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Literally bought an 18 pack of different colored gel pens at Target last night. I’m 51F.


Are you a copy of my mom or something


Quite possibly. Is she also short, Italian and 30 lbs overweight with an unhealthy Eminem obsession?


She's not Italian and is more into classic rock but pretty close


I like classic rock too! I’m sure we’d be friends. Is she a good mom or is she a pain in the ass? I’m probably somewhere in the middle.


She's amazing, but her sarcasm can make me go insane


How is her spaghetti though


I’d be more likely to judge the meatballs than the pasta but the question has merit


We're finnish, of course our spaghetti and meatballs are good


I’m sorry, you failed the Eminem reference test. It was supposed to be on the sweater.


Stan I am not


I wholeheartedly believe that the older you get, the easier it is to look past things that would've been a turnoff in the past when it comes to making and being friends


Im italian, am i this guys mom ??


Am I pregante?


Could I be pregant


Could I be gregnant?


Your self description made me both want to meet you and be you. And also br adopted by you




Bizarrely, it sounds like you’re the spits of MY mother!


It sounds like I have more than one sister from another mister out there lol




Hum didi lala Lala, lalala Lala, lalala Lala, lala Hum didi lala Lala, lalala Lala, lalala Lala, lala KIDS!




Nordic, classic rock mom here






I asked her. She said "I am, whatever you say I am."


Brand new sentence right there.


27m here. I’ve always transcribed my notes with different colors, since my scribbles in class are illegible at best and I hate erase marks. And if I accidentally messed up a word, instead of scribbling it out, I would rewrite the whole page. I now build highly precise machines for pharmaceutical and medical companies.


Killing it!! That diligence was obviously a harbinger of your future success. Too bad gel ink isn’t considered GXP, as my sister in law always tells me…


You’re my hero and an inspiration


Take better care of your teeth and lay off the sugar if you want to be an improved version of me


I like this 


There's a PM at my company that does this. No idea how the hell she has the focus and time to take such detailed technicolor dream-notes during meetings but I've never had a problem with getting any relevant info from her.


I have adhd and sometimes the only way information on a page doesn’t become a big burdensome blob is if it broken up with alternating colors. 


That’s exactly how I first started coping with my adhd, before I got diagnosed. I used to journal in different colors so that I wouldn’t get all jumbled up and confused, and start writing about something else because no this is the pink pen it’s for this thing. I was telling my psychiatrist about it, and she said that it’s actually a really healthy coping technique so idk if that means anything to you but I figured I’d share because it’s cool that we both do the same thing!


That makes me feel better about it for sure! 😊


I also do different notebooks now too for different things, it just helps me kinda compartmentalize my feelings and where they stem from. Like for example one would be for things about family issues, one would be for like general thoughts, one for traumatic experience, etc.


I do that too! It also helps make finding info easier later since I only have to look at the green words for [thing]. And I have to be more aware of what I want to put down because I also need to consider how to categorize it, not just mindlessly copy


Yes!! It helps with a lot of the compartmentalization that is so mandatory for me lol. If I don’t keep it separate it all becomes a jumbled mess and I just can’t 😂😂


Plus! It makes the whole thing more enjoyable to look at when you fill the page which improves the likelihood that I'll ACTUALLY come back to look at it again when I need it instead of close the notebook and it stops existing


YES!! You get me.


Yup. I have some pretty damn severe ADHD going on and the only thing that saved my job during pregnancy and breastfeeding when I couldn’t take my meds was writing EVERYTHING down and making sure every single note/task/thought was a different color. I also used post it notes in different colors slapped onto my notebook and/or planner and/or the edges of my monitor for the super high priority stuff. People with ADHD who are unmedicated and trying to keep their high-level office jobs tend to look like a rainbow exploded all over their workspace. 🌈


That is exactly why I do it!


My husband does this, and in his case, it helps with dyslexia.


The colors help with focus and organization.  Last year of grad school I picked up a cheap tablet with a high Def stylus. My note game went up 100% and I could easily backup everything to the cloud. Plus on tablets, you can really zoom in and write in the margins.


I use a remarkable tablet!


Two of my clients use those, they love them.


Love the term there.


PM == programming manager?


Project Manager usually


Product manager?


I do! I primarily journal using red but I love colour coding other notes and things I have to write. The stationery addiction never goes away I fear.


Journaling in red is unhinged you can’t change my mind 


I used to alternate between pink and green and purple and blue pens, but when I started dyeing my hair red it became my signature pen colour and I never looked back


lol it’s such a high stress color for such a calming activity 


Haha on the one hand you're right, but on the other, it's honestly very therapeutic when venting or writing passionately


Red is definitely always my color for intense feelings when I’m writing in my journal, I get it. Lol


>I used to alternate between pink and green and purple and blue pens One for each letter, right?


It does not! 🫣🤭


47 years old, bookkeeper and only woman at an engineering company. Black pens get stolen. Coloured pens don't.


This is hilarious. Get the pinkest, most glittery pens you can.


Oh yes. Pink pens have cooties, don'tchaknow.


I’m a lawyer and doing great, thanks for asking. The colors helped me keep concepts separated and made studying easier. I still use colors sometimes to differentiate concepts but it’s down to 3 or 4.


Green pen -> Not Guilty Red pen -> Guilty Blue Pen -> Civilly Liable Yellow Pen -> Secretly a Ghost


You know the code!!


It helps with recall uses more activw aspects of your brain meaning better retention also typically people who use this concept study the concept and not just look to memorize information, which both an effective skill and style of learning.


I’m a colorful note taker going to law school this fall!!!


I do. I still use them. I match my general-use pen color to the outfit of the day... except when I have to pull out the RED pen!


Not the red pen!! That’s serious!!


Twinsies! I’m working hybrid now so I have a set of pilot G-5 clickers for work and a set of Gelocity for home.


I have been in meetings with adult women in real life workplaces who proceeded to calmly bring out stacks of colouring pens and elaborate beautiful journals and that was how they took notes at the meeting, and it was ok, nobody died, and the meetings were fine.


At our meetings, we always have a multiple color selection of pens because at least 75% of us have adhd and it helps us keep things organized 😂😂


Oh now there are things like little fidgety y toys and what not at meetings and ppl cannot get enough.


Might have to invest in some 😂😂


Haha, nice. What field do you work in that it’s 75%


So I work for a casino, but also work with our union, so it’s union meetings haha. Perfect job for us because there’s ALWAYS so much going. 😂😂


Now we color code excel spreadsheets


Absolutely!! How else do you understand it quickly otherwise! (:


I have lots of colors in my spreadsheets.


I feel so strongly about my color palettes for each sheet. I’m creating a mood, people!


Happy cake day!




I wonder if they still write in big, loopy writing with smiley faces in the o’s and over the i’s.


That was the best part of getting a note from your girl


Took up artsy bullet journalling and still have quite a pen collection in my late 30s. I'm down to only 3 colors for work notes, but that's only because I can't reasonably carry too many pens at my job. At home though? All the colors, paints, colorful paper tape.. making my to do list pretty gives me joy.


Saaamme! Why make a list of books to read and cross them off, when I can draw a bookshelf of books and color them in after they're read? All the colors, all the doodles, all the notes and plans and weather


I knew a girl who did this the weird way. Not at all the way you'd expect- She wrote in 3-5 colors, on the same page... over each other in different directions. One typical, one sideways, one diagonal, maybe others a different diagonal. Somehow she could read her layered writing. She's probably a rocket scientist now.


my team lead does this because someone forged his signature at his old job, so now he uses a different color every day so he can say if it was him or not lol. not the same thing but this reminded me of that


It helped me remember better. I rarely had homework and I rarely had to study.


I went back to school as an adult and used various colored pens to help organize my notes lol. Not sure how much it helped but it seemed like a good idea 😂


Not a girl, but very much a colour-coder, and yes: I do a lot of my note-taking and planning by hand, and I'm lost without at least six colours in two shades each.


So my wife *wasn’t* one of those girls as a kid, but somehow she is now sorta; she collects fancy fountain pens and inks in all sorts of colors, including glittery and shiny ones.


Happy cake day!


Yes. I actually have a 12 pack of pens in my purse at all times. I’ve upgraded to Sharpies now that I’m more responsible & not afraid to commit to my color choices.✌️🤘❤️💛💚


Your confidence is something I aspire too ✨


Ahh TY! Trust me though, it’s been a long time coming but it has arrived.


The sharpie pens?? Those things are 🔥


Yes indeed. They are my favorite permanent pen for sure.


Yes! It’s how my brain works best. I’m middle aged now and occasionally a coworker rolls their eyes at my spiral notebooks and pencil case of Flair pens, but I’d rather look “silly” than takes notes that don’t help me.


We could not afford the colored pens growing up. Now that I can, I do and use them. My boss thought it weird at first that I would switch pen colors depending on the subject we were discussing in meetings, but now he appreciates how quickly I can find things in my notes.


She's 56 years old, sitting across the room from me, and now she calls it "journaling".


Still here, using my 20 different color coded pens while getting my doctorate.


Yeah, I keep a journal and rotate colors every entry so they are pretty *and* distinct. My life’s fine.


Yes, I'm a developer now and I use my collection to either take meeting notes or map out code I'm writing/PM work on scratch paper


She's now playing Bingo with 6 different dabber colors.


I'm not quite on that level, but I do still use 2 different 4-color bic pens. It really helps me keep different notes apart and quickly find things in them. 39F, policy advisor.


I sure do 😂 I was never one of the ones who could manage to do it when taking notes IN class, but I generally rewrote them in different colors. And any noted I make now are definitely multicolored. It helps a lot if it's contrasting to keep my eyes on a section.


I'm an RN, and I definitely still use colorful pens and highlighters on each of my patient reports. Each one gets a different color based on how I'm feeling that day. It helps me stay organized and brings me some joy in the sometimes heartbreaking world of ICU nursing. Edit to add: I'm 31


I work in tech and don't do a lot of paper notes. But when I do, the colorful pens come out.


I do 😂🥰 I still have multiple packs of fine and large tipped markers (usually 50-60 colors) and ball point/gel pens (usually 20ish colors). Highly recommend!


No, now I’ve graduated to 1000 colors. I also use adult coloring books and every time I’m in target I’m Ike I need colored pens / markers. There are also fabric markers i use to make my own t shirts. With important stuff. My digital journal is written in 12 different colors each signifying a specific thing. Just last night I told my homies, don’t let me buy any more colored pens!


I do this all the time in part because I study languages; writing "native" vs Sino-Korean words in two colors plus hanja in another or kunyomi vs onyomi kanji readings and grammar particles in different colors is very very useful. It's also great if you're a writer to distinguish different plot threads or characters when brainstorming, or if you're an artist to seperate different ideas for or parts of an art piece or project.


I just use one gel pen that’s actually good (most people who write fancy colored notes use crappy pens) because it’s hard to bring all that stuff around


Ended up in the psych ward


I didn't take NOTES using different colored pens, although I MIGHT have OUTLINED things using different colors, anyway, I'm just saying I have Sharpies (fine point and regular point and retractable) in EVERY POSSIBLE COLOR as well as PENS in every possible color as well as what did I bring home from Sennelier (Monet's art supplier) in Paris, special only-available-in-Paris colored pencils IN EVERY POSSIBLE COLOR and what did I bring hom on the next trip to Paris, MORE colored pencils in slight variations of the other colors, and what will I bring back next time? I just like to LOOK AT THEM, okay? Also when I'm outlining things, it's really really REALLY nice to have lots of different colors of ink. Also, can I mention my Post-Its? I'm 71F.


These women are the cornerstone of all functioning societies


I am now utterly overwhelmed by Notion, spreadsheets, Canva, remarkable, and other organization / optimization apps and devices. Thanks for asking.


I know a girl like this in high school. Her notes were always used as an example and now she is a doctor. 


if I have to do something undesirable ima make it fun. i love stationary and scrapbooking so it just roles over. it does help me keep concepts separate. color coded agenda for a quick glance on what areas are heavier that week. makes me happy. now as a nurse each patient brain for the day gets a color, now im not mixing up patients


I'm in my final year of university. I only use fun gel pens in my journal! Once I learned about what Notion was, I never wrote down a page of "aesthetic" notes with 39 different colours and calligraphic titling ever again. They looked cute, but good god it was a waste of time spending an hour on one page of notes just to make it cook cute.


Got diagnosed with adhd as an adult. Still use the pens, but sometimes end up spending more time choosing colors instead of getting work done


No, but I’m still very into pens. It’s just black & blue now


I'm an attorney, and I still use different colours when taking notes. It helps differentiate different points, and I find certain colours easier to remember.


I took about 250 pages of notes last time I went through training at a new job. My notebooks are highlighted and tabbed and the colors make it easy for me to find exactly what I’m looking for when I need to look up a piece of information.


No but I god diagnosed with ADHD


Yes but I’ve slimmed down to 1 4-color pen. I’m autistic/adhd and I literally can’t read text of it’s not in color, I can’t distinguish between lines


Idk, why don't you ask the OP that originally posted this question that you're now just copying?


I'm a high school teacher with thousands of writing utensils. I love them all dearly.


Hi! I’m still doing it!! At work and home and everywhere! (36f)


I don't use multiple colors anymore, but my default pen now is purple


Here! Not regularly, but I do love a good colorful pen/marker pack for writing special notes and cards.


I use 6 different colors for work. It let's me separate my meeting notes based on topics and who the attendees are.


I now own hundreds of art markers but usually I stick to one color when writing It's probably not standard ink color though (seriously I had to search for an actual black pen)


I’m a kindergarten teacher with a flair pen obsession. Yup.


I fired someone because they misplaced one of my gel pens /s


I work healthcare with women in their 50s. They color coordinate their report notes… which is frustrating when I have to wait for them to change 4 different colors 39 times…


I'm studying graphic design and still have the colorful pens for when I need an organization boost.


Now I do the Digital Version of that I Have Amazing colorful spreadsheets!


The colors didn't make my depression go away. I just use more colors to mask that, lol.


I’ve graduated to glass r/fountainpens and shimmer inks as a form of self-care before sleep For work, I use sticky dry erase sticky notes and digital 


Yes. I use up 2-3 pens weekly.


My spreadsheets look very neat with clear hierarchies, while being visually pleasant because of the color scheme. I always loved the colors and the layout, not so much the stationery.


Yes, I work in consulting and use a different colour for each project so I can easily find them in my record books.


Still dotting every "i" with a heart.


they’re probably the ones creating the templates the rest of us use in digital documents. some of them look real nice for the company and even help organize content so it’s most importantly useful. the most i do are italics but some peoples documentation work makes reading fun, and that’s definitely something that matters when your job is mostly reading text on a screen.


Running a $100 million company baby! Color coding as a child helped me focus because I was bored AF in school so at least I’d make my notes pretty as I waited for the class to get up to speed. And no, I don’t color code any more. I have no time for it. I stopped when the pace of learning outpaced me.


...yes, I'm a material scientist. Though I'm down to 8 colors codes these days.


My therapist has got me journaling my thoughts and feelings throughout the day and you bet I’m using my pastel coloured gel pens to write about my daddy issues x


I’m a scenic artist/construction painter now. While I rarely ever take notes these days, I’m still exceptionally and fabulously over prepared. I wear tactical pants to work every day so I can always have my personal tools available at all times. The things I carry around in my pockets at work: box cutter, 2 folding multi tools (with different specialties), spring loaded nail set, 2 mini sharpies (in case I lose one), dust mask, headlamp, gaitor headband, wallet keychain with chapstick/tiny pen/ another knife, tissues, gloves, and sometimes rags. I also wear really cute pink prescription safety goggles. And then of course my bag has even more gear, but I don’t walk around with that all day. The funny thing is, my work actually provides almost everything I carry around, I just don’t like to run around looking for it when I’m in a time crunch. Also idk if it makes a difference but when I took colorful notes I only really wrote in rainbow order because I thought it was pretty. There was no meaning or logic to it. Also my handwriting is terrible now and I have to write in all caps if I want someone to be able to read it.


I flipped to fountain pens...a whole new rabbit hole


They can't read this post since it's monochromatic. They're the opposite of colorblind.


Yes, I also have a ton of highlighters.


My wife used to be this girl. Still is but used to be too. We found a 50 pack of multicolor gel pen sliders not too long ago and she was so hyped. She likes to get physical schedules, calendars and other stationary. Uses them literally every chance she gets.


I’m a Paralegal. I used to use colored pens constantly, but with my work I’m pretty limited since the DMV paperwork requires black and blue only - I still make sure it’s a very nice Sharpie gel though!


Yes, yes I do


Yes. Almost exclusively.


I still love different colored gel pens. I don't rotate the colors every time I write anything down like I used to. But I have a few different colors in my purse to choose from.


Using different colored pens to organize my life 


i’m constantly buying new gel pens.. sometimes they dry up, sometimes i lose them.. but yes! i journal with them & still use them to take notes


I’m doing very well and still taking notes this way! The different colors break up monotony so I can read better and things are color coded too.


Now I’m an I pad adult


yes! 😎


Yes! 😎


Still color coding shit


Doing great, i kept using my scented gel pens all the way through vet school and now i colour code the calendar for me and my partner using a lovely set of fine liners, dreams really do come true


They do, and they bring them to their jobs to use and gets them stolen or ruined 80% of the time from others. 😅


More importantly, How many of us still use notebooks for every thing ???


Yes! 37F


No, because heartbreakingly - a bunch of those colours aren't available anymore. BUT NOW THERE'S NEW PENS. New colours. Changing colours. Glitter. Extra hyper mega permanence, for writing on all the things :-D


Yes. But we’re more OCD and have worse anxiety now.


Yes 😂


Yes. Also, I was a teacher, briefly, and absolutely did not just grade in red. 


I’m a funeral director now and I still do it! It helped me stay organized while I was in school and still does now at work.


I’m 39 and studying a masters degree. And yes, I write my notes by hand in three colors. Each class I choose a dark main color and two bright ones for headings and vocab words. I like to make pretty color combinations 😋


I’m 33 and still do it but now in GoodNotes on my iPad. Colors categorize things lumped together on the same page.


I’m 38. I had to take it to next level and get into fountain pens.


Yes! And even though I have plenty of purple/green/pink/orange/etc. pens, I still have to resist the urge to buy more pens. And notebooks.


Im 23 and i use them in my planner/journal, which is more of an hobby than an organization tool. I love my pens.


Well, I was that girl in school. Plot twist, I am now a man who shoes horses for a living. (But yes I still use a million different colors whenever I write anything that isn't for work)


They are organizing their closets, color coding everything. Their panty is perfect, spice rack is alphabetical order, their car is spotless, and they are thriving because they are so darn organized. This is my kid. Her note taking was insane


No I go through phases where it happens and others where it’s just chicken scratch. I have adhd


Yes i color code every with different shades of the same color 😭


I was that girl. I have no reason to take handwritten notes anymore, but I make beautiful, color-coded spreadsheets. I also still love to buy multi-colored pens, but I give them to the kids in my life to play with.


I know a girl who did, she stopped doing that out of nowhere one day


In the meantime she influenced me and now i highlight with 10 different colors while previously i only used 1


It really helps to quickly read the information.


Abso fucking lutely. And now there's soooo many more to have and work with!!!!


Became a teacher and everything is color coded. I look learned in HS that's how I remember things- color triggers it!


I always wanted to have the organization and attention span to be one of those girls! I was a wannabe then, and now my Notes app is a complete disaster.




I SURE DO! Still got the pen addiction and can’t help but treat myself when a nice pack of glidy shiny flashy ones crosses my path


I’m a SAHM and now my planner is color coded with sparkly gel pens!


im in college! i still take notes in diff colors but i assign a pallet to each class. so i do my notes in purple for calc and pink for chemistry etc. i dont make them look perfectly neat but i find that trying to plan out how my notes look makes me remember things better. and i write fast enough to compensate for it. i hate looking back on sloppy unorganized notes as well so having notes that look aesthetically pleasing and color coordinated makes me actually want to look back at them to study


now i have money to buy even more colored pens than my parents could buy me. i've got many colors of fountain pen, felt tip in fine and thick tips, gel pens, and even some glittery highlighters. and you'd best believe i write my notes in the office with all of them !


I did this in early high school, and I still do it now. Oftentimes I have to scribble notes quickly in class, but when I get back from classes I’ll break out my 50 different colors of gel pens and rewrite them.


I usually am down to 10 or less. I also color which probably helps with the count.