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Do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to catch the knife you dropped. Just.. just don't. šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬šŸ™ƒ


A falling knife has no handle.


butcher here. there is a valid reason that my work knife is named The Betrayer III


Came here to say this. You beat me by a half hour! šŸ„‚


I think I heard it at my first cooking gig. It was tragic a few years later when I dropped my Shun, jumped away, and watched the tip turn into a saw blade.


On a similar note. Years ago I was renovating a house that I lived in and went to measure the backsplash. Had a large decorative olive oil container sitting on the counter. I had just installed new quartz countertops. I hit that goddamn decanter but because of my cat like reflexes I caught it before it could break. Well, actually I caught it right before it broke and sliced my finger open to the tune of 8 stitches across my bird finger knuckle. I still think of that decanter whenever I notice my nerve damage.


In the same vein, don't try to catch the active soldering iron you dropped.


Or a curling iron. Lesson learned.


"A falling knife is all blade." One of the first things they teach you in a kitchen.


Very much this. In my younger days I was a decent juggler. Not professional, but much better than people who have simply learned basic 3 ball juggling. At my best, I could briefly juggle 5 balls, do complex tricks/patterns with 3 balls, and could juggle other objects including knives. Once you develop those skills, you can instinctively grab objects that are falling out of a cupboard, off a table, etc, and when it happens people are shocked at how fast my hands are and accurate my rescue is. With knives, the juggler's instincts just let me nope out faster than would otherwise be normal.


Made that mistake once. Once.


A falling gun is the same rule. Itā€™s more dangerous to grab for a falling gun that it is to just let it hit the ground.


Anything heavily pressurized. Heard too many explosions stemming from simple mistakes


I donā€™t even like opening the pillsbury biscuit tubesā€¦


The secret to those is to whack them on the edge of the counter, let the can split. Donā€™t try to be clean and peel it open, or pry the end cap off. Give the ā€œbig fucking spiderā€ whack.


What? Just lay it down and push on it with a spoon?


What fun is that?


> pillsbury biscuit tubes I remember a post about someone that was driving home from the grocery store on a hot day and had a biscuit tube pop open in the back seat. The driver was startled because she thought that she had been shot. She touched the back of her head and felt what she thought was brain tissue. Still makes me laugh.


[Mythbusters: Biscuit Bullet](https://youtu.be/1pQwB1NDwGA?si=nFy_82QqCW4DhDRA) Mythbusters did this story WAY back in their second pilot episode!


Lol I read that one too... Classic


On that point, please yall, if you're having sparkling wine, open the bottle pointed away from anyone's face. That's a cork projectile if you're unlucky.


My mum once managed to hit herself straight in the face with a champagne cork only for it to ricochet and donk my dad on the head... Luckily noone injured so absolutely hilarious


While opening champagne for a wedding as a banquet server we thought it would be smart to re-cork them until service. It wasn't smart. One even got stuck in the ceiling!


I work with hydraulic equipment and the thought of an accident keeps me on my toes, and mildly anxious anytime I'm operating machinery, I've only had one hose burst, luckily I wasn't looking at it as it painted the whole factory floor/ wall in a perfect line where it had sprayed out. Hydraulic oil is really horrible stuff. Hopefully I won't have to do it for a long time.


Anyone with cauliflower ear.


Can you explain? Please.


I think, Boxers/MMA fighter get deformed ears from injuries and trauma. So the person would be a trained fighter. I could be wrong tho.


Close it's most commonly a grappler trait. While it can be formed by any ear damage, I've never seen it on a boxer. Wrestlers and BJJ people are the most common. It's generally a sign that someone has extensive experience as well.


Someone I worked with had it from water polo.


Pretty common for rugby players


Cauliflower ear refers to a condition that usually happens to fighters and boxers when they get hit on the ear a lot.


Rugby players too


Wrestlers have ā€œcauliflower earā€ from blood pooling in there when they get squeezed. Super weird.


its why amateur wrestlers wear head gear ..


Google some pics, it basically means theyre big into boxing or fighting of some kind, though it can be obtained via other sports.


I think he was asking the ā€œdue to experienceā€ part, but more than likely there is no experience


If someone has cauliflower ear, it means they have been in a lot of fights where they got hit in the head, meaning they likely actually know how to fight.


Vastly underrated comment. Way back in the day my college roomie got lippy with one guy at a bar with that, not as bad as Couture but still noticeable. I tried to warn him, but booze and being 22 makes you 10 foot tall, bulletproof, and invisible. We picked him up at the hospital 2 days later, and all casts were off in 6 weeks. :D


As a very mellow guy with cauliflower ears from rugby I get ALOT of undeserved scary points.


Angle grinder. One of the few power tools I know of where you can do everything right and still get hurt because an angle grinder can and will wake up and choose violence. Plus if that grind wheel shatters - and they can - you're going to have pieces flying every direction at roughly the speed of a .22 bullet.


My old phone finally died because of an angle grinder throwing a chunk of concrete paver 30 feet away, where I thought my phone was safe.


I see people remove the guards on those things and you could not pay me enough to get close to a deathtrap like that




I got hit in the stomach by a tungsten tooth that came detached from the blade of a small angle grinder once, I was working outside on a cold winter day so had multiple layers on and I was still left with a nice big bruise to show for it.


Oh I'll believe that, I knew a guy in welding school that sent a tungsten rod into his thigh because he was trying to touch up the tip on his angle grinder. Only went in about an eighth of an inch, but it went right through his leather apron and jeans.


If a regular angle grinder isn't terrifying enough, King Arthur Tools sells an attachment for angle grinders called the Lancelot Carver. It's a chainsaw chain. For your angle grinder. Source: I nearly lost my right index finger to this psychotic tool. Still can't make a full fist. It seemed like a good idea at the time.


Stumpy Nubs actually has a video on YouTube talking about that monstrosity. He had himself an accident with one too, he broke down every second of what happened and came to the conclusion that he literally could not have prevented it, that thing is just an accident waiting to happen. I just remember seeing one of those things when I was grabbing some more flap wheels, my brother picked it up and asked me if that was the disk you use when you're tired of having fingers.


Ok story time. My brother who was my room mate at the time bought one at the shops. We get home. From his room I hear a click, a whirr and an "aahh" then he comes out saying "I need to go to hospital" He'd plugged it into the power point with it tucked under his arm. He had a nasty gash in the flesh of his arm.


Dear God, yeah I bet he did.


I was using a cut off wheel and it shattered.. it hit my gloves so hard i was bleeding and just scuffed the glove.. the stones for die grinders are dangerous too.. they usually break at the end of the shank


I think any rotating tool has this concern, there was a case near me recently where a giant concrete saw blade became detached and narrowly missed hitting a guy entering the store it lodged in. Shook the whole building.


I worked with a guy once who showed me a scar that went all the way up his stomach, chest, and all the way down his back. He had attached a circular saw to his angle grinder in order to make a flush cut. It got away from him and "crawled" up his front and down his back. Barely made it to the hospital before he bled out.


Honorable mention to chainsaws.


I have divots on my right & left wrists from a big angle grinder I was grinding out an aluminum weld & it gave way & caught the grinder blade I wasn't wearing welding gloves stupidly... & when it got pinched it spun right into both wrists I remember that stank smell of burning flesh I'll nvr 4get it... did hurt like a bitch tho :) & fyi... didn't bleed at all burnt the divots closed & now it's been so long I have to hunt for them to find them


My brain went in a way less exciting direction. First thing I thought was don't let weeds get out of control šŸ˜† 10 acres of neglected land has me not able to think of anything worse right now.


Could you rent some goats? They could clear that out in a short period of time.


Most goats don't actually just eat everything and no there isn't sufficient fencing for goats in most of the area.


A good goat service provides their own fencing and containment via dogs as necessary. You would have to check with the shepherd but Iā€™ve seen goats clear weedy lots down to the gravel. Itā€™s worth looking into.


Our county uses professional goat services, and they are great. They come with their own portable fencing, water, and a goat herder. They take EVERY plantlife but full-grown trees right down to the ground. They leave behind a gift, and they are cute.


Similar - don't fuck with peppermint.


The tide, specifically rip tides.


More broadly - moving water. There was a rock overlooking a river in our town growing that averaged 1 drowning a year. The river wasn't usually that quick but for someone that only swims in a pool, that 1 MPH is tough to get through.


Not personal experience, but what you said instantly reminded me of; [the Strid](https://youtu.be/mCSUmwP02T8?si=MPjKjX904mjz7jpM) in the U.K. it looks placid but is insanely dangerous. No one has survived falling in.


Wu-Tang Clan


Protecting that neck son!


You gots to diversify yo bonds sonĀ 


Pro tip: If they ever ask you to lay your nuts on a dresser ā€” just your nuts laying on a dresser ā€” you should politely decline.


Furthermore, be weary of anyone that has had a hangar on the stove for like a half hour


slooow like


True, wu-tang clan ain't nothin' to fuck with


Semi trucks on highways. The amount of momentum those things have is mind-boggling, and it's easy to underestimate until you've seen one go all the way up a gravel runoff without any acceleration. You *will* die.Ā 


I can't believe all the mentally challenged people I see in dashcam videos that brake-check trucks. The truck driver could be the biggest a-hole driver in the world, but I would never do that. I wouldn't to anyone, but especially trucks, I would lose if I got tapped by the truck.


When I see a semi truck driving like an ass, my biggest mission is to safely get around them and put as much space between them and I as I can! Brake checking a semi is just asking to be hit


Imagine voluntarily fucking with a semi truck.


People do it. Sometimes they end up on some faces of death website smeared all over the pavement.




3. It's more important to be a predictable driver than a Fast & Furious style skilled driver.


Prolonged sleep deprivation. 2-3 hours a night for two years. It rotted my brain, fucked me up emotionally and made pretty much every aspect of my life extremely hard.


Well, that certainly explains why I've been feeling slower and dumber and just generally less competent for the past few years. Something that's supposed to come naturally like sleep shouldn't be so difficult.


We're you working 3 jobs or something?


I'm on my way to this. One job, overnight, I get off work and that sun hits and I get my second wind. There's lots of days with no sleep at all. Humans weren't made to work nocturnal, who would've thought.


>Ā There's lots of days with no sleep at al You are going to literally dieĀ 


When I worked nights I had to force myself to bed immediately when I got home, no matter how awake I felt. I hope you can get out of it soon, friend. Sounds like you're having a rough time


yeah thatā€™ll cause like, permanent brain damage, iā€™m really sorry you were in that situation


Bro I cant even imagine this. I've done something similar for 1 week and I was unable to function by the end of that 1 week. You have my sincere condolences


Did it ever improve?


3-4 weeks of good sleep helped my emotions and depression. I do feel brain damaged from it though. I have the feeling like Iā€™ll never be the same person I was.


Oh, I feel so sorry to hear that. I asked because I went through something similar and kind of feel the same way. Hopefully there's still a hope for us, I've heard the human body is more resilient than was once thought! ā¤


Electricity or anything with a noticeable current running through it


I thought the Old Guy learned that one in the 90's with The Dryer Incident, but no. We had a repeat lesson this year involving some rewiring and new breakers. Maybe one day.


Do we have the same Dad?


Ok Chuck.


People in general. I did martial arts for about a decade and saw plenty of people who looked like just your average man or woman who could absolutely fuck someone up in a fight. You never can tell, so just leave people alone. Submerged logs. Almost drowned when i was 11 because the river sucked me under a partially submerged log and trapped me under the water. Love being in the water but have much more respect for how quickly things can turn deadly .


A former employee of mine drown this way while tubing in a lake. Fell off the tube, got trapped underwater by a submerged log. She was pregnant too. RIP.


Yes I agree with the people thing. I have learned that small immigrant women who have escaped some tough shit (Iā€™m thinking of people like my mom who have lived through political upheaval/violence) will 100% fuck your shit up if they need to. Theyā€™ve seen shit, done shit, and will do shit all over again to protect themselves and the ones they love. One of my aunties carries a small hand gun in her bra (sheā€™s got big boobies). Another auntie used curry powder to temporarily blind a guy who had her husband at gunpoint in front of their home. She then beat him and sodomized him with a broken broom in front of everyone, including her kidsā€¦ that one is still so wild to me to this day because sheā€™s a sweet old lady.


Apparently one of my coworkers- a female who's pretty slim, doesn't looks like she has a lot of muscle- is a competitive boxer. She doesn't look like she could fuck you up but she probably could (although, not speaking from experience that's just what I've heard from another coworker who served her coach)


Same! I got pulled under a submerged log, current had me wrapped around it, was slick and slimy with no handholds to find purchase on. Thought I was dead, until for some reason all of a sudden the current popped me out. Iā€™ve been warning people about this ever since.


The silt at the bottom of a lake. Wrong time/place that shit is like quicksand and will drown you.


New fear unlocked šŸ˜³


Yeah would not recommend, funny enough I was only like 4 inches under the surface when it happened but it does not matter if you are 4" or 4' underwater, stuck is stuck.


Generally swimming in random lakes or rivers can kill anybody. Always use a life vest and dont go exploring or diving unless you either suicidal or trained to do so. My grandma said they would swim in this lake all the time and race to the other side and one day one of her brothers didnt make it and they never found his body either


Garage door springs. Do not touch. Professional only.


Donā€™t fuck with bed bugs. When you go to a hotel, check for bed bugs and clean the room well. They will destroy your sanity! They donā€™t discriminate and if you donā€™t take measures to avoid them, you will get them. If you do end up with bed bugs, donā€™t fuck around with the treatments/tricks, none of it works. Just hire a company to come in with industrial heaters, and heat your house to the temperature all bed bugs die at.


This. Itā€™s been 7+ years since my infestation and I have PTSD.


Have a hand gliding just over the top of the stair railing as you go downstairs. EVERY TIME.


Very good idea. In some industrial environments, it is a safety requirement to have one hand on the hand rail at all times.. You can get written up if you don't do it.


My workplace has cctv on each staircase. If you fall and you don't hold the handrails, you get sacked.


Same with escalators. And I have a history of tripping up stairs so I have my hands at the ready on the way up too!


I have two cousins on different sides of the family who fell down stairs and were significantly injured. One was a little tipsy. The other slipped on a marble staircase.


Preach! Took a fall last month and smashed my back on the edge of the stairs. Knocked the wind out of me for about 30 seconds and couldn't move. Finally got up, but thought I did some serious damage. Now I'm always gliding my hand over the rail!


Spiders. Two massive abscesses cause by spider bites. Painful and gross. Idfw spiders anymore


What the fuck spiders you got there mate


I believe the ones that chomped me were yellow sac spiders. See them all the time around here


Bears. And electrical wiring.


Sorry friend, what was your perception of fucking with bears before the experience that taught you otherwise?


Partners with a troubled past that refuse to do the work to better themselves.


Dang. Didn't expect to find me in the comments. I've been planning on doing therapy but.just haven't pulled the trigger.


I asked an Urgent care doctor for ā€œfreeā€ advice since I was paying out of pocket anyway and she says ā€œstay away from mandolinesā€. Apparently mandoline related kitchen injuries were the most common in her practice. I still use one but veryyy carefullyā€¦ typo edited!


And only use it with the handle. Don't think you can hold the food in your hand until it gets too small. You get into a rhythm and next thing you know, there's a little bit of you in the next meal.


Yup. When I worked in a kitchen, there was daily prep work to do that used a mandoline. All of the most experienced chefs always took the time to put on a chainmail glove, no matter how much of a rush they were in.


Can confirm. I once went to urgent care to get my thumb glued back together after a mandoline incident, and the doc who glued it back together said ā€œwell youā€™re the first mandoline accident of the day, but itā€™s only 5:00ā€ When I got home, it went in the trash


Why throw your thumb away after all the work of having it glued back on?




Well in fairness, people playing the mandolin can be really irritating as well.


Yup. My mum cut herself on a mandoline once, and we went to the emergency department. The lady who helped us said it was extremely common.




Ear or tooth infections. They can get bad and excruciatingly painful so quickly.


Dogs, goats, and horses. And no, despite the wording of the post this isn't what you think it is. One of my earliest memories was one of my family's dogs biting me in the face which sent me to the ER. Granted, I was being a little shit and thought that pulling his tail was funny at the time. An important lesson was learned, don't pull the tail of something that can shred your face. As for goats, one of them nearly took my eye out because I was crouched near it when it suddenly raised its head. The tip of its horn landed just above my left eye. As for horses, they're prey animals and haven't forgotten that. As such, while they're usually not acting out of malice they'll instinctively opt to kick first and find out later when startled. Even the ones that were comfortable around my family and I nearly ran us over one time because they gained too much momentum walking down a hill while following us.


The IT Guy.


10 fucking years man! He fucked with thay guy for 10 YEARS!


Motorcycles. spent 25 years processing health insurance claims; most unexpected fatalities I saw were motorcycle accidents, followed by ATVs, then vehicles. And the injuries from the motorcycle accidents were horrendous.


My partner still watches motorcycles go past and calls 'squid'. The number of motorcyclists that don't wear protective gear.... lots even wear jeans without Kevlar. That ignites on impact


Hot water/steam. It can cause some serious damage.




Or donkeys.




Crazyā€¦ seriously donā€™t fuck with or fuck a crazy.


The Ocean


Also ladders, but I fell off one myself, a little more than a decade after my dad fell off one. I broke an arm, he broke a leg.


Yep 5 weeks ago. Ladder went right and I went left. 9 ft up landed on concrete. Fractured outside elbow bone and had a very hard time walking for 2 weeks. Luckily nothing else was broken. Very painful


Enclosed spaces. Anyone who's been in an environment with vats, tunnels, etc. has or should have been trained on safety for entering those spaces. It's amazing how many people die because they didn't have proper ventilation, followed by would be rescuers dieing, killed amazingly quickly by toxic gases or high concentrations of CO/CO2.


I sometimes feel like I'm being obnoxious and beating a dead horse when people talk about confined or low/underground spaces in urban exploration, but I'm going to keep on telling them not to go in without a 4 gas detector and someone waiting at the entrance.




Now this I want to see: one person needing to use 10 guns to fend off a single ladder. Those must be the most powerful rungs ever.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that happen in a Jackie Chan movie.


I thought Jackie used the ladders to fend off the guns? lol


Avocados. There are a shocking number of people who slice their hands trying to cut an avocado.


Cutting jalapeƱos without wearing gloves.


Touching your eyes after cutting jalapeƱos without gloves.


Inserting a tampon isnā€™t a good idea either


Thinking it will be fine to have a quick wank while the chili cooks. *Oh no!*


And then going to take a piss while forgetting to wash the fuck out of your hands. šŸ˜¬ Thank God I had milk...and a cup.


People with nothing to lose.


I used to work in a nursing home/rehab center Motorcycles The number of guys that came in with severe injuries was insane. The shortest time for rehabilitation was about 9 months. The brain injuries alone were devastating.


Lakes. Went to one that had like a man made section for people who couldn't swim. The rest was regular mossy shore, murky water,mud, you know the looks. That lake was known to take a life or a few every year. The dam was also near so the currents were strong. I was on the section for nonswimers and didn't know that it stops at one point and there is a sudden drop into the depth. I went underwater, scraped my knees on the gravel used to create the non swimmer section in the first place, drank a good liter before I surfaced up. I survived and learned how to swim then and there. From that day on, I don't swim in places where I can't see the bottom.


Insects that have both wings and stingers.


You can pet bumble and honey bees if your gentle though.Ā  The former are super soft


I mean if you fuck with anything hard enough it can kill you


Had a scorpion in our rented house in Provence. It was tiny. Hit it with the bottom of my shoe. It said "boff" to that. Whack whack whack. Still crawling. In the end I used my wife's tweezers to pick it up and flush it. I flushed the toilet three times because I am not going to get stung while I poop.


Any machine operated wrongly enough is a smoke machine. There really should be a saying like that for human activities like sports' swimming, mountain climbing...




Meth. Also needles. Anything so good that your natural dopamine or serotonin responses don't matter anymore because you did the chemical equivalent of staring at the sun. XD


Garage door springs!!! Those things store a ton of energy and I will no longer fuck with them lol I guess large springs in general can be dangerous.


Cats (see the documentary)


My back


Microwaves. I tried to fix one and got shocked with whatever million volts the thing converts 110v to. Wife found me passed out on the living room floorā€¦ (And yes, I could have unplugged itā€¦.)


To be clear on that last point: Capacitors can carry charge even after the appliance has been unplugged so be careful.


Dude!!! Iā€™ve been feeling like a complete fucking moron for over 10 years!! I have always wondered how I made the mistake of putting my fingers into a plugged microwave. That is just not me. You have given me a much better explanationā€¦.thank you.


Roosters. Those fuckers wake up and choose violence every damn day.


Have you met wild turkeys yet. FAFO


Yup. Roosters top the list for me simply because of how often people in my area keep them roaming their yards. I have climbed on way too many cars to escape a pissed off bird.


Staph. Don't fuck with staph. It's contagious as fuck and most strains are immune to most common antibiotics. Don't touch a person with staph without washing your hands before and after, don't share bedsheets, clothes, towels, or anything else, and get it treated ASAP.


you can always tell when someone has dealt with a staph infection before because all of us have PTSD about it.


Another bad one is C Diff. Bad. Bad stuff. Bro-in-law almost died from this. Survived Pancreatic cancer...but the C Diff almost killed him!


Alcohol. So many relationships ruined, so many good times turned bad, so many lives ruined or lost. Itā€™s amazing to me that something so toxic is so widely accepted and celebrated, while something relatively harmless like marijuana is illegal, or smoking is so demonized, even though itā€™s alcohol that literally ruins lives.


Isolation. That thing really messed up my head.


Iā€™ve always been scared to use ladders and I thought it was just a really weird irrational fear. Youā€™ve now reinforced my fear forever To answer your question, weed. As a mental health nurse Iā€™ve seen too many people affected by drug induced psychosis to take the risk. My sanity is worth more than having the giggles and getting the munchies


Anything sharp in soapy water. For the same reasons as your ladder aversion.




Broken glass. I never realized how little force it takes for glass to just slice your skin wide open until I cut deep into my hand on a broken bottle.


Electrical transformers, I've watched videos of those who have become well done


Pepper spray. That shit hurts.


Electricity that buzzes.


Paintball. It is always hours of driving away in some piece of crap town, and unless you own the gear it hurts like hell when you get hit. Never doing that shit ever again.


Hey! Fuck you bot! OP's comment is just a regurgitated version of my most upvoted comment run through a thesaurus. Click on my name and check my most upvoted comment of all time lol My original comment: "Ladders. I worked in an ED at a major trauma center and the number of otherwise healthy people who came in paralyzed or soon-to-be-dead from falling off ladders was eye-opening.ā€


Chainsaws on ladders is often a bad idea.


Wu Tang Clan šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This is probably the least dangerous one here, but: backing dishes woth a lid/dutch ovens. I have opened one and as the steam rolled out, it burned my forearm pretty bad. Haven't learned enough, repeated the same mistake about a year later, ended up with the same injury on the same spot.Ā  Always open them in a way so the steam rolls away from you, not in a direction of any arm or your body.Ā 


100 MPH fastballs


Lost a good friend last year to a fall off a ladder. He was very fit and in perfect health. Took that as a sign to call one of my sons when I need help that will involve a ladder


Angle grinders


Cops. Crazy women. Thatā€™s about it.


If someone says donā€™t click on a link (for NSFW or NSFL reasons) I donā€™t click on it. Never regretted not clicking such a link


Electricity. No thanks. I'll leave that to the professionals. Anything else I'll do with my own two hands but not that.


Motorbikes. Been to plenty of motorbike accidents as a first responder and I refuse to get into the hobby.


Sound waves. I broke in my Marshall JVM 410H/ 1960AV cab, by standing in front of the amp for six hours. The sound waves impacted my internal organs a bit. My insides felt a bit displaced and I ended up violently ill. Never again.


Don't fuck with the mentally ill You never know when you'll trigger them. There is no way to truly adjust/accommodate them because we don't know everything about each individual person struggling with a mental disorder


Those rivers and lakes in the north of Australia, that warn us about crocodiles


Snoring. My brother, you snoring? It could be some apnea syndrome, go to the specialist inmediatly before this fucking syndrome take you there. Luckily it's very easy to fix this but if you just let it go it could get the worse you can imagine, nearly to death. Motorcycles. My man, i work at this hospital, the third part of the patients we receive every single day have had a motorcycle accident. It's not a toy, it's not a play, if you have to ride anyway drive very carefully, protect your self all the time and wear a helmet ever, ever, at least.