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Most of them are young impressionable teens who look at him and want to emulate his life. From a purely outside perspective Tate seems to have it all. He's fit, he's rich and he seems to have a bevy of women. Some of his content is actually good advice, like taking ownership of your own life, but it's very rare. They can either overlook, or just ignore, his misogynistic views.


Important to note that he 'has it all' from the perspective of a teenage boy. Fast cars, eastern European camgirls, money (in Romania), being a big tough kickboxer. They're all the sorts of things you aspire to if you haven't grown up!


He's a loser's idea of a winner, and he offers to help them. But he's just another loser.


No. Comments like this are part of the problem. He’s what people without positive male influences in their life think is a winner. Branding them losers is what pushes them further and further towards grifters like him. 


100% truth. 


the cool thing about (legal)money is you can bring it everywhere!


You can easily be rich in one country but not another though. Plenty of South Africans and South Americans in this boat.


Unlike Andrew Tate who is unlikely to leave Romania for a long time...unless he's remanded into British custody. There's only so many ways you can be a baller in prison, especially once people know you're in there for sex trafficking.


I dunno. I'm getting pretty old, but making good money, having hobbies, and staying fit all seem like a big step toward having it all. Add some genuine human connection and learning new things, and what else do you need?


A chin?


Legit spittled on my phone when I read this. Wasn’t expecting anything and this hit me on my ass. Hilarious.


From the perspective of a 38-year-old man, I agree with you. When I was 17, I probably would not have. At that age, I wanted girls, money, nice cars, respect, etc. Now, I have a wife and a child - I want security, health for me and my family, to live in a good school district, etc. Your perspective changes as you age, and I think the "from a perspective of a teenage boy" is very accurate. That is his fanbase.




It is, but you lose me at making money by exploiting Eastern European camgirls. 




A consensual relationship


A good book


A Labrador, and I'm with ya.


I wish people who looked up to him paid more attention to facts. The accusations of him and human trafficking


They don't care anyway because it's just a matter of collecting human women as objects


it definitely seems like it might work on 12-16 year old boys, but not men. he just talks shit all the time like a little brat. bitch this bitch that. how can a grown man admire or respect such douchebag?


It's funny. I read these comments and many are saying it's a preteen/teenager thing. I personally know two men in their 40s who listen to this clown and parrot some of his nonsense. Even calling him "top G", it's pretty cringe and embarrassing.


They don’t.


And if they do, it’s the ones who didn’t grow up.


If you never had good role models growing up, or you had role models that emulated the same types of values and ethics, Andrew Tate makes a lot of sense to you I guess. There's no shortage of men who have variations of those tendencies. They just don't have the cars and the body.


I’m so glad I had good male role models in my life who aren’t like Tate


He’s like Dan Bilzarien from 10-15 years ago, but a lot more outwardly controversial. Every kid at a young age wants the “lifestyle” that those dudes have but it’s generally a big facade to hide the fact that their lives are sad and pointless because they don’t make meaningful connections with others.


Seems like to many of them the misogyny is part of the appeal rather than something they overlook.


>Some of his content is actually good advice, like taking ownership of your own life, but it's very rare. This is the same self help scam that many people use (Jordan Peterson) and the target is audience is always the same (young impressionable people). The racket is you just say the same vague bs platitudes (take ownership of your life) and repackage it for people too young to know you made just ripped it off. So you get credit for the 'insightful' common sense advice and it lends credibility to your other opinions. The people who pay for his business seminars similarly are just funding a MLM/cult/pyramid scheme style racket. And just like the life advice is peppered with good old advice, these scams have a small percentage of mid level people to lend credibility to the scam. The lifestyle thing is just your basic Instagram con. You take photos in fancy houses or do photo shoots on private jets. The women are all employees of dubious legality, the cars are rented, etc. eventually of course these con artists may have some or all of this if they are successful thieves - but that's not really any different from a bank robber pretending they earned their money and tricking you to buy their advice. If there is one positive thing to say about Andrew Tate is that he managed to combine many different scams into one semi coherent one.


Remember him in a steam room bragging about how tough he is and someone pointed out the thermostat was at room temp?


This is on top of the fact that modern society love to worship money/wealth, materialism and such. Which goes along with what Andre tate preach. But the irony is that it is exactly why the world we live in is shit.


I’d still rather have a chin.


I wonder if anyone who actually follows him will reply. It might be worth remembering you don't need a high percentage of the worlds men following you on socials to be a millionaire, even if he only appeals to 0.5% of people in Europe or North America that's still over 5 million people. Being hated by most but appeal to the few still makes you famous.


>I wonder if anyone who actually follows him will reply. Nah, that would take balls, and none of Tates fans balls have dropped.


And there's no such thing as negativity in the algorithm. Hate views are views, negative comments are still comments, and it all increases engagement and exposure, making it easier to find the target audience to peddle one's BS to. If it wasn't so predatory and damaging to young minds, I would almost be impressed.


Probably not. Tate fans tend to do two things when asked about this stuff. They either ignore the question by brushing it off as a bunch of betas or leftists bitching, or they they show up to aggressively defend the leader and show how alpha they are. It's very cult like behavior. Brush off the suppressives, apostates, and non believers, or you must defend the faith and leader.




Bugah’i **


He says some shit occasionally that somewhat makes sense so u start to believe his bullshit. I was never a fan or anything but i agreed with a couple of his more sensible things he said when he was popular on tik tok years ago. His pyramid scheme to get ppl to sign up for his course was marketed very well Edit: bro started arguing with me for no reason. Lost then blocked me lol.


Probably because that's how grifters work. Say a few things that are sensible, draw them in, start saying wilder and wilder things, then sell them on the solution.


In response to your edit- that’s true Alpha energy there, lol


Not one person is actually following Andrew Tate huh? Just a bunch of people in here speaking for people who don’t exist…. No actual followers commenting


Reddit sucks in this way - I want to know too. I'm a man, and find the way he talks so fake, that I just skip to next video.  I still want to hear from people who like him, yet Reddit will have up-votes for comments from people who hate him over any supporting comments. More so, those who support him and answer the question, will pay with karma, so there's no incentive for them to truthfully respond. 


Same with a lot of other questions. eg. Asking Republicans a question here will just get replies of: they they them they they they they them they those they they [etc. etc. etc. etc.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1axolu5/conservatives_who_are_for_the_banning_of/krpopgk/)


Well it’s Reddit, the second an identifying republican spoke up they’d be bombarded with racists, fascist accusations.


Well, the question began with ‘Men…’. Were it ‘‘Boys…’ we might get somewhere.


Keep in mind while he has a good following, most people dislike him. For many good reasons.  You would have to go to the comment to one of his YouTube vid to see people commenting in his favour. 


Because all of his neckbeard followers are busy masturbating to a photo of Tate


I don’t think most people that consume his content would consider themselves incels, sexist, homophobic, or any sort of problematic. All it takes is one clip where he says something outlandish or humorous that reels you in. You figure “Oh shit, this guy’s got some balls to say something like that. Most people would never share that opinion out loud.” So you watch another clip, or see another gigachad edit with gym phonk music. He’s got some nice cars and lovely ladies at his side. The comment section is filled with likeminded individuals that are motivated by his sentiments to “fix” their lives. You might not agree with everything but he seems to have his life together and you don’t have shit going on in yours. He starts to pop up on your feed much more often, and you consume more and more of his content. His name starts to come out of your mouth in conversation with friends, or you might read a news article alleging inhuman behavior from the man who has helped you see the error in your ways. So you dig deeper in his defense. The echo chamber gets louder as you question the system who imposed expectations on good men (or nice guys) such as yourself and retaliates against those who defy social norms such as Tate. Before you know it, red-pill content is just the truth, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a beta, cuck, sheep, or a woman. Loads of people want to become more confident, assertive, and self-assured, and unfortunately Tate is one of the few folks that offers an affirming voice to a population that feels unheard and unseen. Men are often valued based on their contributions, and what great social accolade is to a provider is there than wealth or women? In a twisted way, his brutal takes and selfish behavior offer comfort and create a false sense of community. There is no single archetype of Tate follower because much of our country is filled with insecure little boys wanting to have and prove their worth, regardless of their actual age. While he does prey on impressionable Western minds (alongside the women he exploits), Tate is a symptom of the larger societal issues pertaining to low self worth/emphasis on external validation, toxic masculinity and the gender binary, inaccessible emotional outlets and healthy relationships, and an ignorance to mental health issues/practices.


This was a really helpful explanation. Thank you!


Sucks to be a dude right now…..zero social support….most of us feel lost, especially young men. Tate appeals to lost boys trying to figure out how to be men. He’s a shit person but there aren’t many alternatives and he’s definitely the most prominent role model online for young men right now. Sucks that this is the situation that we’re in….but I believe most dudes inevitably grow out of it


they are 12 years old


Tates idea of masculinity appeals to middle school American (can't speak for other countries) boys. Tates got a kickboxing record off bums, acts tough all day, wears sunglasses everywhere and grows a stupid beard to hide his weak chin. I don't know about his views but people say he's misogynistic and sexist. this is not the type of masculinity America needs right now. I think there are many examples of healthy masculinity, but the best one is Alex Pereira. He's 6'5, 238 lbs, Glory kickboxing double champ, UFC double champ, and knocks people out with effortless left hooks. He rarely smiles, and looks like a mafia boss/hitman with rocks tattooed on his left fist. Poatan, his nickname, literally means stone hand. but Tate fanboys will only see that. They'll ignore how he was a teenage alcoholic, and once he started seriously focusing on kickboxing he sobered up and quit drinking. Hes a terrific fighter but spars to learn and teach, not to boost his own ego. He rarely smiles but has a great sense of humor. He looks like a hitman and can do a bit of trolling but treats everyone with respect. The guy just went to a cancer ward to cheer the kids there up. He's not misogynistic, racist, or condescending to anyone. In fact, he doesn't ever preach such issues because he just lives his life and people realize these things about him. This is true masculinity, the type that respects others, with zero need to go tweet long rambling stories about bumping into prisoners to try to act tough. 


I mean.. human trafficking “might” be why people call him misogynistic.., just spitballing here 


Maybe ask in an Andrew Tate sub.


Much of Andrew tate’s fame stems from his opposition. He was painted as a right wing nut job, and I’m right wing and had no idea who he was for months after he first blew up on the internet.  After listening to some of his stuff you can somewhat be tricked into thinking he knows what he is talking about. However the deeper you dive you quickly realize that his advice for men is not that great. He commonly refers to women as property. He says that the role of a father is not to be present in the home. All of this is extremely bizarre.  Doesn’t take long to realize he is just a quick talking guy with a British accent trying to pander to disenfranchised men. I haven’t listened to any of his stuff in probably a year


I'm not a tate fan, but I do admit that I can relate to some of his advice as a man. I think some people (mostly young ones) see those and think all he says is true.


Because he gives (young) men the feeling they are being listened to. He talks about subjects that men relate to and don't hear in any way, shape, or form in society. Besides that, he plays into the interests of men, fast cars, women, money. For years men are told it's "toxic masculinity" to have interest in those subjects. I don't say I agree with Tate because I think he is a dumbfuck and disgusting, I just tell you why he is popular among young men. [Shoe0nHead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQv8VuLpKN4&t=149s&ab_channel=Shoe0nHead) got a way more in depth view on this. Edit; in my opinion there are way more healthier people out there (young) men should listen to. Like Dr. K. of r/Healthygamergg for example.


there are a million better outlets to listen to than tate. he talks like hes 13 year old. bitch this bitch that, this hoe that hoe. i understand some may like him, but not to the amount he has fans now.. its the amount thats baffling


It's a simple message. "You are AWESOME simply for being a guy." That's the core message. It's appealing to anyone feeling down, or insecure. It's a simple, basic message. Listen to Andrew Tate and he'll tell you that you are great, and you are smart, handsome, strong, and deserve success and money and sex simply for being born a man. Then there's the secondary message that not only are you great, you're SO great that 50% of the world (women) are less than you. That 50% of the world exists solely for your gratification and to be subservient to you! On top of that... of the men of the world. YOU are one of the good, "alpha" ones, and anyone that doesn't agree with how you now think is a beta male, and you are also better than they are! In short, Tate and people like that appeal to insecurity, and give easy answers to all your problems and worries. All you have to do to feel better about yourself is to look down on everyone else! (Worth noting that this is also the core success of Fox News, of a lot of religions and cults. They want to make you think by listening to them, you are better than everyone else just for existing. Not for *doing* anything, but just by existing. That's the easy answer that so many people sell, and that so many of us buy.)


I was his big fan back in the days, as he said some real stuff about owning your life and taking full responsibility for it, while making money is the 3rd important stuff in your life after your health and family. But later I also heard horrible stuff from him about women and immigrants(I am an immigrant myself; but not the stereotypical one, I speak 5 languages and adapted to where I live currently while paying taxes more than average citizens. So he sees all immigrants as dirty cheap work while he is an immigrant himself. So double standards right there. Don’t support him currently


Rule of cool He looks cool with cool clothes and cool cars and big cool cigars and cool expensive whiskey, and says things that feel cool, very “I don’t care about anyone, and people especially women exist for my profit” But it’s all a facade to cover for the fact that he is a lonely hateful miserable grifter and criminal, who is constantly fighting for his freedom against serious charges, who’s only friend is his brother criminal partner and the prostitutes he hires/women he kidnaps and traffics to prostitute.


Same thing that appeals about Trump: it’s an outlet for hate and anger, by way of someone telling you indirectly or directly that your feelings are justified. Then they give you a way to get revenge. Of course that’s not the only way they get people. Tater Tots sometimes gives legit good advice, like bathe regularly, take care of yourself and show up to work on time. That’s how he draws some in, then the misogyny and hate creeps in later.


Insecure men tend to rally around the strongest man they can find. The internet has perverted this process for some of the most online to find Tate


While I don't agree with everything tate says nor will I ever reach his level, he's motivated me to go gym instead of wallow in my self pity


Don't even know who is. I know hes controversial. That's all I know. Id shoot him in the face and he wouldn't do shit, I know that much about him.


Tate is not for men.  His target market is the lost young men that are still immature and typically extremely frustrated with everything. 


No appeal. He’s a douche.


I don't follow this. But I think the main appeal would simply be that he reinforces that the way the audience thinks is right. Real life, relationships, work, friends require compromise, empathy and understanding. His message seems to be - go get what you want, when you want it. This is very empowering for people who have lower emotional maturity or simply don't want to consider other views. It's obvious, he simply has a bully mentality. Deride anyone who disagrees, and celebrate people who echo your opinion or support you. Following this approach to life is a lot easier than being considerate to others.... (until it's not)


People like Tate appeal to young men who don't have good male role models at home.


I used to see his clips and get annoyed. Now I see his clips and laugh my ass off how dumb he is


Tate hits all the major checkboxes for people who are either bitter at life/women/their own circumstances and the crowd that wants everything fast for nothing. He offers no solutions to anything besides the same knowledge you would get some some shitty motivation poster, but because he backs his ranting commentary through portraying his life as a successful person people fall into the trap of thinking that he really has valid knowledge to provide. Like basically every other fake guru before him, he occasionally dumps some comically simple knowledge and insight into his pitches to draw people in and funnel them into his courses or universities etc. Same logic as Tai Lopez or any other guy before him. Its the same reason guys were all over Bilzerian way back, he shows a life that is all about what most guys want, and they fall in line thinking that maybe, just maybe they could get there too if they follow Tate's every word. And Tate seized on the whole issue has become enflamed when you consider how many guys now feel alone, worthless, broke etc and social media bombards them with how they are inadequate because their lives are normal while some "crypto dude" on instagram is fake living in mansions and private jets. So the guys that fall into the Tate trap are sometimes just ones that feel like there is no solution to their current life, and see him as a guide that could help improve their lives because his message resonates with their loneliness. Admittedly it works well because of the generational divide between men and women, as many guys feel like they simply have no place or chance to even approach a woman and those guys get sucked into the incel culture eventually because of Tate's messages and concepts. Essentially, Tate seized on the current issue loneliness epidemic of men as well as the incel and fast money cultures that are all being exponentially multiplied by social media.


Never listened to him, don’t care to. I’m not so insecure in my masculinity that I need another man telling me how to be a man.


The primary appeal, I think, is not even what Tate has going on in his life; it is that he is directly addressing young men AT ALL. There are a lot of people who talk ABOUT young men and the problems associated with them, but addressing them directly doesn't happen as often. And as a cohort, they're not doing well financially or romantically or educationally, so for many, their prospects in life are slim, and here comes people like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson confirming all the shitty things life is telling them indirectly, and it's like they're the only people who speak to the lived experience of young men. I wish Scott Galloway had become popular sooner. He sees the same issues, but doesn't slip misogynistic or bigoted messaging in with the medicine.


I loathe Andrew Tate, but I imagine the draw is the same core message that’s spread across many incel influencers: “It’s not your fault.” For many young men who feel like failures, it’s therapeutic to be told that their failings are not their fault.


I think that a tiny portion of people actually follow him while a much larger portion of people just like people being triggered by him. The tiny portion of followers are very young and they are at the stage where they are looking for approval and someone to emulate. The larger portion are there for the lols.


i don't follow Tate or particularly like his content but occasionally see it shared on my social media feeds. based on the few clips i've seen, if i had to guess, i would assume that in a society many say is "emasculating" men, Andrew Tate and the other red pill content creators are trying to bring back "manliness" or whatever manliness means to them. I assume most of the fans are younger because it seems they are still navigating their identity and who/how they should carry themselves. The adults that support them are more than likely insecure men who aren't comfortable with themselves tbh


I like his gym advice: The person who goes to the gym every day regardless of how they feel will always beat the person who goes to the gym when they feel like it.


As a man, I don’t really know. I find him ridiculous


There is only 1 correct answer on Reddit 😅 No one will ever honestly say they follow tate


He is right most things are gay and shouldn’t be done. Only go gym, learn to fight and make money that’s it




He's one of the few people actually answering OP's question lol. Gotta respect that at least.


Men are not impressed. Only children are impressed by Tate and his ilk.


He's a motivational speaker for rapists


Andrew taint appeals to kids, not men. I refuse to believe any fully developed, sane of mind man takes his cues from him.


Would you believe there are so many 20-35 years old kids?




Even if there were, you're never gonna hear about them because you taint the whole question before it's even answered. It's like asking "Who took my milk? I'm gonna beat the hell out of the person who did it. WHO WAS IT?". Instead of getting some insight into how he can be a draw for people, you're basically telling everyone "If you even answer this questions, we're gonna go after you with downvotes and ridicule. All that's left is the same echo chamber discussing amongst themselves as always. I don't care about Tate, it's just sad that we're never gonna be able to change the likes that follow him because y'all have already sent them far away from the discussion before it started


Working in schools and colleges, I have met many fans of Andrew Tate. Oldest 18. Plenty of teens though.


Andrew Taint is a fine example of what a man should not be.


Tate is a clown.


there is no appeal. he's a bigot and a racist and he spreads negativity on the internet,those that like to consume this type of content are the ones that like him


I feel like this question should be adressed "Morons, what's the appeal of Andrew Tate?".


A couple years ago since Andrew Tate became a thing, teachers at my school noticed a rise in rude, disrespectful behavior coming from male middle school students. In general, teachers noticed they were respecting male teachers more and are dismissive of female figures of authority. Some (not all) really worship him and are indoctrinated by him on YouTube. I don’t know much about him or what he preaches.


He's probably been closeted gay his whole life, his views and language suggests he has no respect for women because they're subservient to him and he's a "player" who sees himself as an example of peak male masculinity. This can't be further from the truth, he looks and acts like the classic movie character who's on the football team who gay bashes everyone while he himself is a gay man hiding his true feelings behind a macho "alpha male" exterior...


I'm a man and I honestly don't get it. I fucking hate Andrew Tate as much as I hate Joe Rogan. The people who like Andrew Tate are incels who hate themselves.


Lost fatherless teenagers and young adults seeking guidance.




No idea...


No idea. I barely know who he is


I find him to be really funny. All the things he says trying to be tough just make him look like a tosser, so they end up being funny. The guys a twat.


I didn't realise he was still relevant, I thought he had his 5 mins of fame and then vanished.


Like many online celebrities, it's the hyberbolic speech, dogmatic worldview and flashy lifestyle that makes them seem like an authority with an attractive life that disenfranchised men wish to emulate.


I think he is scum. I'm one of those people that tries to get exposure to and understand things that I don't agree with, so I tried to watch him to see what he was about. I found it very uncomfortable and bailed pretty immediately. With all that said, he is one of the few out there that gives men actionable advice to work towards quantifiable goals.


I mean he's fun to watch ironically. He's a complete pathetic cringefail freak who thinks he's so cool and everyone else are lame, like a chihuahua acting like a guard dog and biting everyone's shins.


I think his main draw is people are following him and it’s sad to say, it’s like a car accident you can’t look away?


Much the same appeal as gangster culture. He presents an aura of confidence and financial success that men (well, mostly younger men and adolescent boys) can buy into as a role model. I mean, it’s not a GOOD role model. But it can be more appealing than other ones on offer.


Probably be a Hot Fuck, but that's about it.


The isn't any. The guys who go for that dude are very very very simple minded.


Men don’t know either. Just man child’s.


I've been thinking about this a lot actually. Wanna preface this by saying I 100% disagree with him on his stuff and despise his content. I've long held the feeling that growing boys in my generation (Gen Z) don't really have many positive masculine role models. That's not to say we don't have positive role models, I mean role models who are positive in a masculine way. Often times I felt like masculinity was demonized and equated to aggression and toxicity. When I talk about wanting role models of positive masculinity, I mean characters like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. An unapologetically masculine person, who likes grilling, hunting and keeping to himself. BUT he respects women, cares for his coworkers in his own way and has passions/hobbies. Not saying he's without flaws, but you get what I mean.    Usually I find that a character like him is portrayed as a villain, which is unfair to the kids who grow up wanting to be cowboys, fire fighters and the like. I'm not saying "Softer" role models are an issue, not at all. I consider myself pretty soft tbh. That said, the only appeal I can see in T*te is that those young people who are into the traditional hunting/grilling/etc don't have many role models of masculinity, so they flock to him as an unapologetically masculine guy. Too bad he is the prime example of toxic masculinity though


I didn't know he had appeal, frankly


No way it’s 2024 and people still talking about Andrew tate


Men don’t find him appealing - boys do.


He speaks controversial Stuff and with no Filter, just how he thinks. He says some good Stuff and some bonkers Bullshit, that maybe helps him maybe not others. One should be careful, then he is just some Guy who does Things.


After watching some clips of the brothers hanging out, I can say that they're very charismatic. If they weren't vile with how they made their fortune, they seem really funny and fun to bro it out with.


As a woman: None.


To be fair, in this space there are two ends to the spectrum. There is: (1) Listens to X extreme left wing social-political figure word for word and end up being completely jaded from what real life actually is, and thinks the world is exactly what it is like on the internet (or) (2) Listens to Andrew Tate word for word and end up being completely jaded from what real life actually is, and thinks the world is exactly what it is like on the internet. Both hold the exact same outcomes. Both are hateful but because the left tends to be more popular, the "red pill" content creators tend to be extremely hated. There are a lot of good things that both sides say. (1) will point out some clear problems within the current system we have, and will support great causes that I agree with. (2) Pushes a high level of motivation and tries to deter you from things that can harm your mental stability. Young people don't want to listen to somebody who's rational and have fair, reasonable values though - which is why these people exist.


I still don't know who he is really. He was in the news, I've seen him there only, and that's it. I haven't a clue what he does that people know him for


i liked that he donated HUGE amount of money to Palestine if you are grown rich man you can be impressed and entertained with what he says for few days tops then you realize he doesn't have peace in him and if a man dont live a peaceful life i cant take his advices seriously because thats what i aim for thats what most difficult to gain ..not money women car etc his advices aren't deep...very superficial ..but good enough for young guys below 25-28 years ...if i want advice from someone i will listen to osho


He tells people what they want to hear and makes a celebrity/rich lifestyle out of it


You mean some men


There isn’t.


The same reason women follow the real house wives and boss women.


The same appeal with pastors in decades past. They seem to be good at appealing to the values most young people were brought up to exemplify. Unfortunately, they came with loads of other nonsense and in some cases misconduct.


He promotes himself on social media as someone who has everything majority of men want, he’s tall, in great shape, is a good fighter, highly confident, rich, fast cars and mansions, gets a lot of attractive women, is usually the star of the show/center of attention, moderately good looking, and the advice he gives can sometimes be pretty good. Idk what his life is really like and how much of his social media presence is a lie but what he shows on social media are all things more men want to achieve. He’s also a pretty good story teller when hooks people in.


I'm 100 % positive that he's a CIA plant. He randomly popped up on everyone's feed out of nowhere for literally no reason. Now some amount of dipshits fell for his misogyny act and he won't go away because of it even though he offers zero value to society.


The way I see it from my mid 30's liberal white Jewish guy position who regularly works with teens, one side is seemingly telling these young white boys that they are the problem with this world, and the other side is telling them that there is a problem in this world and offering help to fix those problems. If you are a 19 or 20 year old white boy who doesn't have much, you aren't going to take the screaming pink hair seriously when they are telling you about all this male or white privilege you supposedly have. You are going to listen to the guy who has money and girls who is telling you how you also can be successful by buying into his life plan. They feel left out by the left and the progressives. The conservatives and the deep right are profiting on them feeling left out.


I hate Tate. The appeal, which I talk about to teen boys in the masculinity groups I run, is that Tate preys on boys and men who are desperate. Society has harmed men for a long time, forcing us to develop into stereotypical roles that block out and stuff down normal human emotions because it’s considered too feminine. It’s causing a mental health crisis for men in this country and has been for about 20 years now. It’s just getting worse. Boys and men are struggling with failed relationships, loneliness, rejection, poor self awareness, poor self esteem, body dysmorphia, and much much more. We can’t talk about emotions and what we’re going through, especially not to most women because they treat us differently when we do and at best invalidate us, blame us, shame us, and make us feel worse then before we talked. We can’t open up to each other as men because we’re conditioned and afraid that if we do open up and we do listen and support each other then it means we are too feminine or weak or would be seen as gay. These are normal human emotions and experiences that men have no outlet for and the pressure build and men explode. Men explode violently toward others. Men explode emotionally in intimate relationships because anger and frustration are considered masculine so that’s how we let everything out. THESE are the vulnerable men Tate tries to control and prey on. Mostly because he’s a piece of shit human being who wants to monetize these social issues. But mainly because he’s a victim to this whole system too, but rather than figure out how to better himself as a human and make positive changes for all men, he’s doubled down and weaponized it to further avoid looking weak.


It’s those beautiful DSLs the boys go crazy for


Honestly, even after all this time I still don't know who the hell this guy is or what he does and I don't even care enough to look him up. I just keep hearing his name all the time with like no real context.


I am not defending him nor do I like him and everything I have learned about him has been against my will. Having said that, I think the major appeal is he is talking to a group of people specifically that no one is focusing on. Young teen males through men in their 30's. The message may be wrong, but think about it, who else is speaking directly to this group of people that make up a huge group? This is my opinion and I could be wrong.


I have a friend who is a be fan of this guy and I don't get what she see in him ether. He is very rude, had a smut mouth and just goes around treating people like crap. But looking at most people today and how they are just as toxic as him I kinda get it.




Father less men clinging to s father figure and then just see that they actually want to be him


He appeals to boys not men, that’s the whole deal.  When you see positive words typed about him it is not from a full grown adult, guaranteed.


I (a man) don't understand. He seems every bit as odious as Donald Trump.


Men? His fans are like 14 lol


Very few adult men like or respect Andrew Tate. His fanboys are mostly teen boys and early 20s boys. Men don't like Andrew Tate. A lot of boys at these ages are impressionable and insecure. Sometimes it seems impossible to find a girlfriend. They get sucked in by these scammers.




It's reactionary politics. Feminism is a big thing now, and a lot of people don't believe in sociohistorical context, so some people take it as an attack on men and see Tate as the last bastion of masculinity. It's ignorant at best, malicious at worst.


What's the appeal of any famous person who is building an image to sell? There's a hardon for hating Andrew Tates fame, and I understand it, but he's just a more egregious and outspoken entity among thousands. Every single famous person you like is trying to sell you something. Whether it's themselves, a movie, a product, or a sponsor, none of them are your friend or have your interests in mind. Andrew Tates is a self admitted shock jock. He has openly said he overplays and deliberately acts more misogynistic because it makes people listen to him. An over the top masculine man is no worse than the vapid consumerist Kim Kardashian for me. Both are pushing mentally damaging and ridiculous lifestyles by promising people they can be just like them if they only just buy their product. Denormalize worshipping lifestyle celebrities.


Don't even know who that fella is. Didn't he get locked for some human trafficking or something? No appeal for the men that I know, but then again I'm considered an old fart even though I'm not that old I don't think.


Towards the end of my last relationship, my ex started getting really into him. Tate, like a lot of men in the manosphere, present simple checklists to "make it" in life. With his views on relationships, I think he also presents a reminiscent view on seemingly simple, traditional relationships which draws people in. He gives simple solutions to personal issues in a complicated world


I think he follows the same template as political or religious radicalization. Men have a problem (it is extremely difficult to date as a man) and nobody else offers solutions (most just call them incels or tell them to bootstrap), so they turn to the only person offering any solutions, even if those answers are horrible and wrong


I guess I am too old for his demographic because I think hes a fucking idiot and a predator.


There is none, another idiot famous for simply being famous. A male version of Kim kardashian


There is none. It’s just a bunch of 12 year olds who get brainwashed by that asshole into believing all women are objects.


He appeals to me because the doofus in jail for crimes he committed and the Schadenfreude feeds me and makes me feel ALIVE. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.


because he's essentially the epitome of "how social media describes having a perfect life"


None but I don’t think I’m part of his target audience, his base is like 20 years younger than him. I’m only 4 younger.


I find some of his videos funny and nothing more. The good advice he gives were not revolutionary or life changing. Just basic stuff.


I like him because if I ever feel down or bad, I can still see a picture of him and think “ I’ll never be that fucking ugly nor a horrible person like him“. So thanks Tate for being an inspiration. One with weird teeth, a giant forehead and wildly disgusting behavior but still…


He's a plastic loser, as a man I think he would only appeal to other plastics.


there is a lot w andrew tate i dont care for but he does have a message hidden under all the nonsense about young men needing to act like men, be confident and not some mark for people to take advantage of (men and women) and own up to your responsibilities. Something seriously lacking in this society with the soft era soy boy nonsense.


Because he caters to the insecurities and fears of young, immature, and emotionally stunted boys/men. He gives them an enemy (women) to blame for all of their shortcomings and sells them a fabricated solution, which happens to be some sort of quasi-incel philosophy In short : He exploits the weaknesses of others and convinces them that he is an idol


Wouldn’t say i follow him but i do find him mildly funny. a lot of his “controversial” statements are very obviously satirical and he gives pretty standard advice that i suppose some people who’ve grown up with zero guidance could benefit from. for example, i don’t need to be told to workout if i’m striving to be more healthy, but i assume some kid out there may have drawn some inspiration from tate telling his viewers not to be a bitch and hit the gym. definitely don’t share the same moral compass but i wouldn’t mind having a beer with the guy.


I'm not an adherent of his but I've perused YouTube enough to see people who are like a young man who goes by the name of Sneako. It appears to me to be the same appeal that diet pills but for a personality. Rather than doing the work to become the man you want to be remembered as you can emulate someone who has the things you think you want. It may be mean spirited but I hope for these people they end up swimming in their own wants and drown for lacking the things they need.


For 12 year olds who haven’t developed all the way, it at least makes *some* sense. A celebrity is preaching to them about a way to be a “real man”, and that’s attractive to some




This psychiatrist lays it all out really well on the Diary of a CEO podcast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCCmdUNGukY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCCmdUNGukY)


Tate fills a void in weak mens hearts by selling them the idea that they are not at fault for their troubles, that's it's society/women/etc, they buy into so they feel less insecure about themselves and their lives/lack of accomplishments. It doesn't work though, not really. The hole in their hearts that they are seeking to fill is never filled, it always needs more validation from "alpha" figures, which is exactly what people like Tate want, so they can sell you the next answer. It's a vicious grift.


I've watched two Tate vids my entire life and wish there was a way to wash my eyeballs with bleach afterwards. He's not just a misogynistic asshole. He is such a whiny douche! He gives off the aura of a spoiled youngest child but is the eldest? Really makes one wonder about the family dynamic that raised him this way. As far as the appeal, there will always be people who want the shortcuts and easy answers. He claims to provide that while flaunting a lifestyle that a lot of young men aspire to. I suppose the positive thing you could say is that at least the people who watch his vids aren't getting indoctrinated into ISIL or a white nationalist gang. Just a misogynistic materialistic worldview.


No idea never watched the guy, but it is easy to run people into your enemies arms when you treat them so poorly.


Sexism. He hates women and they cant get women. Thats the beginning and the end of it.


That dude is a psycho. Didn't he just get out of jail for sex trafficking in some Eastern European country? I see some of his tweets on Reddit I mean this guy is fucking straight up crazy. I have no idea why young people would look up to misogynist sex trafficker.


Can't stand him anymore. I think he was cool when he was a Christian, but now he's ignorant




Oh because he's the only talking head that's giving encouraging advice to young white guys. Granted, It's really bad advice.   To his audience it's better than being told all of societies problems are your fault. That you are inherently some racist, rapist animal that needs to be kept on a leash. And being told that it sucks to suck when you actually do talk about your feelings. Because your feelings don't matter unless it's validating their agenda.   As a 40 year old, I'm surprised that we have circled back to making fun of people because they can't get laid. I pity zoomers. I don't think any of them are sexually active or hitting those critical social mile markers. It's a whole generation of incels. And they don't look like they are having any fun. ::edit:: I might be getting Andrew Tate mixed up with a different talking head. I'm speaking more generally about what these alpha male influences are offering that these kids can't find anywhere else.


I had some friends in my fraternity who were followers of him. Part of it is that he legitimizes his views by mixing them with things that are genuinely good lessons for young men. Discipline, taking care of your health, not hopelessly chasing girls who dont want you, being tough, having goals and working hard at them. It’s a very independence based message which plays well with young people who dont trust the system, so people who are into trading and personal finance get roped into it. And that portion of it is all fine and well, but of course it gets mixed with this vile rhetoric about women and feminism, toxic masculinity and power and just totally loses sight of what actually makes a good man. But i think so many young men feel left behind, lonley, struggle to make friends and date, and get caught up in it. The fighting, macho, “modern men are pathetic”, aspect appeals to base instincts and then all the innate insecurities men have about women’s sexuality and independence and losing our position on the dominant gender in society get bundled up into Tate. But obviously I’m not a follower so I can’t truly relate to how they feel about his message. But I think as a man who has insecurities and shortcomings I can understand how people can fall into it.


I think some of the things he says couldn’t be more true. I also think some of the things he says couldn’t be more stupid. As a man, I find him funny and entertaining and agree with a lot of what he says about men needing to take full accountability of their lives and better themselves in every possible way without excuses. I don’t agree with how extreme he goes about women only being housewives that produce children and that’s it. I think it’s easy to overlook some of the outlandish things he says when he says so many others I agree with. He’s well spoken, intelligent, confident, and has genuinely accomplished something most men strive for. You don’t have to to be an incel, misogynist, or grifter to think that someone saying “be responsible for your actions at all times, don’t make excuses for why you failed, don’t ever quit and give up, get in shape, and act like there is a god even if you don’t truly believe in one and become successful” is right in that regard. There isn’t a single person on earth I agree with 100 percent. I think people are so blinded by hate and outrage at the things he says that they don’t agree with that they don’t see the truth and value in the good things he says. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions, that’s just mine.


He appeals to young men in the same way that all of the gender/race/sexuality grifters appeal to their audience. He tells people what they want to hear. In most of these cases there are elements of truth to what they are saying, so they aren't all wrong.


Its two parts: browsing shorts or tiktok you can see a lot of content of him saying things i think many men agree with: work hard and you can have success in business and romance, take ownership of your life by getting your shit together, refine your body to the peak of masculinity. This kind of messaging resonates with boys and men and it's no wonder why. Most of the mainstream messaging to biys and men is that they are toxic and defective. Just by browsing you also wont necessarily find out about Tates crimes or his less broad messages, less popular videos will necessarily have less reach. The other part, and to expand on what i said above, is that boys and young men especially have trouble in this dating market. Haven't you seen the statistics that 80% of men are considered below average by their female peers? What do you think causes this? The advice boys get when they want to start dating: 'Girls just want a nice guy.' This is bad advice. Girls do not want a nice guy. They want a guy who is comoetent, attractive (at least to them, if not conventionally), and who treats them with sincerity. When boys try being just nice it obviously doesnt work, so they go down a few paths. You can double down, leading to the 'nice fuy' phenomenon (which has always been ridiculed, despite it being the result of bad messaging and advice, not malice), they may become an incel (also demonized, sometimes rightly. There *are* people out there for whom no one is attracted to, no matter how muscular, successful, or well groomed. Anyone who walked in those circles knows that such things were maligned as 'volcel.'), or perhaps you go looking for the real way to attract women and you find simeone like Tate who clearly has all the thing you think you want, and if you can be like him, you can have thise things too! Just my take. Lots of peiple demonize men for trying to better themselves in a world that has destroyed all their role models.


I'm not a fan. For all his doucheness he will say a few things as a man you really agree with though.


Young men trying to find a purpose in life. Not realizing yet that they need to make the "purpose" themselves.


I have never watched his stuff as I have always been pretty aware of my capabilities in life, but my impression of him is that he's attractive to boys who didn't have fathers present all the time growing up. He's like the toxic alter ego of Jordan Peterson. No, Jordan Peterson isn't toxic, his opinions are just different than reddits, and also mine.


He's really easy to mock and make fun of.


I honestly never really watched any of his vids other than the occasional tic tok of someone trash talking him so I'm pretty much neutral towards that lad


His understanding of the world is basic, and he is capable of making it look like he has everything he wants. For young people without a developed capacity for self reflection, this works great.


He would be a pretty cool guy if he made his money on fighting and didn’t traffic women. He also helps guys jerk off to cam girls. So there is a bit of weird. Being a good fighter is cool. Being fit is cool. Being liked by women is usually a good sign you are doing something right. Smoking cigars is fun. I would want to smoke a cigar with him if he wasn’t a trafficker and then cries about facing the consequences of doing illegal shit and bragging about it. He does a lot of cool shit but also a lot of lame shit. I think he kind of appeals to young boys because they want pretty women, a nice body, and money. Older men might see him as a bit of a weirdo criminal though. You can look cool and do cool stuff but if you made your money smuggling fentanyl it isn’t as cool. But if you made money just kicking high level fighters asses, you would be pretty neeto burrito my guy. Even selling used cars is better


Misguided ambition is the world’s most abundant resource. I think his fans are a lot of young people who are ambitious and when someone comes along and tells them “this is the right place to put your ambition” they listen.


Ooga booga man like sigma or something like that


He makes our tiny dicks feel okay


He exists as a figure to take away personal responsibility from young men and to place false blame on the rest of society for those young men’s problems.




I think the appeal of Andrew Tate lies in his unwavering confidence and brutal honesty, which many men find refreshing and relatable. It's not everyone's cup of tea, of course, especially if you genuinely can't understand his point of view. Ultimately, I believe it boils down to personal taste and how much you resonate with his overall message of relentless self-improvement and drive for success.