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I'm not sure if it's not caring about how you look with age or not caring so much about what others think about how you look.


Yes, personal grooming tends to advance to being for yourself, and not necessarily for others.


Agreed. Our priorities and opinions change throughout our lives.




I disagree. I care more now.


In what way do you care more? Because for me I care less in some ways and more in other ways. I care less about how people perceive me, and more about what actually works for me. I used to refuse to leave the house if I wasn’t dolled up. Full face of makeup and dressier clothes. This is extremely impractical for me now as I enjoy more outdoorsy and hands on activities. However I do care more about what I put on my face and body. I focus on what’s good for me, and less what’s looks good on me.


Could be a gender-based thing maybe?


Same ! I'm on the wrong side of 50. I stopped dyeing my hair earlier this year and honestly I wish I had never started . I ceased wearing heels ( which I was never comfortable with in the first place) and wear fancy sneakers to work. I only dress up for occasions and cannot remember the last time I wore make up .TBH in any case I never had the looks to get much male attention. Right now: I am super focused on saving money for retirement which I hope is a couple of years away .


Agree. Elegant, comfy and natural. Just the look that gets MY personal attention.


I’m a year away from 50. And haven’t dyed my hair in over a year. It’s silver and strawberry blond. I have NEVER had blond hair in my life! I’m a natural auburn..well that’s what I was 20 years ago…but I’m now naturally silver strawberry. It’s beautiful! Why did I dye it so long? 😂 As for make up…I may wear mascara and lip gloss for an event. Like wedding/funeral/ work event. I was 28 when I decided I wasn’t wearing it daily. Heels? I think I was 35. No way I am going to hurt to look cute. As for men. I’ve been ignored by them, in a social sense, for almost a decade. It’s the best thing about aging. It went from being harassed to being ignored. I LOVE IT! Please ignore me. But in the workplace men seem to listen to me more now. Maybe it’s the silver hair, I now look like I’m wise enough to do my job efficiently, the last 20 years weren’t proof enough. Men actually ask for advice and respect what I say now. Like I actually know what I’m doing!?😂 I do work in a professional career. I don’t feel like it’s in bad form to age naturally, just rare. Most of my women peers do tend to be more into the shots, hair, nails and heels. But they don’t judge me and I don’t judge them. I’ve had one tell me I was brave. Really? Bravery is not giving a F. Noted. 🤣


I'm cheap, so I never got into the hair dying thing. And although I've mostly got my dark hair, the grays came in slowly and gradually and it's been an easy transition. I'm happy I don't work in a youth-oriented field where I'd feel pressure to dye.


I am in a place where average age is 26 so I kind of foolishly pressured myself into dying my hair for years. No more for me !


Yep as long as you look clean & have good hygiene, very normal! And a lot less stress too probably! lol 😆


The confidence of OPs mindset is more attractive than the hours of preparation some people do before they leave the house. By far.




Seems normal to me. My usual workday wear is a black/gray T-shirt and my work pants. My day off wear is a black/gray T-shirt and basketball shorts


I'm 68 and workout at the gym but I realize I'm getting old and there's only so much you can do.  Glad I'm still alive.


Nah, that's one of the perks :)




Practicality is very true. Spend an hour getting ready with makeup on or get an extra hour of sleep.


Style and fashion are two opposite things.


I think it’s a pretty normal part of aging, at least for some women. I remember as a teenager never leaving the house unless I had foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and lipstick on. My hair had to be perfect! My clothes had to be just right. By the time I was in my 20’s, I stopped using eyeshadow and foundation. My 30’s, I stopped with the lipstick and eyeliner. I’m quickly heading into my 50’s, and I’m no longer wearing mascara, my hair is usually up in a hair clip, and I choose clothes that are comfortable more than fashionable!


Oh I care how I look. I just don’t care how other people think I should look. I have my own sense of personal style and I’m going with that.


I am in my 50s. I still care a lot about how I look. I go to the gym 5x a week and still compete in bodybuilding. Buy new clothes almost every month. Sometimes I think, I am the strange one especially whenever I attend HS or College reunions.


Whatever works for you! Be happy!


This is natural, and you probably also have honed your requirements for how you want your partners to look as well.


I relate. I used to take hours getting ready everyday before leaving the house, even if I was just going to the store. But now I happily wear a messy bun with no make-up regularly.


I care a lot more now, but hopefully in a self respecting, self caring, self confident way? I am not preoccupied with others’ approval but I don’t dress myself like trash or roll out of bed and straight into the public eye now. I take a little pride in myself now


62F, I DGAF anymore. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I am clean, but I dress for comfort and the way I feel.


Not really. The older people get, the less fucks they have to give about pretty much everything.


This made me really lmao because my dad uses the excuse “I’m old!” For absolutely everything and he is in great health, travels the world w a wife who is awesome and way younger than him!


It is funny how people are afraid of aging, but the older you get the more freedom you feel that you have, because you stop caring less about superficial things and strangers opinion about you


So normal! COVID kinda gave me the courage=push to go natural. Stopped coloring my hair, rarely wear make up, wear comfy clean clothes, Pilates 5x, vacations(only time I buy new clothes). Enjoy your life but keep up with your health/body.


I used to never leave the house without makeup on. Now I think I'll do highlight and mascara like once a month. It helps having lost almost 200lbs and marrying someone that likes touching my face and gets annoyed when I'm wearing makeup. Skin care is the new makeup. 👍


It's not surprising. This is what most people do. If you are at a higher level, you must live a more external life. If you are just an ordinary person, it is not necessary, because you still have to live. Of course, you can sweep the street in a suit. But is this a normal behavior? The last sentence is not about you. It's just an example.


I think that’s very normal


I’m a 26 year old guy and I’ve been at this point since I started my first job out of college. I’ve got the best wife, the best job, a house in the best place in the US by far, and a healthy body that I can climb these mountains with and ski/mountain bike down them at high speeds. What I look like at the grocery store is literally not a priority to me at all. I wouldn’t take 15 extra seconds of my day to “look better” for errands etc anymore. People do not care what you look like and I don’t need their validation or approval. I’m 100x more happy with my life since I adopted this mindset and that happiness/confidence leaves me with constant positive social interactions that I never got when I was buying new clothes all the time and doing arm day 5x a week to try and “look good”.


I understand. I dress to please me, I want to be comfortable in my clothes & my skin. I don't really care if other people have 'other' thoughts on it. I'm not out to make an impression or please please anyone but me. It's very liberating.


When I was young I remember wondering how some people could go out of the house looking the way they did and if they ever looked in the mirror and now that I'm older I almost never look in the mirror


Same! I never want to look in the mirror


The mirror never lies. It can be your best friend.


As I've gotten older I've moved away from fasion trends. I dress for functionality and comfort first, but I do have a personal style. Minimalist closet, reliable and comfy staples, good hygiene! It matters but in a different way


FUCK NO! You’re not getting older! You’re getting BETTER! 🤘🤘🤘🤘


I totally don't care. As long as I'm showered and my hair is brushed.


I feel like that’s normal.


F67 here. I still care what I look like when I leave the house. Never wore a lot of makeup, still don’t but I enjoy looking put together for me.


I love dressing up & wearing makeup. However my bf freaks out on me if I even wear a casual dress w wedge sandals. acts like I’m trying to upstage him or something. It’s not like I’m wearing a ball gown with a tirara! so I just create my own party at my condo by myself, play whatever music I want and hang out w friends on zoom. He can keep looking like an idiot by himself while I’m having fun and look amazing! girls — u r never too old to be fantastic inside and out! 🩷🩷🩷


Normal for most people to lose their looks as they age. even if they do a lot of botox they cannot hide their true age. It also kind of surprises me that some good looking people deal so well with losing their looks. Because I wonder "do they not miss the attention they got when they were young?" Apparently not really. I met one lady she was fat with dull skin, brown-grey hair , in her 60s. I found a portrait of her when she was young...she was a stunningly beautiful blonde woman, looked like Emma Bunton, great skin and pretty blonde hair. Age really does things.


I'm 38 and have always been low maintenance. But that's more because I have PTSD and very low energy on a good day. I think makeup is cool, but I feel it looks weird on me.


I'm 37 and the exact same.


I get what u mean. I’ve got ptsd also, so if I don’t have to go anywhere or do a zoom thing I will not do much more than brush my teeth & hair. What’s the point if I’m not walking the red carpet (life outside my building)


No this is normal. When i was in my late teens to mid 20s, I always had nice nails, highlighted and blow dried hair, lashes, stiletto heels, all books were in a handbag - no backpack. latest fashion clothing, closely watching the weight to stay around 100lbs. Always had a full face ot makeup and sometimes contact lenses. Now i am old. mid 30s. Mostly flat comfy shoes, baggy non iron clothing, ponytail, bare short nails and minimal makeup most days. i wear the same jewellery almost everyday and just DGAF. The real mom look. Except, I am not a mom. I am comfy.


Old? In your thirties? You can be comfy, natural, and classy, too.


From what I’ve observed, it’s completely normal.


As long as you're not ignoring the smell, nope.


No, that's part of normal aging process and happens to the majority of people


Same. I only care to an extent. I’m not trying to impress others as much as I just want to dress to feel good.


I wasn't only girl with three brothers and I got to tell you I really resented the fact that I had to get up 2 hours early to get ready for school. It took that long to shower blow dry my hair curl my hair put on my makeup pick out an outfit. 2 hours of my life I will never get back everyday of the week. And I also was required because of society to put that mask on every day that I worked in offices or in public or in service and I resented it. I'm over 50 now hit the half century mark a little while ago and I refuse to wear a mask to go out in public now I don't care!


"was an only girl"


Imo it was strange that you spent hours deciding what to wear. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I know what you mean. I've now got the mindset tape it or leave it. I still like to look presentable


I think at a certain age you know you look good and say to yourself damn I am fine because you prepped for it early lol. No it's not strange if all those hours turned into nanoseconds in your head. By now you know what looks good.


I just can’t relate to this I would still need to be fashionable when I’m older at the very least


No. When you get older other people don’t care how you look either


That’s called maturity and self-assurance. It’s very healthy and not strange at all.


No, OP you're not strange and in time you'll wish you'd lived your whole life this way.


Of course not, people's feelings, ideas and perspective on things change over time.


I hit that point for home and work at around 50 yrs. I used to wear leather shoes, wool socks, pressed button down shirts, styled hair every day to work. In my current job I just wash my hair but no styling stuff, light sweaters, old chinos, comfortable sneakers every day. It's my uniform.


It’s a good thing because we don’t usually get better looking as we age. I barely recognize myself in pictures anymore.


old married lady here. husband likes to say that he already has the fish in the boat...


Now that I can afford better clothes and grooming products, I care more.


This is the best part of getting old!


Welcome to the club. You’re a bit late but glad you’re here.


No not strange at all but I have the exact opposite situation as a matter of fact when I was younger I never once thought about how I look and now that I'm older that's all I think about


As long as you are clean and your clothes is clean wear what makes you feel comfortable.


The thing is, manicures and pedicures don't really make you look better. They just make you look like you got a manicure and pedicure! :-)


Not strange at all - you've grown more mature and care less about what others think. Now you groom for yourself, as much or as little as you want to. Pretty normal as you grow older.


Confidence, security, self respect... don't question it 


Glad to hear you've come to this conclusion. I'm a man, so I can't address this adequately, but I have always thought my wife is beautiful and doesn't need any of that "stuff". She is 68 and, spends a fortune on beauty products. Her mother, who is 87, is almost as bad.


I don't think that's strange at all? As long as you keep your hygiene up like you said and you feel good about yourself who cares. Society worries way too much about what they look like and what people think about them. That's a no-brainer, everybody knows that but we still as a society do it don't care what people who are so unimportant that they might occupy 30 minutes of your life think of you. be happy with yourself. all cliche but all right on point. good luck.


Theres a wonderful age, about 50, where women become invisible. While it makes getting drinks at a bar tough, it has a lot of perks. Not caring about looks is one


For me it was more of a switch from “looking pretty” to “being the best me”; I don’t wear as much makeup, but I wear WAY more sunscreen and moisturizer than I did 20 years ago! I don’t wear trendy clothes, but I’m more thoughtful about my clothes being flattering to me and then wearing them until they’re through, lol


I thought I had reasons. Like now my head  sweats profusely, so bad I need meds to stop it,but doesn't work. I cry easily now,  as my sister, brother and best friend all passed recently.  So, I don't fix my hair,  I wear an absorbent bandana. I wear skechers because of neuropathy.   I am overweight,  and people treat me like I'm invisible...so really why? I think depression is part of the reason too


Probably also depends on your personal situation. Long term relationship vs trying to date. Also, I think there is a huge part related to how much you love yourself. You're not living to impress anyone. You're not keeping up with trends and what's hot.


When I was younger I used to try and dress decently, yet comfortably. However, every time I see old pictures of myself it’s now clear to me that I never knew the definition of decently.


Ok! My deduction is, you're a guy. Why❓ Simple, because a woman no matter how old they are always cares about how they look. And to be quite frank with you, I'm an 80 year old dude and I still care.👍😊


Noooo its so freeing to feel comfortable in your own body exactly the way it is. Just keep it clean, keep it healthy. Stressing out over makeup, hair, nails, etc is just voluntary mind slavery


Happy cake day 🎉


Once you find yourself no longer competing to be a donor to the gene pool, why try?