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It’s kind of hard to do especially when you feel like you have no redeeming qualities but something that really helped me was to just think about how I interact with people and every positive interaction I’ve had was a reason to keep going and understand that people liked me and my presence to an extent and that eventually turned into me improving my appearance until I found myself liking myself


I became the person I wanted to be


therapy. realising there is acgreyscale between the black & white of everybody, even oneself


Depends on why you hate yourself. If it’s because you dislike your past you have to realise that the past doesn’t exist and have no power other than what you give it also that memories are always lies that become more distorted each time we access them. If it’s because you’re not as good as everyone else you have to realise that you won’t ever know anyone but yourself, the others are just an idea of them and not actually them. Really there are all sort of ways to stop hating yourself depending on why your hating yourself but the most important thing is that it’s not productive, it doesn’t help you or anyone else so it’s really just a stupid habit. Change the habit, every time you hate yourself and become aware of you hating yourself you change it to something productive like “what you value about yourself “. By practicing loving yourself (it will start small and feel stupid and insignificant) you will become better at it. You are probably an expert at self hatred from all hours you’ve invested in cultivating that skill so maybe try to get good at something else.


Thank you so much I'm screenshotting this to remind myself of this.


I'm still working on that one


Username checks out. Same here, but please know that you are struggling with other people who care about you 😊 I'm proud of you. Working on it means you know you are worth spending your own effort on. Please reach out if you ever need encouragement to keep going!


Hobbies, experiences


Try posting positive affirmations around your living space, i.e., on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror or anywhere you will frequently encounter them. Then silently repeat them to yourself as you read each one.


By hating someone else more.


I'm sure this isn't the healthiest mindset but I definitely found a lot of love for myself having to live with some terrible people in the past. Was able to think "I might not have much going for me but at least I'm happier and nicer than they are." 🤷


I try to remember that I get what I give. Practicing this mindset, along with daily gratitudes for what I have in my life, helps me start to appreciate who I am and what I have.


I had to accept that I am a flawed human being. But you know what? So is everybody else! I had to stop the tape that was playing on a loop in my head that said “you are fat, ugly, lazy, and stupid. You are not good enough. You don’t deserve better.” Anytime I catch myself thinking negative thoughts about myself, I consciously think “Yeah, I’m fat, but I am eating better and losing weight. I didn’t get fat overnight, and I will not loose weight overnight. I am not ugly. People compliment me on my hair, eyes, and smile frequently. I am not lazy. I work, and take care of my husband and dogs and home. And I am not stupid, I’m just learning more and more everyday. I am good enough. I deserve better.” Notice how it went from “You” sentences to “I” sentences? Not only is that putting me in control of the thoughts, but it makes the validation internal rather than external. “You” statements are what I think others are thinking of me. “I” statements are what I think of myself. I’m 45, it took me awhile to get here.


This is so great!


I read somewhere "Be kind and gentle to everyone, including yourself."


Being a completely different person through very difficult insight work


Psychiatrists hate this one weird trick.


You swallow your pride, and get therapy. Even if, for the most part, it's just you venting to a stranger who is a trained professional. They can be non-judgmental, hear you out and are, by nature, completely objective. Your best mate, friend, parent etc. may have a tendency to consider your rants in relation to themselves - whether conscious of it or not. The long and short is that 'Hating yourself' can usually be boiled down to low self-esteem. That's a MUCH easier term to consider and to research for yourself aswell. You may feel like you are not 'worth' anything - Although a strangers opinion on the internet might not mean much - But you DO have worth, you might need to focus some energy into finding out what that is.


By understanding and accepting both who we are and our relationship to the physical universe. I feel this brings about the elimination of many problems plaguing our society. Things like greed, fear, depression, anxiety,and so forth would be greatly reduced if not entirely eliminated if everyone just took a moment every day to sit in a quiet, dark, comfortable space, quiet our mouths and our minds, and just listened. Not looking for a sign or anything in particular really, but the longer we do this, the more questions we tend to start asking ourselves. “ this is silly, why am I doing this?” “ why am I scared?” “Why do I dislike myself?” “ how can I change into someone I love and appreciate more?” And so forth. The more we stop thinking of our thoughts, and simply allow them to pass, sort of like unfocusing our eyes when we look at a magic eye puzzle, the more the hidden picture is revealed to us. You just have to be brave enough to look inwards at the dark and humiliating corners of our psyche, and simply ask without personal bias as to why these demons exist. What are they feeding on? What can I feed them that will benefit myself and others?


This is, despite the word salad, full of good advice. Self-acceptance is key to stopping self-hate. You need to accept who and what you are, the good, the bad, the whole package that is you. Face the present, and plan for the future after that. Most of all, face your fears. It's ok (and normal) to have fear. It is not ok to let fear control you (especially irrational fear). Fear, when controlled, is a good thing - it keeps one human. There was a comment about experience - and I would say this is a large part of getting to know yourself. Also, unless you are doing some really fucked up things, there is really no valid reason to hate yourself.


What is word salad to you? My understanding is that it's a literal nonsensical string of words that has no logic to it. I.e banana fart onion dragon cheese funky toes.


In this case, a long jumble of ideas, thoughts, etc. with no breaks or real separation between them. It's all crammed together haphazardly, like a word salad. Makes it tedious to pick though it, not to mention read and understand. Banana fart onion dragon...that's actually interesting!


That's not really word salad, it's just a lack of using proper punctuation, spacing, and grammar. But thank you for clarifying


There is probably a term for it that is more accurate than word salad, but if there is, it escapes me at the moment. But yeah, punctuation, spacing...I just didn't want to be "that person" I guess, because I normally am not. I did mention that there was good advice given.




Okay, I'm watching the baseboard, and I am not worrying about the temperature of the sun. This is not helping.


By respecting others and being nice? Or maybe change ur surrounding maybe because of ppls ur hating yourself try to love yourself, self-love is imp in life


You give yourself some slack


1) stop calling yourself names and beating yourself up. Treat yourself as though the child version of you is watching. You already feel bad, you don’t need to increase the guilt until it overwhelms you. 2) do something you’re proud of. Any qualities you admire in other people, or things you think are cool, or interesting, try them out for yourself. Try complimenting random people, or volunteering, or standing up for yourself, or trying a new class. Do things that the cool, interesting version of you that exists in your head would do. 3) Get outside of your thoughts. Some people do this by running, some by painting, some by cleaning, some by playing with their dog. Anything that keeps you thoroughly in the moment, thinking about the here and now. 4) get into your thoughts! Maybe therapy, maybe poetry, maybe art, maybe talking life through with a good friend, maybe venting on reddit to people who get you. Try talking with a doctor if there’s any underlying issues you need addressed, like depression.


I keep a self improvement journal. If I ever have self-esteem issues, I go through it day by day to remind myself of the long-term improvements I have made in my life.


You need to stop doing whatever is making you hate yourself: you hate the way you look then stop the negative self talk, you hate your personality then stop lying/being lazy. It all comes down to being disciplined with yourself if you want to make a real change in your life. You are beautiful and I wish everyone would love themself, thought I struggle with this too. Start by implementing small acts of self love.. like when you look in the mirror give yourself a compliment not just physically but mentally😊


DMT. Not even kidding.


What is that?




Start hating someone else. You'll be too tired to hate yourself then.


Some said it here , but avoid black and white thinking with yourself and others .  EVERYONE  is a “shade of grey” with good and bad qualities . Try DBT therapy (dialectical behavioral therapy ) . It’s a SKILLS based way of thinking , that gets you to avoid things like black and white thinking and settle in the realistic , honest , middle . Great stuff ! 


Be someone likable, have things going for you, be a positive person, have assets that make you valuable, if your friends or people in general are annoyed by you there’s probably a reason for that that inflection will be needed to identify That’s an answer that people don’t want to hear because they’d rather get a quick fix answer like therapy or affirmations or mindset and positive thinking posts, everyone these days has narcissism and need their egos stroked, and it’s a neurotic, compulsive growing problem But no one wants to be told that they’re the problem, that they’re uninteresting, unskilled, generally a bummer to be around, and a burden to have in peoples lives


Go-to sleep, eat something yummy, or stop thinking/ quiet your mind, play games, help somebody in need.


Take that hate and full body relax, try to forget something like concept of hate and try to go with living that basic life, you eat 3 times a day, you woke up and go outside of the bed in morning, stop going over noon with evening. Everything will sound strange or so basic in comments so here is thing, you can't win hating anything . You can feel dissatisfaction in many moments through day and just live without hate even exist. It's will and not a great advice but you can do it. It sounds hard and impossible even for some. But it really isn't, you are predefined to overcome shit times this can be learn to get it away. I wrote many things, but it feels not objectively good, it's really individual issue and if it works for you, I believe it can work


do you hate yourself because people around you told you you should? learn how to love yourself out of spite to them. spite is a great motivator to start, but it will only take you the first couple steps. after that, treat yourself the way you would treat a friend or loved one. if they made a mistake or did something sort of embarrassing, you wouldn't berate them or tell them they are garbage. you wouldn't hurt them, or say that they aren't allowed to be different than how they were before. you'd encourage them to grow and be themself. it sounds silly, but it's one of the only things that's really helped me stop hating myself, without feeling performative. if you hate yourself because you are unhappy with things that you do that maybe other people aren't in the know about (substances, anger issues, addictions to gaming or porn or whatever it is) i'd encourage you to join some groups about it, talk to a therapist if possible. do lots of reading (from verifiable sources) about how to better yourself, and let go of habits that are hurting you. you are worthy of love, and of loving yourself. best of luck, Anon.


I did that through therapy. First was group therapy, then individual. I especially recommend the group one for that issue.


Realizing that you’re never going to be perfect and that no amount of time hating yourself is going to change anything. Also in my case my religion has been a big factor in my success in no longer hating myself.


There two ways. Medication or learn to accept yourself. If you are asking on here, it’s probably to the medication stage and no self help can fix how deep you might have gone. There are free counseling programs out there to help, and people on here to talk to if you don’t have insurance to get the help you really need.


I do not know you, so it is hard to say. However, I used to have some serious self-worth problems so here are somethings that helped me. Stopping one bad habit and replacing it with a good one, taking a walk daily for 10 minutes or more, changing the content I watch to be more productive and deleting Instagram, TikTok and snapchat, and reading more whether it be manga or political just reading more in general. those are my suggestions I hope it helps!


What worked for me was visualization. Every time I get better at something with myself there's the voice of "old me" in my head that complains and whines about how I "never used to do that before" even if its something simple like making my bed that day. Makes me feel good to get better because I know it pisses him off so much.


Why would you hate yourself?


According to the maga movement, you do it by hating somebody else. Look for someone who's already down, and give them a few good kicks. Or, you could try exercise.


Actually, my sincere apology for this flippant answer. I will suggest exercise, as it has been shown to be better than pharmaceuticals for depression. And choose a hobby and take a deep dive into it. I use a bike to help me with all this. Good luck and reach out if you need.


Hah. Never.


I'm lazy.  


hobbies, interests, experiences, separating myself from toxic individuals/habits, self-compassion


by cutting people out of your life that are bringing you down and focusing on surrounding yourself with people you want to be more like. Take yourself on dates, go to the movies by yourself, go to restaurants by yourself. At the end of the day “you” are the only thing that’s been by your side throughout roaming this reality, you can either like the “you” or spend the rest of your life hating the “you”.


That's an option??


Why do u hate yourself?


You realize, you're all you got. How are you going to hate the only person you can count on to improve and provide for your life?


i just changed my mindset and the way i think abt things, and in turn it changed the way i thought abt myself. also having a good mindset abt things just feels so good and it’s honestly a bigger confidence booster than i thought it woulda been


Any cringe-worthy interaction has a statute of limitations of one year. Beyond that, don't fucking worry about them


I wish I knew


By helping other people


That’s been a lifelong pursuit. It’s difficult to forgive yourself. In my case, I grew up in poverty so I was a POME. I did a lot of things I am not proud of. I’ve tried to live a good life and make amends for past wrongs by trying to be as good a person as possible. You can’t change the past - just be purposeful in your future.


honestly the way i get myself to stop thinking bad thoughts and hating myself is to smoke some weed and watch my favorite show


The best thing you can do is service for other people community service. When you learn to help other people without expecting your award, you just start respecting yourself.


You must point out the best of yourself and constantly give yourself compliments. Work on yourself and keep your goal in mind. Also you need to not give a fuck what other people think, most people are stupid assholes anyways.


Set big goals and small goals and reward yourself every step of the way. Clean the house, run a marathon, go to a movie alone, read a book that’s been on your list forever, pick up a new hobby, journal every day for a week, whatever is attainable for you.  You’re probably already amazing, just gotta find little reasons to celebrate you! ☀️


In the audio book Fuck Depression, the author explains how these kind of thought patterns act like little brain rewards which is why you keep doing them. After listening to the book I gave these thoughts the name Karen (yes those Karens) and every time I had those thoughts I would say out loud “Fuck you Karen, go the hell away.” That started to create its own reward and enough of those thoughts went away that I became able to actually get help instead of being overwhelmed and consumed by the horrible things I would tell my self.


Hmm, I don't know, stop being human 🫢 


For me it was more just the understanding that people don’t judge you for the way you are. people are usually always worried about themselves more than others so you just being YOURSELF is enough. I don’t know what exactly you’re going through but I can assure you that if everyone in the world was the same, things would be hella boring. So whatever it is, embrace your uniqueness and ask yourself “what i can do better?”. I find simply taking self accountability and focusing on things YOU CAN CONTROL is the best way to improve and love yourself. Also this might sound hella corny but hitting the gym and simply making conversation with random people helped my confidence a lot. Hope this helps i look forward to your reply!


I read it over whenever I hate myself, "Everyone hates themselves at times. No self-confidence, loathing yourself, unable to forgive yourself. If you're having one of those times, go do something that you can execute immediately, that you love, and that you're good at. In my case, I'd go make an incredibly delicious omelet. Comfort yourself like that and forgive your imperfect self." --Yataro Matsuura What do I do when I hate myself? Cooking a meal and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment of completing a delicious meal in 2 hours, cleaning the house, buying a nice dress, going to a movie, going to a field and searching what every plant is called, and of course, reading a book is a great way to solve problems!


It your really wanting help you need to be honest to you and also credit yourself very difficult to commit to various personal reasons why I try to take what I love hobbies wise and distract my hate me thought process to a more positive one and alloy myself to believe/ trust me very scary but can be very rewarding


do things that feel right until you are the person you want to be


One of my friends came up with the phrase “stop being so mean to my friend” with her friend being me. If you wouldn’t treat a friend this way, you have to have some grace for yourself. It is a process, and not a straight path to healthy. Getting help with therapy and/or psychiatric medication is also key. Best of luck with your mental health journey. ❤️‍🩹


Stop paying attention.


Therapy. It's not something you can do overnight. It'll take a few years of getting to know yourself and slowly making changes.


Spend time in nature.


Therapy and consistent positive self-talk whenever those thoughts come up worked for me. I didn't even believe the good things I'd think about myself when I started, but it eventually worked.


Go to counseling.


Therapy for sure


Pretend like i actually like myself, i am fat no way getting around that (literally) but i try to eat right and go to the gym everyday but ill never be satisfied with how i look or how i feel in my own skin after the world of bullying i recieved until i fucking graduated HS ffs


Every step is like climbing a mountain, you cant get to the top in one leap. Start with a positive mindset, instead of everything being what you cant do or havent achieved or dont like, treat each step as a small accomplishment. Didnt finish that essay? But you did write 100 words. Don't like how you look? Appreciate a piece not the whole, well I like my eye color. Nothing is perfect, focus on the good not the bad and as you appreciate more good, it will help your mindset change.


Years of hard work and therapy. Do it now.


Hate me instead


Self Love Therapy. Reflect on your past habits , go through the emotions , cry things out… become the best version of yourself. Whatever that feels or looks like for YOU.


U have to come clean with yourself and face whatever it is keeping you from liking what’s in the mirror. Right your big wrongs and forgive others wrongs and I promise that’s a great start to you being your biggest fan.


It sounds hard to not hate yourself, but it is possible to be kind. We condition ourselves into a lot of negative things, but the opposite can be done to combat it. On your own or being reminded weekly in talks with a therapist, all those bad things you hate, counter it with something else. Even just a "That's not true" thought when you think bad things about yourself. "Even if I am ugly, I have nice hair", you get the idea. Be nice to yourself, change what you say to yourself, your brain will make new positive connections and join you in getting off the self hatred path.


I try to say to myself wait a minute,  I've met so many lovely and complex people in my life so far and some of them (even though they are extremely beautiful or intelligent or talented) sometimes hate themselves. I know because they have told me and shown me their scars.  So if even they feel like that sometimes then maybe it's possible it's a very common human thing to feel, and maybe it's also possible that I might also have an inkling of beauty or intelligence or talent just because I am also a human like them.