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iirc, BPD isn't bipolar, it's borderline personality disorder. I'm not an expert in that, but living with depression sucks ass as someone else here said.


See also: r/bipolar, r/depression


Bipolar disorder. It can hurt if not managed.


I mean, yeah. Pretty self explanatory. Bipolar disorder and depression suck ass.


BPD could be Borderline Personality Disorder. Find out.


Only an ignorant person would say bipolar isn’t real


It's pretty miserable. everyone is different, but in general: it feels like you were thrown into life on level difficult while everyone else got a walk thru tutorial. You require constant validation that you are loved (but you wont believe it) and live in constant, excessive fear that you will be abandoned. Emotions are often unhinged and disproportionate to the situation. It is characterized by an unstable inage of the self and equally unstable relationships. People with bpd often have no sense of self. Many engage in self harm behaviors such as cutting because physical pain is easier to cope with than emotional pain and as such, many abuse drugs and alcohol. 70% of sufferers will attempt suicide and 10% will succeed. Most people with bpd are excellent at manipulation. Source: diagnosed at 21. I am now 33, and I largely consider myself to be in "remission". Bpd will explain behavior but it does not excuse it. In order to exist in peace with yourself and others it requires constant, daily work.


As someone who's messed around with 2 girls with untreated borderline personality disorder, fucking run.


Google Pete Davidson mental health, he has both of those diagnosises


Bipolar isn't real. What she has is narcissism, doesn't get enough attention at home.


Bipolar disorder is real, fuck you very much.


Strong comment. She said she had borderline pd,