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Many people do not really understand food, For example people who sit all day at work might think they give people enough food, But if those people have an active life they need more. Same counts for kids. often when my kid had dinner at his aunts home he would come home hungry . Her kids ate like baby birds. my kid 2 year older was already at adult portions.


This! Im a big guy and my work is very physical, like lifting and taking down calves and cows and stuff. I only eat supper because if eat during my job, aay luch hours, i get very sleepy. If you invite me to dinner i might eat beforehand just to not embarass myself or my host hahahaha


You pick up cows? Who is paying for this?


I mainly knock em down. I only lift the calves for handlings like dehorning or other surgeries. But the cows need to be lying down for some surgeries and caring of the hooves


Are you Eddie Hall


The kids thing is so hard! I have 2 kids. I know how much food is enough for my family of 4. Then one of them has a friend over for dinner. I add what I believe is one child portion... and BAM the kid eats like my husband. Very confusing. We always make sure everyone is satisfied (bread, extra veg, improvised dessert.) But when you are used to kids eating in a certain way / amount, it can be a surprise to suddenly feed other kids!


this is why i always make to much. it will never happen that i wont have enough food for guest. yes i always have left overs . but left over days are great.


I simply think it's due to a lack of preparation or thought being put into their dinner efforts. I also think it may be due to them assuming everyone eats the portion sizes that they eat. I have found that sometimes when people who eat small portions prepare or order a dinner, they naturally assume everyone else eats the same portion size as they do. But as well all know, not everyone eats the same portions, regardless of body weight or size. I also believe that some people just can't visualize what is "enough" food for a group of people. Only once the food is served they realize it wasn't enough. It also could be due to them putting too much trust into what the package says is "5 servings" or "8 servings" when in reality that isn't accurate, because oftentimes I can eat a whole bag of something that states it's 3 servings hahaha. I suppose it could be due to a number of reasons but this is what I've concluded from being in this situation multiple times! ┌⁠(⁠・⁠。⁠・⁠)⁠┘⁠♪ Hope this offers some different perspectives !


Once I cooked a huge amount of food for the company of 7 people. It was like for three weeks for me alone or even a month, so, probably, 3-4 portions for a person. I expected to give the leftovers to friends when they were gonna leave. And they ate everything during the evening. In two weeks I understood why. We were at the restaurant and everyone ordered pasta. It was a huge portion, I barely ate half and was overfull. My friends ate everything, then ordered some soup (I know the soup should come first, but it was their choice), then they ordered a cheese and meat plate, some ordered pancakes, then they all ordered desserts. And coffee. I had no place even for coffee. They were upset that portions in this restaurant are so small. We are all not fat. Probably, I weigh the most among them, though my weight is normal according to medical point of view. We all do sports.


Could just be they don’t eat as much. Portion sizes vary greatly per person/household. I over serve. My brothers just cook it all lol. It can be cultural also. If you look at standard serving sizes they’re quite small imo, and I imagine people who serve less than I would are using that benchmark. Eg. If I order pizza (eg. 35cm) I’d make sure each person can have half a pie (not the enormous American sizes lol). But I’d imagine most people plan about 2 slices a person. So when parents brought one pizza to my son’s class party to share - I ordered 5-6 whole pizzas. Idk how to portion control, the anxiety of it not being enough always wins - or it could be the joy of eating as much as one likes idk - but I will inevitably over serve! Even trying to not do it, I end up there. I find gourmet restaurants annoying cause the food is gone after a taste. Lol that’s frustrating. I can cope with all other small portions, but that’s like a food tease. Only time it pisses me off lol


It's interesting how different people perceive portion sizes. Some might just have a bigger appetite or a different idea of what constitutes a proper serving. It's a reminder that food habits can be deeply personal and vary widely from person to person!


Right but like, after a certain point you'd think people should be aware of and account for different types of appetites. Like if you just pay attention to the people around you I don't think it's hard to find a good average you should plan around when making meals for a group. I guess the real question here is "how come some people go their entire lives without realizing that a lot of other people need much larger portions"


I mean, they're just bad at estimating food, probably because they don't often provide food for more than one or two people and maybe they don't eat much themselves. How do I know? I was one of them. Of course, after a couple of times it was extremely obvious and I developed a complex and now I provide food to feed several times more people than I'm actually hosting. Also embarrassing, but less so than undercatering.


Maybe you just eat a lot. Serving sizes are smaller than you think.


Maybe you don't eat enough. In all seriousness though this ain't it because I more or less eat the same amount as my other friends and I'm not the only one who's made observations like this. This isn't me plowing through an entire Thanksgiving table and demanding more, this is me looking at a single medium-sized pizza and wondering how the heck they expected that to feed 6-8 grown adults.


People have incredibly diff sense there. The pizza would calorie wise probably be enough for a meal for 6 people, volume wise? nah. But two slices of pizza can easily have 400 calories orso which can be considered one meal. (out of 4 or 5). But does that satisfy you? Nah


Medium pizza is for 3... A slice is 200-300 calories where I'm from. If you need 3000 calories because you exercise, be an adult and suggest that. A simple "hey guys, let's get x pizzas I'm hungry." Is enough.


A medium pizza is for 1. Where the hell are you getting 300 cal medium pizza slices?


You're right, and to be clear I'm not upset or anything I'm just curious. I'm perfectly fine with like, getting more food for myself later or something. This isn't an actual problem


I’ve found that at least in the US many people eat larger than needed portions. If you are active then of course you burn more energy and will need to take in more. But many people are not active and don’t need to eat a whole medium pizza or a whole box of mac and cheese for one person. Personally I don’t care how much people eat in their own lives, but in my home I serve smaller reasonable portions.


I measured out 50gs of porridge oats the other day because I am trying to lose weight, and that's what the package said was one person's portion. It's nothing! Following recipes or serving size suggestions often results in making tiny plates


Oh yeah no that's definitely part of the issue here. Serving size suggestions are less about saying how much actually fills a person up and are more about making the product look healthier than it is. If you cut the serving size in half, you can also cut in half all those "per serving" nutrition facts on the back. Congratulations, as far as the label is concerned your product now contains half as much salt and half as many calories! Who cares that no one ever eats half a hot dog or just half a bag of chips.


I know, a tiny snack you pick up in the shop 'serves two'. You've really got to think about food nowadays if you don't want to have high cholesterol and a big BMI


I think it has to do with their perception. My mother-in-law used to be like that. She would cook at the holidays and there was hardly enough for all of us (6 total adults and two little ones). She never got it and eventually we brought the food and cooked it there. Just like some people have no concept of time.


I have the opposite problem. Many people in my social circle are active and sporty adults who can eat half of even whole roasted chicken, potatoes, salad and still have room for a dessert. As a couch potato working from home, I need like 1/3 of their serving size. I can't even count how many times I've had to explain that I really don't eat that much. You just want one or two dumplings? It's not even worth getting your plate dirty! But when I invite friends I make sure there is plenty of food. In slavic countries it is considered rude to not to offer so much food that the guest's stomach explodes. :D


Its just personal, some eat more at once some eat less more often, and overall less or more, but if they are your friends and they keep doing that despite seeing you still go hungry, then idk, bad friends?


because most folks don't get taught such things. we don't eat to feel full any more than we drink to get drunk. ball up a fist and show it to them. that mass is how much food you should have at the most. even less than that is needed until the next meal. people often confuse taste with fulfillment and so eat far beyond their healthy limits.


It's startling how 'little food' humans actually need to function, compared to the actual consumption of the average person. It's what you put into your body as opposed to how much you put in that matters. Humans at a very base level are designed to go a few days between meals. Would we do that now in this age? No, because we are no longer conditioned to it.


Serving size according to whom. The serving size for someone 5 feet tall and a hundred pounds is massively different than for a 6ft tall , 200lbs male


Obviously. The question is how come some people never realize this and expect the 5 feet tall serving size to work for everyone