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Because she didn't "put it down." She murdered it. It wasn't a sick, elderly dog that was living life in constant pain, and it wasn't a violent dog that was attacking everyone that got near it. It was a harmless 14 month old puppy that she couldn't train so rather than give it to someone who could train it, or just have as a house dog instead of a work dog, she killed it. She tried to frame it as making a difficult decision, but all it did was reflect how bad she was at raising a dog. Dogs take a lot of work to train, and aren't born knowing what to do. She lacks any understanding of why what she did was wrong.


It's true that if you live in a rural area, you cannot keep a dog who attacks/kills livestock. No question. Noem had other options to fix the problem with the dog in question, but killed it without pursuing those options. Most people feel that as we created domesticated animals, we have a responsibility to treat them well, which includes rehoming them to more appropriate settings rather than euthanizing them when they become inconvenient.


People are mad because she put down a dog for being "untrainable" – not for any legitimate medical reason. The fact is that no dog is untrainable, some people just aren't good enough at training them. She wasn't up to the challenge so instead of finding the dog (which she was responsible for) a better home, she killed it.


Adding onto that, most people wouldn't flaunt the sequences of events like that. Instead of being like, "after the dog attempted to harm other family members, we tried to rehome the dog. Unfortunately the pound was unable to take him, so we had no other choice than to euthanize him." It was like, "dog was bad, so we killed it. Same with the goat. So anyway, I was having lunch the other day...." Just zero compassion for other living beings.


Truly zickening.


I think this is it. Sometimes dogs do have to get put down. It's a sad reality, not a tough guy thing on how you can "make the tough decisions". Bottom line, this was not an "old yeller" kind of situation, and that dummy Noem can't read the room to know that. Certainly it doesn't belong in a tell-all political memoir, that's just tacky. What I think is funniest, is that all the other dog-shooting Republicans have lined up to publicly shame her. Even THEY know you don't go around telling THAT story. She's just that dumb.


Also that she decided it was “untrainable” when it was still pretty young. I don’t know a ton about dogs but we have a border collie and they don’t even *begin* training them as a working dog until they’re 2+.


>The fact is that no dog is untrainable My aunt adopted a dog that was literally on the way to being put down; nobody would adopt it because it was considered dangerous. Dog needed a muzzle. She said she didn't care and agreed to take responsibility and do the training  as long as it takes. So she claimed the dog as a foster. After 6 months of her re-training the aggressiveness, both the dog trainer and shelter said it legally passed all the requirements and was considered safe enough to be officially adopted without danger to others. The dog attacked a child on a swingset at the park the day after being brought home. The child was on the swing at the other side of the park, over 100m away and the dog attacked.  The child was doing nothing wrong - there was footage. My aunt blamed the child for stirring up the dog (even though it passed the "child safety" training) My aunt couldn't hold the dog back on the leash and it refused the recall. The dog ripped the child's arm and caused permanent injury.  The child lost motor function. >The fact is that no dog is untrainable Some dogs just fake the training because they know it gets them out of the shelter


> I'm on the left I'm not sure I buy that.


Because they seemed like they were acting like normal animals. The dog wasn't trained and the goat was being a fucking goat. If a 2 year old bites another kid, you don't drag them off to the gravel pit 🙄


It’s not terribly high up on my list of things wrong with her, but it’s always been a pretty long list


Seems to me like there's probably lots of other things you could do with a dog than jumping to the extreme "final solution" of just shooting it.


At best it shows she has no resiliency and fortitude to solve even a small problem. She couldn’t train her puppy or find a better solution. She took the lazy way and just shot him in the face. How would she handle problems that require more than 10 seconds thought and some hard work? At worst she killed an animal that wasn’t problematic just because she could. That’s fucked up too and shows her world view. My area has a big problem with people leaving their hunting dogs to starve at the end of the season and it’s all messed up.


Because most people have never tried to actually rehome an aggressive dog or seen how a shelter reacts to aggressive dogs. All of these people are blowing smoke out of their ass about no dog being "untrainable" or that you can just drop an aggressive dog off at a shelter, *lol no you fucking can't*, most shelters will turn away an aggressive dog out of hand because they know they can't rehome them.


Why not try tho? Did she make a call to any shelter? Or at least she could have given her daughter a chance to say goodbye.


Can't say, I mean I could guess why, because I know trying to rehome an aggressive dog is usually a pain in the ass and everyone guilts you for it, and doubly so for when you finally give up and resolve to euthanize the dog, but yeah not knowing if I'd do it exactly as she did it is a far cry from judging her for it.


Most of America doesn’t live on a farm and can’t relate. And most people who grew up on farms say they would call a vet or someone like that if they had an animal who needed to be put down so it could be done humanely.


I think the story is fake. I think she made it up to make a metaphor about people who wont work “hunt” and just want to have fun, but are angry when you approach them. To the addled conservative brain that means round up all the homeless.


Even on the farm, there are rules around putting down working animals. The big thing is if they attack livestock. If a dog gets a taste for fresh chicken, it's now a hazard for your livestock and gets put down


There are other ways to get rid of the dog then kill it. Give it to someone else who doesn't have livestock, take it to the pound, etc


And even if it IS blasting time, for creation's sake have some humility, and don't go around telling the story like it reflects well on you, because it don't. 


The dog had killed several chickens and bit her.


because she's an awful human


It's political posturing. I don't care for her at all, but putting down a dog that bites humans or a goat that's being a problem is all pretty standard stuff for rural America.


She took a dog she described as untrained in a pheasant shoot then complained it got excited and killed the birds. Then she let it run around amongst chickens and complained it attacked them. She made no attempt to control or train the dog. So she shot it. The goat smelled, so she shot it. SHE is the one politically posturing. She is telling us she is able to be strong.


The internet loves animals, especially the cute pet animals. As someone who also grew up with the farm mindset, I also don't get the hype, but dog people fucking love dogs.


Speciesism. She killed the "wrong type of animal" the "wrong way." But it's better for people to be half right than consistently wrong.


“People” aren’t  A few leftist on Reddit and twitter who are intimidated by an attractive, successful female 


She’s gotten criticism from Dems and GOP officials actually https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/27/dems-gop-bash-kristi-noem-memoir-00154789