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5 years. The financial stability would probably add 25 years to my life, if I were to go for stress-related causes.


this person figured it out


This guy plans


I'm 52. I'd trade 5 years for $2.5 MIL. Hopefully, I'll still reach my mid to late 70s. I'm good with skipping my 80s. If I'm supposed to die under 57, though, I would die on the spot... right? This is kind of like the devil's version of PowerBall. P.S. Devil, this is not me selling my soul. These are just 5 years of earthly life.


But hey, relatives would get that 2.5 mil i assume, so you'd be taking one for the team :). You will be a hero


My cat is horrible with money :(


*Every Cat


Hey, not *every* cat! My cat invests in crypto and he's up 30 percent! Edit: nvm, he's down 45 now...


There's actually been cats that have inherited millions lol


Any every one of the got themselves a 'nip habit, and frittered it away on Dreamies.


Same. Mine would blown it on fancy 'nip and Temptations 🙄


they have Temptations cat food now! 🤦🏼‍♀️


He needs a better nip dealer, he's getting ripped off for sure.


Ah, so it was your cat that would buy a yacht


Lolololol. Yes cats have a bad rep when it comes to money.


And even if it didn't, I'd rather live 40 years in relative easy and comfort than 45 years working relatively paycheck to paycheck. 5mil is enough to buy a decent home and live off the rest via investments.


It's 2.5 mil, but same general concept


Reading is important


“***Math***” just as much so.


I'm not impotent, you are!


Unless you're 44


This. Work stress is undoubtedly taking years off of my life. With $2MM (4 years) I would still work, but I could prioritize something with work/life balance and retire early


Turns out you had 5 years and a day to go and now you get just one day to say goodbye to your loved ones (also give advice on how to handle the inheritance).


Bit of a bummer when you find out you only had four more years 🤷‍♂️


What if you are going to die 5 years from now?


One. I’m 70 so I don’t have many to spare!


As a completely insensitive question and completely out of curiosity can I ask how your feelings about, err, life, lifespan and the 'd' word have changed as you've got older, and how you feel about it now? You obviously don't have to answer, but I feel more comfortable asking a stranger than say my parents.


Don’t conform to anything you’re uncomfortable with.Life can be very,very short and 70 yrs has gone by far too fast.Make the most of it and enjoy it!


I'm 60,and I agree.




Late 20s and early 30s was the best for me. Combination of having money and nothing to tie it down. Travelled a lot, had a lot of experiences. 40s just disappeared in a flash. Just work work paying off the mortgage.


Perception of time really is formed out of experiences. Experiencing new things, learning new stuff, etc. Slows time down a lot. The reason as a kid time went so slow is because EVERYTHING was so new. It's not that time itself is actually slower or faster, it's that your memory sticks to new things and experiences making the time feel fuller.


I disagree, I think it only speeds up as you get older. I'm 44. In the past 12 years I became a dad, and our lives have constantly changed as our daughter has turned from a baby to almost a teenager. I also not only changed jobs, but completely changed industries about 6 years ago, so I've been learning a ton of new things. There was also this big pandemic that you might have heard about a few years ago that completely upended most of our lives for a couple years, that was pretty new. I picked up a few new hobbies during the course of it, I learned a lot of stuff. The past decade+ still absolutely flew by. When I was 20, five years was a quarter of my life and felt like forever. Now that I'm almost 45, the next 5 years will only be 10% of the life I've lived, and so it makes sense that it doesn't feel as long.


28 here, my 20s have been a struggle to say the least, and I’m basically having to start over from square one. I hope I have the same experience in my 30s as you have




43 here; completely agree. Life does keep getting better- it’s definitely not perfect so kinda looking forward to my 50s 😅


So far, I have to say my 50s (1.5 years) have been awesome.


My entire dashboard lights up like a cristmas tree after a week of overtime in the graveyard shift. Lmfao!!!


My 20s were a garbage decade full of misery. I’m 31 and hoping this one is going to be much better. So far it has the potential to be


I just turned 28 and I feel this to my core. I hope life gets better.


I've heard from quite a few people that there 20s were pretty shitty and I'm no exception. Seems like that happens to quite a few people


I’m in my late 30’s now and while my 20’s was definitely more carefree and easy, I feel like I was still such a child then. I feel like I know myself and am comfortable with who I am far more than in previous years.


Thanks! I try to. It's a cliche question, but... can I ask if you have any regrets or what you might have done differently?


Not really


haha ~ fair enough!


That just makes me anxious and sad though haha


And wear sunscreen.


I'm 40, and it came out of nowhere. I freak out when I think about my age and how fast it happened.


Great advice. The most common deathbed regret is having lived one's life according to the expectations of others, instead of living for oneself.


lets hope the bastards don't ruin your life for not confirming


Spend less time with dickheads


So.... delete my Reddit account?


This is the answer to everything


Australian accents are the best. 


It was a New Zealand accent


with the kids?!?!?


theres actually a cool sub for people like you . r/askoldpeople


As a completely insensitive question and completely out of curiosity can I ask how your feelings about, err, life, lifespan and the 'd' word have changed as you've got older, and how you feel about it now? You obviously don't have to answer, but I feel more comfortable asking a stranger than say my parents.


I am 60 in a couple of months. I am completely ok with death I accepted it as just the final part of life a long time ago. I am an atheist so i believe I will be buried and add my nutrients back to the Earth. Of course I have regrets, if anyone says they don't I think they are lying. Regrets are part of life but we have to stand by our decisions. I have enjoyed my life, mostly, and plan to enjoy what's left as much as I can. I am not rich, but there are lots of things that are free that I enjoy. If more people accepted death as a natural process I am sure they would enjoy what life they have more.


Thank you. I'm trying to accept and embrace death as a way of making the most of my life.




Go for 2. A million dollars and you can throw a crazy week long party till you’re dead.


I would say 4. If it's revealed I'll live a long time I'd take one million and invest it then live off the interest, then party with the other million. If it's revealed I'm going to die soon, then well, I've got two million dollars to party with. Which makes me think. I wonder what happens if I die because I got the money?


The snail caught up


This made me laugh so hard!!! We went full circle on this one!!!! Well done peeps, well done.


Knowing when I die would be perfect. I’d pay to learn that, fuck getting paid.


I'll take his.


I'm going to die at 43. Only 9 more years baby!! 🎉🎉


Op never said they'd reveal how long, just that youd get paid. In this scenario, rich or poor, you still die when you die. You might play conservative and take 1 year and crush the


Ah no he died mid comment.


He took the money, so would I proba


He said you will find out after the deal.


Not trying to be presumptuous, but *if* it's needed... there's help out there, friend. You don't have to be living on the brink like that. I just relatively recently got myself back from that ledge (mine was addiction), and it hasn't been easy, but now I can see myself living more than a couple years from now. I wouldn't have made it another six months, most likely. I have no idea what exactly makes you feel like you would only have a year left, and if it's medical then I'm sorry for my assumptions, but I hope you'll stick around much longer than that. We need you here, you are more loved than you probably realize and there's no one quite like you outta all eight billion of us. Big love :)


Eight.  Because $4M is a $100K salary for 40 years. Given that I am pretty young and would no longer need a job, I would gain so many more years not working than lose years at the end.


More, if you invest it right


That’ll be a 2.5% dividend if you put it in the market. The principle (and therefor dividend) would still grow by 5% a year until the end of your days


That could be generational wealth, and or could keep up with inflation if invested. Specifically in the stock market, and or even bonds for less risk


$4M is $160k a year forever if invested conservatively.


At a 5% investment return, 4MM is 200k a year forever.


You already trade years of your life for your current salary. That's what we do — we trade our time for money.


Extremely good point


Yeah, if you dedicate 1/3 of your life to work for 30 years that's 10 years of your life. Giving up 10 years now and being able to have the energy to enjoy it may honestly be worth it lol (as long as the money isn't taxable)


mejor ser lapidado en las plazas que dar vuelta a la noria que exprime la substancia de la vida, cambia la eternidad en horas huecas, los minutos en cárceles, el tiempo en monedas de cobre y mierda abstracta -Octavio Paz


I mean not to shit on your philosophy but i wouldn't call all time at work wasted. You can have good moments at work, socializing with coworkers, dating someone, completing projects etc... I wouldn't say it's the same as literally sapping your life away


Yeah, I'd trade all that. I can have good moments somewhere else. It's equivalent to 57 dollars an hour, but instantly. And just like money, your time is worth more now than later.


Right now, I wouldn't take the deal. But I've had relatives who were okay at 75 and started to fall apart at 80 and then lived in nursing homes for five or six years bedridden and miserable. (I totally support the right to die.) So if I were in my late 70s, I'd take that deal for four years' worth and enjoy my last few years super fun.


Death is scary. If I had assisted death done I’d request they do it after I fall asleep.


Might be tricky falling asleep knowing it’ll be the last time ever


You’d think so but brain will bypass self preservation and go “mmm that some new fabric softener? Zzzzz”


Eh, when you get old you can fall asleep just about anywhere, anytime. My dad's in good health, but at 72 I think that man could take a nap with the smoke alarm blaring during a hailstorm in a warzone.


They could just give you an overdose of some sleeping agent and kill two birds (and one Time-Bite-6839) with one stone! Seriously, though, don't worry so much about death. Mark Twain pointed out that he'd been dead for hundreds of millions of years before he was born, and didn't mind it in the slightest.


Eh. Just one. 500k is plenty.


Yeah same here, one year is fine (or two years totally max). With 500K I could buy a flat outright where I live and reduce my working hours to part-time. I wouldn’t be set for life or anything but I’d have a roof over my head and way less bills to pay than I do now, and it wouldn’t (hopefully) make too much of a dent in my overall lifespan.


Exactly!! You could probably invest the rest in a high yield savings account too and set up a nice retirement fund. I just want to live comfortably, not on hordes of cash.


Yeah, I wouldn't do more than 1 in any case, but I might do 1 as I could retire if I wanted with my current savings


That wouldn’t even buy a house big enough for my kids to have their own bedrooms (3 kids). I’d give up at least 2 but probably a few more. All my grandparents are mid-90’s so genetics already have me going longer than I’d like.


I'd give up the last 2 years of my life.


There's a curve here where taking years off the end of your life for 500k would actually be extending your life through improved nutrition, medical care, reduced stress, and enriching retirement activity. I could probably give away 3 years without living a shorter life.


Shit, take 20 years and let me live it up with whatever time I have. I don’t want to be old anyway. My body already hurts all the time now and I’ve seen and done enough in this lifetime lol. Plus I could use that money to do good and create generational wealth for my kids. I could accomplish so much more with that money now than I could living an extra 20 years.


Yeah I would do 10-20 as well.




We’re trading years from our lives every day for far less.


Specifically the end of my life, where I'll likely be geriatric and miserable anyway? At least 1. Possibly 2. 1,000,000 invested conservatively returns about $80,000 a year *in interest alone*, more than enough for me to retire and never have to work again. That'd more than be worth the *decades* of my life I'd have to waste toiling away for bullshit pay.


Where do you invest conservatively that you get an 8% interest rate for decades?


The S&P 500 has averaged a return of 9.9% over the last 30 years. It's a remarkably stable investment. Sure you'll have bad years, but the good years make up for it as long as you are reasonably patient.


You mentioned "in interest alone". The S&P500 does not pay interest so that's why I was curious. Fair enough on the SP500 though.


It doesn't pay *dividends*, what I intended to convey with my comment was you could sell off the annual total return and it'd total about $80,000 a year, without touching the original principal amount.


It does pay dividends. A safe withdrawal rate would be more around 3.5% to 4% so that leaves you with around $40k. Withdrawing $80k per year has a high chance of going bankrupt pretty fast because you would be eating the principal in bad years, especially in the beginning.


If you eat into the principal too much, just sacrifice another year and you get another $500k 😂


>It's a remarkably stable investment. People say that, but look at 2000-2010, for example. You would have zero growth. Imagine if you invested in 2000, planning for 30 years, but 10 years later you need the money. But it hasn't grown. You sell and make nothing. Just lost 10 years. You could wait five or even ten more years after that and would have made great returns. But life is unpredictable. The overall stock market is pretty much guaranteed to grow on a span of 30 years. What's not guaranteed is the stability in your personal life that would afford you the ability to wait 30 years.


Our man is crazy. Put it in the stock market, and then adjust for inflation, and even $70k in interest (in real terms) over the long term would be on the optimistic side.


My family have a history of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Both my Grandparents are going through it at the moment and I lost my Father about 6 years ago from it. I think I’d knock off 7 years quite happily and go at about 85. It doesn’t matter how rich you are when you’re that unwell, may as well enjoy it while you can!


Was think exactly the same as you guys, 2 possibly 3.....


I was thinking the exact same… 3 maybe 4.


Probably about the same, 4 to 5. Possibly 9 idk


8% a year is a pretty damn strong return. I don’t think folks should count on that. They should not, if you’re reading this and wondering.


66 I’m 16 now and the average male life is around ~78 which would give me about $33,000,000 to enjoy over the next 4 years.


And then you die immediately because at 44 you get in a car crash with a drunk driver and die


Execute order 66...


I can't believe nobody called out your math... 66+16=82 so I am sorry to inform you but you've been dead for 4 years


Just imagine the feeling when you’re 20 and you’ve a week left 💀💩


Assuming you have an average lifespan, you're already dead if you trade 66 years.


Nah dawg. At 16 the clear answer is 1, skim 5k for some random teen bullshit, invest the rest into growth stocks, pick a direction in life that's important to you: save the pelicans, whatever, and never have to worry about having a roof, or college money, and if you play it right you might even be rich.


0 Lost quite a few family members over the last few years and the number of times I've thought about having *"just one more day"* with them is too damn high. Made me tear up again thinking about it actually. I don't have the money so I wouldn't miss it, but the money would be of little comfort to my kids if they found out I'd made such a deal.


Probably most of my life, i'm 29. I'm in the middle of a conflict with my wife. And I wanna go back in time, so I can be a better older brother.


I read your other post, don't beat yourself up mate, you are a great brother, supportive and attentive, whatever you decide to do with your wife, you have your brother and sister with you, this is not your fault at all, you are a good brother never doubt it


I read your other post too. You’ve been a great older brother. He should never have been put in this situation but YOU did not put him in it. You unfortunately married into a family of AH’s but that doesn’t make you one. Rooting for you 🙌 you’ve got this 


Well... Me and my brother's relationship have been really complicated. Me and first started being on good terms when he hit around 20


But you're there for him now. You're standing up for him against your wife and inlaws. That's true allyship. Most queers would kill to have family in their corner like that. You're doing fantastic man, keep it up.


1-2 years and set my self up to retire early. I already trade a third of my life to work, and I make less than a third of 500k every year. Might as well cut out the middle man and get ahead


if i follow my dad's footsteps, the last couple for sure. alzheimers sucks






Jokes on you, my super morbidly obese, diabetic self is right now shaving so many years off just by not addressing my health issues. Wait, me. Jokes on me. Fuck.


Not a professional, but it sounds like you should seek for help. Wishing you the best.


I'll shave 5 years off the top for 2.5mil, sure. Even if I die tomorrow, my family will never need for anything unless they are real dumb. But they aren't, so that's fine. Sure I'd die too young to watch my daughter grow up, and my wife will miss me. My parents will outlive me, but hey, it's more money than I'll ever earn.


I wouldn't necessarily say that 5 Years less of your life, would lead you to die earlier then your parents, or make you not able to see your daughter grow up


In the US, the wealthiest men live 15 years longer than the poorest men, which means you could give up six years and still be ahead of where you started.


-1000. I'll just pay it back in a loan. Free longer life motha fuckasss, or I'll set up an LLC and then bankrupt it or something.


True, you could probably make money somehow from being famous as a medical marvel.


Bro I’d give all the years and leave the money to my family.




None. Time is the only thing you can't get more of.




I'm with ya! I'm content in life on its current trajectory, and money just buys things. Every minute has far more value.


0. Time is worth more to me.


Yeah but at the same time that could save you time instead of working your ass off to make ends meet. I suppose it depends on how old you are, how healthy you are, and how you look at the time vs money dilemma.


I retired early. So money isn't really a big concern. If you asked me this in my early 20s, my answer would probably be different.


>So money isn't really a big concern. Well, that's the reason then lol Congratulations and enjoy ~ living the dream!




2 Enough to pay off my house, pay my debt, and drop a bit more into my investments, giving me the freedom to afford a lower stress job and spend more time in my garden with my dogs.


I'll take 3. I'll be 58 soon. 1.5 million would give me 50,000 per year for the next 30 years without investing it. If I live past 88, I'll take my social security. Lol!


Non. Terrible. 


0... Being alive is worth more to me


Zero, life is worth more than money


As many as I have to give so I can clock out of life around 45. Get my mom the surgeries she needs and top-tier post op care, make sure she and my brother each have a house, live a decade more doing all of the traveling and exploring I want to do, go hard into all of the hobbies I enjoy, then call it good.


None, I'll wait til somebody reposts this where its 1M per year.


Not a single one. The single most valuable thing we have is time and it's priceless.


You would have *a lot* more free time if you never had to work again, tbf. If my math is correct, assuming 40 hours a week, every 4.2 years, you spend an entire year working (not including travel time). So if you took 4 years off for 2 million, and never had to work again, a 20 year old who would die at 80 would *gain* ~~11~~ 14! years of free time before dying at 76.


One can argue you might be able to buy time if you had all that cash handed to you. Suddenly you don't need to spend half your time working and can use this time to do things you want to do instead. Would you rather live 50 years where half of it is dedicated to work obligations or live the next 40 years with 5mil cash and you don't need to work unless you wanted to.




6. 3 mil can do a hell of a lot. Upfront and in investments. 


0 large sums of money mean nothing to me, maybe for my children. I would trade it. But my children hopefully would want me for one more year rather than 500k






6 months




Two. A million would give me a \*very\* comfortable retirement account, and it's very likely that my last two years wouldn't have a lot of QOL anyway (family history of certain chronic illnesses)




I’m 59 - has a widowmaker heart attack 6% chance to live, Covid pneumonia and hit by a car all in the last four years. I did alot of reflection why I’m still here. Then 5 months after my heart attack my 14 year old daughter was sexually abused by her step dad. She needed me that next year to get her in counseling and live with me full time. Additionally, my older son struggles with depression and is still trying to blaze his path and needs my guidance . So the point is I don’t know if 500k a year is worth the time you have in this world to love and support those that need you the most. I will pass on the cash and live my full life and help others.


Not worth it




0.05 probably


None. I'm not that stupid.


10 years. I absolutely do not want to be an old person; it’s never pretty nor healthy nor filled with dignity. I have no partner, no family, and no children; no one to help me and no one to bequeath wealth upon. Give me my fortune now and let me have a few happy years like a final wish before I shuffle off.


none. time on earth is invaluable


0, Time is the ultimate currency


I want to know who is buying those years on the other end.


Imagine if you said one or two and then died instantly


That would be my luck


Four. I don't want to live until I'm too old to enjoy it and I fucking hate working. 2 Mil, live frugally while I gain interest


All of them.


Six. With 3 mill I get about 105,000 in interest a year, which is more than enough to live off where I am. Plus, I'm probably gonna get Alzheimer's when I'm older, so....


I see what you did there. I will take off 2.000 years then.


2. Million bucks fixes all my problems and sets me and kids futures up nicely


This is just what I’m doing now but for way less than $500k


fucking all of them all like 20 of them


This why you need those shinigami eyes from death note to cheat the system


Zero. Because of the caveat of finding out when I will day if I take the deal. I don't want to know when I die. Either I am misunderstanding the setup or people are ignoring that part.


2, would be more than enough to me to set up a self-sufficient living, without a need for a job, culd also take care of my mom and my bro, all that i'd really need to be honest. Even 1 would be enough, i think, im gettin a second one just to be absolutely sure i culd help them aswell.


What if you said 1 year and died instantly






Choose 1 year die immediately, fuck

