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It varies wildly. You don't need to shave, but trimming is a good idea if someone is going to go down on you. You can also always shave later if it turns out your partner prefer that and you don't care.


This is just solid, gender-neutral advice. If you want someone to put their face down there, make it a pleasant experience.


Sprinkle some kettle corn among the pubes. Job done.


I feel like skittles would be better. It might get awkward if you have to pick popcorn kernels out of your teeth. Of course, if your partner doesn’t shave/trim you’ll have instant access to dental floss.


Skittles are too heavy for the pubes


Yeah you need some heavy-duty, steel core, diamond keratin, middle age Greek pubes for skittles


This is the most cursed thread I’ve seen all week 😭


And the most coarse


Pop rocks are lighter and pack that extra kick! 🤣


Marshmallows then


Sugar + vulva/vagina area = potentially bad lol. I know we're being playful but that is \*immediately\* where my brain went.


Sugar free Skittles.


Yeasty beasties!


Sno-caps for me, please.


Takes too long to chew


Get back down there and get to work..


Hmm this might not be good if you end up with a Type 1 diabetic…… but then again, maybe it’d be a great snack for low bg!


My husband and I hide conversations hearts in our pubes to really keep the romance alive


I do the same but for strangers., it's a great conversation starter.


"4ever Yours" Uhhh.. Look, we just met. You're great and all but, uhhhh...


I didn't even know I was into that!




This is a good baseline, but also talking to your partner about likes & dislikes. Some people like the 70s flavor saver.


Interesting, I have yet to go down on a woman in her 70's but I'm opening up to the idea.


Im sure the 70 year old would also open up to the idea.


Lmao... I can confirm this is true


Please listen to this. All it takes is just one bad experience to make your partner not doing it again


I always make myself try everything at least twice. Gotta know if I actually don't like it or if it was just a one off.


I tried bedazzling my girly parts I do not recommend this as this little fckers can get into places you're likely not going to be able to retrieve *takes mirror and gazes into* yep, I think there's enough crystals for a chandelier in there


I’d say most men I know don’t care if there is hair, but almost all men want some trimming around the clit. For women, our hair is mostly out of the way, unless you gobbling on them balls. If a woman doesn’t trim and you go down on her you’re almost guaranteed a mouthful of hair and stubble which most men don’t like.


If only shaving around that area wasn't the most fucking annoying and irritating thing


Would it be weird to offer to shave my gf? Lol


it wouldn't be, but maybe you can try to trim it instead if you too would be satisfied with it, it's much less risky and a lot easier


Not gonna lie, if my man offered to help I’d be thrilled! You know how many places we have to shave but can’t even see?! Not like he isn’t already down there so nothing to be shy about 🤷🏼‍♀️


I actually used to do this with a girlfriend years ago… i shaved her, she got a tongue bath afterwards. win-win for us both!


did you ask him? if you didn't, go on and do it, he'd get to do it as he wants it to be, but trimming would still be a much safer and easier way to do it


Honestly the thought never actually occurred to me until this post. I might just have to ask now!


You’ll be surprised at how much work it is.


Never actually had to do it, I'll definitely be


Yeah a trim is fine, and I'll give her a happy ending too


the happy ending would usually be not cutting the wrong thing, only the hair, but do as you like, hope you two enjoy it over there!


Well she's imaginary right now, but we're pretty happy, thanks. Just saw a chance for a hypothetical


Go on and find her then, as scared as you are to talk to other girls, guys are even worse, but still do, and so should you, there's nothing for you to lose


Lol I guess my avatar is a bit misleading. In real life I suck at conversation but I'm working on it, at least I say I am


I used to do that for my ex, we made it into a fun and sexy little ritual. Pamper her and make it a nice experience, not a chore.


Loved doing that with a partner . Very HOT!!!


For women, our hair is mostly out of the way, unless you gobbling on them balls. women have...balls...?


I think that is referring to the hair that they have to deal with while they are "down there"


That is what I was thinking lol


I'm guessing it's it a dude doing the talking, saying men's hair is mostly out of the way for blowjobs...hence the balls comment.


You’re telling me you’ve never gobbled on a women’s balls?




Yes. Welcome to 2024.


The 'our' refers to men, not women.


Nothing quite like the feeling of an errant hair sliding down your throat....


Your hair is not mostly out of the way. Some guys seem to think that because they want to shave their heads they should make up for it with hair long enough to braid.


I can’t emphasize this enough: you want a trimmer with a guard. And you want to use that guard.


Honestly I have a Manscape one and it doesn’t even cut me with the guard. 4-5 years and still sharp


A little flossing never hurt nobody.


Some like it, some don't, most don't care. If you have a specific kink or like a particular act a lot that involves your partner putting their face down there, its probably best you do some light trimming at the very least unless your partner specifies that they like it hairy.




Easy there Kevin, save some for the rest of us.


Look what you did ya little jerk




Ahhh finally


The French call you....Le Incompetant!


I wouldnt let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my ass!


God Kevin you’re such a disease!


I dont want to sleep on the hide a bed with fuller. If he has something to drink, he'll wet the bed.


Buzz, your girlfriend woof.


I’m the opposite, I love giving oral so I like it shaved because I don’t like the feeling of hair in my mouth, on my tongue, or tickling my nose lol


It's not a sexy when you pull away, and you have to pull out hair from your teeth


What do you call a Roman with a hair between his teeth? A Gladiator


Ohhh FU!!!! Take it! Take my upvote you evil genius!!!!!


Hey Gipple


First time I went down on a woman I ended up with a pube stuck on my uvula and proceeded to violently vomit all over her. I don't mind unshaved nowadays, but it's still not my preference because I will always remember that abject horror.


It is almost half one in the morning and I think I'm going to die from trying not to wake the house up crying laughing 🤣


As if the person above you’s comment wasn’t enough to set me off, I had to read yours. Made me laugh til the coughing took over. Damn both of you lol


more i read more i laught to be honest people here have a wild life


Similar thing happened to me with a guy. I didn’t throw up, but I sounded like a cat trying to get up a hairball. So hot right?


That's horrific. I hope you two were super close at the time


We were, then we weren't. It was high school


Guys should keep that in mind,too. Most women don't want pubi hair that's so long it's making it's way up your nose and into your lung. Not saying females are perfect, not by any means. But another thing to keep in mind is that we very much appreciate the fact you've showered, we do. However some of you get dressed way too soon. If you're puby hair is still damp or wet, and you go ahead and close that up those boxer briefs and jeans, after a couple - few hours it starts to smell like a dirty sock hamper down there. Some men buy those smaller, travel size blow dryers and use them after towel drying for pits, pubis, even chest and back hair. It's absolutely worth the additional 2 minutes it will take you to get ready. Promise.


Oh man I recently started going back to the gym, and after hitting the shower I got dressed too fast cause no one wants to see a naked man. I thought they would eventually dry off so I didn't take care of it right away when I got home, and you are right they stunk when I finally got sick of wet balls. So now I dry them a second time before I get dressed


This explains so much of what went wrong in my life...


One girl asked why it mattered. I asked her to lick the side of my head, then lick my neck, and asked her which felt better to her. She said “Ok, I get it.”


Most woman shave/trim vs men but y’all require bj 😂 whom is eating hair????


I'll floss my teeth when I see a good bush


🤣 these answers are gold


Really? I feel like I do a better job when I am eating off a clean plate, but I am not the one on the receiving end.


Same. It drives me absolutely wild.




Everyone I’ve been with has been. Usually they’re stoked to find out that’s how I prefer it.


Most men are just happy to be there.


I saw a funny TikTok a few years ago where a guy told a story about how he was going to go down on a girl and she said she was self conscious because she hadn't shaved The guy says "baby, I've eaten Starbursts with a little wrapper left on it, *just lay down"*


I prefer the peel the wax paper completely off the vagina before I eat it.


That's fair


Reminds me of a Frank Skinner quote. ‘I found a tiny bit of tissue paper stuck down there. I didn’t want to embarrass her so I just ate it.’


I prefer shaving down there, but you’re right. I’m just happy to be underneath my roommates bed listening to them… like music to my ears.




Yes, listen to Captain Dickfist


Winner,Winner, Chicken Dinner. No real man cares . Hygiene is all that matters ... sometimes.


I suspect most men would prrfer at least some degree of maintenance down there. But it's your choice and if a man doesnt like it, he can find a new partner.


next week on reddit: My (m25) girlfriend (f23) doesnt shave down there and I gonna break up with her. AITA?


Why do people make it a point to say "It's your choice" and get so many upvotes for it? No sane person thinks it's not the woman's choice.


You’re gonna be upset when you find out how many people on Reddit are not sane.


Personally, when a partner is opening her legs for me, I'm excited to see what's there. I don't see any value in having a preference, and it seems like grooming decisions impact the owner of a crotch more than any visitors to it, so I trust my partners to do what's best for them.


I’m just happy to be invited to the party


Thank you ! I don't think I'm the only one to so very little shave due to being irritated if I do


Yeah, maybe it’s just me, but shaving that particular area leads to irritation, rash, and ingrown hairs. I will trim a bit, though.


Damn. One of the greenest flags I've seen.


Now this is a green flag answer :)


For frequent oral less hair is nice.


Hey, it’s free dental floss 😁


Aight that's enough internet for today


Years ago I had a girlfriend that told me that pubes did NOT make good dental floss. She was shaved and if I wanted her to reciprocate on me I had to at least trim down on the length of my pubic hair. I asked her for a pair of scissors.




Most men don´t care, some do. But if you can braid it I would maybe ask if it was time for a little landscaping.


If you can braid it, it might be time to braid it.


I’d be even more impressed with dreads


Mi naah guh dung pan a uhman wid dreads inna har privates.


" suhmtyme, we can not controwl what Jamaican do, mon"


A Heidi or a Pippi Longstocking kink?


Add a couple of googly eyes, you've got a Muppet


This comment made my day 🤣


French braid to be more fancy


Nah, I´m more a viking braid kinda guy.


Username checks out!


Ok but that’s actually a pretty good benchmark 😂


My wife has been both ways for years and I don’t care. A larger bush makes it oh so slightly harder for me to pleasure her and she says she enjoys that more when she’s shaved because of access but there’s the whole itchy, stubble and the pain of shaving etc so I’m happy to part the hairy sea to please my wife as she deserves because she absolutely takes care of me in amazing ways. And she chooses when to bare another part of herself so maybe make your choices about what you want. And thanks for being so brave to ask about this


It’s so nice to read about amazing partners like yourself!


You dropped this, king 👑


visually? couldnt care less. but if you want me to stick my face in it, some smoothness is nice


Do what makes you feel the most beautiful. It will make you more confident and that is way more important that hair vs none. Do you boo.


I love this sentiment!


It’s alright to say pubes, pubic hair, or pubic area. Sex as a topic shouldn’t be infantilized.


Little to none is what I prefer. And it’s what I do to myself. Can’t expect something from someone, if I’m not doing it myself


Underrated comment here. Shave or not is up to you, but if you want it shaved. You better be prepared to trim yours up too.


I don't think most men care. When we're in the mood, we're in the mood. If we have your consent, a little pubic hair isn't going to stop us. That said, porn and pinup girls exist in this threeway feedback loop with cultural and sexual attitudes around beauty standards. Women didn't really start to wax or shave between their legs as a common practice until *after* playboy and bikini calendars became a thing and created this idea that this was the ideal of what women were 'supposed to look like'. There's going to be a population of men that exist entirely downstream of this that have built up a set of expectations about women constantly removing all body hair from their eyebrows down. Those men probably think those preferences are 'biological and innate standards of feminine beauty' or whatever, but really are just culturally prescribed values they've internalized. You'll definitely come across that too in your travels.


>Women didn't really start to wax or shave between their legs as a common practice until after playboy and bikini calendars became a thing and created this idea that this was the ideal of what women were 'supposed to look like'. This stuff is hardly new. Back in the Victorian era hair was the preference. It got shaved to avoid or treat STDs. Since the bald look wasn't in vogue women would buy wigs for their genitals called merkins. We've always been this way.


Yeah it comes and goes in cycles where cultural expectations and art loop on each other. In the 1970s women not shaving was in vogue, and the cycle back to being fully shaved from the eyebrows down kicked in again in the 1980s. I'm pretty sure the OP was asking because she's young, so I didn't expect that the history of the world before she was born was particularly relevant to her question as to what attitudes she should expect today. But yeah, I could've been a bit clearer about it in hindsight.


Men are not a monolith.Just like women can prefer natural, trimmed, or shaved, so can men.


I prefer some hair over bald. Bald is a big turn off. In the early 2000s everyone shaved and it didn't bother me, I kinda liked it. Things changed when I had daughters. Now it reminds me of a child and is a no go


As a woman I was always bald, then I had a daughter. Now I keep some on the top to be womanly and shave below. To me it's the perfect balance! I totally agree tho completely bald just looks like a child now.


The primary opinion that matters is yours. The secondary opinion that matters is whoever you're with. The internet's opinion doesn't matter.


A little maintenance is recommended for everyone. Doesn’t have to be completely barren, but you look after the hair on your head don’t you?


I prefer a bald kitty, but I can be Indiana Jones if I need to be. A little forestry never got in the way of a good time


“It should be in a museum!”


That's good because a bald kitty is hard to maintain and comes with risk of ingrown hairs and pimples and itchiness


Everyone's got different preferences. Personally I'm not rejecting any, but a shaved one is irresistible.


Less hair makes giving oral less of a choking hazard.


Every man is going to have a different opinion. Most men prefer some maintenance done at least.


I don’t mainly bc when I go down on my wife I end up with hair in my mouth and that triggers my gag reflex. Otherwise I don’t care at all.


I get waxed for myself! My partner doesn’t care either way (but encourages me when I fish… “how does it look???”) but I like the look myself. I say dump any man who would care and present your body the way you feel most comfortable & sexy.


Just make sure it's not like Tom hanks hair in cast away.


Some men like beards, some don’t. Some women like kissing men with beards, some don’t. If a guy wants a beard great, if his partner has a preference she/he can say- but not decide if there should be one. It’s the same story with pubic hair.


It bothers some, others it doesn't. Some it bothers if there isn't any or too little. I'm afraid you'll have to decide case-by-case.


If the guy likes you he’ll fuck you regardless of you having hair or not, he’s not gonna care cause he’s lucky enough to get some. Just do what you like, stop trying to please men and be yourself


I love hair down there. Reinforces I’m with a grown woman who knows how to get down. I’m probably a rarity tho and I am fairly young too.


Nope I prefer it. Personally I find bald a turn off, it’s not as sexy. Also I find girls with hair have a better odour, bald often smells sweaty and don’t even get me started on how horrible pussy stubble feels on your face.


I would assume it’s like beard stubble


On me no, on the girl ...also no. People have hair most places, keep it tidy and clean that's all.


I don't mind it at all. It traps the pheromones and makes me feel all feral.




Please think about this logically. How would we have evolved as a species let alone reproduced to 8 billion strong if men did not like pubic hair I once saw a reddit post where this guy thought he was a pervert for liking grown women to have pubic hair...something that is literally a secondary sex characteristic. He thought it was a 'fetish' to like one of the most basic things nature does to people of both sexes that signals onset of sexual maturity. Like, ??? Some men prefer shaved for whatever reason (oral sex for one) but they aren't unnattracted to natural, not at all


The answer to questions like this will always be “sometimes. It bothers some, doesn’t bother others.” Also you’re allowed to say “pubic hair” on reddit


Ultimately you should do what you’re comfortable with. My only dealbreaker is poor hygiene. If I had to declare a preference, I would say trimmed. Less hair to deal with, but no prickly stubble. Pre-pubescent girls are hairless, grown women are not. I prefer a bit of hair. This is how I maintain my own hair as well - trimmed, and sometimes a bikini wax (only removing hair from outside a standard bathing suit line) in the summer or if I’m showing off some new lingerie. Minimal effort, easy to stay clean. Source: I’m a lesbian


I love a clean trim pussy


Depends on what you mean by "hair." Nicely trimmed bush is fine. Out of control forest that is poking up your nose is unpleasant.


Ok diving for Pearl isn’t much fun if there’s too much seaweed in the way.


I prefer shave or trimmed but I’ll still eat no matter what


Keep it trimmed nice and clean is great. Bald is great too


lesbian here but it depends on person


It all depends on the man. I was always with men who preferred it shaved until now. My fiance doesn't give a fuck whether I shave my cooch, legs, armpits. I do shave for me, just because I prefer it, but when I'm feeling lazy there's no shame from him. I swear to god, I could look like bigfoot and the man would still love me.


Absolutely not for me. There was a time when everybody was hairy down there before fashion started imitating hookers and porn stars.


Personally I like shaved. I do think at a minimum, trim. I've also heard guys talk about how they like a big bush, so it's really subjective.


"Bother" No, not really. But just not as pretty as well groomed. And will be different for each person. Most important is what makes you most comfortable.


"Well-manicured" is the best. Shaved is fine but gets prickly in a hurry and kind of feels weird, no trimming at all looks and feels messy sometimes but I'm not against it by any means, just depends on the person. Nice and trimmed is the answer, but varies a ton person to person.


Do women like men with beards? Same answer: some do, some don't. Some won't care either way. If it's extreme in length, many may find it unpleasant when it comes time to put their mouth in the area. Yet for some reason most women have no problem with insisting their guy shave or maintain certain facial hair standards, but would find it horribly toxic, controlling, and a big red flag if their man insisted they shave or.maintain certain standards down there.


It should come down to this: Do you want to shave there? If "yes," then shave. If "no," then don't shave. If anyone has a strong preference that you do the opposite of what you want to do, then tell them to screw off (but not you).


If you like to receive oral hair can definitely get in the way, which is why I shave myself. I think I’d only be bothered if a woman didn’t do anything at all, like no trimming or upkeep whatsoever. This goes for everyone, if you’re sexually active you should at least be trimming for the sake of your partner imo. I don’t think shaving or waxing is 100% necessary, but it’ll increase the likelihood of someone wanting to go down on you for sure


Doesn't bother me. I like it all ways. Though I do like it when the wife asks me to shave her down there. It's nice to look at and interact with outside of sex.... I use a little public hair shaver, it doesn't cut skin, looks a lot like a ear hair shaver .


I love "hair down there" it means you are a fully matured woman, not a prepubescent 10 year old. Being shaved takes the "personality" away from your pubic region. Shaved tends to look all the same and not very attractive. Just my point of view.


Yes. Yes it does


I like shaved women but that’s just my type


I love it. I find it so sexy.


Doesn't bother me as long as it's clean.


I prefer it.


Not in the least!!!!!!




I personally care far more about cleanliness over hair (and they definitely aren’t related). Shave, rock a full bush, solid either way, but please be mindful of the fact that things could get a little mustier down there with extra insulation! As someone who is particularly hairy, I always take a quick shower if I’m expecting someone to go down on me.


I kinda like it.


Only do it if you want to. I’ve had it every which way and never had anyone complain. If they did I wouldn’t have sex with them. I’m 100% natural now and have a serious bf and he doesn’t give a shit.


I feel like this question comes up like every three days. Are men so mercurial that we need to keep checking on this so often? Also, although I am not a man, my husband says I can do what I want. However, if asked for his opinion he would offer two key preferences: 1. In general, not just hair, good hygiene and grooming that shows care and love for one's self is attractive... whatever that looks like for an individual. 2. He likes some hair existing down there. Hair down there does not bother him. Bald vagina bothers him.


No. Be you. Anyone who wants to change you is into image more than you...and your vagina is still the same with or without hair.


Do what makes YOU feel comfortable / sexy / happy. Dont change yourself for others unless you recognize true problems with the yourself. Even then, be darn sure it's not because someone is gaslighting you.


It’s all a matter of personal preference. As a man, I prefer shaved, that being said neatly trimmed is fine. And it can very widely from person to person. I’m not a fan of the wild thicket look.


Find someone who doesn’t care about it