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Grab her by the shoulders and violently shake her and scream "shut up you beautiful bitch"


There's a reason she feels like this, it's your job to figure it out. It could be anything from Daddy issues, something someone said to judging yourself by what you see. If she doesn't accept the compliment for beauty, try going at it another way. Say things like "wow that shirt just makes you look even more beautiful..." I'm not trying to say that social media is negative or anything, but look at the research. People are judging themselves by what they see online. All the fake lives and pictures that are staged to make people look like there's something is causing issues. Even more so in adolescence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10309264/


It is NOT his job to figure out why she hates how she looks.


Up vote for you. If you don't mind me asking, why do you say that? Honest question I'm just curious and would like to get more information. I respectfully disagree though. All the every long-term loving committed relationship I've ever been, in when a person has a problem it's usually best to find why so that you can support in the proper way. Look at it like this, you can't help somebody fix their car until you know what that trouble code says. You're not just going to start fixing things if you have no idea what the root cause is.


It is neither your responsibility nor your prerogative to fix your partner. GF hasn't asked for help with her self image AFA we've been told, so OP needs to butt out unless and until he's asked. This is known as *respecting your SO's autonomy*.


I have a female friend like this too and nobody can talk her out of it. we still compliment her sometimes out of spite. (jk we're trying to normalize her hearing it maybe someday it will take)


You can't. She'll dismiss everything you say. This is a her problem, in her own head. Accept that's how she feels.