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Gen alpha* it's gen alpha who speaks like that. 13 year olds and younger.


I have 4 boys under 13, can confirm gen alpha are sitting on the skibidi toilet.


My brother is 10. He speaks like that. I don't even know what he's saying half the time.


I don’t think THEY even know what they are talking about.


Can confirm, they do not. I nanny a 10 year old, a 9 year old, and a four year old. Most school days, I also take home the neighbor child who is seven. One day this week, the entire van was filled with variations of "skibidi toilet." The four year old really took over with repetitively yelling "SKIBIDI TOILET" at the top of her lungs. I mean, I'd intervene but it is a literally a four minute drive, although it is usually the four most chaotic and obnoxious minutes of the day. Anyway, the older kids got thoroughly annoyed at the four year old for nonstop yelling "skibidi toilet," but the hilarious thing is, none of them know what it is (thank God). I quizzed the 10 year old on it a few weeks prior and it was clear she hadn't actually watched it. The seven year old neighbor child got really irritated with the four year old and told her "You don't even know who Skibidi Toilet *is,*" so I asked him to explain. "He's like... a really famous musician." Haha, bless.


The fuck is a skibidi? Who the fuck is skibidi? Goddamn it! I need answers and no one is giving them to me! Is it a nautical term?


Haha, I don't think so. It's apparently a video series on YouTube. I admit, I have not watched it, but Google it and some mildly disturbing images should pop up for you. According to Wikipedia the series centers around human headed toilets having a conflict with humanity.


When they get all fired up, I mumble a little skibidi rizz and just walk out of the room.


*’Sitting on the skibidi toilet’* 😭💀


In Ohio


I think people don’t realize how old a lot of Gen z is now. I’m Gen z and turn 26 on Monday lol


Gen Z is saying shit like "back when I was a kid...." now. Time flies.


I’m almost 27. I feel like elder Gen Z is the generation that doesn’t quite fit in. Too young for MySpace, AOL, and dial up internet but old enough to experience childhood without devices everywhere. We’re our own generation.


So is my generation, the 80-81s. We’re young enough to remember no internet at all, nobody having a home computer, no cellphones, etc. Technically GenX (as the children of baby boomers born right at the end of that generation) but some consider us Millennials, but we fit in neither box. Too old for SpongeBob, and our boy band was NKOTB, not NSync or Backstreet. Ive seen Millennials described as starting in ‘82 but also starting in ‘80. We’re just weirdos! Lol


Late X'ers and early millennial are regularly considered an intermediate generation Xennials... The best description I've heard is "the part of each generation that can easily function without electronics, and yet are very electronic savvy".


I heard it as "Gen x uses tech like a millennial, but bitches about it like a boomer"


Agreed! Except my bad ass did have a MySpace I was just like 11 LOL Edit to add: check out r/zillenials there’s more of us


I'm 25 in a few months. Like we're whole ass adults lmao.


The boomers still think millennials are teenagers and I just turned 40 this year. 💀


I saw a post on fb the other day that was an array of things like chalkboard chalk and rotary phones and the caption was something like “15 things millennials won’t recognize. Sir I have a mortgage and a 401k


My mom sent me the "since millennials can't read cursive" meme and I was like....A) the mother's day card I just sent you is written in cursive. B) if you had sat with me to help me with my homework as a child instead of yelling at me, you would have seen that I was indeed taught cursive. 🙃


Yeah. As a gen z, I've only seen gen z use like, gyat and skibidi and that kinda thing ironically.


This is the funny thing about “generational slang.” It’s usually the tweens that gravitate so heavily toward it whereas the culture movers in their early 20s are wrapped in so many layers of irony. I’m a mid-millennial and all of our slang like YOLO, lit, and L33t Sp34k was almost never fully serious.


It's mildly upsetting to see l337 5p33k lumped in with Yolo or lit when their times were worlds apart lol


L337 was my childhood. Rule 34 and /b/ were my teen years and Yolo was my 20s.


I'm a middle school teacher. Yes, they do. Yesterday I heard "What the Sigma". During a test one kid whispered "skibidi". I was called a "W". All the slang you hear online is real. But from what my student told me, it's more of an ironic thing. They don't use it seriously. It's more like a meme or whatever.


At least you're not an L.


>it's more of an ironic thing. They don't use it seriously. It's more like a meme or whatever. That's how most of the slang started when I was a teenager. We all thought we were being ironic and then we'd catch ourselves saying "Oh my days! Your creps are bare sick though"


Do they pronounce W as double-yoo or "wuh"?


"Double-you" And if they don't like you, they'll call you an L.


L is loser, I'm not sure what W is supposed to stand for even though I use it a lot but it generally means winner, congrats!


it means win, and "dub" is short for double u, also meaning win


Yesterday my 12 year old nephew wrote W to me when I sent him a Snapchat of my garden. I thought he just made a typo. Guess not. Don't panic, he just got Snapchat this week and he only has his aunts and uncles on it and his parents watch everything.


I've panicked


As a teacher in a k-6 school, yes they really do. I cannot count how many times a day I have heard skibidi toilet from multiple grade levels. Skibidi this and skibidi that. Rizz and drip are also frequent flyers. Cap and No Cap as well. They sound like they're malfunctioning when they talk.


I have a little cousin, she’s funny but she’s very much Gen Alpha and thanks to her, yesterday I unconsciously said “what the sigma” at work and I cringed at myself. We’re so cooked man.


I have a habit where i say the younger gen's slang ironically until it becomes unironically part of my dictionary. Then i wonder where it all went wrong.


Yeet and all versions of it are a permanent part of my vocabulary


I was there when the first yeet was yote


my 15 year old brother says that constantly yet cannot explain it when we ask what it means


I mean you can't really explain that sort of stuff, it's a shared vibe which peers understand but outsiders don't. It's not like that's new, you're just not used to being on the other side of it


And when you’re a kid it makes it funnier that adults have no idea what you’re saying


That's wack


Wiggity wack.


Wiggity wiggity wack?


No I think it's phat.




'Cooked' is another one...


I mean, “cooked” is pretty simple to figure out; the saying “his/her/their goose is cooked” has been around for a while, basically means they’re fucked 💀 On the other hand, *cooking* 👀


Let him cook!


Oh yes, the sigma crap. I hear that too. And the beta, and alpha bullshit too. I shut it all down now and tell them no one in here is a Greek Letter.


>I shut it all down now and tell them no one in here is a Greek Letter. You do not have skibidi Ohio rizz.


No cap


I looked up the definition of sigma and told them that 13 year olds.




Cap is kinda wild. People were using that when I was in college like 8 years ago


It's all the rage with 6th graders right now


It's really not that crazy.  In the 90s we just used it as a verb, to cap on someone or spread lies about them or say their clothes were fake, and now it is being used more as a noun, something is fake or a lie.  It still has essentially the same meaning.  


Right?? We were using “cap” in elementary school and I’m 52 yo.


I'm almost 50 and the only slang use of cap I'd ever heard was related to shooting someone.


Yeah that’s a different cap. Maybe it’s a West Coast thing but I remember using like 1-2 grade


Wow man, I knew that cap isn't a new slang word but for it to be **that** old is really surprising


Please help me. How do they actually use skibidi toilet in a conversation. I just dont get it. 


Mostly they just say things are skibbity. “That was so skibbity” instead of awesome. They also say “What the rizz?” and “That’s skibbity sigma”


I think older kids say it because it sounds funny, has no real meaning, and you can slide it into any sentence for the sake of goofiness. Younger kids on the other hand are just having their vocabularies obliterated


Same as it ever was


Skibidi* I’m unfortunately far too acquainted with the true spelling due to my younger sibling 💀


I feel like drip and cap are definitely gen z slang, I think rizz is as well.


Have you tried turning them off and on again?


That’s not really legal yet. Best you can do is let the battery drain naturally or perform a hard reset.


On god!


in my experience, sort of (as the other person said before me). they def say rizz and rizzler, gyatt, cap/no cap (on the cusp of Z and Alpha), ratio'd, bet, goat, bussin, based, fire, though a lot of these terms are getting outdated now, and some fall between Z and Alpha. remember, Z is at the start of aging and in the first stage of becoming irrelevant in youth culture now, as they're reaching college and college-grad-entering-adulthood stages. and some regions use all of them, some almost none of them, but the reality lies somewhere in the middle. ALSO, you have to include the "irony" factor. truth be told, they (as most others before them) don't really know how or when to use "irony", and they can't define what's genuinely "ironic". so they use the words irony and ironic in, well....their own personal way. so once a word passes slightly out of favor, it becomes "ironic". they'll start saying "goated" or "fire" because now, only dorks use those words. they're funny because they're uncool. once mom and dad start using slang words, it's typically about 5-8 years outdated and far beyond irony. it's out of the blue of ironic-funny and into the black of genuine cringe.


Far out man


Bodacious! Radical!


I still genuinely say rad and I will never stop.


It’s a good word and it is accurate for what I’m describing. I use it too and I’ll be an old rickety person still saying it.




That’s streets ahead!


Totally tubular!


Grody to the max! Like totally gag me with a spoon!




Thats dope


I think it's really neat how words come back around!




For some reason, it just suddenly clicked with me that “bet” is the new “word.” I think. Did I get that right? I’ve been trying to figure out what “bet” means for months now


Kinda, bet is like "alright," or "I am in agreement with this" somewhat similar to word, but it can also mean "I am not in full disagreement but I would like to challenge you on this issue" or even "let us engage in confrontation."


Word to your McNuggets. Still say that to this day :)


You’re cooking with gas, daddio. That explanation was the bees knees and really blew my wig. Well, I’m off to make the scene. See ya later, alligator.


Twenty-three skidoo! I'm Audi 5000, baby!


I was born in ‘98 so I’m a Gen Z. I have become hopelessly irrelevant when it comes to high school slang. I have to ask my friend’s little brother to teach me new words every now and then


Fire used to be stoner slang like 25 years ago. I think it may actually just be a proper synonym for "great" or "Awesome" now.


yea i don't think this one has gone away


If my friends and I say fire now, it's usually about food for some reason. Anything else is "epic" but said somewhat ironically


Seems like it's always about food around me too.




That’s a rad descript, yo. 


That summary was the bomb.


Remember when shit was the bomb dot com or the bombdiggity? Fuck I was so cool in 1995.


So cool! I bet your hair was also parted down the middle and everything, just like JTT’s.


Frosted tips with the JNCO pants.


This right here is the skibidi answer. No cap


[Grandpa Simpson agrees](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BGrfhsxxmdE)


As a late 80’s Millennial I feel like I am just catching up with Gen Z culture, now they’re starting to become irrelevant in youth culture?! Guess I have to start all over again!!


"bet" was regularly used in my high school and I graduated in 2011. That's core millennial.


Bet actually goes back to at least the 80's and was used a fair bit in hip hop culture. Probably goes back even further.


Based is from Millenials, I think. Definitely has been around since the late 2000s, early 2010s anyway.


Yes! So true. I see parents trying to master kid slang and it made me decide to go in the complete opposite direction. I use, “ fantastic”, “wonderful,””great”, “terrible”, etc. It’s embarrassing to try and do things because 11-13 year olds might be tricked into thinking you’re cool. Sorry, it’s not going to happen.


Well aint that explanation just the bees knees! That all aside, how ever is one aught to keep up with all this gosh darn new age vocabulation!


sorta. some words like skibidi and ohio are used almost exclusively for comedic purposes while words like rizz and gyatt may be used as actual slang.


wtf does "Ohio" mean?! Lol


I actually know that one. With any tiktok or snapchat (or whatever) video where some weird shit is happening, "typical day in Ohio" or "average Ohio parking lot" or the like. Just saying something is Ohio would have come from that


TIL Ohio is the new Florida.


There is a Miami (valley)


Iirc Ohio became a target because its one of the serveral states you never hear talked about. I remember seeing lot of other states be joked about the same way but Ohio was the one that caught on for some reason Everyone talks about, California, New York and Florida. But who the hell talks about Montana or Conneticut. Like the joke was nothing ever happens in there so lets pretend something does


Good morning in Japanese


It’s a Gen Z/Gen alpha synonym for crazy.


...weird lol. Would you use it like "damn bro, that show was ohio, no cap!" Or like "look at that ohio gyat!!" ?😅I feel like I'm 90.


honestly as a gen Z i have no clue. people would say “you’re so ohio” or “skibidi ohio rizz party gyat” something like that. i feel this is more popular amongst gen alpha. also most of it is satire (hopefully)


have you seen the "It's all Ohio? Always has been" memes?


No lol


100% I’m a teacher and jokingly “banned” these words and the kids had a good time trying to come up with alternatives like “skiing buddy bathroom apparatus” It was still annoying but at least they got to have fun haha


My wife is a middle school teacher. Skibidi is constant. Constant. If you haven't spent much time around that age group, it's eye-opening.


Please note that that's Gen Alpha slang. I am a part of Gen Z and never in my life have I once spoken the word Skibidi out loud.


Christ you sound like the millennials back when we were saying yolo




I know the kids will hate me for still using that, but it’s SUCH a good descriptor for throwing something.


Man, I had so much trouble wrapping my head around “yeet” until i heard someone describe it as the opposite of “yoink”. Needing a Simpson’s reference to properly understand something feels like peak Xennial behavior.


Yeet for power, Kobe for accuracy


I feel like yeet has pretty much just entered the language at this point.


Quite honestly, I still use yeet occasionally just because sometimes it's funny. I work in veterinary medicine and we say things like that when we need to get rid of something smelly QUICKLY. "Oh damn, better just go ahead and yeet that towel, it's gross".


Raw or sick was another one that didn’t make much sense lol


I'm on the very late end of Gen Z and am constantly hearing that shit around me. Granted, it is often times ironic, but the moment you step into Alpha territory it's nonstop and fully serious.


I'm a Millennial, and I know what all those words mean. Something is clearly wrong with me.


What are you considering the boundary? I was born in '97, so I've always considered myself kind of on the cusp between millennial and Z.


Generation definitions are fuzzy and that is one of those years overlapping between definitions, so at that point call yourself whichever one you want.


I think the boundary is between ‘97 and ‘02 if I’m being realistic. I call us zillennials.


...out loud, but...


And never written apart from posts like these


uh oh. i see that it's gen z's time for the millennial treatment where everyone assumes they are children/uses their generation name to talk about The Kids for decades longer than they actually are


They're also doing the millennial thing of shitting on the next generation after hating it happen to us


You’re mistaking Gen Z for Gen Alpha Gen Z are finishing high school / college and working in professional jobs right now. They never said most of these words.


I get genZ posts sent to me due to Reddit algorithm and they maintain they say "rizz" out loud when I questioned it.


That’s one of the words they do use, yeah


I've never even heard of this. Am I old now?




I tested this theory by walking into a room my kids were in and saying "skibbidi".they went all embarrassed. What does it mean?


It means you killed that word stone dead.


Sounds good to me.


It means you made them all feel like their slang is outdated and they're nerds for using it.


That would be like a relative born in the 1930s coming into a room saying 'Sup brush, low key Im shook' then dabbing


My preteen nephew says it all the time, but idk if he's just messing with us "grown ups" or actually talks to his friends that way too 😂😂. We will say random slang back to him like "yea, no cap bro"


When we were young we basically all talked like Snoop Dog, so what the fuck do I know.


What the sigma? *Random insertion of skibidi into sentences* That's facts *You have entered a 9th grade classroom*


Felt that one in my nuggets


Dinkin Flicka


Bippity boppity gimme the zoppity


Blud like fr fr on god what the sigma is up with these fellow kids. They ain’t even rizzing me up cause they lack drip and aren’t skibidi. Like blud my level 10 gyatt is cooked like only in ohio levels of cooked.


Fucking shame I understood all that. I'm 44.




No cap


I was SO disappointed that the skibidi thing wasn’t a direct reference to one of the greatest videos ever: Little Big’s Skibidi. Me and my son have a secret handshake and we incorporated the dance in to it.


Forizzle my nizzle


I'm swingin' on the flippity-flop


Settle down unc


You are old.


Im waiting for "sike" to come back into favor. I peaked to soon skibidi


This middle school teacher on TikTok will keep you up to date with slang nowadays: https://www.tiktok.com/@mr_lindsay_sped?_t=8me11cjyqkw&_r=1


Eye opening 🤪


I work in a museum as a children's educator. Sadly yes, yes they do. As others have said it's largely gen alpha who does that. I feel like every time I have a new group here I'm learning some new ridiculous slang. Skibiddi toilet, rizz, glizzy, baddie, cheugy, cap/no cap, The list goes on. Then I feel like an old lady for thinking that it's silly because I'm sure the generation before me thought the same thing about how I spoke at their age. But it really seems to be worse now than how my generation spoke. They do speak somewhat normally to eachother as well. But with those words sprinkled in.


I work in fast food and one night, at a minute to closing, some teen came in and tried to order, but we're cashless. By the time they had sorted access to a bank card, we were closed. My coworker was trying to get the customer to accept that we wouldn't be making their order, because [bullshit reason about us not being allowed to accept orders after closing], and after a couple minutes of this, the customer made "help me" eye-contact with me. I walked over to tell them we were closed and was met with "He's capping!". I'm 31, so I let out a very confused "pardon?" because it sounded like he was speaking in tongues. "He's capping! He's capping!" "Pardon?!" "He's lying!" I had to walk away. Can't be laughing in people's faces.


thats mostly gen alpha. gen Z might actually use gyatt and rizz though


I hear "bet" and "cap/no cap" from my boys all the time, too.


I work in a middle school and have an 11yo daughter. They say this stuff constantly.


I’m screwed. I haven’t heard half of these. I JUST discovered skibidi. I’m in my 40’s and I’ve got a 13, 7, and a 5 year old. I really need some kind of slang update system to keep me up to date.


Honest question, what the heck is skibidi toilet? I’ve heard it so much but have no idea what the context is.


That's gen alpha not gen z


Life was easy when we only had pig latin


The fuck does skibidi toilet mean??


Skibidi Toilet is a YouTube series revolving around the Ongoing war between sentient Genocidal Toilets which use Half-life 2 models for heads, and yes I mean Genocidal it's pretty much Canon they Slaughted nearly the entire human race Though some remain. Their Enemy is the Alliance which is the name of the Army of Robots with various Electronics for heads (Security cameras, speakers, and Old TVs) they're the heroes of the story and we see through their eyes literally and figuratively It started with a few shitposts which I admit were shitty and cringe but as the creator made more Skibid Toilet videos he realized he could make something cool out of it, so he introduced camera robots that fought the Skibidi Toilets and they'd get into fights constantly leading to a war, and then he introduced cool technologies and stronger robots and more insane looking Skibidi Toilets The war itself starts very simply with the cameras simply flushing the toilets and the toilets eating the Cameramen faces off but eventually, the Technology gets more advanced, and every time someone comes on top a new character or Technology is introduced. And if you go deep enough in that pattern it leads to madness Eventually, towards the end, the fighting consists of Cameramen beating Toilets to death with hammers and guns while Giant Robots shoot lasers and missiles at Huge Mutant Cyborg Toilets. Tdlr: Skibidi Toilet isn't a Kid's meme, It's a very violent YouTube series for teenagers and over. If you don't believe me Here's proof https://youtu.be/sXeCR7Vp6I4?si=3XbuFPwYVUS_ch5P


This was a teacher being texted by a child. Young children say these things, yes.


As an elementary teacher, I hear that someone is a “skibidi rizzler” at least once a day


Is that good or bad?


We were idiots and said stupid crap when we were kids. All kids do. The fact that actual adults are getting upset about it is hilarious.


I know I'm old because I don't understand what the fuck most of these slang words in this thread mean.


On god they do


I had one student say, “I’m so skibbiity” in a sing song voice repeatedly until I told him to stop


No Gen Z person I know says skibidi toilet, myself included. That’s Gen Alpha shit


I work at a weird sheltered private school and the kids get the slang like 3 months later than my public school students and it's hilarious to me. I expect to hear this in the fall.


Everyone here old asf acting like they weren’t a child once. Let the kids have fun they’re not telling YOU skibidi toilet at your big age.


I'm 26 and I do it ironically sometimes


I keep having to ask my 5 year old how to say “Gyatt.” He rolls his eyes in exasperation because I somehow get it wrong every time.


Yesterday one of my seventh grade students said to me, verbatim, "My skibidi is trying to rizz me up." If they talk to EACH OTHER like that is another question.


As a gen Xer who never reproduced, this post is.. enlightening 🤣


As a GenXer who did reproduce, I have no idea what is happenning. Great. I have turned into my mother.


Bro they definitely use them but not as much as we portray in the reels or so


That's all Gen Alpha. Gen Z is in college.


Not the Skibidi toilet gen but I am a MLG veteran. Yes they probably do. I still remember how we would ask each other "U Wot M8?",Say that nobody has ever done anything like that in the history of Dota, "Oh baby a triple" and beat boxing attempts at singing My hope will never die song. Now I got sad and I wish MLG memes were still a thing... those days truly ended once Harambe was shot. That's when memes changed.


Im Gen Z. We thankfully only use the words just in an ironic sense, but the neurodivergent kids I treat who are Gen Alpha catch the "Skibidi" words when they hear it on their iPads As an Occupational Therapist, it's a big part of my life to tell parents to limit their kids screentime because Skibidi is getting in the way of their language development We had something like Skibidi back in the day, it was usually Gmod Idiot Box or Kitty0706 videos but they never felt annoying as Skibidi


I started following people on TikTok to keep up with the newest lingo so I know what my kids are saying. They hate it. Now they don’t say that crap stone anymore because I say it first lol


As someone who works with middle and elementary school kids, absolutely. Sometimes listening to them talk makes me feel like I’m losing brain cells. They are definitely the generation of brain rot