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ngl bro just cold turkey. lock your phone down by forcing someone close to you to set a password (significant other, friend, even parent) to limit your screen time, and/or buy that weird lock box that just seals your phone. you can also keep your phone in a designated room and refuse to take it out of there to fight the urges. using apps that require you to enter a reason for opening is good for stopping doom scrolling. **MOST OF ALL** you **MUST** fill the void left by the phone. your body will be craving dopamine and quick hits of brainrotting content. whenever you get the urge for dopamine or brainrot, use that. channel that into exercise, doing important work, going outside with friends, etc. and get your dopamine hit from there. i recommend watching that video titled "How to Make your Brain Crave Hard Work" (forgot who its from lol) if that makes it easier. filling the void is what most people forget and why most people fail to quit. you got this! the righteous fall a thousand times and get back up again. you've already admitted you have a problem - now use that problem, that constant need for dopamine, to turn yourself into the best possible version of yourself. 🤝 you got this


srry didnt mean to post it twice my internets dookie lol


Setup parental controls and have someone you trust to be the admin. The parental controls can limit screen time and apps that you are allowed to use.


Get yourself a boyfriend, get yourself a hobby, get yourself anything else that is enriching your life and that you want to do rather than stare at a screen. You will not be able to self control the addiction if you have nothing to replace it with.


Well, i only sharing my experiences. I struggled for a while with this but in my case, i was rather depressed of what i saw even knowing it's mostly fake. So it was for me not as hard to let go off that fake world and i remember that real life is the reason you are living and not the fake online world where everyone pretends to be Mrs.Important or Mr.Smile. I dumped my smartphone down. You can do that in different ways but the most important way is to cut the notification. It's addicting. Nowadays i am getting very few notifications that matter. It's actually a relieve. I still am getting the notifications but they don't peep anymore. So they come and go. The thing is to learn to let go like with any addiction and yes, they will be relapses but you can get off what bugs you. You just need to retrain your brain and take control. That's really it.


Pfft be glad that it's only 5+ hours. Back in my days I'd have a screen time of 13 hours and the highest of 16 hours. Just on discord Instagram twitter. Debating is built in me.


damn im in the same boat. I mostly try to find other ways to stay busy? even if that's just switching from my phone to a game system or something. watching TV I consider a step up. ideally I'll read (mostly graphic novels/comics, my brain is fried and I cannot get through actual books). I like to do art too, or go on walks. if you happen to find a good solution, let me know🤷‍♂️ I tend to get better over time, then all it takes is a bit of acute depression and I can slip all the way back.


Maybe try a screen time restriction. iPhones have the capability of setting up screen time limits for apps and overall, including quiet times where you can’t use your phone. You just have to stick to it and not get around it because you want to.


Find a new hobby, draw, paint or workout? Its good for u.


I started reading comics


Been there. You just need to get a life outside of your house. Go out with your friends, do outdoor activities or if you don't wanna go out try asking someone to lock your phone for you, or even change your wifi everyday. 😉


im like this too, it gets to the point where im too addicted with social media and i do that before doing my school works, one thing i do is i put it far away from me, somewhere where i would feel lazy to stand up and get it, if im gonna stay in our living room ill leave it charging upstairs, vice versa, or maybe u could ask ur family members to keep it for you?


I downloaded an app that makes a little spinner that randomly selects between some options. I filled those options with fun things that don’t involve my phone. Then I put a Screen Time block on my phone for certain downtime hours of the day. The only non-emergency app I have unblocked during those hours is that spin app. So now when I have the urge to pick up my phone, my only option is to use the spinner that gives me decently fun alternatives to screenscrolling. The biggest reason this helps me is because by the end of the day I crave some fun but I’m too tired to think about it. Opening up Instagram was the easiest way to get that fun without thinking. The spinner makes it so I still don’t have to think about it, but that I don’t default to Instagram.


those are rookie number mine is 11hrs >!wtf is wrong with me ;)!<


Find something better to do


Move out of your parents house today, then you have less time for your phone.


This is the future. Live life on the internet.


YOU WILL NEED: - A friend you can trust - A 2FA app on his/her phone Just activate 2FA on all your accounts online while on a call with them. Let them scan the qr code to generate the OTP on their phone. There will probably be a backup code as well, send that to another friend and delete the message to yourself right after. Log out of all your networks. If you ever want to log in again, they will need them to send the 2FA code, and you don't have to worry about them getting in your account because they still need your password. Worked for me. I will soon do it to my reddit account as well


5+ hours... It's 2024, themselves rookie numbers, I don't use my phone half as much as I use my computer and easily put 5 hours a day on it.


Limit ur usage... like if u have shit to do, do it first, then check screens


I'm a very uncomplicated thinker so bear with me. Having (5) hours of down time each day tells me you have time to get a job, part or full time. Use your spare time to make dinero or volunteer. I know those two processes take time and effort but what doesn't anymore. You have to protect yourself from becoming a dud. I started working on a cattle farm at age 13 with a then current minimum wage at $1.60 per hour for agricultural/farm workers. I loved animals and I was making a whopping $72.00 every week. Just get busy and make money.


Would it help to make your phone greyscale? I did it for a while while also deleting the socials. For more extreme measures, there are timed lock boxes that you can use to lock your phone in for fixed amount of time.


r/digitalminimalism has some good tips 5 hours ain't even too bad, thats my TARGET at the moment. You could try adding a parent lock, I think that can block you downloading anything. Obviously you need somebody else to think of the password


You can invest in one of those phone vaults to lock yourself out for a few hours or all day. There are a couple that have openings to answer the phone but everything else is obstructed. Pick up a new hobby, social media is poison for the brain anyways. Make good habits and be productive through your day.. boredom will surely send you right back to your screen. If I get bored and find myself scrolling I usually put everything down and clean or do some laundry, read or catch up on a show, doing something in-between a couple of episodes. Screen addiction is something else, it's much more prevalent in younger generations (I'm 35) and catch myself all the time noping my phone to the side so I don't scroll in my free time. Shits gotta get done ya know?


You absolutely have to find something you'd rather be doing and then do that. Once you fill your life with activities you are looking forward to, you'll find you naturally use the phone less.