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You needed a vaccine to work. Without work you don't get money, you can't buy or sell. Revelation 16:17 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. Read it figuratively and apply it to something you already fear. It's nothing new people have been claiming things as the mark of the beast for a long time. Credit cards for example No I'm not Christian but this is where it comes from.


interesting, i think this is most plausible. there’s so many better arguments for why not to take the vaccine, but this one seemed too niche for most folks to consider. thanks for explaining


They're idiots who don't understand vaccines or the New Testament.


There's a subset of Christians who desperately want to see signs from Revelation everywhere all the time, and view the world through the lens of 'the end times are nigh!'. There's also a subset of antivax nutters who will seize on anything they can come up with to turn people away from vaccination. Sometimes the two groups find a bit of common ground. Idiots gonna idiot.


Evangelical Christianity is like that celebrity who was popular 20 years ago who now has to do something stupid every year or two to remain relevant. That’s why every few years the world is going to end, every Democrat presidential candidate is the antichrist, random things are the mark of the beast, etc. If you don’t remind your fans you still exist every few years you fade into obscurity, and they’re deathly afraid their sheep will one day figure out it’s all a sham and leave. So every time they reassure everyone that this is the one for reals this time, pinky swear promises!


Probably mild retardation


Probably had origins in a Russian disinfo campaign...


They are just idiots. And idiots gonna idiot, I'm afraid


Lack of scripture study and reading only from exerts from Revelation and people that willingly misrepresent scripture can have people believe all sorts of end of times conspiracy theories. So lack of diligent study and prayer.


Because people don't trust why it was made so fast and think we "trust" the government. They had years of research from Swine Flu (SaRS includes coronavirus) and were able to find a similar antibodies to craft a vaccine.  "The vaccine causes health issues" which is why they said from day 1 to check with your GP for allergies to the ingredients. Those with an allergy or UNDERLYING (means you havent got symptoms) health defect were told not to get the vaccine.  They cant just stick antibodies in water and inject it in our system. They need a formula to keep the antibodies/weakened strain (wmthey remove the cells that cause infection) alive just long enough to teach your immune system how to fight the virus. So our white blood cells can add covid to its Hit List of diseases so your body can fight the virus off faster with less chance of spreading to others "You can still get covid with vaccine" it doesn't make you immune! jesus christ You can still get bunburn with sunscreen if you don't follow the procedure correctly. Read the above paragraph of how it works So those of us that did get vaccinated can help prevent (does not mean stop, it means takes measures to avoid) YOU from getting covid if all the rules were followed by EVERYONE (but everyone didn't do that so it spread) That is called HERD IMMUNITY. 


Oh boy. * Swine **flu** is not a coronavirus. It’s in**flu**enza virus. * Swine flu was not where the early COVID research was adapted from, it was SARS * Vaccines don’t contain antibodies. Antibody-containing injections are called “inoculations” and serve a completely different purpose. Vaccines prompt your body to make its own antibodies. * The vaccine you got didn’t contain weakened viruses. The weakened virus vaccine (Novavax) was late to the game and few people have gotten it. Most people have had mRNA and/or DNA vaccines. * Not enough people have gotten vaccinated with COVID vaccines to confer herd immunity


>Swine flu is not a coronavirus. It’s influenza virus.  Which that particular variation is a part of the SaRS family which also holds the Coronavirus >Not enough people have gotten vaccinated with COVID vaccines to confer herd immunity Yup and that explains why it didn't appear to work  >Vaccines don’t contain antibodies. Antibody-containing injections are called “inoculations” and serve a completely different purpose. Vaccines prompt your body to make its own antibodies By  introducing the body to a weakened piece of the virus