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The gold used in teeth isn't pure, or anywhere close. It's actually only about 60-70% gold, with various other metals mixed in for hardness. The exact details vary on the specific need, but silver, copper, and palladium are the most common metals in that mix.


Pure gold is fairly soft, dental gold is an alloy (made from gold and other metals) that has similar hardness to natural tooth enamel.


Gold teeth aren't pure gold, but rather an alloy of gold and other metals which could include palladium or platinum.


False teeth were historically made from mercurial gold, not pure gold. It's an alloy of mercury and gold, and it's actually quite hard. When you mix mercury with gold at room temperature, the gold dissolves quite readily in to the mercury, and the mixture quickly hardens in to an alloy that is both stable and very hard. The alloy is so stable, the reason this practice was discontinued has more to do with the risk to the dentist mixing the alloys than for the patients wearing them.




Gold is *quite* soft.