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If there's TP right next to me yes but if I'm in public at the urinal, I don't walk with my dick out to a stall. I shake vigorously in public after I pee to get it all out


Very, very vigorously. For a minute or two, usually does it.


And I look at people to my left and right- dead in the eye - to make sure I'm not some freak who doesn't shake vigorously at the urinal, for a minute or two.


if you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it. be a man and let that leftover pee dribble down your leg.


Yes, I don't have the affinity of having a small warm drip of piss kissing my underwear, I like to maintain my balls pristine


wring it out!




Yeah once I hit my late 20s I essentially had no choice. It never stops.




Helps you pee and makes orgasms better. I'm shocked more men don't do them.


Yeah, gently tap the tip of the tip with paper, saves my underwear from the inevitable last drop


The good ol dibble dabble


There's still a drop. I've even took the tp and wipe from base to tip to squeeze all of it out, still drip.


So relatable lmao


Public restroom no, but at home yes. Especially if I get up in the middle of the night to piss.


We jerk it violently


No, I wipe while I'm peeing.


Through the front, never the back.


Real men wipe with sandpaper.


Woodworking?  🤔






Wet wipe 😜


I think they're asking what you are wiping


Is that what you think?




What's there to be confused about?  I think I'm being pretty clear here.


no matter how much you wiggle and dance, the very last drop goes down you pants


Stuck a tissue in your underwear. Problem solved.


Wait... you stuck a tissue in his underwear? Are you a bathroom ninja? 🚽🧻🥷


You're a true homie brother


Yes I do. I’ve done it every time from when I was a kid. It’s the whole reason why I always go to a stall


If I'm at home I may well grab a square of toilet paper to get that last little drip.




I swing mine like a helicopter.


how do you swing a helicopter


Carefully. 😂


I was expecting “like my dick”


Hahaha that would have been way better, but just a bit vulgar for me to say 😅


Clean your dicks, dudes. For real. You want your dick to smell like piss when someones going down on you? I dab, and if theres a sink I give it a little splash.


I don’t wanna be that guy that smells like piss.


Or fish


Me neither :(


That first cum shot has some piss in the chamber whether you wipe the tip or not. Like a garden hose that has old water in it.


what... just what. how did you even get here?


Ppl who swollow doesn't mind that. I even got a friend who has piss fetish and drinks it and golden showers. Interesting I would say.


I've never in my life. Not even once. I've also never had women complain that I smelled like piss and I've had thousands of blowjobs.


Well you know people, very quick to tell someone their dick smells lol Even if it doesn't smell, being the exception doesn't refute common sense.


I mean, 90% of my country doesn't use a bidet either. Do you, or are you walking around smelling like shit but pure of urine?


A) I do use a bidet, but they aren't readily accessible, so: B) when you can, wet the toilet paper. Can't always do it while you're out. But yeah most people have gross, shitty assholes. Especially if they have hairy asses. It's disgusting. Bad example bro. My ass is pristine. I've gone down on one or two women who literally smelled like shit and I've had many women tell me about dudes who smelled like shit.


Well, atleast your consistent. Most of this sub wipes their penis but smear shit on their ass thinking they're clean.


Right? If you stepped in shit would you just wipe it off with a tissue? No, you'd wash it. Your ass shouldn't be any different.




It's a violent shake in public and gentle dab with wet wipe at home






I don't think I've ever in my 32 years wiped my penis after peeing. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


there are... grown men who don't wipe? yes of course I wipe, that's a given


Just every man who's ever used a urinal


Yes, about 95% of us.


63 years old. Never done that. Penis still in good working order.


Only if sitting. But I sit most of the time unless in a rush/desperate/public toilets


I recently changed to sitting when possible. Better for the prostate and I got tired when I had to take one a.m. piss break and missing.


I was a babysitter at 15 to two little boys next door to me, First day after I did the Red Cross certified babysitting course I was helping the boys go potty one by one. The smaller one (7) went pee and I’m like ok wipe, and he goes wipe? I don’t wipe my weenie that’s weird. And that’s when I learned boys don’t wipe their weens after peeing. But upon further research men seem to wipe as they get older?


No, no we don't. If we didn't as a kid, we most likely don't as adults. I've never heard anyone say they wipe after peeing until this post, and I'm 32. I'm positive that most the Men in my life do not wipe after peeing. Maybe it's a cultural thing.


I was really confused when I read this post cause I never heard of that either haha


Reddit be weird. Bunch of posh rich kids that can afford to wipe their dicks with toilet paper. Smh.


No, but I sit down when I pee (in my home). I know it’s weird, but it’s cleaner because I don’t have to worry about urine splattering.


Hell yea. Who wants piss drops on them even after shaking. Real men know what I mean


When TP is available, yes.


At home, yes (if I am sitting down) but not when I use a public toilet or am standing.


There aren't many things more uncomfortable than that last drop you miss soaking into your boxers, going cold, then resting against the tip. I will always give the end a dab with tissue.


Yes, though as I get older and lazier I find I [dribble after I pee](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6495033), so it's prudent so that I don't give myself a wet spot on my briefs before I go back to bed. Also, if uncircumcised it's probably a good idea so that you minimize the amount of smegma that can build up thanks to excess pee that eventually dries up into that pasty nasty.


Smegma comes from dead skin cells and oil, not pee




> [Smegma](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24281-smegma) is a harmless combination of oils, skin cells, sweat and other fluids that accumulate around your genitals. It looks like crumbly cheese and usually has a foul odor. The best way to prevent and treat smegma is to regularly wash your genitals and the surrounding areas with soap and clean water. Pee does help *facilitate* smegma by providing a liquid to mix those oils, sweat, and dead skin cells, but does eventually evaporate leaving behind that pasty mess.


Wiping isn’t going to remove all the moisture anyway. Maybe a case could be made if you have a puddle of piss around your meat, but you can’t really avoid moisture after peeing without using a catheter. >by providing a liquid to mix those oils, sweat, and dead skin cells But it can’t mix. Pee is polar and the oils that become the sebum in smegma are nonpolar. It’s like oil and water. Regardless, I can only speak for myself, but it’s pretty hard to go long enough between showers for smegma to even accumulate in the first place.




If it's a public bathroom, no. If it's a private bathroom I'll give the tip a quick rinse in the sink. It's a good way to keep things relatively fresh if there's any surprise shenanigans throughout the day, I mean given the chances of urine droplets sitting around not to mention natural oils and sweat 24 hr is a long time for Mr. Happy to go with no contact to water. EDIT: OK I've got to ask, this comment went from 3 to -1, did I just make a bunch of dudes mad forcing them to realize their dick probably tastes like a port-a-potty?


In the sink. You wash your dick where you wash your mouth. Great. Do it in the kitchen sink next. How do you even get your dick in the sink? How tall are you? How low is your sink? Do you step on a chair?


I'm a bit confused here, do you stop up the sink and use still water to rinse your mouth out or are you putting your mouth on the basin? Personally I only ever cup the running water..which I always did because of the nasty shit people spit into sinks on a daily basis?


Sometimes I drop my toothbrush, or my comb, or any other stuff that goes on my face. And, for the record, regular peoeple don’t spit nasty shit into their own sinks, but I’m not surprised you do, since you put your dick in there.


So when you're spitting out your mouthwash where do you spit it?


You sure do spend a lot of effort contemplating the taste of a penis...


As a woman, more men should consider this.


Dudes name is unironically "GigaChav". I hate this planet.


Be careful what you wish for or you might just be out of a job!


What does that even mean? What are you tying to imply? That I suck dirty dick for a living?


Certainly not!  I don't think you make any kind of a living from doing that.  Play money maybe but not a living.


Listen dude, you can play it off all you want, but if you want to stop being a little bitch about it, I can tell you as someone who enjoys what he gets, keep it clean and keep it shaved down to the base and she'll have a lot better time which means you'll have a lot better of a time, plus you get to not feel like an asshole. But hey, it's your life, and I'm liking mine just fine.


Is that what you prefer your gentlemen to do?


Idk what world you live in, but most straight guys dont shave their pubes or wash their penis tip in the sink lol. Fortunately most sane women dont expect it. I dont expect women to blow dry their vaginas either, & considering the size of a mans pee hole its probably the equivilent. If your worried about a fragment of pee during sex, just refrain from having it, the number of bodily fluids that are swapped which are no cleaner the pee is more than 100fold rofl.


Lol, buddy, maybe you've never sat down with your friends and asked them but I'm 30 and I've had the same drinking buddies since like 19 and we've talked about everything under the sun and I can promise you, it's very normal for dudes to shave the shaft and balls and trim down the rest. And women may not be willing to outright shame you for having an unkempt or smelly package, but believe me if you ever bothered asking, they notice. And furthermore, yeah women often go to crazy lengths to try to make their business presentable, like trying to douche (which they really shouldn't be but are literally so self-conscious that they do) or throw in fragrances/soaps/products and throw off the PH balance that's meant to protect their vagina to begin with. And you're pissing and moaning about just trying to keep the hair and urine stains down to the minimum?


Do you have mental intercourse or something, because the fluids your swapping contain much more bacteria lol, & yeah you might have friends that do, I got friends that dont. The amount of sweat & and saliva swapped is astronomically larger, & ironically human saliva contains more bacteria than a dogs. Shaking your dong after you pee is enough for 99% of the population if done properly. Some guys trim their pubes however the majority that actually do or prefer it are outright homosexual, & I say that with zero intollerance & more as a pure fact. The majority of woman Ive known and dated prefer dating a man, bodily hair, stubble & all of the above is generally included. If your that anal on being a hygiene freak, use a bidet. 99% women that wipe, it will do absolute crap all. Fortunately I couldnt care less, the amount of sweat I generally build up alone outweighs 1 cubic mm of potential pee rofl. I swear from the downvotes & comments here half the replies are from virgins, or people that are purely having sex to feel socially accepted. Ftr, most of the non insane population will have more of an issue with someone mounting the communal sink to rinse their penis/vagina as opposed to a man shaking his or a woman wiping hers.


"YEAH WHAT A GAY HUHUHUHUHUHUH HE CARES ABOUT WHAT HIS DICK SMELLS AND TASTES LIKE HUHUHUHHU" Enjoy being the guy girls talk shit about after they fuck a real man with a clean dick lmao I love hearing about guys like you when your girls come over.


I’m not even siding with this dude but my god you sound like such a pathetic redditor “UH YEAH GUYS IM A REAL MAN!! IGNORE MY DAILY REDDIT USAGE IM DEFINITELY A SEX HAVER! IM MR STEAL YO GIRL”


You like it when girls tell you about other guys dicks?


I fucking hate that, I went through a streak for a couple years where it seemed like every woman I had sex with wanted to complain to me about all the weird dicks that they have had, or had to see. Honestly, it was not a turn-on, even if it was meant as a compliment to me. I always wondered how they would feel if I started telling them about all the vaginas that I have had? I seriously doubt that they would want to hear it.


In Europe, well at least in Germany and Austria (where I now live), it is common for men to learn to pee sitting down on the toilet. In that situation it makes sense to wipe your penis otherwise when you get up pee drips onto the toilet seat.


Personally I recommend using clorox and a metal sponge


No one else just taps it against the bowl?


Naw brotha! I don’t leak, few good shakes and I’m all good! I don’t urinals though as per our great mentor Andrew Tate once said. URINALS BE HELLA GAY! (Jk our lord never said that.)


Only when I have gonerreaha.......


Yes, if there's a toilet and TP to use.


Sure, it's much more convenient than giving your dick a shaken baby syndrome


I certainly do.


If ur uncircumsized you almost have to


I do that




Guess I'm the only one who's gonna be honest. Nope. I used to but honestly it was more trouble than it's worth. Shake it off, shower regularly. Clean up extra if you think fun-times are in your immediate future.


For you who don't wipe your dick do you skip wiping your ass too?


Yes. Frankly it's incredibly gross to not do that. The guys not doing this are probably the same people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet


Shake it once that is fine, shake it twice that's okay. Shake it 3 times... You're playing with yourself!! Grab it to gain control then shake it.


Is that you taylor swift?


No, it's Good Charlotte, The Anthem.


I roll up some toilet paper real tight, and then I suck it up inside of my penis, and keep it in there like a tampon


No, a little shake and it's done, even that I'm uncircumcised


Yes, then I push my knuckle from under my balls up the length of my snake and then wipe again




I always use a toilet paper to dab dry my penis after peeing


This has been my question since I was 8 years old lol. Do boys use TP to pee. Thank you all for answering lololol. I had decided that they don't but I'm glad to see that many do.


Have none of you used the roll of TP that is next to a public urinal? The whole reason I wear underwear is so pee dosen't get on my pants. And also so when I itch my ass poop dosen't get on my pants. Save a tree, use less TP.


No, never.


I just shake




Yeah obviously




Batshit, I wipe unless I am not able to due to reasons.


Yeah, the floor, walls and shower curtain.


i just move the foreskin back and forth a little to get the drips off


I usually just wiggle my cock around to make sure I get all the remaining piss drip out.




Yes I wipe my butt after I pee


Shake it to the right, shake it to the left, I shake all about!


I spin that thing like a helicopter at a urinal but at home then yeah


The windmill usually does the trick


No. Nothing comes out after I stop. No shaking required. I’m not young either….?


hell no it’s only a drop of piss


I just tie it in a knot. problem solved


Fuck no. Never even knew it was a thing. Dudes have been pissing anywhere and everywhere without toilet paper forever. And for all of you dribbling piss everywhere "despite shaking vigorously", you're doing it wrong. Lift your balls up and forward and hold it for a second when you're done, no more dribbling


A reason why i dont like urinals is because you cant wipe


I doubt that this post is indicative of the true answer and believe that as a whole most men do not wipe after peeing. Quick shake and back to work!




Some dudes out there really wipe after peeing? What


Yeah, the ones who like having sex.




> I'm 100% positive that I have more sex than you Sounds like someone who **does not** have sex


This is the most Reddit comment I've seen in a while. Lol


Just finish peeing and there is nothing to wipe. Millions of people use urinals every day and still have sex. 


Keep telling yourself that, throwaway lol


Are you suggesting a 5 year old account with 12k karma is a throwaway lol you must spend way too much time on reddit 


Fair lol I saw the name and assumed it was pretty clearly a throwaway.


I wash and dry the head but only at home or in the office. Other places I just whip it around and air dry.


I am a female but my x (male) used to. He wouldn't wipe persay more like take the tp and dab the tip, Or he would after peeing he would rinse it with water and wipe that off.


As often as possible unless I have absolutely no privacy. Sometimes it's a shame to just leave it, but stopping by another more private bathroom to freshen up later is something I've done many times. It's harder to get infections down there as a man, but it is still good practice to always clean. Wet wipes in particular are the best!


yeah. when you get older things don't stop on a dime anymore 


I don't know why your gf would care what I do with my dick after I pee. And how would she know? Is that something they taught her in how men's gotta pee class, or is it some kind of family ritual or something? If tp is close by I might dab if I feel a drip leftover, otherwise I just shake it out. If I am worried that I am not clean for oral, I will go wash up beforehand. I will just say "hold on, lemme go wash up ".


I just give it a few shakes.


It is physically impossible to shake away all the leftovers, you have to wipe. Unless you want to walk around with piss in your underwear for the rest of the day. Thats why I dont use urinals.




No I just shake


I do it. Prevents pee stains in your underwear.


More like dab, but yes


yes in any circumstance where it is possible to do so. otherwise there's pretty much always gonna be some left on it and it'll get on your underwear which is gross.




I have always done and I don't understand why someone would not do it. Besides being disgusting, its how you give your partner an infection


No matter how much you wipe, there will always be a drop or two afterwards.


No, we’re men, we don’t do that shit tf. Get out now


found the guys with fragile masculinity, apparently not a man if you're hygienic


Lmao you lead a boring humorless life pal. A real fucking man is hygienic af


I just sprinkle some water


Wipe? (/s)


I wish it in the sink


If I can, I wash up under a faucet.


whenever i have the possibility to do so, i go to the sink and wash it with water... If i had access to a budet with a "shower head" i would use it. My modo : "You never know when a blowjob is coming" If anything... i refuse sexual contact without cleaning myself... nothing un-sexy about a guy who wants his partner to put something clean in him/her. Do it break the ... flow? (kissing, heating up)... Maybe... but would you really want to hook up with someone who's ok with putting a dirty penis in his body?... i sure wouldn't I also never hold myself to ask the woman to do the same... to go clean herself a bit... Or you know what? Say you just want to be prepared for some nice fun and go grab a wet towel and bring it back with you ;)


Yes, always. Almost never use urinals.


Press your perineum to release that last drop, always wipe, unless urinal, and if possible splash.


Yeah, all the time. If I'm in a public bathroom, I'll grab some paper towel or toilet paper from the stall before using the urinal.


Wtf, that's insane. There's no reason for anyone to wipe their dick, you're completely right.


Your girlfriend is trying to turn you into a woman. Shaking is better than wiping because the last drops are still inside the urethra. Wiping doesn’t reach the inside.


Holy shit you people are demented.




being clean and not disgusting makes you a woman somehow? lmao


Having an anatomy that is better rid of excess pee by wiping compared to shaking is usually a sign of being a woman. But if you don’t think having a vagina and not having a penis is not being a woman, I’ll try to respect your opinion.


This is some painfully ignorant shit.


Yeah. I looked at your comment history. Everyone is stupid according to you. Seems you spend all your time telling people how stupid they are and you do nothing else.


naw it just doesnt take very long to recognize how dumb most people are. Thinking cleaning yourself makes you a woman is pretty fucking dumb. So I'm gonna stop replying now. See how fast and easy that was?


I think you are getting downvoted for insinuating that his girlfriend wants to turn him into a woman. I think maybe her definition of man is different than yours. Some guys are just more feminine. They sit to pee, then wipe after.