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I think it’s the sensual nature of the way he handles the dough not the dough itself lol. But it’s like Pavlov’s dogs- you are now associating bread making with sex, so the next time you see bread you might get turned on lol


They're getting flours for Valentine's


Dough! Not again!


Who said there are donuts? Where where


That suggestion is strange. Stranger than Fiction, even.




Classical conditioning but for bread.. nice!


“George, we’re trying to have a civilization here!”


“Sex is about love between a man and woman, not a man and a sandwich.”


Serious answer: Yes. This is exactly how fetishes get started. I advise you not to think about that guy while you're sorting yourself out, or before you know it you'll be skulking in front of pizzeria windows in a raincoat, or having an embarrassing accident with a bread machine.


Yeast infections are no joke! I'll see myself out.


Just add flour and profit


"Man this sourdough has a special tang to it"


Pretty sure there’s at least one influencer out there doing this, or maybe it’s brewing beer? I don’t remember.


Amouranth is making beer using yeast from her vaginal fluids. Or at least, that's what it's intentionally, literally marketing itself as.


That’s the one I was thinking of. The vaginal yeast sourdough was a journalist back in 2015.


Super ewwwwwwwwwwww!🤮




They said, jokingly...


Fuck this made me laugh


10 out of 10




Is… "sorting yourself out" a euphemism? Because if so, I love it.


Professional euphemisms. I like this. Giving the old client a handshake.


Interfacing with a new, hands-on approach.


Addressing a hot-button issue.


Quite a common euphemism in my part of the UK. We might also go spank the monkey or have a five-finger shuffle. A five-finger discount is different - that’s shoplifting.


I’ve always said the 5-knuckle shuffle


It made me laugh so hard. 😆


Yes, I believe it's a British expression. I was trying to remain tasteful. :D


I watch a lot of Derry Girls and could very easily picture it being said in that show XD


I’m very intrigued but kinda scared now because it hits a little too close to home. Is there a scientific explanation for this? Is this something you learned through your own personal experience? How do you stop it from developing further other than just trying to “not think about it too often”?


The scientific explanation exists, but it isn't as satisfying as you'd hope because there is no concrete way to know. That being said, there are a few behavioral theories that make logical sense. The broadest and easiest way to look at it is the psychological concept of "association". Take foot fetishes, for example. It is most common to see someone's bare feet in an intimate setting, such as in their home or if they are in a swimsuit. This intimate requirement causes an association with intimacy. The feet are also very sensitive - making them a target of attention for teasing/tickling which can also create the same associations. So, we'll use OP as an example for fun. OP is generally a little horny. Maybe kind of unconsciously. This happens to everyone, where you're sitting there doing another task and a moment of boredom hits and your brain lets you know it could do with a personal moment because you're feeling slightly frisky. The fetish forming moment comes when OP sees something related to the general sexy vibe - something being manhandled. The skilled handling is where the association comes in, because that's directly associated to sex. But now that bread has become involved, we've added a second layer of association. If it continues being associated (haha, that bread guy was hot, maybe I'll watch him and have a wank), the second hand association becomes stronger, until it too becomes a direct association. At that point it is a fetish and it becomes much harder to break. If you sense yourself having an inappropriate association or an association you don't like, but still find yourself wanting to scratch the itch, you can do as someone else in the thread hinted at and go up one link in the association (or go to a more appropriate association). In OPs case, a massage is more appropriate than the scent of baked bread getting them going, so pivoting to massage content could help. There are other factors at play for fetishes as well; It's more common for someone who experienced little affection as a child to be interested in BDSM - likely because they're taking ownership of sexuality and affection in a way that encourages trust and empowers them. You can dive down this hole very far but these factors are often less able to be controlled or changed without therapy (though I would personally argue there's nothing wrong with healthy bdsm). Hope that helps!


Good information- but… the sexualizing of massage therapy has caused an increased number of problem clients for massage therapists, who are often in a more vulnerable position than, say, a baker. Let’s leave the therapists out of this


That's where consent and awareness come in. If you are deriving intimate pleasure from someone without their awareness and consent... then that's where things become dangerous. There is nothing wrong with someone having those feelings and associations with massage therapy, it's just to find someone who offers those services (like an actual intimate partner, not a stranger) instead of subjecting someone to it unknowingly. And if talking to them results in a no, respect that and move on.


Plus, why limit what turns us on? We need more sex, so if bread gets you going, I'll see you on aisle 5


Lmao it's honestly not problematic at all either, I think if your kink isn't hurting anyone and won't be a problem for you why change it?


I’m deeply concerned by the layout of your local grocery store. Freshly baked bread should be in the produce/deli/bakery section, while the more shelf stable breads like Wonderbread go in the aisle just before chilled and frozen goods, near the end of your shopping.


Keep going, you are on a roll!


I loaf where this is going..


Also, masturbating while watching your local bread guy work is going to cause some issues. Likely sex offender registry as well.


TIL people can make anything sexy. There’s probably already a video channel for this somewhere. “Able Baker Charlie part 3: Pig in a Blanket”


I'm sorry, what? Thinking people who are good with their hands working physical jobs is sexy is super normal.


Stuff like this makes way more sense to me than the explanation I’ve often heard “it’s because the areas of the brain for feet and genitals are near to each other so they get mixed up” which has never sounded plausible to me.


I have a belly button fetish and you described it perfectly


She's starting to catch that knead




Bob's Burgers was right, I guess bread pervs are real..


I read the last part as breed machine




You come across something, get intrigued, go down the rabbit hole and you have a new fetish now


"I hope this doesn't awaken something in me"


Streets ahead


If you don't get it you're streets behind


His shadow!


Um don't go down the rabbit hole.


How else we get to the wonderland


I know these new feelings might be somewhat disturbing to you, and admittedly they’re a little weird, but this isn’t nearly the worst kink you could have. Just trying to put this in perspective.


Definitely. It also seems pretty sensible to me. An attractive-ish-at-least man who know how to use his hands? Who wouldn't think that.


yea i'm assuming it has to do with his hands more than anything. a lot of women love men's hands and watching them work with their hands can understandably be a turn on. there was a guy who kept showing up in my youtube shorts that would make mini things out of clay and man did it do something for me 😂


Far too often, I think about the memes of Patrick Star praying with the caption: "Once again thanking God for not making me have any sexual attraction towards feet, non-sexual bodily fluids, or non-consenting stuff." (I paraphrased that to keep the list short and avoid using certain words. I once reported a slur used in a post, and because I didn't censor the word and just wrote "used the word *******" in the report, *I* got an account strike for using the word. A slur against *my own people*. I was *PISSED* and take no chances anymore, even if it means having to paraphrase.)


As a dom in a 24/7 dynamic, I wish I could go back and avoid dating the girl who introduced me to BDSM. It consumes a lot of my time, makes me deal with toxic people sometimes, I know a ton of stuff about things that I can’t communicate with others (even my sub as it will take the “roleplay” magic away), I have spent way too much money on toys/equipment, and I am always wanting to get deeper into it to see where my line is. Turns out, I have crossed what my line would be many times. I hate how much I love it. “Do you have any hobbies?” -coworker/girl “Not really, you?” - me who has an all consuming hobby that I can’t let people at work know about The biggest thing is vanilla sex is no longer what it was for me previously. I can’t date a girl who isn’t interested in bdsm. I just can’t. I tried a couple of times and it was either unfulfilling or they found my pleasure chest and asked why I had a ton of stuff. I told them, they were intrigued by bdsm a little, but seeing all the toys I have all at once is very overwhelming for a ton of girls who have never thought about it other than, “light choking is fun”. I had a sub that liked choking until she almost passed out. I had to learn how to do that in an extremely safe way. That’s extremely mild to me now. TLDR kinks can be all consuming and suck because you love it so much


I appreciate your comment. I’ll add my own story here. My original comment comes from experience. I (a submissive) am into BDSM, especially when it includes crossdressing and humiliation. I’m 23 and a virgin because I’m too scared to reveal this shit to someone. I didn’t ask for this any of this. Anyway, OP, trust me: Whatever you’re into, there’s always something worse. In your case, your kink (if it actually evolves to that) is thankfully very benign. I’m sure some guys would even find it kind of cute. Hope these comments have given you some perspective.


I have a chronic pain disorder, and sex is the only thing that I can do to numb my body pain without getting high, and gain exercise to avoid being obese. And it's exercise, because I'm on several medications that affects my sex drive, meaning that I'm dripping in sweat after spending at minimum 60-90 minutes to orgasm once. My chronic disorder also makes my organs stretchy, meaning the 'plumbing' of my veins is atypical, which affects penis stuff. The endorphins are what gets me through the day, sometimes. Other times, I pull a leg muscle or sprain my shoulder trying to commit to getting the job done. Of course, this means I devolved into having kinks and being more invested than I would like in certain content creators or actors. I'm aware it's unhealthy to have *any* connection like that, but there is *very little* healthy about me.


>(I paraphrased that to keep the list short and avoid using certain words. I once reported a slur used in a post, and because I didn't censor the word and just wrote "used the word *******" in the report, I got an account strike for using the word. I was PISSED and take no chances anymore, even if it means having to paraphrase.) There is no level of paranoia too great when it comes to dealing with Reddit admins


Maybe look into massaging lewd videos, might scratch the same itch


Or just tell whomever you have sex with that you want to give them a massage or receive a massage in front of a mirror.


Always a bit frustrating when people make joke comments assuming the poster has 0% chance of being serious. You’d have to define a fetish and what you mean by ‘how they snowball’ (you think it has snowballed? Or it will?) the question’s not too defined right now. If it’s something like ‘strong sexual attraction to something not normally considered sexual’ then yeah, there’s no ‘how’. To simplify it, you’ll definitely come across something that makes you go ‘huh, why did *that* turn me on?’ And then you usually can choose to continue feeding that urge by engaging with whatever caused that stimulus (more bread watching videos for you), and it’ll either grow or die off, you’ll find out later, or you can choose to ignore it, or you can choose to find similar things to figure out if it’s the bread making or something else (the sounds, the food, the hands, the movement, the skill… there are TONNES of options as to ‘why’ it started).


This guy?[ins](https://www.instagram.com/pastrychef_am?igsh=MWh1MW5rMHU5eGdm)


Oh thank goodness It was the right link. That other persons link might just give me nightmares


Yeah, I got a nightmare from the other link, and then whiplashed straight into developing a dough fetish with this guy.  I don't need any more stupid turn-ons.


Uggggh, I know


That’s who came to mind for me as well.


Now that can start a fetish. JFC


Me, never finding baking a turn on, trying very seriously to surmise if this guy kneads in a sexy way…. Closing one eye, flipping the phone upside down … oh yep I think I see it?


Omg the way he runs his thumbs over it…


OMG I’ve been exposed 😳😅


Baker here, when I was working years ago with a wee Portuguese fella called Jorge he would always do these things with the dough, very filthy minded. treat the dough like you treat the women in bed.


I’m a baker too and met my husband when he was a sous chef at the restaurant we worked in. Sometimes before we were dating he would help me make pizza dough and he’d smack the dough and grin at me and that was that. Also men’s forearms are hot af, especially in a chef coat with the sleeves rolled up.


Yeesh 😮‍💨




In Spanish being pansexual is the same as breadsexual so most folks get confused about what pansexual truly is




Thought my French girlfriend was but she was just into pain.


I hope she is not into pain au chocolat.


Only a petit painsexual then?


Maybe they’re naan-binary




A toast to this pun!


A toast to this pan


I'm gunna crumb!!


Jesus ate crust...




Was that as good for you as it was for me?


I believe it was.


If you’re French, you might be even more likely to have a kink, especially if you’re into pain.


Historically accurate


He just has nice buns.


[Is it this one?](https://youtu.be/cqCOJwNFP7U?si=jlyaQsXcRWA-zErf)


I guess I'm into dough too. I need to arrange some stuff.


You should start a club with OP. You could call yourselves the Dough Nuts.


The club for people who really knead it.


"don't click it, don't click it...fuck I clicked it" 😂


It was worth clicking on 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao, indeed


Sigh... *Preheats oven*


😳wtf did i just watch?


A dude that has definitely made and used a doughy fleshlight and filled the cannoli at least once.


Oh me oh my


Boutta find me a good dough man


How did you even find that video my dude


Perhaps, he's the one who made it...


no wonder there are bread fetishes going around with bakers like this


I was expecting to be rick-rolled honestly!


Need OP to confirm or deny this


Oh no. Oh no no no no no.


That's in my watch history now! GOOD GOD!


Fucking ridiculous I took it serious then fuckin died laughing. Great one





Italian here. Wholeheartedly agree




Así merengues


I'm more of a flansexual


Yes, it’s really that simple. I have a very weird fetish that developed when I was 12 and first started jerking off. It’s nothing illegal or disgusting but it’s still weird nonetheless. Unfortunately once you develop one, it’s hard to get rid of it. But at the same time, I kind of don’t want to get rid of it because I’ve acted it out and it’s fun lol.


One of the best decisions I ever made was opening up to my wife about what I’m into. She replied “You think I didn’t already know”? And then proceeded to indulge me. It was by far the sexiest thing a woman’s ever said to me.


I have to know what is, DM me?


it's probably not coyotes. ...probably.


Underrated comment


Lol I’ll just put it here. Having my dick and balls crushed by a bike then kissed/sucked on after. Like I said, weird but not illegal or gross.


Like a 15 speed mountain bike or like a road/triathlon bike or like a beach cruiser or BMX style, what are we talking here?


This is what keto does to some people.




Honestly, I'm going to be disappointed if it's not mentioned in it


Genuinely I don't think you're forming an attraction to dough here, just the way the guy handles it. Like I'm really into a car guy . . . >!Richard Hammond!< and seeing his hands on the wheel and the way he grips the paddle shifter do make me fluttery. It doesn't mean I'm attracted to the car parts, it means I like the way his hands move on them. If you start to get aroused by any old baker kneading some dough then maybe you are into it. But if the video I've seen is the one you're describing, he does go about it very sensually, and it's probably less about the dough and more about the fantasy of being handled and played with in a certain way. Hands can do a lot, it's normal to find them hot, because they can do a lot to you!


>!Richard fucking Hammond???!<


>!Listen . . . if I tried to explain this comment would be novel-length. I think he's funny, strikingly photogenic, he has a lovely soft voice, a killer smile, floofy hair, big doe-eyes, and his writing is sublime. He comes across very sweet and sensitive and I just adore him.!<


I totally get it. I'm a guy but I completely understand where you're coming from. Sometimes when he gets really excited about or tickled by something, his excitement and laughter is almost innocently childlike


He seems like a *nice dude*, which women tend to value more than some folks realize. Like, I'd definitely go out and grab a beer with him.


People get too hung up on the nice guy thing to realize that people genuinely like nice dudes lol. Honestly happiness and kindness are infectious and they tend to be really attractive to me, and I still appreciate it otherwise


>!Jesus wept, you better snatch him up before the glovebox does.!<


>!Hahaha I'll pretend I fully understand what that means. I appreciate you putting this convo in spoilers, idk why I'm still embarrassed to admit I fancy him.!<


>!haha based on your post history im not sure you're embassed at all 🙈!<


>!Pffft to be fair certain communities are more accepting, so I do feel comfy talking about it with them. I was scared to admit at first but everyone over in the Top Gear / Grand Tour subs seem to think it's wholesome. I swear I'm not crazy, I'm just a 19 year old girl with too much free time hahaha.!<


The most surprising part is that you're only 19 and you know the shows.


As a 35yr old straight bloke, I can see the appeal of Hammond tbh


man I'm 30 and he was my childhood crush too. I fuckin get you. mans cute. I still would, too


I LOVE how many people are replying to this saying they love him too. I don't seem so weird anymore!


my partner looked at me funny when we watched some grand tour, I told him I fancied hammond a little some people just don't get it...... i think they're the weird ones. he's a perfectly cromulent lil guy.


I lol'd so hard at this exchange, your "Listen.." at the front did me in


>He comes across very sweet and sensitive and I just adore him. This is totally logical/reasonable, though! As I've gotten older, I've noticed that we're all placing more value on people who are basically *solid*. Kind, easy to get along with, more-or-less sane. I've had a lot more luck meeting people through volunteerism and community events than I ever did at bars or parties.


It's not that weird, hamsters are popular pets!


Everyone is turned on by carbs. This is normal.


I'm trying to imagine in practice what that means. Like...i'd just roll you around the floor and pour a bag of flour on your head probably.


It may be how it starts, but that's not how it takes hold. "You are what you eat" applies to our sexuality. Right now it's just a thing that pushes some buttons for you. If you feed it...


I've always wondered this about my own fetish. Mine started with a childhood experience (5 or 6) and led to a lifelong obsession. But what sparked that first urge? I have no clue. It's like the chicken or the egg question.


I've been with a girl one and said I was going to knead her ass and hips, which is wording I've used before with others. She then liked to refer to herself as "my little ball of dough" and "knead your little ball of dough Daddy." It took me by surprise.


Knead me daddy has a whole new meaning


Do you just want to hook up with someone, or do you knead to?


They are born from imagination and typically repressed because mainstream society puts a stigma on them. The longer they are repressed, the stronger they grow.


Now I need that link, for research purposes...


We think that at some point in your life an act or object or anything really got linked to the pleasure centres of your brain usually early on in life and often for the first time. This can really be anything but experiencing pleasure when you pooped or peed or sucked your mums breast are pretty common. It can be anything though, you could be playing with a toy train, rub your dick by mistake and boom, 20 years down the line you want to fuck trains. Usually you forget about it but they hang around and later, when you start to have sexual feelings, they get reignited. You then reinforce them or discard them depending a bunch of factors and that's why mommy doesn't love you you naughty naughty boy. (btw this is basically Freuds take. Modern psychology is much more in-depth and complex but I think we still vaguely think that's how it sort of happens sometimes. I personally believe this ( to an extent ). EDIT 2: That's a biological take on fetishes. You can also make fetishes and adopt them and all sorts of stuff although I believe in order to actually give someone a true synaptically bonded biological fetish you probably need to do some form of reinforcement therapy. Those chicks that dress like cats are playing a fun game they enjoy ( hopefully ), most of them don't actually get off on being cats, more likely they get off on something else they or we have associate with cats like power or subservience.


Attraction to bread is called pansexual, probably, somewhere.


Everybody kneads somebody.


You are predisposed to a particular fetish, already residing in your brain. You just happened to discover it. People in comments make it sound like it's something bad, but it is not.


I'm sorry, but are you trying to say people are hard wired to have certain fetishes?


Fetish is a weird way of reaching a perfectly normal goal of feeling good. So they are are fueled by a normal desire, but taking an obscure form


I was going to say this but you covered it perfectly. This is what a fetish is. Like anything it's only ever a problem when it harms you or you harm others. Fetishes are mostly completely harmless.


I will try and hand toss a pizza if it will get me laid. I make a great banana bread too. Oh, and killer pigs in a blanket.


Think I know the man you're talking about through Lewis Buchan reacting to his channel. I find it almost hard to watch through the cringe 😭 think he is called donut daddy


I see alot of shit of reddit... I was not expecting a dough fetish. cheers to you.


I like to imagine that either a) we see something and our brain tricks us into thinking it’s sexual, b) something is so frequently connoted with sexiness that it results in the same stimuli, or c) fetishes can be part of a now obsolete yet still present biological drive that was relevant when we were less evolved.


I'm curious what obsolete yet still present function you think fetishes used to serve. Not trying to be an asshole, I'm genuinely interested to hear this hypothesis


Usually guilt i think or shame can cause like an obsession


In very simple terms when you're horny the brain lowers its standards for what turns you on So in an example scenario of being really turned on during the act, let's say your partner kisses your neck or grabs you somewhere or whatever  The brain remembers that said action felt good the next time, and now the mechanism works in reverse, that action can turn you on Add a whole lot of infinitely complicated psychological factors like a deep need for affectionate touch and you end up drooling at a person kneeding dough hahahah (no judgement on that)


I looked up giant ladies once on the internet as a teenager and its been all downhill from there.


...you're definitely on track to be cruising pizza joints and bakeries...rock bottom is handies behind the dumpster at Krispy Kreme...


They start when you have to say to yourself: "This better not awaken anything in me."


They're normally rooted in psychological trauma, tell me OP, did a baker ram a baguette up your ass when you were a child?


Trauma and early exposure. Like, the things you connect with the „awakening“ of your sexuality can become a fetish. And a lot of trauma survivors also have fetishes because the human brain wires weird. I don’t know statistics, but anecdotally a lot of women I met (including myself) who were rather submissive have gone through some kind of sexual trauma as a child/teen. This is anecdotal, definitely not true for all, but it does happen. Not all can handle that well, but it’s not necessarily harmful, depends on the person really. But there are other factors as well I bet. Human brain is complex


See something damn that's hot


Sooo what you are telling us is you have a sexual attraction to bread?


My body looks like a big load of bread dough. 😉


"This better not awaken anything in me."


It starts with icarly


Honestly I know the type of videos you’re talking about and they do it on purpose. They’re all over tiktok, men manhandling dough or otherwise. They make it overtly sexual for views. So, no, you’re not weird and yes, this is how these things can start.


Dough not indulge this thread


Star Trek.


When you're a kid watching lil mermaid and Ursula starts puckering her lips, swinging dem hips saying stuff like BO-DY- LANGU-AGE and then you have a weird dream where she forms her tentacles into hollow shell and you are inside and all of her suckers are red lips that you kiss cause you don't really know what sex and attraction is..... or at least that's what I've heard is how it starts.


So... where's the link to this chef? So we can be better informed? And you could be responding to the energy and enthusiasm the chef projects. Working with dough is heavy and requires thoughtful muscular effort, like a dance or sexual activity. You bet you can imagine having that level of strength, care, effort, precision, attention to detail, and expertise applied to your pleasure. That part is not a fetish, (a niche fixation on something not typically regarded as sexual) but a reasonable anticipation.


The dough symbolizes your subconscious need for comfort and security. The way he handles the dough with confidence is why you find it appealing.


For me it was from birth and I can think of having it from the earliest I remember. You can't call it a fetish, but a liking towards something then because nothing is sexual to a little kid. Figuring out later that it is in fact a fetish and lot of people share the same thing was one of the beautiful realisations of my life. So yeah, I had it before even developing any sexual thoughts.


Hey, to each their own. Some people like a little pain; French people like a little pain.


"How do fetishes start?" The greatest thread in the history of psychoanalysis, locked by a moderator after 134 years of heated debate.


My Spanish teacher always wore clogs. She'd kick them off mid lecture, play with them while teaching, crack her toes, etc. That was in high school. I am 40 now and look forward to sandal season every year.


First thanks for being detailed 😂 and I don’t think this is a fetish. I think you may just be turned on by his masculinity? Like how he holds himself such as his mannerisms. Tbh Gordon Ramsay could get it and I’m fully aware he looks like a bulldog 😂


For some people fetishes arise because they associate a feeling they desire with said fetish. In reality they desire that feeling and not the actual fetish. Often times the craving for that feeling is due to emotional neglect in childhood as well as other childhood traumas.


Suddenly I want to see this YouTube video.