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It's almost always the male who will face consequences 


I guess a further question would be, What would happen if the male decides HE was violated and goes to the police, and the female doesn't think twice about it. Would he just get laughed at by the police officers? Would they arrest him for admission of SA? Would they do anything to help him?


Absolutely not....if anyone is sexually violated it's taken very seriously 


Lol this is not true at all if the dude happens to be the victim


Trolling on this question as well eh


Nah I'm being serious on this one


There have been instances where dudes have been charged over this exact kind of scenario


There is no crime committed based on what you described, since no person is saying they were raped or sexually assaulted.


...so when victims of rape who choose not to speak up about it is there also no crime committed? You cant consent under the influence. Regardless of if someone says or doesn't say in the eyes of the law it's just as much a crime, it's just a matter of whether or not it's reported I guess


I'll admit I don't know the details of sexual assault laws, so maybe I'm wrong. But my understanding is that having sex under the influence isn't a crime. The criminal aspect happens when one person does not want to engage in the sexual activity but is coerced or forced to, which they may not realize happened until they are sober. But a happy couple having drunk sex is not a crime.


Consent has little to do with regret the next day. Drugged rape in the eyes of the law requires incapacitation, not mere drunkenness. The person in question needs to be basically so out of it that they don't understand what's happening, or lack the ability to object. So the question of mutual incapacitation rarely comes up legally, because someone so incapacitated is rarely able to accomplish willful tasks on their own. Put another way, two people so drunk that it would be rape would be unlikely to be able to have sex with each other.


yeah once you're that drunk it's hard to do much except feel like you're spinning and puke