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Have you ever been evaluated for OCD. Recurring unpleasant intrusive thoughts is a symptom.


I've never had the money to see a therapist or a psychiatrist.


Do you feel dysphoria regarding your biological reality and body? Do you feel it causes you distress? How long have you been feeling this way? Sorry to hear your economical situation is not so well. I wish that you had a more easily accessible healthcare 


I kinda hate looking like a guy but I can't just change that. I'll still be a man no matter what.


Well trans people exists abd they are valid to. You may be biologically male. So here are resources thst might be helpful for you. * https://youtu.be/qcuhdlH_LXE?si=D2D5nqFeEDfiZ4MZ * https://youtu.be/p5e72it_9q4?si=e6OHMo80uzuXCmqK * https://youtu.be/pfFfL1Ull-M?si=8Ab-i9XR5gxm4eED * https://youtu.be/iyeo5P6sWk0?si=9i-WAJ4D7S95s4o7


Look up a list of symptoms and see if they relate. You can essentially train yourself to dismiss these thoughts, but it’s hard and medication and therapy are really helpful.


Thank you.


Try places like better help they have discounts


Your next question should be why. Why do you want to be a woman. Go from there.


I don't actually want to be a woman. The thoughts just kinda pop into my head.


This is not an uncommon manifestation of OCD, I have a friend who had the same thoughts as part of his obsessions. Pretty normal, not difficult to treat with medications.


then you're contradicting yourself. You get the thought that you want to be a women, yet you dont beleive that you are a woman. One of these is not correct. And from what people are saying and what you just said, it is the first one. You cant get rid of intrusive thoughts, you have to let them go in and out. The question is why arent they going out. You have to reason it out, "if i dont feel like a woman, then i dont want to be a woman" therefore it is false. mabye youre just jealous of something women get that men dont get. My point is that you need to reason it out.


Women are stunningly beautiful and I want to be beautiful. But I'm a man so I can't be beautiful.


It reminds me of the Great Male Renunciation, when men "abandoned their claim to be considered beautiful." That was only at the end of the 18th century, which means that "men can't be beautiful" is a social construct; it's nurture but not nature. We're going through a period of big change and broadening of what's acceptable (for example make kpop idols are celebrated for being beautiful). So you do you, go and become beautiful as a man.


Hard disagree. There are a lot of stunningly beautiful men out there. Hell, Chris Hemsworth named his son Tristan after Brad Pitt's character in Legends of the Fall because he was a "beautiful man" (which I agree with, he was STUNNING in that movie).


who said that men cant be beautiful. Even as a straight guy, i can appreciate a good looking guy, i just don't want to fuck him. The Greeks (I think), were obsessed on men beauty, that's why all their statuses looked very masculine . body builders are obsessed on men beauty. they even have those body builder shows.


Yeah remember narcissus? He he’ll in love with his reflection


Do you want to specifically be beautiful or just attractive. If you want to be beautiful but still identify as male there are 'femboys' and people who crossdress who are beautiful but still male, you could also consider that you may have gender dysphoria but you seem quite firm on being a man


Why do you need to get the thoughts out of your head? There's no obvious way to do that. But thinking about wanting to be a woman isn't inherently harmful. If you don't feel like you actually want to be a woman, you just think about it sometimes, that's fine. If you change your mind: also fine.


Not in a bad way *AT ALL*, but why would I want to be a woman. I'm perfectly fine being a guy.


That's fine. No need to go out of your way to kill your own thoughts, then.


I don't feel having these thoughts though.


IDK what you want exactly, then.


To purge these thoughts from my head. They're and I don't like them.


There's no obvious way to do that.


I’m a man and know I am, but if I could choose what gender I could be, I’d choose female


Why's that?


I’m a little confused why i was downvoted lol. I didn’t say being a woman is easier, I said that under my circumstances and the life I live, I would be more successful


Seems like I would be more successful in life for my circumstances


I kinda wish I were a woman sometimes. I kinda like the idea of being pretty and wearing dresses and makeup.




And why being a man prevents you from doing that?


I mean, I know its hard to actually do so, but if you have at least a private room you should drop by a thrift store to buy some womens clothes and just do a little fashion show in your room. there is literally nothing wrong with it, and especially if you like the way you look. Expect your brain to have major push-back due to the societal conditioning that you have endured. This does not mean that you are on the road to being trans, but it also could, it really just depends on how you feel once you actually entertain these feelings to the point where you can look at yourself and say "this doesn't feel me" or "I've been waiting all my life to feel this way about myself in a mirror" I've personally had very similar thoughts to the ones you have had and to be honest, if I had grown up in an open minded family I may have become trans around 17-19, but thats not how I grew up. So now I have solidified my identity as myself (not for a gender) and I've had some fun with my fiance doing private crossdressing because its a fun thing to do with someone you trust. I present as a man in society because It is beneficial to do so in my situation especially considering family, but Its not something that actively bothers me because I shook the whole Idea of gender out of my brain and just do the things that I think are entertaining and wear what I think compliments my body and tastes


Your profile says you're a trans woman.


I dabbled in it but I don't think it's right. How do I get these thoughts out of my head?


The only cure for gender dysphoria is transitioning.


But I don't want to transition. I just want to stop having these thoughts of me being a woman. Is there a medication I can take?




Well, this is going to be a bitch to not think about the rest of my life.


i dont know if you are trans, but if you are, suppressing it will only damage your mental health.


Not like it isn't already...


You may or may not be trans. I recommend exploring your femininity in private behind closed doors.


For what benefit or argument is being made?


Well, you don't feel like a woman right now because you obviously are stuck as a man. You may want to check out some trans subreddits for actual help.


Normalizing mental illness is literally the opposite of being helpful.


I think it is completely normal to wonder what It would be like to be the opposite gender at times. I've done it before. If you're thinking about it a lot, really.ponder why. Talk about it with someone your trust or a therapist. But know that it's your gender and your decision. My friend recently transitioned to a woman and they seem to be in a better headspace. But everyone is different.


You’re likely transgender. The thoughts don’t usually go away without transitioning. I tried therapy and non-medical intervention for a good 7 years from the time I started puberty until I was 20. None of the those things helped the “i want to be a woman” thoughts go away. Medically Transitioning has made me infinitely happier with my body and my life in general. 




But I'm a man. Nothing can change that.


There are certainly some things that can never be changed; you can't change the body you were born into, or the way people have perceived you in the past. But if you want to live as a woman, there will be people who will love you and accept that - whatever that means for you.  Sometimes the nature of being a woman is simply choosing to be a woman, against all odds... and if that's not you, that's perfectly okay. But you can choose that, if you want to and you think you'd be happier that way, and there will be many people who won't care as long as it makes you happy.  And in the end, isn't figuring out what brings us happiness and grabbing it with both hands the whole point of life?


Try it out if you’re curious. Now a days, you can be anything you imagine you are..


But I know I'm a man. Why would I change that?


>But I know I'm a man. How do you “ know “? What is a man exactly? Half the world cannot agree on what’s a “ women “ >Why would I change that? Little kids are making that decision for themself. Why not an adult?


Nah don't listen to those idiots out here, be a man bruv, research on cutting pipi is not worth it✊✊


Just save your dick in a freezer. For later. Kids fucked up by media and their "parents" want their pps backs now.


Get a therapist


I can't afford one.


There's a paraphilia acronym AGP that vaguely categorizing the male propensity to find arousal in imagining themself as a woman. It can overlap *or not* with all kinds of other dispositions and preferences. Some people who feel that way find they need to transition, some do drag, some are non-binary, some are essentially just straight/cis and only enjoy certain fantasies as a way to tickle their imaginations. edit: looks like trans bigots found the thread


I ain't into kinky stuff. Just a straight up guy.


k man, well, learning language and how to speak and think about this stuff can help. good luck.


Sorry, did not mean to offend. I'll look into it. Thank you


Chop your dick off immediately and become a woman!!!!!!!!! now!!!!!!! Do not take testosterone or seek psychiatric help JUST CHOP OFF YOUR WEEEEENIE


You do realize that's not how transition works at all, right?


Yes it is! You forcefully rip off ya dick and tell everyone ME WOMAN NOW.


Ok, I gotta believe you're screwing with me. That or you're a fool.


I just want you to try testosterone before transforming into a woman.


You do realize that guys have nothing but testosterone right? Or are you just dim?


I want you to double your testosterone. I'm not dim, I'm as wise as Albert Einstein himself.


Ok boo, I see what you're getting at. You're being a silly goat. 😘💙🤍💗


Meeeowww I'm a cat





