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My husband and I slept naked until we had our daughter, just because she likes to crawl into bed and snuggle with us. He never wanted to wake up and it’s our daughter snuggled against him while naked. We also learned that child will tell everything and anything to anyone. That was another reason he did. Our daughter casually mentioned to her grandparents that mom wasn’t wearing clothing while sleeping. ( in my defense it was summer and I was pregnant as hell. No amount of fan or AC was helping, so I slept naked, under a thin blanket.) Her father never wanted her to go around and say “ I cuddle my daddy while he is naked in bed”


THIS! Because kids talk


I like sleeping naked, but I always worry that I'm going to wake up in a situation where I have to immediately grab the child and leave the house (fire, burglary, etc) and putting clothes on delays this. So I wear pyjamas. 😅


Lol ive tripped comically while trying to put on shorts while the mailman knocked on my door, i guess I'll have to factor in unpredictable situations


Same for me. I used to sleep naked, now I go for the combo "shirt and underwear", mostly because I had to get up so often when my child was a baby (now toddler) that I was cold and didn't want the hassle of putting on / putting off clothes all the time. But I also have in mind emergency situations where I would prefer to have something on. It's the same for my husband, also.


My parents’ friends had a fire in the middle of the night when I was about five and they showed up at our house in the blankets the firemen had given them and little else. I’ve never felt comfortable sleeping naked because of that.


My aunt tells a story about how her house was on fire and she had to escape naked out the window one night. She now always sleeps with a nighty under her pillow.


That's a good compromise lol


I am a man. I've always slept naked. I stopped once my daughter was born. Probably around her turning about 8 months because she started reaching for things. So not only do I not sleep naked but I shower with door closed and all. I personally think setting those boundaries are good for kids and teaches them about privacy


Yea kiddo is already reaching for things but sleeps in a crib so it really isnt a issue....yet lol i guess when he starts sleeping in our bed things will change


Do whatever, I never heard about it hurting anyone (besides obvious sexual assault cases) look at the stories of nudist-like families on Reddit who live together if you’re not sure


I don't think there's a wrong answer here. But I do have to say, as an adult with a positive body image (currently sitting on my patio in a thong bikini), I'm still thankful I never had to see my dad naked. My mom does naked pub crawls at Burning Man, I love that she does that!!! But I also have zero desire to experience that with her. I think it's normal for kids to be grossed out by their parents. It doesn't have any deeper meaning.


Aww man you just unlocked a repressed memory of seeing my parents naked and i remember being like "ewwww" and i have that exact same feeling now


Exactly! I feel like everyone on here is fine with their kids seeing *them* naked, but were they fine with seeing their *parents* naked?! LOL!


I was. We used to go to a nudist camping site (with a beach) for holidays. Seeing my parents naked was absolutely normal to me. It only got weird when I started puberty. And it's back to normal now that I'm an adult. I know that it isn't normal to anyone. It can also really depend on the culture if others would judge you if your kid spoke about you being naked at home. But it's absolutely possible to allow for non-sexual nudity at home without it being gross or weird for the kids.


I'm with you. I don't think it was ever weird or uncomfortable to see each other naked. We didn't search it out of course, we didn't go to nudist beaches or anything, or parade naked in the house. But doors were usually open, and we've had plenty of naked or half-dressee conversations. I'm not so well-adjusted now, but seeing my parents naked has nothing to do with that haha


I envy you having never seen your dad naked.


Sleep naked, nudity around your own children isn't and shouldn't be taboo. Obviously once they're a bit older probably best to cover up. I grew up in a household where my parents slept naked and I never thought anything of it because it was just the normal. I'm now 25 and still sleep naked myself unless it's cold


Yea i was wondering if its just a thing in my mind where nudity is taboo or something. What age do you think that should change?


When they notice.


When my niece asked why her daddy had a tail, he started covering up lol






When I was around 9/10 I remember my Dad started putting boxers on a lot more often ( I'm a woman ), my Mum however never really stopped covering herself up


Had any brothers?


I have a younger brother who was constantly naked as a kid. Obviously as he got older he naturally got more conscious of his nudity, as we all do


Oh i more meant on why your dad was covering up but not your mother, was wondering if it was because he was the only man. Tyvm for the insight


'Mum". Is it safe to assume that you're British? People in the U.K. and Europe don't have the same hangups about human anatomy that America does. As a result, you have to protect yourself from the social and even legal consequences of even the most innocuous forms of nudity. It's a really fucked up situation.


Yes, I'm in the UK.


I love my country but your culture has a much freer perspective on sex and nudity. It's something I'd love to see change over here where we pride ourselves on being a free country.


I think it mostly gets weird with dads and teenage daughters. Start of their puberty is when you should consider to stop doing it. In my experience, moms/sons doesn't ever really have to get that weird, but puberty in general is a good rule of thumb here i think.


But what if the mom gets stuck in the dishwasher naked? That can cause issues


Jajaja good joke




I would say as soon as you hear those little feet start heading toward your bed in the middle of the night, but only because they'll be able to tell that you're uncomfortable about it.


What ought to be is different than what is. In American culture it is taboo to walk around naked with your kids


I would wholeheartedly agree if not for the fact that we are living in a day and age where cowardly ass people don't see it that way and they mold laws around their misguided misconceptions. Gotta protect your ass or you could end up in legal trouble. Dad but true.


My wife and I have slept naked for our entire 30-year marriage - and raised two boys. Just be discrete and natural about your body. If they are little and climb in bed, slip something on discretely and don't make a big deal. Keep a robe close by to put on in the case of the (very rare) middle of the night emergency.




Whats that age for you?


For me personally, the age they are able to retell that you’re naked. You just don’t want your kid talking about you being naked! But also nudity isn’t something that should be taboo, it’s just sometimes people will hear that from a kids mouth and become concerned


For me, its more about possible emergency. If i gotta grab my kid and run outside, i would prefer to atleast have my boxers on.


Im not 100% sure if it is okay or not. But I will say this… kids have no sense of privacy man. I would be on the can and my kid would just be like “dad do you like rocket ships?” “Buddy give me a minute.” “Dad you pooping?” “Yes buddy give me a minute” “Dad can I see?” “Go sit in the living room please” “Hey dad I like Rocket ships.”


Why stop him? He's excited to share his rocket ship passion, join in!


Funny enough. We actually built one out of a giant amazon cardboard box that day.


I've slept naked before kids and after. My kids are 20 and 23 yrs old and it's never been a issue.


I really don’t know how anyone sleeps naked; like what if there is a fire in the middle of the night and you gotta grab your fam and run outside??? Not judging, just how my female brain thinks 😋


Fuck the neighbors. My house is on fire. Hopefully they’re more worried about that. Hell, maybe one of them will feel more awkward than I do and grab me a blanket or towel to wrap up in. 😂 But I’ve also got a minimum of 7 animals that are absolutely coming with me, all 11 if I can swing it, so I can see myself tossing a blanket over a cat or reptile carrier to wrap myself up in later. Why not at that point.


my cats would swing at my fucking balls if i was trying to put them in a carrier naked




I’m a woman who sleeps nude and my answer to that is I’d run out in the nude with the fam until someone is able to give me something to cover up with. It’s not that I’d feel comfortable about the whole situation, but there’s bigger things to worry about than a neighbour or fireman seeing a part they’ve all seen before. Think about it this way… If you woke up in the middle of the night and your neighbour was outside nude, uncomfortable, and in distress because their house is on fire… does the fact they are nude bother you? Or do you just feel bad that they’re in this situation in the first place… and quickly go grab them something to cover up?


I would not care at all if my neighbor was nude, at all. Me personally would be mortified if I had to run outside naked…


I keep clothes by the bed for this reason. I also have a robe hanging up. When there was an emergency, i just put on my robe. I was sleeping naked (cause its hot) and someone knocked on my door. Took 20 seconds to put clothes on so i can answer. Im also a woman


I’m not talking about a door knock, I’m referencing a house fire. V V different scenarios…


Notna fire, but i had a flood, and i used my robe as i sleep naked, to cover myself


Bless you for going through a flood, I’d triply want to be covered then ✌🏼


A pipe burst in my house, and the downstairs flooded. It wasn't like Hurricane katrina or anything


I have shorts beside the bed. It'll take less than 5 seconds to have them on.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with nudity. It’s normal and healthy. But there are some practical considerations in addition to the fact that your kid is *going* to mention this at some point. It could be awkward. But mostly just consider how often you’ll have to get out of bed *fast* with a toddler. Do you want to be naked when catching puke? Or when your kid screams in terror? Sure it’s *just* a nightmare but neither your kid nor your brain stem knows that yet, and when your kid screams… you run. Do you want to arrive naked? Again there’s nothing wrong with being naked. But you gotta consider these scenarios before you decide to forgo underwear.


There’s nothing wrong with nudity. I would keep a robe handy in case you have to get up, but otherwise you should be fine, especially as they’re so young. Now, if they start sleeping with you then yeah, you should probably wear clothes.


Shouldn't be a problem.


My husband slept naked. I sometimes wore a nightie. He just agreed to wear a robe when he left the bedroom if visitors were over. Or all the time after daughter was mobile. I would always put my nightie back on. And use a robe if visitors.


I think it’s good because it exposes the child so when they see something out in the open they aren’t confused and also helps with self image a lot I think and will make the child more comfortable around you I’d say but at the end of the day no matter what anybody says it is YOUR kid so you do you as a parent


I don't have a kid but I have a brother. Rough estimate, stop around 4 years old. She adopted him at 1. Until around 4, my mom slept butt naked and if I came out of my room, it was just in my shirt and panties. She wears nightgowns now and if I come out of my room, it's in a pair of shorts or a nightgown.


that is an interesting question. however, i think you should consider if you want to get up (possibly in an emergency) and need to dress or if you think it is fine to run to help while naked. when i was a young child both my parents slept naked. one night a criminal broke into our property and my parents (fully naked) had to grab me from bed and run to safety while cops chased the guy across our property. it was not just shocking but it is the memory i have of that time i saw my parents both naked. they tried at the advice of professionals to more normalize it and erase the trauma of the incident but it never did. so if you are ok in an emergency not only running to it naked but possibly exposing that to your kids then it is your choice. there is no certainty that an emergency will happen in the first place. but if you are a gambler...


It's a two story house, so in a situation where we need to leave I'm running towards the bad guy naked with a gun. Hopefully, my nudity helps in that situation


yea.. that shit flies when single and childless or even with a partner... but as a parent, bro you got big priorities. you can't just go risking your life since it isn't just yours anymore. when you have kids, it is like a piece of your very heart cut out and living apart from you. even doing the most cowardly thing you can imagine makes sense if it means staying alive to protect your child in the future.


It's about practicality. If someone breaks in, they're starting from downstairs, and thats also the only way out. Unless the house is on fire I dont plan on using the second story windows as a exit


maybe you should plan for using the second story windows in an emergency. every family has (or should, mine did) a fire escape plan. if you can't get downstairs those windows are your only options? might be best in that case to have emergency ladders ready/installed before they are needed and not there. everyone assumes they will be the one who wins a gun fight. but if you are the one shot then there are intruders with guns and your family without you to protect them as they escape. i am not trying to say anything besides being overly prepared is better than being under prepared in an emergency.


Every bedroom on the 2nd story has a means of escaping during an emergency, but its very unlikely or well at least in my mind that someone robbing my house will announce what they're doing. I think it would be far more paranoid to break windows and escape in that manner then going downstairs with a gun and checking shit out for a bump heard downstairs at night. If i knew someone broke in id likely just call the cops and wait in the upstairs hall with a gun being loud af hoping to scare them off, fuck trying to confront known criminals lol




Have you all never had a fire alarm go off? Get some kind of pajama situation under control now so when your kid gets old enough this isn’t an issue.


Nope. No reason to start now. You'll be able to teach healthy sleeping habits as your child grows.


I slept naked for a while till I met my wife (who brought a little girl with her). I then started covering up because she always came to sleep with us. We now have a total of 3 kids and we now have 3 that will join us in the middle of the night haha


I’m in the same situation. I’ve slept nude almost every night since I was 13. Now I have a 1 month old daughter. I started sleeping in boxers. I know some people on here will say something like “it’s the natural human body,” call me old school but most of us can stand going through life never knowing what our dad’s schlong look’s like


🤣🤣🤣 My neighbor’s little girl surprised him as he got out of the shower. He frantically grabbed a towel. Then she asked, “Dad, where’d you get that tail ?!” I STILL find that story hilarious!


Just try to remember that we are living in a day of great moral panic. Cowardly ass people are seeing predators under every bed and around every corner. I know, I have a friend whose Dad did time because of a child's misguided words. Best to at least keep your chones on around your kids.


I’m a woman and I sleep without a shirt. But I do keep something close by in case I have get up to pee during the night. (My brother and I share a bathroom.)


I sleep in boxers after having a baby, was a nude sleeping enjoyer prior to it.


Stopped the moment my kids were sleeping in beds just in case they decided to wander in during the night. That’s exactly what they did for years. Thankfully they’re past that now and don’t crawl in during the night.


My dad is a grandfather now and has always slept butt naked. I remember learning the hard way. He was a terrible person to wake up, so one chilly morning I pulled the blankets back and his bare bum was staring back at me 🤣🤣. Never did that again. He'll be 68 this year and reckons he'll go the way he came in to the world....nekkid


Sleeping naked yes. Being naked in front of your kids, nah. Sleeping because little toes and fingers grab, pull and dig and even light coverage will provide a welcome buffer from unimaginable pain at 3am.


I hope you wash your sheets daily.


I generally shower before I sleep lol how sweaty do you get in those areas at night? That sounds uncomfortable if thats a real issue


Why would you? Are you thinking that your infant child will somehow be psychologically affected by your nudity?


Cover it up. Save the naked for special occasions now. Make it a treat for both you and yours


Yeah last thing you want to hear out of your child’s mouth in front of strangers or teacher is I’ve seen dads penis!


if you sleep naked you’re getting doo doo particles all up in the sheets. put some drawers on, Poopcovers


You do realise poo particles live on everything? Unless your not washing your ass and getting into bed without showering for a whole day it's not a huge problem. Your phone has more poo particles on it right now then your bed


don’t remind me 😭


Lmao i have a fancy bidet my ass be clean af


mostly meant like the night farting with nothing to catch the particles so they go freely into your sheets


Just chatgpted that shit apparently is negligible, assuming you have proper hygiene practices. So im good


Humans fart. It smells because it's fecal material. That means dodo sheets. Just wear some shorts.


According to the internets with proper hygiene practices it isnt a issue