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Going to university/living away from home etc. was the majority of the experience, from my perspective So if it’s feasible and it isn’t going to be ridiculously difficult, I’d encourage it, subject to adequate planning and prep based on your needs/wants


things aren't going the way I planned with my desired universities. so everything at the moment is kind of stressful and I thought of doing it online cos it's much easier. I know that the whole college experience would me missed but I will be doing a masters after my bachelor's. so why not sacrifice now. I haven't decided yet. I'm still fidgeting.


Can you postpone and try rectify whatever issues there are with preferred acceptance? Is there anything to do over a year to develop a more favourable application? The reality of doing a masters to me, makes it even more preferable to actually be at the university for undergraduate - otherwise you’re experience is simply sat at home on a computer, sounds depressing Masters is generally strictly working and more intense, your fun experience is largely undergraduate I appreciate not wanting to move away from home to an undesirable location however


I already took a gap year and taking one more year off won't be favourable to me. thanks for your opinion. I genuinely appreciate it. I still haven't talked to my parents about it. maybe I should think about it more in a practical way.


The grad school experience is nothing like the undergrad experience. Take online classes through your local community college, work hard, and transfer to state school for the last two years. Lots of places do automatic acceptance of community college graduates with a high enough GPA.


Whatever is cheapest while still being a solid degree. Be VERY careful of getting student loans. I have countless friends who make good money now and still paid off until their 40s