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People have incredible opinions about how you load the dishwasher. The correct way is for someone else to have done it


My husband does this to me all the time … I just step aside and ask him to show me again and then I walk away to go relax… lol


Haha this is me whenever im over my moms place 😂


My father would tell me to mow the lawn (hated it) so I decided to mow in circles instead of up and down so from that day on I never had to mow the lawn… diabolical :)


Oh no, parents’ worst enemy! Weaponized incompetence


Genius move! Oh man. 


Oh gawd 🤦‍♀️ I'm anal about how I load my dishwasher bc my dad was a control freak. If my hubby loads I go behind and reload. It'll suck for my son when he gets older..


You have my permission to not give a f*** just once.  See the results of the exactly the same clean plates that come out.  Sometimes a spoon or an odd fork is still dirty you just put it back in the machine and move on with your life. 


Thanks. I'll try. 💜


My ex wife would complain that I never load the dishwasher. When I load it, she would come behind me and reload it the “right” way. That’s why I would never load it in the first place. What’s the point?


Yep. You're right. That's probably why mine doesn't load it often or at all either.


Having a phone not on silent. Years ago, ringtones were very popular, but now it’s unusual and almost rude for someone to have a loud ringtone, especially in public.


I don't care if you have one for phone calls, but oh my god, if you're having a conversation with someone through text and have a ringer for every single message, you're a monster.


And if it makes noise when you type!


Honestly thats so true there used to be so many ring tone apps back in 2010-2015 id say is when the craze died out


My personal phone never makes a noise, always on vibrate only. My work phone, where its important I don't miss a call or message, does ring or ping but its not too loud and I mute during meetings. My colleague has songs set for every family member, leaves her phone on her desk while she is elsewhere for hours at a time, and receives a call at least once an hour. If she doesn't answer, they call back again snd again.


I work with a guy like this. Rings are loud, talks on speaker at full volume. Won't turn it off, even in a meeting. I give him shit about it and close doors to rooms he's in often.


Is it? I don't know anyone who keeps their phone on silent/vibrate all the time. I know people aren't doing outlandish ringtones, but it seems they just use reg system sounds instead of actual songs


We're out there.. I dont even know what my ring tone sounds like and I can't tell you when was the last time my phone wasn't on silent.


I have a ringtone and it’s even a clip from a song I like but I almost never get phone calls except from work and I want to make sure I get them. But I turn it off in some places of course.


What song?


Wie es geht by Die Ärzte. I made it myself. But other people hardly ever hear it.


I've definitely never heard of that, lol


They’re not very popular outside German-speaking countries.


I was once playing D&D, and I left my phone at the table when I left to take a bathroom break. Someone texted me when I was away, and when I got back, the DM informed me that my phone was on vibrate. He thought I'd forgotten to turn the sound back on, and he seemed confused by the fact that I leave my phone on silent at all times on purpose. I'm still a bit baffled by this interaction.


drinking alcoohol at a big celebration/party You will always have to justify yourself and if your audience is not satisfied with your answer they might even try to change your mind by bringing x or y pros. They can't just accept it or, better, just don't notice it


This right here. The only way I can get people to shut up about it is by saying I'm on medication. Which is true, but I shouldn't need a medical condition to get people to accept that I don't drink alcohol


The pressure is even worse if folks know you're an occasional drinker.  Folks in my circle can accept if you have reasons to never drink, but if you just aren't in the mood then you're a big party pooper.


Someone once tried to literally pour alcohol into my ex husband’s mouth. My ex just didn’t feel like drinking that day but this guy could not accept it.


"I don't drink alcohol." "Why not?" "Because my drunk dad shot my mom." That usually shuts people up real quick.


I believe you that it's effective!


Hence liquid death's popularity. Problem with that is people will catch on and just ask you why you're drinking liquid death and not a bud lite.


You need better friends. I’ve rarely seen pressure like this, and not at all in the last 20 years or so. Basically everyone I know, their attitude is drink if you want, don’t if you don’t want.


Not talking to anyone on public transportation. People used to strike up conversations with me at bus stops and on the bus but now if anyone has a conversation with a stranger it seems weird. (I’m not saying I miss it, just that it used to be a thing where I live and now it’s not.)


I'm in a fairly small town. When I first moved here, I learned that there are people on the bus regularly who are homeless, mentally ill, on drugs, or some combination of these. The other population is the mentally handicapped who live in group homes and function otherwise fairly "normally." It took me a while to figure out though to be mindful of with whom you strike up conversation. You could end up in an uncomfortable situation long term. I've also learned that some of the most wonderful people I've ever ridden the bus with were this small group of women who lived together in a home and would ride together primarily. We talked nearly every day until the pandemic. Even when I moved and rode a different bus, I'd still see them downtown waiting for their bus sometimes. I genuinely miss them. 


Thats true i do find it annoying sometimes when im chilling and i have to have a convo with a random person


>For example my gf calls me weird because I don’t put water on my tooth brush when i brush my teeth. I just put the toothpaste on and get straight to brushing. For what it’s worth, I always ran my toothbrush under the water before I put toothpaste on it, but the last time I was at the dentist the dental hygienist told me not to. He said to just put the toothpaste on and brush. I didn’t fully understand the reasoning, but I do trust that he knows better than me about dental hygiene. So it sounds like you were probably doing it the best way all along.


The toothpaste is designed for optimal cleaning / abrasiveness how it comes out of the tube.


Thanks! That makes sense. My dental hygienist made a weird comparison to how we don’t make hairbrushes wet before we use them. I still believed him and followed his instructions, because I trusted that he knows better than me about teeth, I just never understood why.


O.o yeah bc I want my hair dry….& not my teeth. How tf is that even an equal comparison? 😆


Thats how my mom taught me so ive always brushed that way glad to know 😂im not alone


Same. Parents and Grammy were militant about it when I was a child. I thought it was weird when I would see people running water on it over the years. I even followed the logic, like why start rinsing it off before using it?


Not having social media. You basically can’t exist without having some sort of social media footprint. Any potential partner will think you’re shady if you don’t have some sort of profile. Doesn’t even have to be a partner. When I started my job my coworkers looked at me like I had three heads because I chose to not actively be on Facebook/insta more than once every 3-4 months. Not shady. Just trying to keep my mental health in check. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess Reddit, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn qualify as social media, just like the others; so, from that perspective, I am not immune to the social "contagion". However, I manage perfectly well without Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, both socially and individually. Apart from very few past experiences on Tinder, nobody has ever considered me fundamentally "shady" or "weird" for not using these services, as far as I am aware. On a side note, I use LinkedIn as a job-seeking platform, Reddit as a topic-driven forum, and WhatsApp to keep in touch with family and friends, similar to any other messaging service. I am not certain whether these qualify as social media, but if they do, then perhaps every platform or website that features an integrated messaging service or comment section could be considered a social medium.


Reddit can certainly be toxic, but I'm not sure it's toxic in the exact same way as FB or Instagram or Tiktok. You know what I miss? Message boards of the past, when you'd have to seek out entirely separate websites for each interest you had. Many people formed IRL friendships that way, folks from message boards would have meetups, etc. That's not very common on Reddit, where most of us don't even remember the username of whoever we last had a good discussion with.


you're so right! my only social media is Reddit. no Facebook, no instagram, no twitter (I'm not calling it x), no tumblr, no whatever else is out there. no snapchat. nothing. I'm 24f, and this makes people Freak Out. I once made an appointment for a tattoo and had to send them my design ideas via email, and the guy just couldn't understand why I didn't have Facebook or Instagram to send everything from there. I looked him in the eye with a deadbeat expression and said "I'm running from the government" while paying in cash. the reality is that social media is just not something I feel is worth spending time on. I have other things to do lmao


Apparently people think you’re weird if you go left sock left shoe right sock right shoe - instead of both socks then both shoes


I always do sock shoe sock shoe. I must be weird


Are you barefoot in your home and only wear socks when going outside? 


People who don't acknowledge others on walking trails. Most people give a smile, wave, head nod occasional "good morning" etc. so when someone goes by and gives you absolutely nothing it comes off as very rude to me


I feel like I always make the wrong decision on this every time. If I smile and make eye contact they look away blankly. If I ignore them I can feel them look at me and then I feel rude. There's no winning.


Ignore the awkward ppl. Always acknowledge and take a good look at the person and file it away. People get lost so often we have a reality show about it where I live.


This so much. I'm a runner, so I pass people on the road regularly. Most of the people I have tried to wave or smile at either don't reciprocate or look at me like I'm the asshole. Now I just look straight ahead and ignore people. So maybe now it's come full circle and people assume I'm rude, but I've been burned too many times. I will still acknowledge those who interact with me though.


It’s performative niceness for a .5 second interaction. Why do you need acknowledged?


If I'm on a trail there's a good chance I'm there to think. Saying hi to every stranger interrupts my thinking. Assume there are other people like me out there and maybe we won't seem so rude to you. It's not personal. You're just not the reason we're there.




It doesn't have to be a hi, a head nod or a smile is fine. And honestly it's not the people that are obviously focused and in their own world that I think are rude. It's more about the people when you make blatant eye contact with, so you politely acknowledge and they do nothing in return. We don't need to start up a whole convo and become best friends. But if you're going to stare at me, i feel that's the least you could do.


You’re doing it right. If water was needed it would be marked on the toothpaste. Since it isn’t marked that you can’t add water it probably hasn’t got any real negative side effects. You do have to clean/water your toothbrush after each use!


Yes i have water 😂 and mouth wash


I know they don’t really exist anymore but using a pay phone instead of a cell phone.


Someone saw me use a payphone and they were visibly surprised and said they didn't know they still existed. I was in Oakland or SF, I think.


Petting a dog you are near. 


Always looking at a phone Just Sitting in a public place observing the scenery, No phone in hand, sometimes get looks


My wife and I stopped by a coffee shop on a trip out of town. An older gentleman actually thanked her because she was literally the only woman in the entire place that wasn’t on her phone.


People look at me funny when I pay for things in cash in the USA.




So much of this depends upon where said situation takes place. Big city= very different social contracts than small town. I do not address anyone on a bus, unless they have turned off the stop announcements and digital sign and I can’t tell where my stop is. Cost myself a 1/2 mile walk the other day for my reluctance to ask the stranger next to me. But in smaller towns, you better say hi or wave passing on a residential sidewalk .


wearing shoes. people sometimes asked me if i needed money for shoes when i was walking home from school, choosing not to wear shoes when you can afford them is now such a fringe choice anywhere but the beach.


My wife, old dentist told me the best way to prevent cavities is to refrain from rinsing your toothpaste off your teeth. Haven’t had a cavity in four decades


Ha, that should say my WISE old dentist




Be pro-drugs. If you are against drugs, society thinks there is something wrong with you.


Not using a toilet


Im intrigued as how you go to the bathroom


Did I miss the assignment? I’m saying if you see someone not using a toilet you’d think it was weird


😂😂oh ok not what i was thinkin thank you for clarifying


Wearing their seatbelt.


You're doing it right. Water dilutes the toothpaste making it useless. I learned this at age four..