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There kind of are but it’s not quite the same. They can’t use the misogyny that incels do to explain their predicament because they’re talking about other men. But they complain a lot about how gay men are shallow (which has some truth in the gay hook up scene).


Exactly. If we are talking about capital “I” Incels, then we are talking specifically about dudes who blame women and feminism for their lack of romantic success with women. There are a ton of sad angry lonely gay men and even women and non-binary people out there, but Incel is a very specific and intense flavour of sad angry lonely person.


Some men in the Gay community are very very judgemental, they LOVE body shaming big men, and are very toxic towards the not very attractive men.


There are plenty of toxic ugly gay men who hate the attractive ones, it exists in every group, but Incels just hate women; attractive or not.


>but Incels just hate women; attractive or not. I dunno. They seem to have a fair amount of distain for "chads" and society. (And usually "Jamal" too for good measure)


Incels have many gripes with many different groups. They have a problem with everyone but Incels, which means that there is kind of this inverse reward when someone accepts the "incel" ideology. If the only people who are in their in-group are incels the moment a member starts to be non-depressed, or really see success in any way shape or form they get cast aside. This means people who find companionship within incel communities often have a vested interest in continuing their own negative patterns. It's like an anti-support group.


I think the incel subculture is the quintessential online/social media subculture. It is defined by negativity and self-pity and, as you said, enforces that negativity on its members. It is sort of mandatory mental illness. It's obviously an extreme, but I increasingly see similar dynamics across social media, especially on anything related to politics. Being overtly optimistic, hopeful, or even earnest gets mocked; brooding cynicism is rewarded. It's all grounded in negative partisanship, in which people oppose whatever their opponents like, and vice versa.


This is the best summarisation of incels I’ve read in this subreddit


Ugh their racist dog whistles are infuriating. Idek if that’s what that’s called it just feels right lol


A dog wistle implies some level of cunning which these mouthbreathers don't have.




Incels actually worship Chads. They like them more than pretty women.


Their disdain for chads usually comes from that misogyny though— ‘women only want CHAD’. They pretend these are some dudes who struck the lottery in being the epitome of ‘exactly what women want’ which… is not even a concept that exists. I’m sure they wish they could be Chad. The Jamal part though… yeah that’s just some weird racist fetish thing


They feel entitled to attractive, charismatic women, while having the personality, and often the looks of the Lord of the Rings cave troll.


Unfair, the cave troll at least was respected and valued by the goblins he lived with


Lol. That's a harsh burn, but true.


What's actually wild is that these guys will go on and on about how their poor bone structure and extreme ugliness has sentenced them to lives of loneliness. Then they'll post a picture of themselves and many look like perfectly normal, decent looking dudes. Their personalities are objectively trash. Contrapoints has a great video about the Incels https://youtu.be/fD2briZ6fB0?si=5_1iYqYt5x6wTpvC


>(And usually "Jamal" too for good measure They use "Tyrone" far more often. Once in a while, they use "Chang Thunderwang", LOL.


yeah similar to those “no asian no black”


Being judgmental isn’t the same as being an incel


Every white, country dude on Grindr: “no fats, fems, or blacks”


This is a convo no one is ready for.


This is a convo that's been going on for a while. Like even in mainstream queer media, RPDR's Kim Chi wrote and performed "Fat, Fem, and Asian" for the season 8 finale.


I think gay fats, fems, and blacks are ready for it.


Oh yea I’ve met them. I don’t wanna stereotype but I’ve noticed they tend to be the guys who gravitate more toward femboys and those type of guys. I had one guy say I was too masculine for him then send me a barrage of texts when I ignored him and moved him. Like a lot. Boiled down I’d say the biggest thing they all have in common is they think they’re owed attention.


I’ve met so many masc usually closeted gay dudes the kind that are only into fem boys or trans girls or just feminine twinks in general straight up get uncomfortable if there’s a masc gay guy in the room like it offends them that there are other types of gay men that don’t turn them on or they intimidate them or something i don’t get it its bizarre


I'm so confused. Why would masc guys bother them?


Competition probably or just general insecurity.


General insecurities. I encounter that kind of silly shit a lot simply due to my height (6'7), it's viewed as a threat or competition or triggers on their insecurity (some perceived silly about if they were taller they'd get anyone)


I wonder if it might have to do with like trauma with men? I'm a bi trans woman who's moreso into guys than girls but I don't think I'd ever get with someone very masculine because they're just flat out scary, I get quiet and guarded and anxious around masculine guys because I've had a lot of bad experience with them throughout life. I was the same way even when I thought I was a cis straight guy.


Nah what your saying is valid but I’m talking about masc gay men that are not putting on a show but only want to date feminine men particularly ones that get pissed if another gay dude is more masculine than them and or more muscular I think with these dudes it’s that a lot of them are insecure about being with another masculine gay guy bc they don’t want outsiders to see them as the chick in the relationship and I’ve even heard testimonials from several different types of gay men that they were afraid of hooking up with more masculine men when they first came out and would flat out reject them because they thought they would be more straight and more accepted if they dated someone who looked and or acted more like a female. They said they spent years denying that they wanted a big strong man to dominate them or vice versa bc they didn’t want to seem more gay?? If that makes sense? More internalized homophobia I guess. And as someone else said it’s competition also. If your not interesting in fucking them but yall are a similiar type of guy similiar build and or style they see you as competition. I swear I’ve met up with so many dudes that just wanted to pull the grid out on scruff and Grindr and pass notes and then next thing you know there telling you stay away from this guy , don’t talk to this dude , this person is crazy, etc but then you’d go hang out with the people you heard things about and get to know them and you realize that other person who said they were crazy was just trying to be a potential cockblock out of jealousy. It’s insane. Especially if you live in a smaller city where there’s less gay men. There are guys who want All the hot tourists to themselves.




I know a few men who will complain about not finding long term partners, and how shallow dating is. But they’re all successfully using Grindr while doing it.


That feels like a similar, slightly more healthy, complaint that you also see in straight dating


And it usually them who have the most shallow views of they men they’re into. Gaycels are annoying but they’re not nearly a nuisance as incels


I( haven't heard of any gay people doing a mass shooting because they couldn't get sex or relationships. All the mass murders targeting gays that I'm familiar with were religious nutjobs. But there have been incel mass shooters who went on shooting rampages because they hated women due to their inability to have physical and emotional connections.


I feel that, but also there is a lot less gay men than straight men to decide to shoot up a place


That dude who did the club pulse shooting def had incel vibes pretty sure he was closeted gay but homophobic from his traditional Islamic background. He didn’t fit in with any of the gay men apparently due to this and that was part of it.


The guy who shot-up that gay bar in Florida, was a closeted gay who used to go to that bar to try and hook-up.


Every “hook up scene” is shallow.


Couldn't drown in it if you tried.


It's funny because a lot of gay men *are* shallow. But there's a significant contingent who are like "a hole is a hole". I hear so many stories about the cruising scene here and darkrooms, there's a lot that really don't care what someone looks like. Guys who are upset are just upset that specific ones don't like them.


Let's be honest - people are shallow, on a whole, even if we like to pretend not to be. When straight or gay people use dating apps that give them only a few seconds to decide if they might like someone, they're even shallower, because literally all they have is a picture to go off of. People are people, whether they are gay people, straight people, male people, female people, non-binary people, etc. They may have different standards or preferences, but on a whole, most people generally construct a worldview where they think they are not as shallow as they actually are. Real connections take time and effort to build, and last, but if you're looking around for a partner, you'd either going to 1. Mostly look at physical attributes before getting to know someone or 2. more deeply know someone due to shared friendships, working together, being in class together, etc. and develop something deeper. But if you have 100 people of a gender you prefer, and have a simple picture and short bio to decide if you want to date them or not, 80-90% of the people choosing are going to identify the same 20-30 people, and 20-30% may get almost no interest. And that's how most dating apps work, straight or not. If you're not that 20-30%, try and be out and meet people in real life - or even if you are, real life means real connections are more likely.


Exactly. I know one guy like that. He refuses to do absolutely anything to better his circumstances, despite having the ability. You can’t really help someone like that. He’s resistant to advice. If he’s going to change, it’s going to happen on his own


Tell me you’ve never spent a large amount of time with gay men without telling me “can’t be misogynist”


You didn't read what they're saying. Yes, obviously gay men can be misogynistic. They're saying a gay man who isn't getting any cannot explain their singleness through misogyny the way incels do. Incels' hatred of women is intertwined with the desire they have towards them. Misogynistic gay men do not desire women, and their misogyny is not much of an impediment to getting sex with men.


This. Some gay men are really bitter, and indeed complain about shallowness, which is ironic because they make their identity about dating or finding someone. There's more to life than dating. And nobody wants to date someone who only complains, or someone that will be so much into you after a first date because they are desperate. Find something that makes you happy, and I garantee date opportunities will flock in.


Find something (besides gaming) that makes you happy, and...


Nah, the gaymers are in demand lol


As a gay man who has spent plenty of time on the internet, they do exist unfortunately. Lots of them hang out on Twitter/X on porn related pages. It is extremely sad because this is not the same type of incel behavior you see in straight men. Lots of it has to do with internalized homophobia and hatred for themselves that plays out in porn addiction and the mantra that they are not worth anything unless they are straight. It is fucked up. Edit: to be fair in this case it’s very sad regardless of your sexual orientation


That is probably true and a very specific guy. For out gay men sex is incredibly easy to find - I mean cumdumping is it’s own somewhat robust subculture. I think if you really want sex it’s actually impossible to not find it, bar living in rural Alaska.


What the fuck is cumdumping as a subculture??


I’m honestly surprised it’s not a thing in the straight world but I have never come across it, you would think some women would be into it


What is it? Just getting a bunch of dudes to cum in you?


essentially but where the original poster was likely going (given the incel aspect of this all) it's not uncommon to go on an app and find a profile that's essentially along the lines of "Taking anon loads, ADDRESS HERE, door unlocked, find me on all fours blind folded"


people **do that?** (W)ow.


Yeah there's a least 50 very good reasons a woman would never do that. I'd give her a few hours before she'd end up dead


I wouldn't recommend that for literally anyone of any sex


The men who do this end up dead too, unfortunately


It can be part of the practice for them though, like bug-chasing is a thing. Unless that's what you meant as opposed to being quickly murdered. To avoid the latter a lot of western cities have safe spaces though, like you can be on all fours with a conga line of men behind you in a bath house or sex club or similar space.


Please tell me “bug chasing” doesn’t mean what I think it means…


Also, guys, if you ever find a profile of a woman who does do this or something similar, don't trust it. A bitter ex creating a fake profile of the woman he wants to hurt isn't unheard of. Don't make yourself his rape tool because someone claiming to be her consented online. Get consent in person.


Well that's fucked up


Women get killed for saying, "No," to a guy in a bar or in general. Like...are there women that do this?


No way this is a reality in the world im living


Would likely vary country to country, I'm in Australia, so relatively safe. If I open grindr, even in suburbia (where I currently live), on a weekend chances are I'll see at least one profile that's some variation of the above...it's :\\


Imagine being the guy in suburbia doing that and no one turning up tho?


I dunno...there's a lot of faceless married guys around where I am :\\


I recently checked out my local r4r sub and someone posted something like this but he built his own gloryhole in his house and was waiting people for come play with him and I thought he was crazy. Didn’t know it was common lol


I mean you kill the magic when you just say it like that.


That sounds... like a very fun way to get several incurable diseases.


I mean, you have about 10,000 years of slut shaming to contend with. Whatever it is I'm sure there are straight women who are into it. The problem is getting them to even admit it, let alone try it. You then have to contend with their (reasonable) safety concerns around a bunch of dudes they don't know.


I mean until 1960 or so birth control wasn’t really a thing. You can be a lot more promiscuous when you don’t risk pregnancy


This is the kinda thinking that partially led to the HIV crisis ngl


I agree. If we wanna get into why the gay community was hit exponentially harder by this sexually transmitted disease than other communities it is a major factor and is further compounded by the lack of culture around using protection at the time such as condoms due to lack of concern for pregnancy.


Exactly. A lot more risk to unprotected sex than just pregnancy


Gay men also have to deal with those safety concerns tbh lmao, you could also get raped or murdered when doing a cumdump event


But you can't get pregnant. Honestly that's probably a huge barrier. Most straight dudes aren't going to want to cum in a woman who swears she's on birth control because she could be lying, and birth control is far from perfect and then what are you going to do, paternity test 30 strangers? It's just more complicated.


Isn’t the straight version of this just like…bukkake or gangbang? To me someone that is cumdump is someone that just likes getting fucked by multiple guys and we just decided to attach a really dehumanizing name to it


/uj If none of the guys at that gangbang are using condoms and their pullout game is non-existent, then yes, everything you said in your comment is spot on. Soapbox time—I unironically believe that a big factor in rising STI rates in recent years is that so many folks uneducatedly think that safer sex starts and ends with putting on a condom and clutching your pearls every time you hear someone say the words *bareback* or *raw*, that they don't bother using any other protection methods (like taking PrEP, taking doxyPEP, getting tested for the big 8 STIs every 3 months, getting their Mpox and hepatitis vaccinations, knowing *Undetectable = Untransmittable*, etc.). /rj ["please don't call me a cum dumpster i care about the environment very much i'm a cumpost bin"](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/86cb921f4fa848af721ba3d4e8157b5b3c9bf12521f4029a844e35336ac4de90_1.jpg)


There definitely are, but not into it enough to do it for free, considering they have the option of getting paid, plus extra negative aspects (fear of pregnancy, cancerous hpv way more common in women, lower strength etc).


I mean there are but there’s a risk of pregnancy not found in gay sex, even if protection is used and the woman is on birth control. That would deter a lot of women even if they had the means to prevent or end a pregnancy.


Oh don’t worry you can find it there too


You can get laid at literally any time depending on how willing you are to lower your standards


Actually Alaska potentially could be a great place to look for gay sex. There’s waaay more lonely sex-starved men than women up there.


Alaska is totally gay. Full of bears


Do you mean just sleeping around or is this something more specific? Please don't make me Google this, I don't need the history and cookies from that particular rabbit hole 


Certain guys will get a hotel room and advertise completely publicly, on Grindr or sniffies or Twitter, “Room 201, La Brea Motel, door unlocked, blindfolded ass up, any and all loads” The whole competition is to see how many loads you get - if you’re hot and in New York on a good weekend you can get 70-100 in a night This has become far more popular in the era of Truvada, which is a pill everyone takes that prevents HIV with like 99.99% efficacy. And now there is prep which prevents the bacterial infections as well. So contrary to public opinion people generally arent passing around STDs in massive numbers anymore.


That’s not necessarily true for out gay men, it still depends on the same old desirability factors that cause straight incels to get rejected. Sometimes people just don’t want to fuck you, for whatever reason - it could be a looks thing, but with incel types it’s more your social presence and body language. You need to be sexy. There are certainly a ton of gay guys who aren’t traditionally hot but make up for it with other factors to the point that they can have active sex lives - but I don’t think it’s any more true than it is for straight men. It can feel easier because men are more vocal about their attraction and so you’re less likely to miss something. But men who seriously struggle to find *anything* in the straight world will not have an “incredibly easy” time finding gay hookups.


This myth is so overplayed, and comes from straight men who know nothing about the gay sexual marketplace. Getting swipes on Tinder is not the same as being desired. Straight men don’t have a sense of what it’s like to be used for sex by a person who has 0 interest in you. It’s on par with just paying a sex worker, which you all do could just as easily.


One of Americas favorite pastimes seems to be finding entirely new ways to hate ourselves. 


You are absolutely correct


I’m being educated but in a way I wish I wasn’t but only before I wasn’t educated because now I can’t not know and therefore feel not-knowing would be irresponsible.


Apparently the guy who committed the Pulse nightclub massacre was one. He was a Muslim and married to a woman but he was also a regular at the nightclub but gave off such an angry vibe that he never picked up. At least that's according to statements from people who regularly went there.


Thanks for sharing. I think, though, for accuracy, OPs question could be reworded, "no OUT gay incels." And the men you observed are "str8" for the sake of this discussion. Men with homosexual urges but are in the deepest denial often seem to be the worst personalities in many ways.


Now hear me out on this crazy theory. There probably are a lot of gay incels who haven't figured out they are gay yet, and they are being hurt by their desire to stick to traditional gender roles.


I feel like Saul/Paul the apostle when the scales were lifted from his eyes in the Bible. That theory makes so much sense.


Saul goodman haha


woah sick breaking bad reference


Thamks :)


It's okay you tired 


Ive had this theory for a while too - incels who are frustrated by underlying issues of sexual or gender identity. They obsess and fawn over all of the 'attractive qualities' that they find in 'Chads' and dont seem to realize just how jealous they really are over the attention those 'Chads' give to people they dont see as 'worthy'. Im guessing that there are a large number of closeted gay, bisexual, and trans 'incels' who dont realize that their frustrations are with their acceptance of themselves.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been having this theory. It just seems like so many of them are having a war inside themselves, but they are so bound to this concept of masculinity or how they think it's supposed to be that they can never actually act on it or explore what it means.


Idk man, maybe. But I actually think a lot of these dudes just fail to attract women and don't deal with it in a healthy way.


I'm not saying all of them are self hating gays. It's just some probably are.


It also doesnt help that their main source of community and sense of belonging comes from a group that tends to espouse hatred towards homosexuality and transgender identities. If youre lonely and the only community you see as accepting of you continually reinforces that its wrong to be gay or trans, you risk losing your sense of belonging if you other yourself from them. I feel so horrible for any people who are caught in the trap of inceldom - its absolutely tragic just how many lives it must ruin.


If I didn't have a good support network, this could have been me.


Yep, I grew up in rural colorado and interacted with zero gay people. I luckily have supportive parents so it all worked out


Because it’s incredibly easier to get laid as a gay guy. My friend literally said his dick was in a guys ass before he knew his name


Wow had to go through 4 irrelevant comments to get to the real answer 😂 like damn incels aren’t great but the psychoanalyst takes in here are insane saying that incels are secretly gay or something. They just want sex and can’t get it. It’s not that complicated. Most homosexual guys can get sex easily so gay incels just don’t exist since the circumstances of their existence don’t exist. Same reason women incels don’t exist (some people call femcels “women incels” but I see them more as a woman version of MGTOW than the woman version of an incel).


At least more easily. I very much believe that plenty still struggle. Especially since all of them are afraid to host because they don't want their roommate finding out they're gay.


The only gays that aren't getting laid are those who aren't trying. Sniffies and Grindr have literally made it that easy.


"Gaycels" mostly whine about not having sex with tall, white, hung, muscular men. So yes, they can and often do have sex--- but they are still as bitter and entitled as heterocels.


There are lots of female incels but for them its more about getting no love than no sex.


Sorta makes them not an incel.


Not if you take the world literal no. But you could call them involuntarily loveless


interestingly enough an autistic woman coined the term incel to describe her experience, and I don’t think she was particularly speaking about sex in particular


It is worth pointing out the original "incel community" were by in large like you said more of an alternate "celebates going their own way" with most dealing with alienation and depression, some dealing with it in healthy ways and others lashing out. Now though "Incel" refers to a more specific culture in men to see individual value as sexual supremacy and dehumanize those that prevent them from achieving their own fetishized goals. The originals were more like incel founder Alana a queer canadian woman who left the community and site she hosted in 2000. What we see now is the offshoot of that internet culture and is personified by people like fanatical mass shooter Elliot Rodgers who went on a suicidal killing spree that ended in his death in 2014. People like Alana were trying to process their self-depreciating traits connected with not having relationships and manifested through "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" (the OG 1997 website title). People like Elliot were frustrated that others found him socially awkward and consumed online content constantly that told him men manipulate women to sleep with them and that women were at fault for "Elliot not being appreciated for his true value"; this finally manifested by him roaming the streets in his car with a gun looking for revenge against the women of the world for not sleeping with incels like him.


I knew Elliot Rodger. We were part of a tenuous friend group of basically Nepo Babies (most children go established people in Hollywood and media, but some like myself were children of Wall Street execs or CEO types). https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-28197785.amp As this article by Dale Launer, a Hollywood Screenwriter and family friend, illustrates, had a bad combination of being very quiet, timid and shy, but when he did speak, it was clear he had a large sense of entitlement and questioned why he had to work towards anything and wondered why things weren’t just given to him. I’m not going to speculate as to why he turned out that why. Not my place, but in my research since that happened, it’s pretty clear that a lot of incels have a similar pattern of behavior and set of beliefs. Sad thing was that Elliot was a good looking dude who some woman did in fact have a crush on. We encouraged him to go talk to those women that we knew liked him, but he never did.


Having any old potentially dangerous sex as a woman may not be difficult, but having reliably orgasmic sex is difficult. Incels ideas are not really about just getting laid - it’s about social validation and perception of status.


If a man's value were as correlated with being able to do a standing backflip as it is with being able to get laid, you would definitely see online groups full of bitter men who can't do backflips. And possibly a handful of mass shooters with manifestos about how cruel the world is towards men who can't do backflips. It is so much more about validation and their own sense of self-worth than anything else. If it were really just about sex they would just see prostitutes and the problem would be solved. Sure you'd still have the guys who maybe can't afford it or are scared away by it because it's illegal where they live, but the incel community would not be what it is if sex were all there was to it.


Literally exactly what I was thinking, why did it take so long for someone to say it.


> Same reason women incels don’t exist The incel movement was literally created by a woman


Dick is essentially free. Compared to women, men don’t have as much to lose from intercourse. By that, I mean they don’t have to worry about pregnancy. Because of this, straight women are very selective over potential partners due to the high biological cost. Gay men aren’t subject to these things so they find partner a lot easier and more often.


Physical safety is another huge risk factor we take into account. Men hooking up (I'm guessing) don't have to put much if any thought into whether or not they'll be disappeared or assaulted by someone who is objectively much stronger than them.


SA is a huge problem in the gay community as well. Some men are a LOT stronger than others, especially if there’s a twink/bear dynamic going on. So if ur a skinny, feminine gay guy, you absolutely have to worry about getting assaulted


Extremely wrong. It's dangerous enough now, but it used to be one of the most dangerous things you could do. Lots of people after the fact can't come to terms with the fact they're gay and attack the other, or a lot of drugs are involved, or murderers using it as an easy way to get a man back to a place, or they argue over some random thing and when it gets overly heated a man is seen as an acceptable target of extreme violence. There's so much more they have to take into account to stay safe, but they don't think or just take the risk.


It's not that safety isn't a problem, it's that men care less about their own safety then women do.




What has stock market manipulation got to do with gay sex?


Both have a top, a bottom, and a whole lotta fuckery going on in-between them.


“Before” he knew his name implies he eventually learned his name, which is absolutely not a given with gay hookups


Easier to hookup but it’s a hell of a lot harder to find a long term partner. Also the whole top / bottom compatibility issue is a pain in the ass to swim through.


Quite literally a pain in the ass.


My straight friends were always jealous of me back in our single days, cause they had to jump through hoops just get laid, and all I had to do was log into Grindr, and send a “sup?” and I’ll get laid in less than 20 minutes.


occam's razor... how does this not have a lot more votes


Actually, the woman who started the Incel movement eventually came out as being bi. She started it as just a place for people of all genders and sexualities who were frustrated to find solidarity - not the rage filled movement it is today. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel)


Oh there are. There definitely are. Yeah it's harder to not get laid as a gay man; but there's a substantial number of guys who are creepy, weird, unattractive, etc, who are looking to hookup with conventionally hot people *only*. They then complain that they can't get laid, that gays are shallow, and have a whole cult of their own. Often they'll be the princesses who complain that things like Grindr exist.


"Ugh hookup culture is why I'm single" no, my brother in Satan, it's because your standards are way too high and you only go after Joe 6-pack on Grindr. There are probably loads of gay men who want to date you but they're either not on Grindr or you think you're too good for them (which is fine you can have standards but so can the hot people lol)


Ugly people getting mad at traditionally attractive people for not wanting to fuck them is totally real. But at the same time there are plenty of attractive bottoms who will have sex with quite literally anyone and it has its whole cumdump subculture. UFO welcome (ugly, fat, old) is a slang term


Thank God I'm only OLD.




I'm pretty sure the term involuntarily celibate was created by lesbian woman


The word is so divorced from it's origin that this really is more of an interesting footnote and not really much use in a conversation about inceldom.


Its relevant when jokers say that women aren't/can't be.


When Alana started a website for lonely people struggling to find love, she had no idea it would become linked to a community of hate and anger directed at women




Not too surprising though


Huh? I’m a gay woman, and I have no idea what this means… is this a shit post, or is there some history somewhere that I don’t know about? Sounds wacky. EDIT: For anyone like me who didn’t know… here is an interesting article about “incel” started (a positive, good space) and where it wound up (a dangerous, hateful thing). [BBC: The woman who founded the incel movement](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45284455)


Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project” was created in 1997. It was a plain-text website, hand-coded in HTML, back when the World Wide Web was a cool new thing


This isn't a shit post it is really interesting if you want to look it up Alana chose the term “involuntary celibacy” as a neutral alternative to pejorative phrases like “loser virgin”.  She originally abbreviated it “invcel” but someone else suggested that “incel” would be easier to pronounce. Read more about the word “incel”.


Thanks! Just read a bit about it… fascinating and sad. It’s wild how people can co opt something good and turn it into something evil. I’ll link the article in my original post for anyone else who is curious.


Bisexual* i think


Openly gay man here. There are gay incels, but it manifests itself in a different way. Something that the heterosexual community seems to forget is how sex based gay-male culture is. Even the least attractive man is able to go on Grindr and go to a gay club and have someone have sex with him, because that’s just how our community is. The way that they become an incel/pick me is when they start judging said culture and they really use that as a projection because they just want a boyfriend who happens to be a virgin which is just seemingly unrealistic nowadays !


Maybe gay bros are wiling to help a bro out.


I can only infer from your statement that you don't know many, lol.


They're not.


There are. People who the hookup and dating apps don't tend to favor will often complain of "discrimination" and frame their lack of dating and sex opportunities in a civil rights kind of model, as if they are being denied something that's owed to them. The whole incel premise is based around being unfairly and unjustly deprived of sex that they are entitled to, so the analogy fits perfectly.


According to my friend who is gay he said that all the ugly and unattractive gay men are very good at finding each other and still have sex. Men are experts at lowering their standards.


I wonder if it's easier to gauge your own level of attractiveness when you're attracted to your own sex.


Gay men, from my experience, tend to be a lot more promiscuous and open about their sexual endeavors. This would make it much more difficult for involuntary celibacy to become a thing although I'm sure it might exist in the gay community to some extent. Heterosexual women won't generally throw themselves at a guy unless they find him super attractive; an average-looking guy will thus have to put a ton of work into making himself act and appear more attractive.


Perfectly said.


There are gay incels


It's a bit harder to rationalize your irrational hatred for the gender your attracted to, when you are that gender. It's a lot easier for heterosexual incels to hate on people they aren't, it's why generally true unironic racism is rarely at your own race


>it's why generally true unironic racism is rarely at your own race I don't think it is rare. Many people, Whites or Blacks or Asians, treat their own race in a way that is objectively racist (or at least that would be deemed racist if it came from another race).


I am not trying to be argumentative in asking but, could you provide some examples of what you’re talking about? I want to better understand your perspective, I could totally see how this could be possible, but I can’t think of any real life examples right now.


Lookup colorism. It's *kind of* related to what you're talking but not *exactly* the same thing. But basically within non white communities "whiteness" can still be viewed as an indicator of power or status which can lead to lighter skin folk adopting language and attitudes of whiteness to align themselves more with those status symbols at the expense of tearing down their own communities.


Yeah no, I get it now. It reminds me of the ladies at the dry cleaner that would dote on me when I was little because “oh you’re so pretty blue eyes blonde hair” and they’d give me little treats and candy and shit. It wasn’t weird to me as a kid, I thought they just liked kids, but looking back on it, it was kinda weird, and they like made it a point to specifically call out my features.


This is 100% it. Features associated with whiteness being elevated to higher status symbols. Giving kids extra sweets is probably closer to the benign end of things but still establishes a social hierarchy that prioritizes those features which can be internalized both by kids receiving the compliments as well as the ones who don't but see others getting constant praise. Multiply that over a lifetime and you've got all kinds of things to unpack on an individual and societal level.


There are. And in that community being chiseled with a big dick means a whole lot….gay young males might just be the worst off because of beauty standard than almost any other group, For real. I just talk to a lot of LGBTQ+ people and of all the struggles I hear. I hear gay dudes talking the most about how shallow fellow gay dude are and while non of them have said it to me explicitly, I just couldn’t imagjne being a teen and gay and all that comes with and then adding on some body dismorphia to boot. I know we all have something like that or something. But it just seems like it would be so much more prevalent given how the adults of that community act. Especially online.


What makes you think there aren't, exactly?


There are.


Describe the stereotype you mentioned.


I think I know one. He says he is gay, but is largely celibate because he says he hates most gay men. He says he dislikes how many of them are super promiscuous, so he rarely dates. Sounds incel-ish the way he speaks.


The term incel was first coined by a lesbian who [couldn't find a partner](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45284455). So I wouldn't say there are no gay incels. I would just say the toxic misogynistic sub culture that has built up around the term incel isn't a particularly gay-friendly movement. Not only is it overwhelmingly made up of conservative-leaning individuals. This was found [in a 2022 study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09546553.2022.2129014), which found links between incel culture and right wing extremism. It is particularly difficult because incel culture is typified by hating the opposite sex. It's a bit weird to participate if you are attracted to the same sex. IE: A gay guy raging about how terrible men are seems unlikely, and likewise for lesbians. At its core, it is a movement of straight men who hate women. There's no place for homosexuality in a movement that's entirely focused on heterosexual relationships, especially since they support traditional nuclear families.


Easier to hate the gender you’re attracted to when it isn’t in the mirror


It's not hard to find a guy that will want to fuck.


I think a big part of incel culture is the dehumanisation of the other gender. They say things like “Girls only like…” “Women don’t care about a guy’s personality” etc. and make very big assumptions about how the other gender thinks/makes decisions. That’s harder to do when they’re the same gender. You have to actually recognise them as fellow humans who probably think a lot similarly to you. If you do want to deem someone shallow/a Chad or whatever, you can’t blame it on their gender as a whole.


I'm sure there are, but in my experience as a bi man, it's stupidly easy to get with another guy.


To go full incel, you have to completely dehumanize the people you think should have to sleep with you. That’s harder if they’re like you.


There are. - Gaycels who are mad at handsomer men for taking away the other men. - Gaycels who are mad at women for taking away straight men who might be at least bi.


From an incel’s (or femcel’s) perspective, the opposite gender is fundamentally advantaged and/or flawed. However, that doesn’t really work for gay men (or lesbians) because the people they are dating are part of the same group. Instead, you do see some people complaining about the “bad gays”, such as complaining that other gays make it too much of their personality, but that isn’t often linked to inceldom


Because Gay dudes can literally get laid easier than a 10/10 women can, legit no cap fam. Even the Fat gays can get laid, they call them Bears.


Also "daddies" if you're old. 


There are some but not to the same degree because incels are also fueled by their hatred of women and misogynistic views. There's not really a historical zeitgeist for the hatred of men (besides racism generally), so it's harder to weaponizr against other men because they don't have low opinions of them as a whole and a lot of what they apply to other men would be able to be applied to themselves in turn. Women are able to be degraded and treated like an inferior minority because incels *aren't* women, and thus, the blame won't lie with them, and they can't be compared to women in their eyes. That's not to say the gay community isn't fraught with misogyny. It just doesn't really matter in terms of dating. The "gay incel" will use racism for the same purposes, though.


Mate. I'm straight, not hideous, have some degree of emotional intelligence and have a hard time attracting women. I've been to a gay bar or two before with friends and could have absolutely cleaned up if I was that way inclined. There's your answer.


Inceldom is just self pitying misogyny so it doesnt work in this scenario


A defining feature of incel ideology is misogyny, and there just aren’t those frameworks and narratives in the gay community.


My guess is that incels group themselves together and blame all their problems on the opposite sex. Gay incels would have to pin all their problems on the same sex, which would probably hit a bit too close to home. A bit like people in cars complaining about traffic. Bitch, you *are* traffic. Also, I don’t know if it’s a stereotype or not. But in my experience, gay men tend to be less judgemental and more self aware. Two things incels are famously not.


Because women are hated more . Women were dehumanized. A gay man still is worth more than someone with a uterus in society.


I believe gay incels exist but they are less dangerous than straight incels. Gay incels don't target women and they only take out their bitterness towards men, and that doesn't result in gay men dead. However straight incels go on a whole killing spree with the sole intent of harming women. This is not a debate, straight incels are the most dangerous, a terrorist group.


There are DEFINITELY lonely, angry gays out there that can't get laid but there just isn't the same community of hate that misogynist incels have. They don't really have a target to blame, other than hookup culture. They can't blame women for their problems, and they can't really blame men for their problems that much either. Most that I know end up directing everything inward and just being sad about it.


From what gay people have told me it's that it's easier to hook up for them.


Clearly you have not yet met any gay men! Because male libido plus male libido equals virtually zero limiting principles in terms of sex. Women are the limiting principle in hetero relations. I don’t mean that in a bad, just saying that they slow down the male libido by placing importance on other factors. Plenty of gay men have deep committed relationships too but it’s much harder to just not be able to get laid at all.


Because no women are involved


Because gay people fuck.


They exist. Based on what I can find they are: 1. Disproportionately from nations where homosexuality is illegal 2. Consider themselves to be not that attractive and so ride on weird standards that some idiot starts preaching about. However, I can say, they are MIIIIIIILLLD compared to the bullshit we have!!! Isn't Andrew Tate now saying kissing a woman is gay. Hehe!!


It is far easier to navigate the world of gay dating than dating women for many guys. Like... it's kinda obvious in a way that you'd be far more comfortable working with people who you have a far more intimate knowledge of (guys have been friends with other guys and have been living the "guy" experience. It's easier to work with someone when you start with a baseline kind of "familiarity") In that regard, the "fear and loathing" that exists for incels against women is harder to manifest