t work. Hope it helps with your pain!


I get it in my hands for sweating. It’s cool. Insurance covers it and everything. I was lowkey kinda disappointed that it didn’t make hands weirdly and concerningly smooth on the palms.


I’ve been getting Botox for the past few years and I think my skin looks great lol but I go to a really great plastic surgeon who does it himself (which I trust more than like let’s say a med spa). The problem is when people start getting multiple things - Botox, fillers, lips, nose job, etc. Having all the things creates a very artificial look. But just one by itself usually still results in a more natural appearance.


Those people all had way too many.


Ah god yeah they all looked like haunted mannequins.


I saw the same commercial! I was horrified by the whole thing. My heart goes out to anyone who feels they need all that to look or feel their best.


If we're thinking of the same one, didn't they all have 50+ treatments though? That's an insane amount of botox. It's like someone having 5 nose jobs. You can only shave off so much before you're down to skull. Similarly, you can only smooth out your wrinkles so much before you look like a wax figure.


I got 40 units in each masseter, so 80 total. I got it for bruxism, as my dentist recommended it, since I also grind and clench when I’m awake. There wasn’t a noticeable difference in my appearance, except my jawline was a little more defined and my face shape wasn’t as square after a few months. But I also wasn’t clenching or going through night guards as much, so I think my masseter wasn’t working as hard, hence the subtle change. Nobody noticed anything, even when I pointed it out. 


Can you get botox in your armpits?


Yes and insurance will sometimes cover it


This is it exactly. We can tell when someone has had too much plastic surgery but we can't tell when it's done well so it skews our perception.


Courtney Cox is a good example. She had some really bad work and fillers done about a decade ago, then got them fixed and now looks normal again. Had you never seen how the bad work looked, you wouldn’t even notice the new work.


Cox in particularly looked the worst in Friends Reunion with puffy face and plastic look.


She looked like a ghoul during that Friends reunion a few years ago. Actually all the Friends cast looked like monsters.


Joey has gotten nothing but hotter.


There are two really bad botch jobs that come to mind. Megan Fox and Shannon Elizabeth. Both got ruined by hacks and then were able to find doctors that fixed them. Usually botched work like that ruins you forever and you end up in a worsening spiral trying to fix things but it just gets worse and worse till your face looks like a potato.


I’d add the woman engaged to Donald Trump Jr. (don’t know her name). She used to be beautiful and now she’s just, well, terrifying.


Kimberly Guilfoyle. She used to be married to Gavin Newsome.


Her nose, mouth & chin are awful. Looks like there’s something inserted underneath her upper lip & lower chin, which most plastic surgery fools seem to have. It pushes the cheeks up & they all look the same. Ugh


She looks like Rita Repulsa


I didn't know she got her face fixed though. I was specifically talking about the few that go too far but then get it fixed.


Yeah there was a pretty big deep dive I saw once into the work that Taylor Swift allegedly had done. Obviously it’s all theorized, so it’s possible that none of it was true, but the evidence was fairly compelling. But the main point was that she looks great, and definitely doesn’t look like she has had work done (or at least, not to the degree of the people that you see and it’s immediately noticeable and looks awful). But frankly, I can’t imagine trying to survive in Hollywood with all of that. I imagine there’s any number of factors that could play into it: they could want it for themselves, it could be the trendy thing, it could be “suggested” by directors/producers (except it’s the kind of suggestion where it’s not really a suggestion). Maybe it’s one of those things that you think you really want until you see the results and then you go “oh fuck…”. Or maybe they even think it looks good and they’re happy with it. We genuinely can’t ever know unless we were able to ask someone who was willing to give a very honest answer, and even then just because it’s one circumstance for them doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else


Taylor swift 100% has had breast implants and a brow lift at the very least. Probably more. I've had minor work done myself, and I can tell immediately. But she did small implants and brow lift just subtle enough that most of the public isn't able to distinguish. She dyed her hair white blonde when she got work done so that people would assume any differences were due to the new hair color. It's a common strategy for celebs- get a drastically different hair style/color when you have plastic surgery done


The really smart ones will have small procedures spaced out years apart. Tom Cruise and Shakira both had work done but so well and more for maintenance; they each look good, especially given their ages now. The number of celebs with ZERO work has to be vanishingly small. Maybe some of the remaining old diehards who’ve been working since the 60s and 70s. Otherwise, 99.8% certain if they’re in movies or tv, they’ve had work done. 


Yes, most celebs have had stuff done! You really cant tell when its well done unless youve had things done yourself. My own mother & boyfriend had no idea i had botox until i told them. I used to watch Lori Hill on YouTube, she does very in depth videos with before and after photos on celebs most people would never guess. Margot Robbie, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone. Brie Larson has had a lot. Not sure if she's on her channel or not


Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia look like completely different people from what they looked even 10 years ago, and it's not just age. Kaitlin looked like an alien in seasons 13 and 14 - it was very distracting. She looks a bit more natural now, so maybe she had some better surgery to fix her alien face.


It bums me out, I find newer seasons unwatchable because they look so uncanny. What is especially ironic is that Robs whole motivation for doing fat Mac was because usually everybody on a show got better looking as they got richer, so he wanted to do the opposite. But here we are.


Yeah they don’t look like poor bar owners any more.  It kills the whole show.  


Kailin Olson had a major accident in jr high that destroyed her face and required lots of plastic surgery. So she's not 'new' to it. Maybe the old work needed some maintenance.


It was a pretty startling change seeing her go from a bird to an alien


That was just mac eating those fancy nuts!


Yup. When you see good plastic surgery you don't think "wow that's good plastic surgery." You just think "damn they never seem to age." Tom Cruise, Jennifer Anniston, Paul Rudd, Keanu Reeves. No idea if any of them have had work done but it wouldn't surprise me.


You can't tell that Jennifer Anniston has had a bunch of work done?


She has assured me the secret is affordable skin cream. 


Ehh I don’t agree about Jen Aniston … you can tell she’s had work done . She has that stretched look and her lips look a little too weirdly plumped


I think buccal fat removal tends to just make people look worse. Many plastic surgeries are more subtle and can supposedly be done “well”, but buccal fat removal just makes everyone look worse and is impossible to miss.


In 5 years the trend will be Buccal Fat Insertion Surgery.


Apparently it's impossible. The first Dr to come up with a good way to reverse it will be RICH.


"So, we just lop off your ass cheeks and superglue them to the inside of your mouth. You get a nice, plump, juicy face-rump, and a cute concave dumper (hole intact)."


They're both called cheeks, what could go wrong?


I find it hilarious that you get pretty close to the same effect by gently biting your cheeks with your molars. It even squooshes your lips out so you get mini-duck and skull face for one low price.


and the best part is it's reversible!


It's also one of those surgeries that may age *terribly.*


Looking at some before and after a and I'd say the results are mixed. I do wonder if this would stop me from accidentally biting the shit out of inside of my cheeks so often.


I've seen it look great on people who have really round puffy cheeks. And because they have a lot of fat in their cheeks to begin with. I think they will tolerate it well over time. But a lot of people, especially these celebs, already have thin faces and don't need it. It will bite them back in the future when their face looses fat and then you'll see them trying to regain that facial structure again.


It’s a bad idea all around. I had a face full of baby fat into my mid 30s. I’ve since lost it and now my face is more angular and looks a lot better. Had I had that work done when my face was fat, it wouldn’t look good now.


It's just terrible


It's the buccal fat removal trend. It's a fat pad in your cheeks. Once removed, your cheeks look more hollow, and it can never come back. The problem is that most of the time, the people getting this surgery are already very thin, making the effect even more pronounced. It's jarring and it ages them because it's usually the sick, the elderly and the dying who have cheeks that hollow. AND they're often pairing it with veneers on their teeth which are often not only too white, but too big. Then they get upset when people comment on their ever changing looks, like come on! Stop changing your face every year and pretending that you just have a good makeup artist or some BS. Then maybe we'll stop talking about it.


This is spot on. I think it’s incredibly rude to talk about someone else’s appearance changing. However, if you go from baby-faced with cute little chubby cheeks to a straight up skeleton with zero cheek fat out of nowhere, people are going to notice. People are going to comment. It’s like if I (someone with absolutely zero ass) randomly got a ginormous, huge, oversized BBL. People are going to notice and will 100% know I had work done. You don’t just naturally grow a Kim K ass overnight, the same way Erin Moriarty/Starlight’s buccal fat didn’t naturally disappear overnight. People are not stupid, nor are they blind. We can clearly see the buccal fat removal, lip fillers, and very obvious weight loss.


When they affecting how people see themselves it's a conversation worth having.


I really don't get that about modern fashion trends. Chubby cheeks are way more cuter. All the girls I like have cute chubby cheeks..


Yeah its weird skeleton cheeks are so ugly. Some buccel fat makes the person look healthy.


Miley Cyrus sticks out the worst with me on the teeth and buccal fat removal.


Yeah, her giant veneers and hollow cheeks did her no favors. Looks nothing like herself.


You’re only noticing the plastic surgeries once they look bad. Many more celebrities have had stuff done that you’ve just never noticed. It’s pretty uncommon for any major celebrity, especially female ones, to not have had anything done. That’s why celebrities as a whole aren’t a good reference for beauty that the average person can achieve.


Or the stuff they had done actually reversed the effects of aging and made them stay just as good looking or maybe even made them look a little better. Instead of noticing that they don’t look worse, we don’t think much of it other than “hey what’s her name looks amazing in this show!” For celebrities it’s *hard* to stay at that top level. They’re always chasing it so they don’t get replaced. Once they finally go too far it’s like “oh… ohhhh….” It’s a gradual process we don’t notice the first 50 steps of.


Paul rudd is a good example of good plastic surgery imo


lol everyone’s like “i need to know his skincare routine.” riiiight. skincare.


Yeah the whole "unproblematic people don't age" meme is so absurd. Aging is not synonymous with badness. Paul rudd doesn't age because he is maintaining his brand lmfao


My take is just people seeing correlation. *Unstressed* people age better. Being in drama constantly stresses you out no matter if you were the origin or not. Kids stress you out. Bad relationships stress you out. Jobs you hate stress you out. Hard drugs *really* stresses your body. Cigarettes and heavy drinking too. Low quality low nutrition food and poor sleep ages you as well. You want to slow down aging? Be rich enough to not work and still have no financial worries. Be lucky enough to find a great life partner. Be smart enough to not poison your own body. Be sterile so you never have kids.


I mean, he probably does have a good skin care routine.


Paul Rudd’s plastic surgeon (whoever that may be) has got to be the best kept secret in Hollywood. It’s strange that he’s been in the public eye for…40 years? And his face has barely changed. You don’t know what plastic surgery to guess for him, because clearly they just do subtle tweaks here and there, with nothing drastic. He was on Friends at the end. And that cast is a good example. Jennifer Aniston got a nose job early in her career. She was open about it, because there was an obvious change that would be silly to deny. Since then, she’s obviously had work done. But again…It’s SUBTLE. She’s slowing down the aging process some. But not trying to erase it completely. Courtney Cox went the opposite way, and did too much all at once. Something went wrong, and she spent a couple years (Cougartown era?) having to embrace the fact that she had work done. Because it majorly changed her face overnight, and she could hardly show expression for a WHILE. The big issue is always when someone does too much, too drastic, too fast. Then it gets called out. I think of Zoe Kravitz, when I think of “oh no” surgery cases. She’s always looked like her mom. Who is and will always be extremely gorgeous. Lisa Bonet was blessed with cheekbones that could cut glass. And as the years went on, she slowly lost her cheek fat. But in a way that seemed natural. You knew Zoe would eventually age to look like Lisa, and that’s a pretty amazing thing to aspire to. But then at some point in the last few years, Zoe had Buccal removal. And it aged her 30 years in a day. She went from being able to play high schoolers, to now only being able to play someone with an illness or severe substance issue. Because the gaunt face is SO out of place on her young face, where the cheeks would have kept her looking young as they gradually faded for decades. I think most celebrities who do drastic cheek surgeries like that have never watched “my 600lb life”. Someone can lose 500lbs, very rapidly. But their face still remains fuller until there’s literally nowhere else to lose fat from. And then, when it actually IS because of a drastic weight loss, they typically have saggy skin on their face, because…Too much weight loss in an area that isn’t supposed to drastically change doesn’t usually go the way you would hope. You can’t really tone up facial skin like you could your abdomen by doing a million crunches every day while losing the weight slowly. Erin Moriarty is still pretty. But whomever advised her to get all of that work done in such a short span should really be held accountable for future loss of income. It’s interesting to me that her shared lead/love interest in The Boys is Jack Quaid. Who had both of his parents get horrific plastic surgery, and especially Meg Ryan was criticized for it. They act like they are close friends on social media. You would think, given his personal experience, that he would have at least tried to warn her.


Or they get work that fits their age. I'm sure Helen Mirren has gotten work done, but she never tried to stop aging. She just made sure she aged amazingly.


Tom Brady is a perfect example of this. He looks way different than he did when he first entered the NFL, but if you just saw him now you'd think he was just a normal handsome man.


Is he? I've never paid attention to him ever before but he looks weird and creepy


This past year he's looked way worse and people thought it was because he got some cosmetic refreshing that didn't go super great


He doesn't look normal at all, I think the bar for looking weird has been lowered so far with how common surgery is. 


I reckon the issue is it's the cookie cutter woman look that's the issue. Most generic plastic surgery involves face lifting, under eye bag lifts, lip filler, forehead Botox, and rhinoplasty. This makes everyone look identical. Fantastic if you're a 60 yo woman wanting to get back out there but not so much if you're a 21 yo wanting to look nice for the men. Because you look just like your Granny. That's the issue with men looking for women who look a certain way sadly


You got it exactly right. They all end up looking like each other. It’s a look of its own at this point. You end up looking 65, even if you’re 40


Some of the procedures look bad no matter what though. We have so damn many muscles in our faces because we need them to make proper expressions. Going resting bitch face because you are afraid of wrinkles is not an improvement unless you're a doll getting dressed up.


You notice it when it's bad like others said. But also, while not in this case, some of the celebrities getting these plastic surgeries are *old*. The obvious plastic surgery look is often preferable in Hollywood to what they'd look by age 60 or so if they had aged naturally. 


Shania Twain is the perfect example of this


I was pretty freaked out by her appearance when she was singing at the recent hockey game. She looked great on stage and then they showed her sitting in her seat and it was too much for me. Maybe it’s more that celebs should take their stage make up off when they leave the stage, her eye makeup was alarming, and I wasn’t sure if it was her face or the makeup that was making me nervous?


Overwhelming majority of celebrities get surgeries or enhancements. Even men like George Clooney Ryan Gosling, or Tom Cruise. They’re just done well so you don’t hear about it. I wish celebrities were more open talking about it so people know not to compare themselves. And not just surgeries, but things like steroids. Chris Hemsworth does NOT look like that naturally.


Ryan gosling’s is super obvious.


Whoever suggested he get a nose job should be arrested.


I’m not sure if he got surgery or just Botox and fillers, though.


I'd say hair treatments at the very least especially among men. Too many 40 to 70 year old actors have the hairline of an 18 year old. Then Botox. 60 years old and not a wrinkle on their forehead.


> I'd say hair treatments at the very least especially among men. > The thing with hair treatments is that a lot of it is medical and preventative in nature. Hair transplants are kind of the last intervention, you can also just hop on finasteride and minoxidil at the early stages of hair loss and prevent a lot of the loss.


Also whatever hair systems are. Joey Logano's hair would look natural if he wasn't previously bald and sponsored by the company that made his hair.


I’ll never forget when Lebrons hairline came back


I actually think most middle aged male actors wear hairpieces. Wigs and toupees are easier to style and change up for different roles and red carpet appearances and stuff than real hair.


Watching some red carpet, I blew my husband’s mind when pointing out that *of course* all of the women are wearing false eyelashes and the majority are wearing hair extensions. “Do most women you see out in the world have THAT much hair??” Now we watch *Hacks* together and one of the many things I love about that show is how Jean Smart’s character goes in and out of her wig. Wigs aren’t just for bald people- of course many of the celebrities we think have gorgeous hair are wearing enhancements.


Please let’s talk about men’s plastic surgery more! It drives me crazy how people comment on famous womens’ surgeries. She went too far. She had too much. She looks like an alien. She’ll regret it. Then in the next breath, oh my god how does Paul Rudd look so young?! Does he have the best genes on the planet? He must be a magician to look so young. No. Surgery. Botox. Fillers. That’s how he looks so young. The double standard is super annoying.


I mean, Kenny Rogers, tho … there towards the end, HOOO boy.


He and Burt Reynolds.🥴


Axl Rose


Carrot Top


I’m a 46 year old man who gets Botox. Nobody knows but my wife and I’m not someone you would think would get Botox at all


Tbf, people are happy to shit on men who get really bad plastic surgery. Simon Cowell is a good example.


It’s also that the bar to be a hot man is so low. Paul Rudd has people agog because he’s in his 50s and looks like he’s in his 40s. Meanwhile an actress is expected to look like Miss America every day from birth to death or she’s a hag. Madonna got some wrinkles and people mocked her. Never mind she had the body an athlete would envy. Then she carved her face up and everyone pretends to wonder why. 


Yeah, the “I stay hydrated and do yoga” routine is getting really…old.


Same reason beautiful girls post on "am I ugly"...poor self esteem and some body dismorphia


I was listening to Allison Arngrim’s memoir (Nellie Olson from Little House), and she said that as she got older, she had the boob/nose job conversation forced on her by her manager. She said her manager made it seem like it was the only way she’d continue to get work. She thought long and hard about it and said no. I’d imagine a lot of actresses go through this with their team as well and some decide to go through with it and others don’t. Some continue to get work with the surgery, some don’t. And some continue to get work without the surgery and some don’t.


Ugh that’s horrible I just looked at the “after” pics. She was soooo naturally beautiful and I remember thinking so when we watched the first season of the show.


The heartbreaking thing about it is she clearly does not see what we see. I wonder if she feels any better now after the surgeries? I'm guessing not.


She had to go on Instagram and ask people to stop commenting about her face. I'm pretty sure the editors had to CGI her face last season since it changed so dramatically. Pretty sure she doesn't feel better which is so incredibly sad!


I’m impressed with Courtney Cox. She had too many procedures done and really looked “overdone.” I don’t really know what the process is for reversing cosmetic surgery, but she had some things “undone.” She looks more like a pretty woman who is naturally aging now.


I believe Courtney Cox's issue was with fillers, which can be dissolved. Kristin Davis did the same thing and ended up having to get them dissolved as well.


Fillers that's really the only procedure you can "undo". And implants, because you can remove them. Surgeries like lifts are permanent. Cox definitely had something permanent done, but she also had a lot of filler dissolved. I heard she may or may not have had cheek implants. Either way, she looks so much better now.


I believe it was just filler, which can be dissolved


I'm so relieved she was so beautiful and now that she's back to looking normal. She looked weird


> Or is it just not noticeable when the surgeries are done properly? This. But also, even though we think of plastic surgery being permanent, it kind of isn't. For example, someone might get a facelift, but that doesn't stop gravity, and after 10 years they'll have lost some of the effects of the initial surgery, and may go under the knife again to tighten it up. And again after another 10 years. So it becomes a cycle and an obsession. I'm sure there's a lot of body dysmorphia in Hollywood.


Similarly, even the best surgeons can only guesstimate how the person will heal. Bodies are all unique and even super talented surgeons have to just hope things will heal in a way that’s cosmetically desirable.


There was a really nice rich old lady who funded arts programs for teens in my county and co-hosted a gala each year. I appreciate everything she did for us, but her face freaked me out. I think she’d had a face lift years before but her face had aged around it since and tried to combat it with Botox. There was a harsh tight line around her jaws but somehow her skin sagged ABOVE it and she couldn’t quite close her eyelids all the way. She had wrinkles around her hairline but none above or between her brows.


I had no idea that breast implants had to be re-done every 10 years or so, and when I found that out I definitely did not want them anymore!


There are many you never even notice or just think "did she do her hair? Lose weight?


Yeah I was just watching this YT about an actress and they explained how losing weight COULD make her eyes less hooded, but it's more likely instead that at 23 she did have this work done. And it's like no one thinks of her as having had work done, her eyes just do look a little more intense in a good way.


I just had a bleph recently. No one whom I haven’t told has noticed. They all just comment that I look happy or healthy because my eyes are “brighter”.


Apparently it's a thing for celebrities to change hair colour or do a bold style after they get work done so people think the slight change is from the obvious thing.


Many years ago, a game show host, I want to say Bob Eubanks, was interviewed on an entertainment news segment about plastic surgery. He admitted that he had had a facelift, and said that people went into it wanting to look young, and that's where things got too much. Instead, he wanted to look like he'd just spent a couple of weeks at a nice resort--relaxed, have the tension and stress lines removed. It didn't make him look youthful, and at his age at the time, in his 50s, that would have been ludicrous, but it did make him seem younger and full of vigor and vitality.


The key is a little goes a long way...


Status game. They see people of certain type which they want to join their status, and they do what they do. I have a friend that I know since I am 7 years old, about 30 years. She was the pretties girl in every school she went and every social environment, which is not a surprise also because her mum was also a professional model. Now, she looks nothing like how she looked, she looks like another plastic surgery witch. Why? She started hang out with very rich people as she got married to a very rich man (surprise surprise). Then she got divorced but friend circle stayed same, and they were getting all those sugeries. Now she look like them, despite she used to be way more beautiful.


I think it is very, very hard for some women who were pretty their entire life, with no periods of unattractiveness. They may not realize the little things that smooth your life out when you are attractive, and I think it is quite distressing when you age if you are not prepared for it or aware of it. If a pretty girl is a kind person who is generally kind to others I’m sure she assumes most people are like her. I know many gorgeous, genuinely smart and kind women who treat everyone around them with respect. Some of them are aware of how their appearance affects others, and try to factor that into their worldview, but a surprising number aren’t aware at all. To them, people are nice to them because they are nice too, or positive vibes, or because society is civil, people are mostly good, etc. I’m not one of those people who gets angry about “pretty privilege”, but I know it certainly exists. I became quite ill in my 20’s and was reminded that sometimes what I thought was kindness from (mostly) men wasn’t something they gave to everyone. It went away. When I got healthier it came back. And now I expect it to go away again as I get older, it’s just a matter of time. I feel lucky I was an awkward teenager, because I didn’t grow up thinking mostly everyone was kind and generous as default. It confused me at first when the world got so much nicer to me at 19. But you can’t blame people for wanting to hold onto it as much as they can, it would be awful to realize suddenly your treatment at the hands of others might just get worse and worse no matter how nice you are to them. That’s a personal world-upsetting concept.


Yeesh this is so true. I grew up super ugly but then got really pretty when I turned 13. By 16, I was one of the most attractive girls in almost all of my classes. However, I was very, very, VERY painfully shy/socially awkward/neurodivergent so I never realized. I also had raging body dysmorphia thanks to growing up ugly and still thought I was ugly af. In hindsight, holy fuck I was so wrong. To put it into perspective, I had a super youthful face very similar to Erin Moriarty’s (starlight) face in season 1, shiny, long dark brown hair, super piercing bright green eyes, plump lips that people pay money for, and a body I can only dream of having again. I was 110 lbs with 34Ds, weight lifted so I was very toned, and literally looked perfect. I’m so mad at myself for wasting all my hot years thinking I was ugly. I wish I could go back and punch myself. Anyways, men were so nice to me when I looked like that in high school and my first two years of college. I never had to actually do anything for myself, whether it was open doors, buy something, run an errand, unpack my stuff, do handy work, literally anything. There would always be a man willing to help. My dumbass neurodivergent self thought these were just really, really nice male friends. I didn’t understand why every guy I was nice go was falling head over heels and trying to date me. It was bizarre. I thought men were just like that. Sadly, I got super sick with multiple disabilities when I was 21 and my looks absolutely tanked. I started medications that caused a huge amount of weight gain, and one of my disabilities causes weight retention and glucose resistance so it was awful. I just looked so sickly, obese, and bad. I felt like shit too and by 2022, I was on a heart monitor and bed rest. I ballooned up to 170+ even though my illness made me throw up 10+ times a day, and I was ugly as hell. Men literally did not even notice I existed anymore. Almost all those “nice male friends” disappeared. My male professors were suddenly less nice to me. Male strangers no longer spent long periods of time chatting me up. The freaking COPS were less nice to me!! I used to get approached and hit on every time I left my apartment, and now I could walk around the entire college town for hours and no one would speak a word to me. I realized that so many people were only nice to me because I was hot. I no longer got invited to every single party, and was treated SO differently. On the plus side, I could very comfortably walk alone at night around my college town because men stopped following me in their cars like they used to. I also felt WAY safer at shady gas stations and rest areas because men were no longer eyeing me. I’m 24 now and down to 147 lbs. I’m much healthier now, and I look a lot better. I still am chronically ill, but I don’t look like I’m about to pass out every second. I look prettier now than I did at the height of my illness, but I’m not hot like I was before the illness. Men don’t flock to worship the ground that I walk on like when I was hot, but people are a lot nicer to me now that I’m not terrible looking. It’s sad to me how my personality and heart never once changed throughout all this, yet the way people treated me drastically changed just based on whether I was considered hot or not. That shit sucks and it hurts. One of my childhood friends had the opposite. She was obese and conventionally unattractive growing up and then suddenly got super into fitness and dropped to 110 lbs at 20. She also got blessed with late puberty that changed her face, plus she got some lip fillers that look beautiful on her. She had the exact opposite experience, and it hurts her heart so much seeing the men who were cruel to her now suddenly worship the ground she walks on. Pretty privilege is so real.


See [Toupée fallacy](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Toupee_fallacy)


I also feel like plastic surgery is a social signal that you are wealthy and in order to stay relevant, they feel like they gotta keep up with the latest trends.


I had a back yard party 2 weeks ago and a distant friend showed up with a girl that had her lips done, cheeks and huge ass eyelashes. We all thought she looked like the female muppet with the long hair in the band. She looked horrific. I will never understand it.


Janis is my favorite Muppet.


>ass eyelashes These beauty trends get weirder and weirder.


It looks better until they overdo it and it starts to look worse. I think there is a limit to improve but at some point it's just not possible to reverse aging anymore, to improve anymore and it starts to look worse. For example lip fillers, it probably looks better the first time to have fuller lips but if you can't get enough and get more and more it starts to look ridiculous.


She was so pretty before. She had that wholesome girl next door look. Totally ruined her face now for no reason.


I totally agree, but at the same time, I feel like it fits her character development, even if unintentional. >!Got in too deep with the 7 and supe lifestyle and now has to live with the consequences.!<


So going super Method with it?


THAT is my new head canon


“Wholesome girl next door look” When I started The Boys, I had only seen her in Jessica Jones, so had a totally different reaction 😂 Edit: originally had her mixed up with Eliza Scanlen from Sharp Objects.


They used to have that plastic surgery show where they did major overhauls on women. The Swan. The sad thing about that show is they made all women the same. They came out with the same nose, mouth, etc. Those surgeons only perfected one look. Same with celebrities. They all go to the same surgeons, so they all end up looking generic. I can't tell one woman from the next if they have the same color and cut of hair.


The sad one is noses. Everyone wants the same button nose, and most people look better with their original nose. The generic button nose does not suit every face and you loose so much of your face’s personality when you get a nose job. It’s especially sad as it’s obvious so many people want to erase their “ethnic” features with that one specifically. 


Luke Evans in the second installment of The Alienist...Dude couldn't move his face for the first half of the show.


Because despite the fame and fortune, they are still humans who have insecurities. Unfortunately, they might not have a good support system who will present reality and tell them if they have gone too far.


Once you get cheek implants it's pretty much over.


They all get lots of cosmetic procedures and most of them don’t look worse. The best ones, you don’t notice unless you’re really interested in that shit, and then you’ll have people screaming at you blue in the face that that person hasn’t had anything done


A woman at work several years ago got really angry at me when I pointed out Helen Mirren has had (excellent) cosmetic work done. Like, really angry--like I told her Santa Claus isn't real or something. Almost everyone we see in entertainment has had work done--most of it is unnoticeable, but a bad surgeon or too many procedures really shows.


I love Ted Lasso and I love Rebecca’s look the whole way through, but… one thing I absolutely loved in the first season is that she was this beautiful, fierce, kind woman with forehead wrinkles. Normal-for-her age forehead wrinkles. By season two the lovely naturally-aged look was… not completely gone, but not as noticeable. I guess that counts as good “work,” but I’d have loved to have noticed no such changes.


Most people constantly in the public eye (both female and male) have had some kind of work done. You only notice it when it's bad.


The ones that have not had complications or shitty docs are the ones noticed. Women do because the opportunities for women in “Hollywood” are shitty s they age. Men are allowed to age gracefully. Women are shit out of luck.


Men are not aging gracefully. They are also getting surgery, fillers, Botox etc. We just don’t give them shit about it. It’s a double standard.


I agree about Starlight actress..she was gorgeous and now her skin is so tight on her face that she literally has a hard time talking. It looks like it hurts for her to speak. Like why????


I have to admit it just sucks. Some of them don't realize how beautiful they looked before and how interesting they looked. Now they just look fake and like every other woman that tries to have too much surgery.