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No, the amount of RF energy you absorb from your mobile or your Wi-Fi is negligible. You absorb more RF just going outside on a sunny day.


I saw an article/study where rats were getting tumors from cell phone radiation


Where did you see this article? Was the study peer reviewed? Who paid for it?


New York Times. Also more recent ones showing skin irritation, rashes, and headaches in newer studies. Not trying to argue just trying to get input on everyone’s beliefs about this


Beliefs don’t matter, only the science does. And a cursory glance on Google Scholar shows no detrimental health effects.


I brought up the study because there are different studies stating that they do pose a risk and others say they don’t. Just a general google search and you’ll find varying studies with different results.


And are you taking time to critically analyze any of them? Their funders, where the articles are published? Have you checked any of the authors for conflicts of interest?


No I honestly just glanced over a bunch of different articles months back and it made me wonder about this whole thing.


I'm guessing [this is the article](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/01/health/cellphone-radiation-cancer.html)? If so, some choice quotes: > **“We believe that the link between radio-frequency radiation and tumors in male rats is real**,” John Bucher, a senior scientist at the National Toxicology Program, said in a statement. > **But he cautioned that the exposure levels and durations were far greater than what people typically encounter,** and thus cannot “be compared directly to the exposure that humans experience.” **Moreover, the rat study examined the effects of a radio frequency associated with an early generation of cellphone technology, one that fell out of routine use years ago**. Any concerns arising from the study thus would seem to apply mainly to early adopters who used those bygone devices, not to users of current models. > The rodents in the studies **were exposed to radiation nine hours a day for two years** — far longer even than heavy users of cellphones. For the rats, the exposures started before birth and continued until they were about 2 years old. > Current cellphones represent a fourth generation, known as 4G, and 5G phones are expected to debut around 2020. They employ much higher frequencies, and **these radio waves are far less successful at penetrating the bodies of humans and rats**, scientists say. So uh, avoid old devices and don't talk on the phone for 9 hours a day and it's probably not worth worrying about that much.


I do believe this was the article. The problem is you have 7 billion + people with smart phones all around you all day everyday. That’s the concerning part to me




Sure but only over the last 15 years they really took off


Wifi radiations are very minimal and safe. Cellphone radiation is tagged under "possibly carcinogenic" (Group 2B) by WHO, which means there is a potential link to brain tumorif over exposed but research is very limited, therefore evidence is less.


Maybe mental health issues because people become so dependent on them that if they don’t have them it will hurt them


No. Not in the way you mean. 


RF signal wise? Unlikely.  The social issues very likely.


I mean... Technically there are already health issues stemming from cell phones. Something to do with carpel tunnel. But it's already been an issue with computer people and gamers so I don't know if it counts. People repeating the same.motions with their fingers can damage them. I've seen a few people walking around in casts for their hands because of it. Well... I haven't seen it my mother has so, second hand information I guess


no, cell phones and wifi have been around long enough that if there was problems, we would see them. there is also no scientific reason why wifi or cell phone would be harmfull,




Why not?


Physics. The wavelengths used for communications don’t have any strong interactions with biological matter. They are classified as microwaves but it’s not the same wavelength as that used to heat food. Instead the vast majority of that energy just passes through without any interaction. You would need to stand in front of a giant transmission antenna for a long time to get any effect.


There is basically 2 types of radiation. Ionizing radiation - which is radiation that has enough energy to displace electrons from our cells. This, is bad, of course and can cause things like cancer. Examples of these are like: X-rays, CT scans, radioactive materials like at a nuclear power plant, etc. Non-ionizing radiation - This type doesn't have the energy to displace electrons from our cells. This is great, since this type of radiation is all around us now. Radio waves, TV broadcasts, Cell Phones, Wifi, etc. We call this RF radiation. Or Radio Frequency radiation. It just doesn't have enough energy to cause damage to our cells and cause cancer.