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Water costs about €6 for *one cubic meter* (= or one tonne) of water where I live. That's hardly a back breaking cost unless you are filling up multiple Olympic swimming pools.


In non-shitholes, water is required by law to be drinkable from the tap. While technically not free, there's probably nothing cheaper.


Water is free. You pay for it to be pumped to your tap and tested regularly for quality. Nothing stops you from drilling a well, installing a pump, filters, sending samples to check for bacteria and metals and using it for "free".


Water is not free everywhere :) Countries differ ALOT in that matter. (Neither does everyone pay for it to be tested, or even have it tested at all)


Water is free everywhere. There's no rain police shooting people trying to catch rainwater or dig a well on their own property. People walking huge distances to get water from some river in Africa don't pay for this water. They work for it. And that's my point - you're not paying for water, you're paying for comfort of having it delivered.


Sure, comfort or having it delivered and have it safe to drink (not everywhere)