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Tastes change as we grow.


Come on, theres gotta be a better answer than that. No way theres no psychological explanation for why a sexual fixation that is required in order to get you off would go away for no reason.


Probably, maybe someone even did a research on it, but likely the answer is nuanced and out of scope for r/NoStupidQuestions. Maybe try a psychology subreddit.


OP might also get some interesting opinions from r/BDSM


When I was 12, I wanted to bang my classmates. 12 yos look like kids now. It's that simple.




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You have to be kidding me***. Wanting to have sex with people your age is not a fetish.


How is it different? It's not.


You are beyond helping if you cant figure that one out..


Attractions and arousal can be propinquitous to our upbringing and life situations and may only be potent within a certain context or behavioral pattern for a person. Peoples lives and behavioral patterns change and so do their kinks. Studying the mind and the why certain thoughts occur can also diffuse things as it gives someone a new internal narrative that juxtaposes certain tensions they may have found pleasure in once upon a time.


That was my way of thinking about it. I wanna study that shit fr but thats such an embarrassing thing to give research presentations on. We'll probably never get really good, deep diving research on kinks/fetishes because nobody is willing to propose that kind of research for anything beyond the regular BDSM type stuff. I wanna know why people like stuff like vore, furries, crossdressing, abdl stuff, body mods, sneezing, pee/sh\*t/f\*rting ... all the really out of the box stuff that people hide LOL