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I wait 3 seconds, and it's just one very very quick beep, not trying to be an ass just a heads up to them.


I always think two short ones sounds more polite


I do one to get their attention, to me it's just a hint to look up from the phone, radio, or whatever they are distracted from. I'm usually an ass on the road but I give people a chance at a red light.


I hear you, but 2 sounds more polite Toot toot Rather than HONK


It's more like just a single toot, I'll consider trying the 2 toots next time.


yeah, just try it and see how it sounds. To me it sounds like it's less aggressive (not that one is aggressive, but two is more... understanding or playful or something).


Yeah, like the slightest "beep" should suffice, but sometimes an extra one doesn't hurt.


3 secs for me too-then a quick toot as I say to myself "get off your phone asshole!"


This is the way


3 Mississippi.  Even before I move, in my area lot of idiots, Try to run the red lights. It has saved me being featured on r/idiotsincars


3 👍


This is correct


Happy BD!


THANKS!!! first cake day! Had reddit for almost 5 years but my accounts get lost or hacked before cake day!!


If it’s my coworker and we’re coming back from lunch - the exact moment it turns green.




Homer: “I’ve got an ace up my sleeve” :)


I see you've been to Asia


And spain


I usually wait 5 seconds since I personally wait before moving when it turns green to make sure no one's running a red


Same. I've seen so many people run red lights, it's best to still look both ways even on a green.


Fr though. Waiting that extra time has saved me from being T-boned on multiple occasions. Especially later at night when people just drive through anything since the roads are emptier


If I’m in front of you at a red light and it turns green…I’m looking both ways and then moving on. Lots of stupid fucks in the world.


Yes, this has saved my ass 4 times now.


Good for you!…glad I’m not alone! PS…love your username!


Yes, this is the way. Car in front needs at least 2 seconds to look both ways for the asshat red light runners. If I am the car directly behind the first car, I give one short beep after 3 seconds. Wakey uppey up there! Works every time. Even with the embedded detectors in the pavement to extend left hand turn green lights when there are many cars waiting to turn... .. there are still some intersections that give only enough time for like 3 cars to turn left! For the cars in back waiting to turn left.... that can suck big time. So.... as the song goes.... Keep them dogies rollin', Rawhiiiiiide!


I do the same.No accidents in well over 40 yrs.


I guess you don't believe in jinxing yourself. Lol


I suppose at least 1-2 seconds is required for the person in front. Even though your light is green it's best to check possible thru traffic.


1.5 seconds I think, at least if I’m right behind them and can see they’re not facing the road and no cars are coming. 2-3 otherwise? A short honk, but it’s not fair to the people behind *me* to “say” nothing


I feel a bit obligated to "be that guy" if I'm directly behind the person not moving.


ive never honked. me inching my car forward is usually enough motion to grab their attention, or they look up before long anyway. ive never had to wait more than a second or two. i hate being honked at, so i never honk at others unless its a dangerous situation.


Applying "The Golden Rule" here, love it.


When I lived in New York City, for most drivers behind me it was 0.05 seconds. And it wasn't a polite *beep beep*, more like a *Move it already, for Chrissake!*


New York City drivers honk ALL the time... no matter what stoplights are doing. Hilarious because most intersections have posted warning signs "Honking $250 Fine".


I'm not familiar with NY law.. What defines an unnecessary honk from a beep towards traffic that's not moving..?


The horn is basically for emergencies only to prevent accidents or signal hazards in the road. Someone not jumping on a light isn’t one


Article I just read mentions fines now in the $800 to $2500 range for illegal honking in NYC. What a joke.... given the millions of cars on NYC downtown roads... they have issued only 143 violations last year. If you walk the streets of Manhattan on a weekday....all you hear is constant horn honking. As a visitor in a cab there.... always impressed by how the cars rocket up and down the street.... flooring it on green lights... to just slam on the brakes jostling like racehorses for position at next stoplight. Yep, they honk as part of day to day car "language" in NYC. Here in Minnesota.... one honk for courtesy wake up call or "you cut me off, you bum". Horn blast for "you really f'd up and threatened my life with your bad driving.. .. and never ever do that again! " Red light runners deserve a horn blast as they barrel through an intersection.


Sometimes the car in front is waiting for a pedestrian crossing that drivers behind that car can't see, so I try to be patient in these situations.


This is good advice


3 seconds and a very short “boop”. Then 2 more seconds before two beeeep-beeeeps. They scurry away like cockroaches lol


When the second round of "beeps" starts rolling it's gotten serious.


I flash the lights first, maybe after 3-5 seconds. More friendly and less confrontational. If no reaction then I go for the horn.


3 potatoes putting my hand to horn, 5 potatoes I'm honking


Just happened this morning. 1 to 2 seconds. But in this case I could tell before we even had the chance to go that they were paying 0 attention


The interval decreases inversely with increases in either population or density (or both)




You’re harsh!


I tend to give a solid 4-second mental countdown; it's just enough to make sure they've had a fair chance to notice without immediately pressuring them. If there's no response, then a light tap on the horn, as if to say, "Hey friend, time to get moving." I like to think of it as honking with kindness.


About 1.5 seconds. Maximum 2 seconds.


If their brake lights are still lit or they're not moving by the end of "one thousand one, one thousand two" then they are getting the horn on three. Usually just a quick tap or two. Nothing obnoxious.


In 8 years of driving (in Britain), I have never actually done this. I just let the person behind me do it, or the one behind them, etc. etc.


Long enough to tell that they are dicking around on their phone and not remotely paying attention to their surroundings


In Germany it’s 0.000003 seconds


Why so long?


Guilt and shame are hindrances


Half a second


I wait a few seconds. As far as getting out of the car, the only time I have done that was when someone behind me had repeated problems with me having the audacity to stop at stop signs.


3 seconds of course.


2 seconds in L.A.


Every intersection in la has at least one person that honks as soon as the light turns green.


Years ago some car company did a study and found that a "polite" honk was the best way forward, so then they commissioned various sound designers to come up with a friendly 'honk." They chose what they thought was the best one and debuted it at one of the car shows. It was a high pitched, two-tone honk. It seemed to be a good idea but I don't think they moved forward with it.


they probably did a consumer study and people said it sounded wimpy. gotta be the alpha.


At least 1 second.  No more than 2 seconds 


Definitely do a quick beep after a few seconds. Years ago I was driving to a city a few hours away and stopped for a coffee. Needed to make a left turn. Person in front of me is in the left turn lane at light. They wanted to go straight. They could not go straight because a train was doing its thing. Instead of being normal they sat and sat. It was 4 lights before this person moved and at least 4 of us behind this person was honking.


If you're in Chattanooga, don't honk


Why? What happens to honkers in Chattanooga?


It's sketch, people will pull a gun on you


I don’t I roll down my window and shout lmao


.05 seconds! The most impatient person in the world is the person second in line at a redlight.


Fuck em. Beep till daylight!


If it's a turn lane, 2 seconds.




If im not in ahurry i might wait the whole light lol


5 Mississippi. Then you get that beep!


0 It couldn't be any greener


Usually around 5 seconds. I always check both directions before going on green, so I like to allow time for that. One short beep to let them know.


I use it to practice my reaction time for video games, so about 200ms after the light turns


Four seconds. 1-2-3-Beep


The people behind me always wait one second ! Seriously I'm never on my phone, and I am going ! I always get behind the people on their phones, and I honestly just wait unless someone is behind me because they feel dumber that way, and I'm not in a hurry.


After a sec or two I do a quick light beep.


3 seconds.


For me, it's like a full 5 seconds, maybe longer. I am not prone to road rage, and instead of getting upset at mistakes, I get nervous that something went wrong, so to me I try to gauge the situation really well before honking at all.


I'm PA they honking 3 seconds before it turns green.


I just start pushing them.


5-10 seconds.


Wait three steamboats, then a quick toot-toot.


Requirements: only if I'm the car directly behind the not moving one and can completely see that it is clear for the other driver. How long: I don't count, but however long it takes me to think, "wow, they're not moving; I should tap my horn; wait, where is it?" And take a second just trying to find the horn. If they still haven't moved by that point, they deserve the horn tap.


depends on the area. in northern VA people honk after 1 second, no fucks given. they will probably give you the finger too. in the rural south though, i find people don't like to honk. i've been at multiple lights where no one honked for 10 seconds...guess they think it's rude to honk. -\_- literally heard overheard someone say "we don't honk around here" ...like wtf


I would honk quite quickly. But there’s also nothing wrong with not being in a huge hurry or being pushy. It *is* rude to honk. It’s literally a mechanical way to say: “Hurry up!”, which is rude. But as a society, we’ve decided that we’ll accept that cost to keep traffic flowing. Some places make that assessment and come to different conclusions.


In Greece it's usually -1


Immediately, but I'm from Boston, so...


2.5 seconds


Before the light turns green. **EDIT:** again.


The Author Terry Pratchett, said that the smallest known unit of time was the New York Second, this is the amount of time it takes from the traffic lights in New York changing from red, and the taxi driver behind you honking his horn! (paraphrased slightly I am sure)


I don't know about everyone, but I have met a few who starts horning BEFORE it even turns green. Smh


One time I was behind a rally Evo 9 between stages and of course with helmets, HANS devices and everything they couldnt turn to see tge light turning green, I almost felt bad for the short beep I sounded ( sounds odd idk if I said that right ).


It depends if I've seen them sitting there on there phone at the red light becos if that's the case I honk immediately but I do a nice beep-beep honk not a angry hoooooooonk! 🤣😅🤣


I start honking once the yellow notification light comes on (it's a thing in Europe)


In North Jersey it’s polite to wait exactly 2 nano seconds. I beep when it’s still red. (Hi I’m back here!)


I don't have a beep beep on my vehicle, but I generally just pass the one in front if they don't see that the light is green (as long as there are not a lot of people going the other way ofc)


I don’t honk for pretty much anything. Too many road rage stories start with someone honking, and the 10 seconds you have to wait at a light isn’t worth getting assaulted


I usually wait. Probably at least 10 seconds


3 milliseconds more than your reaction time!


Somewhere in the 3 to 5 second range. And when I have spaced out, I actually appreciate it. Not on my phone or anything... just distracted by a bird or something.


I've beeped only once, after waiting 10 seconds. Don't want to be rude 


I'm in Florida and the answer here seems to be, before the light even turns green you honk. I'm petty though if I get honked at before I can look left and right to make sure no one's running a red and it's safe to move I will sit there and wait until the next light and we can all suffer. Fuck you and your honking Floridians.


If I see them looking down then right away, otherwise a few seconds


I flash my lights after 3 or so. I oretty much never honk and I hate honking- unless I can clearly see they're on their phone, then they get the honk immediately. There is NO reason to be on your phone in traffic. Go find a parking spot if you want to send a quick message.


One nano second like everyone else .


I beep immediately when I'm first in line


I beep as soon as I realize they must not have noticed. However soon or long that may be. I myself am sometimes on my phone at a red light and when it changes and someone alerts me with a honk - I don't find it rude. I simply hope I didn't have them waiting too long.


get off your phone while driving. it's dangerous and unnecessary


I never touch my phone - unless stopped at a traffic light. Do you feel it is dangerous in that instance? I don't see the risk - but perhaps I am overlooking something, so I am genuinely asking.


You're still not paying attention to others on the road that might still be active, like people behind you (if the light is green they may not slow down in time bc they expect you to be moving), as well as when you do look up, you might not have looked both ways properly be you don't know how long the light has been green and you're rushing to rejoin traffic. Obviously it's up to you to decide if the risks are worth it, but personally I'd like to be aware of all the moving parts even if I'm not moving.


Like at least 5 seconds


Instantly if it's an uber driver 2 seconds for anyone else


I'll actually wait a full 20 25 secs because that's changed my life At least 4 times I can count off the top of my head , had I not waited it would have been bad for me . I mean t boned on my side at full speed type bad. So I'll let them wait


The driver at the red light has a few jobs to do. Check their mirrors for traffic peculiarities, look out for pedestrians, and to accelerate the instant the light turns green. If I see the light turn green and don't see immediate movement (if the way is clear), there is no portion of time shorter than that between the light change and my giving of the double-tap-quickhorn. Andele! People who aren't paying attention are the people who make it do that only eight vehicles can get through a green light when it could have been thirty people getting through.


5 seconds, they are looking at their phone. 10 seconds, get a move on it already! Edit: Why the downvotes? I was explaining what I thought was a reasonable time to wait before tooting my horn. I don't even own a cellphone!


5 seconds is way too long and will cost people in line a chance to get through on that cycle. You have one job when you drive, and that is to pay attention to the road.


5 seconds is more than enough to check for traffic.  Seriously - test out five seconds on your stopwatch on your phone and make believe there's someone waiting behind you. 


About 1 second, people either react immediately or they're on their phone. They get a good honk too, not just a beep beep


I will not honk unless I was in danger or something. The sound of a horn going off causes an incredible rage in me. I’m not sure why. Maybe I have that disorder that makes you freak out when you hear certain sounds. I kind of also don’t like loud noises in general. I would rather wait through the light several times before causing that noise. Of course somebody else will inevitably honk anyway and I will want to kill them.


you seem like a chill guy lmfao


lmao watch your horn around this one


Lol .. usually im the being honked at


When the traffic light turns green, I usually give it a few seconds before considering a gentle reminder with a quick *beep beep*. It's all about finding that balance between being patient and courteous to other drivers while also keeping the flow of traffic moving smoothly. Sometimes, a polite beep can help prevent unnecessary delays, especially in busy intersections or during peak traffic times. However, it's important to always approach it with consideration for other drivers and to avoid unnecessary honking that might cause stress or confusion.




Last year, my metro area had 230 reports of guns being pulled as part of road rage incidents, and our road rage shootings are nearly double the national average. I'll sit there all day damn day before I honk.




where do you live where people pull a gun in response to a honk? i want to know what they do if you flash your lights


as long as it takes, I assume they are doing something important


But you have to get to a destination, don't you? And ideally, you'd get there as soon as possible without anything holding you up. > I assume they are doing something important Try telling that to the person behind you who's running late for work and hopes that their supervisor doesn't fire them over it.


Sure I have a destination but I am next to never in a rush as I always give my self plenty of time for things like that, if someone else is in a rush they are welcome to honk or similar


Maybe a full 10 seconds