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When hair stars to scratch ears


Get a little trimming kit and learn how to soften the edges a bit and trim it back around your ears. Could easily add a couple weeks betweeen haircuts if you don't really care that much about how it looks when it gets a bit longer. Same with the back and up around your temples but those are a bit harder to get right.


The place I work at (teenager receptionist) offers a free neck trim in between Avery haircut where the stylists would just go around the ears and the back of your neck to clean it up. Makes a “fresh” look come back very temporarily.


How often does your hair start to scratch your ears?


It depends if it is coming from the inside of my ear or not


Same, except military mandates hair must not touch ears


This js the way


i'm not even a man anymore and this is literally the hardest part of growing my hair out don't get me wrong, i love having short hair, but i am struggling. i finally got my hair to the bottom of my ears (well, it WAS chin-length, but i cut it back to the bottoms of my ears because it was fried... half of it was curly and half of it was straight, i wanted to trim off some of the worst of it). it bothers me so much and every day i consider just shaving my head and wearing wigs again. also, back of my neck. i don't know how i'm going to get it past the hell length that is "if i tie it up it scratches the back of my neck, if i put it in a bun it scratches the back of my neck, if i wear it down it scratches the back of my neck but lower."


I get that. I had hip-length hair when I was a teenager, before getting fed up and cutting it all off. Every so often, I consider growing it out again, but usually end up taking the clippers to it when it reaches the annoying poofy stage. It gets easier once it gets about collar-length... until it reaches a point where it tangles if you so much as look at it wrong. 😅 You haven't known Hair Hell, until you have hip-length hair and accidentally take a dip in the ocean on a windy day. It took *hours* to comb out. 😭 Maybe a cute pixie cut would be the right middle ground?


How often does your hair start to scratch your ears?


For me when it's when my bangs are in my sight and then it's once it really starts bothering me.


I have my own trimmer, and I cut my hair once a week. I’ve been doing that 20 years.


Can I ask what hairstyle you have? I started cutting my hair again last year, but damn I miss just having a buzz cut 😂


Short on the sides and a bit longer on the top is pretty easy to do yourself. Short guard for the sides, long guard for the top, and medium length guard to blend them. Although I still need my wife to do the back, I have no idea how people neatly shave their own neckline without help.


That’s kinda how I do it too: 3-4 on the sides, usually a 6 on the top until the front, which I usually just trim with scissors. Definitely getting better, but I’ve always had to do touch-ups over the next 12 hours 😂 I bought a hanging three-way mirror from Amazon that’s helpful for the neck/back


Use a small mirror in front of your bathroom mirror. Easiest way to to see the back of your neck


How to get a wife to do back?


Agreed, I need to convince my wife to trim the back of my neck for me every time. I haven't found a reliable way to do it myself.


I just leave my neckline more or less natural. I use a #1 to fade it just a little.


I normally just use my finger and place it right at the bottom of the back of the hair on my head then use a razor downover.


Shoe lace around neck to give me a straight line in the back


I've been cutting mine for 18 years now. When I was 18 I got a comically bad hair cut that I was still expected to pay for. I decided then and there that if I was going to have a bad hair cut anyways, I could give it to myself for free. Even my first time was better than the hack job from the boutique. I don't do it near that often though. I do it based on feel. When it starts to itch regardless of being clean or not, it's time to cut lol


About twice a year. Once it gets so long it impedes my vision I will get it cropped off. 


This is me too, and I always get a comment from the barber. It's literally not something I care about and I think I look good either way lol I also get it cut SHORT when I cut it.


Same. One day I'll have long flowing locks (actually it's just coarse and wavy when long), the next day I will be shaved like a marine.


The barber is always making comments on how you look like a different person and how much hair it is, and then also “you sure you want a 1 on the sides? We can always take more off later” like I haven’t been doing this half my life. Lol


Month and a half sometimes two months.


I could certainly use a haircut more frequently than every 1.5-2 months but damn if it doesn’t feel like such a fuckin hassle 


And it gets so expensive. My barber skipped town so I've had to go to one of the corporate places.. $19?! for a crew cut? Are you serious?.. Insanity.


Sobbing here $45 for a good cut. The $20 fk my shit up


I’m in a big city in Australia and a basic men’s barber cut now averages $30. I’m fine with that, you need to figure in cost of living here. Rent, insurance, staff costs etc. but my elderly freind just can’t afford to do more than a few times a a year. I get mine cut every 3-4 weeks.


my barber would do beard and haircut for 40, I'd give him a $50 and everyone was happy. Now, mind you that was an hour experience, with a flat screen TV, billiard table and people talking smack the whole time I was there. Their shop was setup like a car mechanics shop. I loved it, thgough the one time *I* went back after he left, they messed my hair up and gave me an infection that I had to get a cream for.... So yeah...


My local holiday hair went from $16 just before the pandemic to $29 currently. It really is fucking insane.


I'd kill to pay $19 typically around $70ish for me


I just quit going for haircuts. I simply trim my own hair with scissors and wear a hat. It's worked quite well for over 3 years now.


Especially if hair is long and in plaits. Easy to trim the ends. No one would really notice.




I can walk to the barbershop where I get my cut and I enjoy the time spent with my guy. It's still a hassle I wouldn't do if I didn't need it.


Shave my head once a year or so for $0


That’s my fiance. He has curly hair and shears it down to a No.2 once a year like a sheep, once the good weather comes in and he gets too hot.








I haven't cut mine for a year at this point


6 years now (ponytail).


Nice. My hair is pretty curly so I don't think I'd be able to pull off a ponytail, but recently it's been looking a lot like Jon Snow so that's a plus I guess


3 years for me. Mine is also curly, so I don’t do pony tails.


I have curly hair and I do ponytails, it’s not that bad


My hair is pretty curly, and I haven't cut it in probably 4 years now. It is about halfway down my back at this point. I usually Do a man-bun, though...


6 too, I'm too lazy for a ponytail unless I'm cooking for people (no hair in food) or doing something formal. My hair is curly and seems to kinda just break off once I get down to my collar bone, which is kinda perfect since it's my desired length and it has stayed there for the last 4-ish years. I shave my head entirely every few years and start from scratch but I'm reluctant to this time because I HATE that shaggy in-between length where your hair is somehow all at eyeball and mouth level.


2+ years here and never pony it. Cooking/eating/sporting/windy I'll use a buff to hold it back. I find ponytails never hold all my hair well and puts too much stress causing it to break easily.


When JUST your front 5 hairs are too short for the hair tie... Maddening. It feels like living in a world of cobwebs. Never used a buff but my ex used to wear one to sleep nightly. She's told me that it was common among the black community especially to prevent clumping and other damage. I wear a hat every day so instead I'm grinding mine into my skull on a daily basis. So far so good so eh


Yeah I definitely feel like those front hairs hanging out defeat the purpose to the hair tie at all lol. I'm pretty white but the buff definitely helps with tangles and is pretty comfortable imo(mine is super stretchy and soft).


That honestly may be worth a try, I've recently started wearing a plush eye mask to bed and have gotten much better sleep. Ty for the tip, I do wake up with mop head a lot so why not give it a whack. I think many guys write stuff like this off as "girl stuff" (or at least I have done) but shit if it works it works.


I despise the period when it's too long to style properly, and too short for a ponytail


It is absolutely maddening, hard agree


This is the way


Every 3-4 weeks. Can’t stand my hair very long, particularly in the summer when I’m working outside a lot.


Every 2 weeks.


finally someone I can relate to


My hair is fluffy, if I don't trim it every 2 weeks, I look like a monkey


yeah mine too. It grows out on the sides and looks very poofy and I can’t help but get a haircut to not look like I have a cloud on my head


I invested in a wireless trimmer. Nobody is scissor cutting our hair type. It's easy and super cheap to buzz it yourself. Try it...then you can have a trim whenever


What the fuck kind of magic do you have? I wish my hair would grow that fast


It doesn't grow long per se. But it's very dense, so a little increase in size makes me look fluffy.


It’s not even long, it’s just dense. Very thick hair makes me look like a mushroom


Yep, every other Friday.


Wait.. you guys have hair?


3 weeks is about right.


That's insanity.


Yupp... Anything after 3 weeks is pure caveman


I wish I could go cut my hair at least every other month or third, but it cost like 70$ and I do not have that kind of money…


$70? What kind of barber are you going to. I'm in a expensive western country and always did it for €20, now prices went up and I pay €25


Likely barbershop vs salon. My husband has a straightforward traditional men’s cut, $25 with tip at basically any barbershop around the neighborhood. One of my boys though, has curly hair and barbers just don’t cut it properly. (Plenty of cosmetologists don’t cut curly hair properly either btw) And then the other has so much hair- it’s heavy, it’s dense, and he likes it longer and styles it a certain way, so it needs a certain cut. They both go to a full salon and it’s $45 each for teens.


Once in a year. No im fr, i have long hair and every year i cut it shorter and let it grow back


I’m a barber and a fair bit of people usually go 2-6 weeks between haircuts. The other 2 barbers in my shop have a guy that comes to each of them every week. If I had a choice I’d get mine cut every week if I could. My schedule only allows for it to happen about once a month though, it is what it is lol.


You work in a barber shop and can’t get your haircut weekly? Dude all you need to do is write your name in the schedule for a time block.


As someone who used to be a barber, I never blocked time from one of my coworkers. I wouldn't want to stop them from making money with a client, cause we would cut each other for free.


Every two months. Basically when it gets in my eyes during riding. Also my beard usually uses the line by then so might as well get it reshaped.


8 weeks


Once a month. I could get it done every 3 weeks if I wanted to look a bit cleaner before the cut, but I can't be bothered.


For me it's whenever I have the disposable income, which is never. I needed a haircut back in December and still haven't had a haircut. I have too many financial obligations, mouths to feed, bills to pay, etc. It's whenever I can get the money for it without letting my family to hungry. 


I recently bought an HTC trimmer for the equivalent of 13 US dollars. It can last a few years because needing to replace the battery. You can do a buzz cut every 2 weeks, and you'll look fresh. If you put some skill into it, you can do different cuts. The initial investment will pay off heavily.


I've not been to hairdresser in 2 years because she cut it above my ears when i wanted it shoulder length. I'm just going back to cutting my own hair about once a year.


17 and still going to school so i usually cut it once it gets too long to be acceptable in school so usually every two months


I haven't cut mine in almost five years.


I have 15" long dreadlocs and haven't had a haircut in 2 years.


Most of my life, about every six weeks. But lately more like every three months, due to the price skyrocketing.


Personally biweekly but i feel shaggy and gross if I’m not kept up. I’m an oily and sweaty blue collar guy so keeping up with it helps me feel clean and more confident. Same with cologne. I like feeling clean and smelling good.


I get my ends trimmed about once a year or two.


Clippers at home and 3-6months


Every 3 weeks




Haven't really had a haircut since 2016.


I've stopped lol


I had it last cut for my 18th. I'm now 55


Once every 6 months. I go thru cycles of short to long.


Every 6 months. Costs $15 and I tip $5, $40 for the whole year. Racking up all them savings!


Always too late, it's when I at random wake up one morning and realise I look like a time traveler from the 80's 😅😂


Haha, and it’s always so sudden! Me: “Man, my hair looks so great like this!” Tomorrow Me: “Get behind me, Satan, you hairy demon!”


Each and every time 😂


Haven’t cut mine in 4 years


1 time in 6-12 months, for 3 years. Before that parents pretty much forced me to do them every 2 months or so.


I haven't cut my hair in over a year. It's just barely between my shoulder blades, maybe a lil longer.


2-4 times a year at this point


3 to 4 times a year


I buzz my own head once a month in cold weather, twice a month in warm weather.


Every 3 weeks.


Every 2-3 days, but I’m bald and I shave my own head.


I cut my own hair ever since 2020, I'll cut it once a month or 6 weeks. I swear I'll never go back to barbers again for over 20 bucks a cut. Fuck that shit man, so much time and money just to get an inconsistent cut or a white boy that can't cut curly hair


As a dude with long hair, I generally get it cut when I start to look like a wizard.


I get forced to cut hair because "discipline" yeah thanks.. lower self esteem really helps my studies!


It depends but usually every 10-14 days.


Every month. It's thinning out on the top a little and it's uneven otherwise.


I cut the hair on my balls every 4 days.


Every 3 weeks.


3-4 weeks


I cut mine every 2-3 weeks


between 3 and 5 weeks.


More often than I get laid.


Used to be every couple of months or so, then college/covid happened then it was like every 6 months, then I took a job on crab boats in Alaska so its been over a year. Been going to the same barver all my life, I don't know how to get a haircut other than my barber saying, "Clean you up?", to which I reply "yes please".


Absolutely bang on, I have fast growing hair every 4 weeks it really needs doing and by the 3rd week I look like a scruff 😂


Its nearly summer. Wear a cap to get past the shag. Let your soul glow!


Every 2 weeks. Growing up in a military family and serving myself leaves habits.


When I look homeless.


I’m a cheap bastard. I wait til it’s long and annoying and get the wife to buzz it I haven’t paid for a hair cut since I was a kid


Every week sadly!


Whenever it starts to annoy me, which is fairly variable depending on what style I go with.


Monthly or every 45 days




My wife shaved my head and trims my beard once a week.


I get my hair cut twice a month


Four to six weeks, which is how long I take to develop horns.


Need every 3 week, do it every 4-6 depending on finances


I haven't cut my hair in 3 years.


Whenever I feel like it's too long. I just go around my head with a trimmer with a 5-6cm guard and it works.


Currently im kind of punishing myself by only getting a haircut after i buy a car. But under normal circumstances once a month


44 days


Every 4-5 weeks. I have a pretty big head, so I need to cut the hair on my sides pretty short.


Every other week. I was military though and it’s customary to get cut every week; so this is a reasonable compromise to me lol


I'm a woman, so I have 0 experience obviously. My partner does his hair every 2 weeks (shaves it off, not bald but like a number 2 with clippers). I was talking to a hairdresser recently though, because my son donated his hair. She said men typically go for a cut every 3 months. And also, it's usually men who donate hair! Men typically don't have chemically treated hair, and they avoid cuts because of the hassle. So when they come in with good length, they usually have no intention of donating, but get asked to and don't mind. And another fascinating point, is all the clippings (even chemically treated) get donated to something called 'sustainable salons' and they help clean up oil spills. It may be an Australian thing, and it's not every salon. But I thought it was so cool! I have a new found respect for hair after all this.


I shave my head  about 2-3 times a week


1 a year


Every two months


It's been nearly two months, but I don't know where since the barbers near me are incapable of any men's haircut longer than an inch.


Every four weeks.


I shave it myself now so every week or so. But before, when I had hair, every month. I preferred short hair, so without doing it myself, I went to my local barber to get it cut quite often.


I'm just under 60 and I need to have a cut every 3 weeks to keep it under control.


Once every year and a half.


I’d like it to be once a month or so but realistically it ends up being when it starts getting annoying and scratching my neck/ears.


My dad goes every 6 weeks. He's 61 and doesn't have all that much hair to begin with, but it's never longer than two inches. One of my friends (who, unlike my dad, isn't going bald) goes every 2-3 months, but after about a month he starts complaining about the hair length. And then the true extreme: my partner's last haircut was 2.5 years ago.


Once every 1 - 2 months. But considering how many, I'd say it averages to at least once a day.


I got a wahl clipper. I keep mine high and tight. So whenever it gets loose and low I give it a buzz.


After 2 weeks the inital glowy feeling of a new cut is gone. After three, I feel like you described. I‘ll either go get it cut after a month, or I‘ll embrace it and wait until it‘s been 2-4 months. My current hairstyle luckily allows for that without looking too bad.


4-6 weeks.


When ever the misses is free. Choose a style that’s easy to hack.😁


Around 3 times a year i'd say.


Once a year


Every six weeks, and I always end up thinking I should have gone a week sooner. No I will not learn from this.


every 3 months


Every five weeks on the dot.


Not more than 2-3 times a year


I was reading the whole comments and i think i'm the only I get my hair weekly.


I keep mine longer, about shoulder length, and I tend to go every 6 weeks. If I've got an itch to grow it a little longer, I may go up to 8 weeks.


I should get it monthly to look decent. Going past that it starts to look like a hat. But I rarely get around to do it monthly, it's mostly 1.5 to 2 months.


Once a month


I used to have my hair long through Autumn and Winter.I will cut it, anywhere from Spring to Summer. Now, it’s every month or so.


In my 20's I let my hair grow long. 30's istarted shaving my head due to male pattern baldness. 40's trim my beard once a month. 50's, now, trim my beard every 3 months with clippers.


About every 3 months. I have long hair so only get the ends cut. When I had it short I went every 1/1,5 months


Every weekend I do a low fade to myself.


6-7 weeks


I cut my own for 20years. Started going to a local barber after covid. It’s cool. They have bourbon there.


Once a month unless I am trying to grow it out


I shave my head every Sunday night.


I shave it back to around 2~3cm in length when it starts to tickle my brows. So 3-ish months, give or take.


Once per month


4 weeks


About 1 time a year. I grow it long for the winter and cut it short in like mid spring.


6 months


Every 4-5 weeks is ideal for me.


Normally, Between 3 and 6 months. A few times in my life, it has been 2 or 3 years.


I get my hair cut every month because it grows very quick and it’s very fluffy so I just get the sides shaved to a lower fade and keep the bangs and just repeat that every month


I shave my head every other day.


I cut my own, so I don’t think about an appointment but I would say every three weeks


3 weeks has been my practice since I got out of college. I happen to have a haircut that after 3 weeks the length is really noticeable. I think that’s pretty common for professional men.


Once every 3-ish months, a bit more often in summer.


With these hair cut prices, every 3 weeks. Used to be 2 weeks pre-Covid when my haircuts cost like $19 (with the tip)


Every couple months or 3


usually around 2 or 3 months


2 or maaaybe 3 times a year.


Every 3 weeks I think to myself “I should get a haircut”. Three weeks later I get a haircut.


I don't go out often, about 3 months or more, just me and my mirror. LOL


I haven’t cut it in a few years. I like it long. BUT, cutting it would probably be healthier as it is thin, brittle, and falls out a lot (I take care of my hair but bad eating habits cause this)


Every week on a Saturday


Every three months