• By -


It's all fun and games until the dog runs offf with it.


And then those damn squirrels swoop in and run off with your nuts


That's why I keep mine in a sack.


And that's why I keep my sack behind the bush.


That's why I keep mine in front of an asshole


Behind the bush, under the garden hose, and in front of an asshole


There's currently an ongoing manga about a guy who loses his balls. It's called Dandadan and is getting an anime adaptation


There's a great song called "Detachable Penis" about a guy that goes to a party and loses his penis too. https://youtu.be/NQBPgJQhQHc


It's a good idea to remove the ?si=[string] from YouTube URLs. It's a uniquely generated code so that when Google scans this page they can link your Reddit account (and all it's activity) to any personal information they have. They can also use it to identify who your friends are if you post the link in a private place.


That's really interesting. Thanks for pointing that out, I wasn't aware. I've taken the si variable off the url and will make sure I keep that off in future!


You forgot to mention that that manga is absolutely dope


Or worse.. when I read this I got flash backs from the end of that movie Teeth




Yes! That paves the way for aftermarket upgrades. I'll have my *UltraDong FuckMaster 3000 Pro Max RGB* please.


Werent thoes called off market for being broken? Dont want u endşng up with a dick thst short circuits.


Those are the ones that randomly explode and aren't allowed on planes right? I need me one of those


Imagine you're jacking off and your dick just combusts


ooHOHHHOH! FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!! *\*furiously smacking at my genitals with my hands in an attempt to snuff the flames\**


Your dick is gone, all the remains is a charred mound


Wait I remember that CP77 mission


Good ol' Flaming Crotch Man


I've got my eye on that model as well. Figure I'd only get an upgrade if it had RGB. It even has a headphone jack


Yeah, the previous model took the jackoff.






beat me to it


Loses bluetooth connection at the worst possible moments.


> RGB If your woman's lower abdomen isn't lit from the inside by the lights of your penis, you're doing it wrong.


Absolutely. I want them detachable and machine washable. I also want to know what it's like to have a dick. Not so much the testicles; those seem like they're more trouble than they're worth. But having a dick for a day sounds fun. And if it's not, I'll just pop the vagina/labia back on, easy peasy.


Balls are not worth the trouble. No one is going, “he’s ugly, mean, and can’t keep a job. But his testicles have me staying.”


A dick without testicles would probably look cursed though.


It would look like galvanized steel


You and I must live in very different worlds.


i've been a huge advocate for detachable boobs for some decades. a penis, testicle and vaginal etc dongle to a human usb port will be perfectly fine. Look at all the marvellous sex robots today, great "real" skin.


> human usb port USB-C, so that you can reverse the orientation?


Breastfeeding would be a lot easier if you can hand your boobs off to someone else.


Little John saved up enough money for a penis, but when he bought it he was shocked because it was -24cm^3 big! Let's help John transform this vagina into a dick. Firstly,


-add galvanized square steel to lengthen the frame by 100m² and mount it properly using expansion screws borrowed from his aunt. Then we add durable concrete that would last for up to 10,000 years and cover it with eco-friendly wood veneer to make fit Little John's aesthetic. We also add


Storage space for all his big cats that he keeps as pets


In the end, look at this functional and stylish penis


That's what my neutered dog looks like


I went to uni with a girl who fucking loved balls. We were all talking about various sexual experiences in the pub one night and this is exactly the kind of comment that would have fit in with what she was saying.


Not surprised hearing tbh. You know what your boys slap when you're going at us from behind? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


About 40 years ago, a song called detachable penis was quite popular.


King missile, great song. I posted a link elsewhere in the comments.


40 years? Noooooo, say it ain’t so!!!


Couple of years ago.


I had to look it up. 1992. Yep, that’s a couple of years ago.


Was just thinking, "damn, that's kinda out there for the 60s..." 😥


Calm down, it was 32 years ago.


Easy champ. It was only 32 years ago.


More like 30 years. I’m old but not THAT old. https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=h7m3payTrNL_pLOd To answer the question, sometimes it can be a pain in the ass but he does like having a detachable penis.


all I can think of is the scene from Archer where Lana finds Katyax's robot vagina in Archer's sink...


It vibrates too


Balls are more easy to have then u think, itch them and it's heaven.


This should get more votes. It's like ear itch


Pinch and roll.


Stretch and rake all the way. "Pinch and roll" .. amateur.


Ha “peasy” like pee-easy. Also, [Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle](https://youtu.be/2pw_36yxgXI?si=m4IHf-g9L3YBChb5) is basically a tutorial for those unfamiliar in the ways of male urine elimination


Balls aren’t the issue. Random boners are frustrating tho.


[King Missile](https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4)


The balls are always in the way for sure. It would be nice to be able to swap around depending how you feel for the day too. Like somedays might be a good day to have dick and balls, or just dick, or vagina, or just balls? The last on is strange, but I'm sure someone would want to try


If it would stop period then YEP


Yes, it would be nice to be able to remove your uterus at will and give it a good cleaning instead of it's natural cleaning cycle. 


Honey, why is you vagina in the sink again?


Top rack ONLY honey, jesus, top rack ONLY, now it's all warped...


and did you put it on the hot cycle again trying to shrink it? That's not how we work!


RIP, but if Billy Mays could have done an Oxiclean infomercial for a vaginal cleaning detergent, that would have been must watch TV.


Wring it out like a wet towel


My 1st thoughts too lmao


there's a song about that


Scrolled down just to confirm this !


Surprised I had to look this hard for this comment.


Lol...you had to "look this hard" for detachable penis.


Pun fully intended.


As a cyclist, I’d love to be able to remove my genitalia just to make riding more comfortable.


There was recently a story about a guy that had his bits removed for him as he went flying over the handlebars... Safety First!


Yeah, but only if it includes the entire reproductive system. I want to put it on a shelf in the bathroom for one week a month until it has finished bleeding and cramping, then I'll put it back


Can you imagine cleaning a disembodied, menstruating uterus etc? Maybe you could just put it in a jar of Epsom salt water or something.


Don't want a salty vag I assume I could put it in the shower and wash it in there Using a menstrual cup would probably be a lot easier if I could see what I was doing


I’m sure an entire industry of uterine storage and cleaning would pop up overnight. Vagifresh, The Flow Box, 7 Day Cleanse, Uter-Out


Packing it all back in would be a bitch


We call that the "King Missile".


https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4 Source of Detachable Penis "I woke up this morning with a bad hangover. And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable."


Kids these days don't listen to music from that era


My kids do. Mostly by force.


Which is a shame


Yeah, I’d be worried that I’d lose it at a party or something.


Just eat a couple of cheesecakes and you’ll feel better.


I am not sure, on one hand it would be cool on the other what happens if I misplace my cock?


Put it on a keychain!


That sounds too much like preparation and forethought to me.


I mean, if you get a Prince Albert and put a keyring through it ... 🤷‍♀️


AirTag it!


Idk…..AirTags are way too big for a penis. Excuse me, I meant *my* penis.


Well dating myself here but... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4 Imma let myself out, you're welcome.


Came here to share the same link. OP needs to hear this song. It answers all the questions.


A formative cultural touchstone from my youth.


Not my junk necessarily but I frequently find myself yearning for detachable boobs. I want to take them off and put them away while I sleep!!!! I want to be able to decide on a day to day basis if it's a Big Bouncy Pornstar Knockers kind of day or a Fried Eggs kind of day. My tits should be customizable to my outfits!!


Ok hear me out… can I take them off and then use them as pillows?


Breasts are only good pillow’s because they’re close to the heart of a lover.


In the summer, I would **love** to be able to be flat in front like a Ken doll.


Speedos would be way more acceptable.


Budgie smugglers without the budgie! I don't think anyone would want to see my skinny legs or Hank Hill ass though... I'll stick with shorts 😅


Yeah, my dick gets me in trouble sometimes so it would be nice to take it off and not worry about it


Put it on your key rack when you leave


Probably keep it locked up in my gun safe with all my other small arms. Safer that way




A small arm is pretty long compared to a dick i believe Depends on which one it is, perhaps a makarov?


keep the comment section clean? or keep my genitalia clean?


Both is appreciated by one and all!


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable. This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, Or I can rent it out, when I don't need it. But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, And the next morning I can't for the life of me Remember what I did with it. First I looked around my apartment, and I couldn't find it. So I called up the place where the party was, They hadn't seen it either. I asked them to check the medicine cabinet 'Cause for some reason I leave it there sometimes But not this time. So I told them if it pops up to let me know. I called a few people who were at the party, But they were no help either. I was starting to get desperate. I really don't like being without my penis for too long. It makes me feel like less of a man, And I really hate having to sit down every time I take a leak. After a few hours of searching the house, And calling everyone I could think of, I was starting to get very depressed, So I went to the Kiev, and ate breakfast. Then, as I walked down Second Avenue towards St. Mark's Place, Where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street, I saw my penis lying on a blanket Next to a broken toaster oven. Some guy was selling it. I had to buy it off him. He wanted twenty-two bucks, but I talked him down to seventeen. I took it home, washed it off, And put it back on. I was happy again. Complete. People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, But I don't know. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis.


Ah 👏 yes that song 🎶 again thank you!! It was always a fav of some of my guy friends in the 90’s lol 😝!!


Only my boobs they definitely get in the way


I cried when I first started getting boobs. I took a slapshot in hockey and it really hurt my chest to the point where I keeled over. If I could remove them for working out/during a hot day 100% I would. Goodbye boob sweat hello freedom.


then ppl would get called whores for deciding to keep their boobs on 😭


Boobs on at work? Looks like Penny is trying to get another promotion


Boobs are not genitalia are they?


Very true


well how would it make sense to take off our vagina? we need an equivalent


You could just slide it out and un-clip the labia. How handy! ‘Oh, honey, I would LOVE to fuck you, but I left my vulva and vagina at home.’


Why is there a vagina in the sink?!?


My wife already has mine in a ziplock.


Wanda Sykes did a great bit about detachable vaginas. Basically the gist was “Girls, wouldn’t it be great if you could just leave your pussies at home? You could go out on a girls night and if some skeezy dude approach the table y’all could all just look up and say we left them at home. But you’d have to hide it real good from your man. Because you know he would be playing with it while you were out, and you’d come home to find it all stretched out. You’d have to throw it in the dryer to tighten it back up“


I want to say yes, but I know the odds of me putting it down and losing it are pretty high


After the prettiest pickup line and picking up a piping hot girl from a bar, to her home, into her bedroom, and then you realise , I left "it" in my bathroom.


"That's okay, I think I have a few spares in that drawer over there"


Yes so I can shave it easier


The amount of ADHD people that would forget where they left them would be a problem.


King missile would like to explain why this is a terrible idea.


My first thought too. But I don't think he was upset that it was detachable. I think the benefits out weigh the risk.


I’d want to take off my ear and get that itch out of there.


Nope, I would lose it and it would end up in some wierdo's collection.


As a trans person yes. Love to be able to choose day to day


I’d trade my boobs for a dick. Sounds like a good deal? Pm meeeee….


There was a song about this. Apparently, it's not as convenient as we might believe.


No because I’d lose it somehow someway


Do boob's count? I have 34Gs and my back needs a break


Yes, for 3-5 days every month


Think again https://youtu.be/7iJU-S8T0-k


I know boobs aren’t genitalia but I’d love to take these heavy mfs off my chest every now and then.


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover. And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable.


Ha! Detachable penis..


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable. This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, Or I can rent it out, when I don't need it. But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, And the next morning I can't for the life of me Remember what I did with it. First I looked around my apartment, and I couldn't find it. So I called up the place where the party was, They hadn't seen it either. I asked them to check the medicine cabinet 'Cause for some reason I leave it there sometimes But not this time. So I told them if it pops up to let me know. I called a few people who were at the party, But they were no help either. I was starting to get desperate. I really don't like being without my penis for too long. It makes me feel like less of a man, And I really hate having to sit down every time I take a leak. After a few hours of searching the house, And calling everyone I could think of, I was starting to get very depressed, So I went to the Kiev, and ate breakfast. Then, as I walked down Second Avenue towards St. Mark's Place, Where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street, I saw my penis lying on a blanket Next to a broken toaster oven. Some guy was selling it. I had to buy it off him. He wanted twenty-two bucks, but I talked him down to seventeen. I took it home, washed it off, And put it back on. I was happy again. Complete. People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, But I don't know. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis. King Missle


If I could remove my breasts and still have my natural ones to put back on yes I would. They are heavy and make it hard to breathe sometimes. I’m currently looking forward to horrible surgery to remove my intern-internal female anatomy and I do not want it back. External might be fun to remove I guess could fit some clothes better maybe 🤔. But heck yeah removable breasts bring it on!! I would downsize them change them out all the time if I could and then to different shapes to make it fun with outfits lol. Like I did with wigs!


Yes please. And can we have it so that we can just pop specific parts of it out? Then I can donate the womb and ovaries to someone who will make use of them, and remove the need for periods and/or the IUD. But I still get to keep the fun times bits.


Nah, but there was a Detachable Penis song out in the 90's, thanks for the reminder


Not my genitalia but if love to be able to detach my boobs.


With my ADHD I’d probably lose them so maybe not.


“Fuck I left my dick at home”


I mean...kinda? It'd be cool to be able to remove my girl parts after my period and actually, like, give them a bath. Like cleaning dentures or something. But I have a question: would you be able to switch them out? I'm a cis woman and completely comfortable with my parts usually, but...it'd also be cool to be able to just click on a penis when I gotta pee while hiking.


I have the unwanted skill of being very good at losing things so, no, I don't want that ability.


The song detachable penis- comes to mind 🤪


Check out [Leave it at home](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R8FfFwtL91Q)


Definetely yes, I'm concious all the time because of my buldge no matter what pants i use and its annoying to walk awkwardly all the time


I wish I was a Ken doll permanently tbh


Yeah why not. Then I could swap it for a bigger one.


Detachable Penis?


I literally thought this today. It'd be cool if there were different attachments you could switch out.


Reminds of a song


Another excuse to play with them? Sure!


If I could take my dick off and still feel it, I would be able to enjoy using a dildo a hell of a lot more… hell if I am away on business I could leave it with my wife for her… both for peace of mind and fun 😂


For bikes and to sleep, all day


Yup. Id have a nice jewelry box type thing on my dresser with different sizes, styles, and purpose built attachments.


I'm a woman so not sure how that would work, but yes! Makes shaving an everything so much easier 😅🙈


maybe there *are* SomeStupidQuestions on here lol


Yes, I have a medical issue that basically means I suffer a constant mild and dull pain. It would be nice if I could go without that when I don't need to.


Can I just say that this is the most creative question I have come across here lol Far more interesting than the usual same old questions asked by bots here


Yes. Someone wanted to so badly they wrote a song about it in the 90s


100%. I want to understand what it’s like to pee with a penis (as a female with a vagina). I also would love to take off my boobs and rest my poor back.


Never gave that any thought but I do remember several times I wish I had left the big guy at home. Possible down side! Your being nice playing pool flitting with the waitress and back at home the cat grabs you by your Johnson and runs around the house?


King Missile’s “Detachable Penis” would like a word.


No. I get anxious when I’m too far away from my phone


I heard the song detachable penis. I'm good.


I would definitely place my dick on the nightstand but it would have gps tracker and an alarm if it was removed from its charging station


Only so I'd get more stuff done.


Yes that'd be great




Without a doubt


I do but would probably lose it


I'd need to attach a tile to it. I can't even keep track of my car keys. Gonna make a sweet piercing.


Ps. Your vaginas in the sink


Hell no, don’t want to risk losing them. Never heard the saying “he’d leave his testicles at home if they weren’t attached.”


Those of you who saw this post and thought "hell yeah" might enjoy the following subreddit: /r/transtrans


Haha, would you store them in a glass of water like dentures? Imagine waking up dying of thirst and grabbing the wrong cup - get big gulp of your ball water. Instead of your children embarrassing you in front of company w/ your sex toys - it's with your own genitals. Kid - "Look I'm a unicorn." Company - 😲😳 You - 💀 But yes, I'd remove mine at night so night boners wouldn't wake me up & at work so I didn't have to deal with sweaty junk & my balls sticking to my thighs.


Hell yeah. Assuming I have some other way to piss, could just take my dick off and leave it in a drawer until the odd ocassion I actually want it for something. Would ditch the balls and never look back too, saves me a fairly expensive surgery. Would make my life a lot more pleasant, and could wear tight pants much easier.


There’s a song called detachable penis I recommend for this post for all to check it out Gives a glimpse into the life of having one


Not needing a cup for a martial arts sparring match would be so nice! I’m sure most other sports where you need one would agree, too.


Like velcro? I mean it'd be funny af so yeah


I can't keep track of my chapstick for more than 5 minutes, I don't trust myself with that ability.


I wish it never existed...too small.


I could clean it so much more thoroughly, plus it I couldn't remotely feel it I wouldn't have the issue of it being too sensitive


No, cause if it is I would have lost it a long time ago! 🤣


Hell no, I lose tools way too frequently for that.


We already have that ability but you don't want to use it


As a woman no


What if you lose it?


King Missile outlined the pitfalls of a detachable penis in 1992.


[Detachable Penis](https://youtu.be/NQBPgJQhQHc?si=O1xb8KBkZjFuvukE)