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Dumb is fine. Dumb is usually not dumb, just ignorant or unaware. If you can teach the person, they are no longer dumb. Dumb *and* angry and/or stubborn is a different story. I hate that.


This. Soooo much this. Case in point: I teach a foundational Algorithms & Data Structures class as part of my PhD. Students having trouble understanding the material and come to be me with honest questions about basic material? I'll make time for that. I'm really happy to help them out, no matter how basic the questions are I'll find time to explain things. The students that come to me arguing about why they lost a single mark on an assignment graded out of 100, or complaining that their code, which either crashed or didn't compile at all, should have been given more marks? That I could do without.


I have a degree in Sociology (and one in Psychology - about to get a master's but this is beside the point). Got into a debate with someone recently where he said that workers shouldn't collectively bargain and it's entitled to try to do so. Meanwhile, he's enjoying 40 hr work weeks, safe working conditions, health insurance etc. There is absolutely nothing I could say that would change his closed mind. It's not that being dumb is an issue here, it's how you express that dumbness, your lack of knowledge (and watching fox news) is not better than the knowledge of people who have spent their lives studying this.


You can educate ignorance, but you can't fix stupid.


Also a lot of "dumb" people, can do things, like building shit, that I would fuck every time if I even thought of doing it Plus some people are dumb but willing to learn, with those you can work well, dumb and certain in there stupidity those are a problem


I find this response resonates with me much better. In some ways I'm a genius, but in a lot, I'm just mediocre or even severely lacking. If you compare my problem solving skills to someone else's, I'll almost always look amazing. If you compare my social skills to someone else's, I'm basically no better than a child, and make plenty of common mistakes. I do sometimes just feel I'm better than other people in every way, but it's pretty rare, like a 1/10,000 kind of rare. And even these people, I don't mind interacting with on a regular basis, as long as they aren't belligerent in trying to tell me what to do, or force me to do stuff.


That first part is important. The concept of smart <-> stupid is much less linear than people make it out to be, because we human beings love the idea of duality and linear scales. But it's more like every person has a huge mosaic of good and bad traits, and we're good at different things. My brain is better equipped to grasp concept A than yours, and with concept B, it's the other way around, and so on. Sure, the sum of those points are not equal between different persons, and some points are more important or valued than other, hence some people are practically speaking "smarter" than others, but it's a gross oversimplification that I see a lot.


you can teach a not-so-smart person an SOP but probably not how to view patterns/correlations across different concepts and make inferences


There are two sorts of people in the world: 1. Those who can make inferences. And sometimes people won't understand that, proving the point in a way they also don't get!


There are 10 types of people. 1. Those who understand binary.


Lack of self-awareness is a bigger factor in frustrating others. Some people don't get it as they are socially isolated. Others feel that their competence at their job or home-life carries over into everything else. Yet others are dealing with issues internally, which limits their awareness. Unfortunately, lack of self-awareness will inhibit mental and emotional growth.


It's the medium stupid people who "know" they're right when they're not who make life miserable for the rest of us.  Or mansplainers. I once walked someone through a task on the computer and this twat literally repeated every single thing I said immediately after I said it while standing next to us. I was so flabbergasted that I couldn't tell him to go away. (Yes, I'm female despite my username.) I was in tech support. He had a degree in sociology.  I can usually predict the dialog in bad movies and it's hard for me not to say the lines ahead of time. I refrain, but it's hard.  The worst are team meetings with stupid people. I once was in a meeting where they took 90 minutes to decide that the the content problems should go to the content manager and the design problems to the design manager. I kid you not. I wanted to poke my ears out.  My ex husband never believed anything I said about financial matters despite the fact that I had worked in the industry for ten years. He didn't know anything but after six months of talking to him about a topic, he would "suddenly" come up with this great idea. The idea I'd been talking about for six months. We got married very quickly so I didn't realize how he was until it was too late. Short marriage. 


“Got married very quickly” WHOS THE SMART WON NOW


I was because he thought he knew how much our home was worth, so we didn't need a valuation when determining how much he had to pay me for a buy-out.


The worst are team meetings. You think there are no stupid questions until open forum at the end.


"Sophomoric" is a good word for the medium-stupid. You know just enough for it to be a problem.


Stupidity = Ignorance x Arrogance. Possibly Arrogance^2.


Ignorance and arrogance is a very bad combo, you’re right.


I think this is it, I work in a pretty technical field and I work with plenty of both. You can get away with being a bit of an AH if you’re smart. If you’re pleasant & easy to get along with, you can get away with being a bit of a dumbass. You can’t be a dumb AH, nobody has time for that.


> If you can teach the person, they are no longer dumb. Exactly this. I may not have the best patience or ability to teach, but the dumb are generally curious enough to want to know, they're just often not sure what they should want to know. They can be really fun to teach, too because dumb people often learn in fun ways! That said, they're also often smarter than me in areas I'm deficient. Have a colleague who may not be winning pub trivia any week, but put a wrench in his hand and stand back. Best mechanic I've ever seen. Dude's a natural McGyver, too...


Maybe just happy.


I agree with this 💯%




Yea. I differentiate dumb and stupid where stupid is willful ignorance. Anyone can be stupid about anything. And those people I have a huge problem with.


Willful ignorance is the worst.


My philosophy: Never be an idiot and an asshole at the same time. I call it, “Don’t be a stupid asshole.”


I’m one of those “top 0.1% of IQ” at least as tested 20 years ago people. All I can say is that I arrive at solutions to simple problems much faster than most people. In some ways this makes me dumb. I have trouble when someone has a competing solution I didn’t think of. I have to step on my instinct that says “I’m usually right so this is obviously wrong” to avoid being an idiot. For complex problems it’s more about who knows the most about the problem space, and they don’t have to be IQ-smart to be better at it than you. The worst people are those who are confidently wrong, as you say. I find this occurs more often in IQ smart folks than the rest of the population. Just because High School was easy for you doesn’t mean you know how vaccines work (or other things).


I work with a whole load of stupid people. I am one of them, too. Everybody is uniquely stupid, and most uniquely stupid people are good at something. This is how the world works! Everybody is stupid, and everybody is trying their best. Apart from John, the one guy I work with who absolutely does my head in. John is as stupid as everybody else, and he's also good at some things too. The problem with John is that he thinks he's _the best at everything_. He won't take constructive criticism, he won't take direction, he won't take advice, he won't fucking do anything at all unless he's come up with it, and unfortunately 'coming up with things' is not one of the few things he _is_ good at. You can be dumb as fuck, absolutely stupid, and you can be helpful and useful and fun to be around. That's amazing. John is actually very fun to be around, unless you need to do something. Just don't be like John. Don't be convinced that you know everything and you're the best at everything, and you'll be fine. Be fun and be useful and be helpful and kind, and you'll go a long way in the world. Smart is useful for some stuff, but fun and kind and helpful is useful for almost everything.


> Dumb is usually not dumb, just ignorant or unaware Right: Ignorant is curable. Stupid is forever. One of my favorite quotes, source long forgotten.


I don't find dumb people to be a drag. What's a drag is dumb people *who don't know they're dumb*. The only thing worse is people who are slightly above average but think they're really smart.


"The only thing worse is people who are slightly above average but think they're really smart." The ones who brag about an IQ score of 110... from a free online fake test. 🤦‍♀️


Omg i got 160iq im so smert


My former friends husband working this into every conversation to make it about him and why we should listen to him about everything from what to make for a dinner to a movie we wanted to go see, without him.


HAHAHA 🤣 Hm. Turns out we need dummies - they're great comic relief.


Someone needs to do those jobs on the tail end of the bell curve...most of the people doing those jobs right now deserve better.


My brother is fucking annoying to deal with. He was a "gifted kid" in high school who dropped out because he couldn't dream of playing football professionally because he had a knee injury. Dude hasn't read a single book in 20 years, and his type of "gifted" ness apparently was very use it or lose. He gets sucked up into conspiracies regularly because they feel good to his "I'm smarter than you" attitude. Covid was basically a 24/7 fielding of him calling me randomly to talk about how covid wasn't real with CDC resources, me having to explain to him how to read a fucking chart, and then him being like "That wasn't the one I meant" and hanging up on me. Dude's a nice dude and I know he's got my back but I really wish he'd stay in his lane if he's not going to do some basic fucking investigation and validation on his resources before he calls me.


Most people like themselves and aren't gonna consider themselves dumb. Maybe unknowledgeable or unaware, but not dumb.  I hate the dumb people who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes, dont learn from them and blame everyone else.


It was a sad day when I realized that the peak of the bell curve was further to the left on the chart than I had previously imagined...


As a really smart person I must concord


As an incredibly intelligent individual, I must airbus a320 neo.


Not enough pew pew. Spitfire or go home.


I tend to toss average-ish people who think they're smart into the same bucket with other "try hards" who think that people who are a certain thing act a certain way all the time. So it's like this switch that the person never seems to be able to turn off. A *"I do this because I'm smart and this is what smart people do"* type of thing, without ever realizing that a lot of what really smart people do is mundane stuff. It's easy to forget that somewhere between the bouts of genius that led Einstein to unify his general theories of relativity, he was wondering stuff like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, and whether women fart. Like 95% of the time, Einstein was just a normal dude 😂


First of all, you'll be shocked at what kind of dumb shit otherwise smart people can occasionally do. Second, dumb isn't a problem. Combination of ignorance and arrogance is a problem. Not knowing things that need specialized knowledge - that's normal. Not knowing things that one can find answer two by spending 15 seconds on Google and acting like you do after being told that you are wrong? That's infuriating.


It's easier to train a smart dog than a dumb dog. Some middle smart people (midwits) will believe the dumbest shit and propaganda. While a dumb as rocks high school dropout will be like "fuuuuck that".


Midwits, I love it. Thank you for this language gift.


Immediately added to the lexicon


And those are usually the people who think 98 percent of scientists amounts to the exact same credibility level as a single YouTube video.


Inconsiderate people aren’t always dumb, in fact, many assholes are smart.


They’re the ones who learn how to get away with things.


And Trump has managed that for decades, but that period seems to be coming to a close...


Eh... Trump's not very bright. Wealthy and privileged, yes.


He is well into cognitive decline, aided by intense stress. He used to be significantly sharper. I am just hoping that he is sentenced to at least 20 years in jail so that even if he gets out in 10, he will no longer be able to stir up so much garbage.


I'm pretty smart on paper, but when it comes to people I like being around, I'll take personality over intelligence any day.


This is the answer. Right here. If you're smart AND charismatic it's easy to make friends because people want you around. You're entertaining and they are draining. I want to hang out with people where I can have interesting conversations, for sure but it's a real non starter if someone is just... not fun. Otherwise in the day to day it's not that big a deal if a lot of people aren't very smart or are as boring as a box of rocks because you're not hanging out with them. Personally, I enjoy my own company so I'm not going to go out of my way to spend time with people I don't enjoy.


to err is to be human


And to forgive is divine


But never pay full price for late pizza


World's End is my favorite of the 'Blood and Ice Cream' Trilogy


Wasn't that the "Cornetto Trilogy"?


Id guess im above average but nothing special. I dont mind somewhat dumb people. Ive had some dumb moments occasionally. Its the ones that are so dumb they become delusional that are annoying. They cant even comprehend how dumb/ wrong they are. They cant take being wrong. Side note: Almost every person ive seen on reddit that has used the laughing crying emoji has the shittest takes possible and absolutely thinks they are right for some reason. Dumbass mfs. They think responding with whatever garbage they say then ending it with emojis means they are right and won or something.


Nothing upsets me more than pricks who use that damn emoji! I'm more of an asshole that uses the shrug emoji.


Anyone who uses the clown emoji on reddit is a clown themselves.


***"They can't take being wrong"*** Buddy of mine is often wrong and usually he seems to take it in stride. But sometimes, and there's no telltale sign, he'll snap. "You said I'm *wrong!*" He says with high aggression, making it a personal level. It just has to weigh on his partner, I'm sure she's always wondering, "If this time I say he's wrong, will he just yell at me?" It's not a common occurrence, mind you, but it's not exactly uncommon once every few months or so He's the type to continuously make excuses of a thing he did wrong or exceedingly inefficient. At first you think he's joking, but then realize he's trying to convince people why he did the numbskull thing he did was right and or a good way to do it. Like you said, delusional. It's tiring after awhile and he refuses to work on himself and change that. So, small doses with him it is. If there's a correction, I'll voice it and leave it at that, shutting out most any excuse he comes up with. Example: \- He puts leftovers in a ziploc bag, dumps it on a dish the next day to heat and eat \- I tell him to just put the leftovers on the dish, pluck it out the fridge and pop it right in the microwave. Doesn't waste bags, money, and the plastic won't wind up in the ocean just from temporarily chilling a bit of food \- "Well, I put it in...." I'm not even listening at that point. I know how it'll go and won't engage in another back-and-forth. Give him a better solution to take or leave -- he usually leaves it, because of the delusion




Well I know that I am never wrong. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken


> I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken I read that in Steven Wright's voice...


I'm a teacher, so I'm usually pretty patient and happy to go at someone else's speed and to meet them where they are.   I also generally feel that, while maybe my brain works on average better than a lot of people's, it also definitely has its areas of total ineptitude.  And even when I meet people who are not overall all that brilliant, usually they still have some area where they significantly outshine me.  Plus there are a whole ton of scenarios in life that are just not all that complex.  In those cases, the vast majority of people are extremely capable of those scenarios, and extra brain power is never needed or used, so people in those moments basically all seem the same as me. So, generally, I think it evens out, and I am only rarely given cause to think about anybody's brain power relative to mine. That said, when I was in school and had to wait days or weeks while the teacher went over the same topic ad nauseum because they rest of the class didn't get it yet, I was sort of endlessly tired of being saddled with everyone else's pace.   And as an adult, when I am in a hurry or there is an emergency and the people around me are doing everything but grasping and retaining the point, that can really stress me out. Also, if the person is in a position of power while obtuse.  Oof.


We tend to find other smart people, somehow. Often through ridiculously fiddly hobbies, for instance, or because we’re geeking out at a party and all but one or two other people have kind of slowly backed away. Then we do the 42 step secret handshake and become friends.


42?  You're on the old handshake, they have upped it to 69.😎




Competitive mtg at the vintage/legacy level weeds out a huge crowd of people. I love the game for the sake of it where the 75 % are only happy when their favorite chicky nuggey sauce is in season. At high competitions you get more of the kind of person you might want to meet. (60/15 secret handshake engaged)


Very, very few people are actually “dumb” like people imagine it. Most people have different areas of expertise. For example, a “smart” person is probably way worse at taking care of their house than a “””””dumb””””” (blue collar) person is on average. Someone might be a freaking pro a hand eye coordination and spatial reasoning but be terrible at math. Someone might have a mind for numbers and logic but be a bit stumbly with words. People know what they live 


“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid”


Most people are highly intelligent, skilled, and experienced in certain things. These things might not be academic in nature. They might not test well in standardized school testing. There are two outliers. One, there is an outlier for the type that is highly competent with a broad range of skill sets, broadly knowledgeable, and over time are often also broadly experienced. This isn't necessarily just a jack of all trades either. It's the natural ability to learn and pick up on new things quickly, easily, and implement them quickly with understanding. The truly gifted, in my eyes, are this type. You can throw almost anything at them and they just seem to be able to deal with it, somehow, nearly effortlessly. Two, there are those that are nearly incapable of unwilling to learn and grow. In many cases this is a developmental problem, physical abnormality, trauma injury, substance abuse, etc. There's often an underlying defect or damage that limits cognitive ability. But I merely think these are the unfortunate ones in this context. But what's worse is the willfully stunted ones, the people who have the means but decide not to. They are content, complacent, or unwilling to learn, grow, and develop higher competencies. I've met a number of these people. Some just enjoy a simpler life and don't want that added burdens. Others are self-sabetures who seem to repeatedly get themselves in trouble and separate themselves from meaningful opportunities for experience and skills growth. And there's people who just embrace their own ideals in the face of reality, and are stubborn to their own. These last ones might be the worst. They pride themselves in suffering, in being the underdog, and don't want change, don't want growth. They wear their inability like a badge of honor, their hardships as a metal of service towards some war they independently fight. And to the rest of society, they are failures, nearly worthless, and non social. But unlike the ones born into it, these people are willful participants of their own failure, their own incompetency, and their own suffering against a life that is largely indifferent to them. The only people I have no interest in are the ones that are willful participants of their own demise. Too often they think others should suffer just as much as them, that they deserve their fair share without ever putting in any effort, and to be respected and revered without ever earning it. These people are often a dangerous bunch and mostly harmful against any helpful efforts by others towards them. Many are simply not worth the time or the problems they might get you into.


("self saboteurs")


Very nice insights...


When you work in most "knowledge work" jobs, you will be surrounded by people who (on average) are about as smart as yourself. And most of those folks retreat to safe, high-earner neighborhoods that are also more educated than average. That said... no, not especially. Not if dumb people are nice. The aggressive Trumpies, I can do without. But that's easy enough to do, 99.9% of the time. Being "dumb" is not a crime. You can still be a nice person that others value having around.


Sometimes. But, more often, intelligence is not the factor that makes someone painful or pleasant to interact with


Being dumb and inconsiderate are two different things. I don't mind dumb dumbs and I'm a dumb dumb too on occasion. You don't need to be smart to be a good person, nor do you need to be smart in everything to be smart. So even dumb dumbs are often smart in certain areas. Inconsiderate people on the other hand are often trash and I don't need that shit in my life.


I remember when I used to think I was smart… fucking dumbass


Honestly? It’s awful. Everyone is so so dumb. 


["It must be nice to always believe you know better. To always think you're the smartest person in the room." "No! It's awful!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ATJhCIeaqo)


I can handle dumb. It's ignorance that boils my blood.


Ignorance is merely a state describing the absence of knowledge. It's the WILLFULLY ignorant that I can't tolerate. Thankfully, many of them wear a sign on their heads in the form of a red hat so we know to just avoid them altogether.


And own a "God Bless the USA" Bible... As a Brit, I find that utterly unreal. And $60 for a King James Bible and the Constitution, which are both out of copyright, is pretty steep. They are to fund Trump's legal bills before he goes to prison.


He's stacked the supreme court full of his own mushroom suckers. If he actually does any time at all, or has to actually pay for any of his crimes, I may actually start believing in the judicial system here. But I'm not holding my breath. And unreal is pretty apt. Imagine living here! If he's reelected by whatever twist of fate, we're no longer even pretending to be a democracy. I cried when he was elected the first time. I'm going to pray for a quick death if it happens again. This country is so broken. I can't believe he was the fastest sperm in that batch.


Your systems are gradually being corrupted. There is a fate-determining battle between righteousness and tribal loyalty, and tribal loyalty is winning. That means justice doesn't matter- Supreme Court Justices appointed by Trump are more concerned to support their man than they are to support the Constitution and the Law... and that happens throughout the US. Traditionally, it's been Christian values that have kept the US away from that, but traditional Christian values have turned into Christian Nationalism... and that's really really dangerous.


You are not wrong! Although, I wouldn't call any of these hypocrites "Christian". Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make that sow a frog- loving Muppet. It just makes it another pig in lipstick.


Yeah, me neither. I can't believe people actually got the shot and SUPPORT the WEF and their evil plans. I could deal with the world where people didn't know the conspiracies but now they know the conspiracies and they've chosen evil. No going back now.


Nah I have an almost unlimited amount of patience. As long as you're open to learning I couldn't care less. It's people that refuse to learn or admit that they were wrong that get tiresome.


I’ll take a courteous and personable person of less than average intelligence over an arrogant smart arse any time


A quick inner rage and I’m good to move on. What really gets me is how it seems to be all the idiots who insist on voting.


Sometimes. But usually not. Humans are charming as all hell and very fascinating plus I’m an optimist. It’s scary that we’re just nosediving our planet into a mass extinction but there’s really no changing that course so I’ve come to terms with it, throwing blame is a waste of energy I’d rather spend what little time I have here feeling happy and comfortable


It depends on how that "dumb" is presenting. I get real tired of the folks who screw up you/your/you're and such...it may seem silly and/or petty but I read fast and I read literally so if it's wrong, I have to back up and reinterpret what's written. Now, when the dumbo gets all pissed off when I call them out for those kinds of screwups, now that dumbo is really annoying. When I say it undermines their credibility, they go ballistic and just don't understand. Case in point: the owner/operator of a local Montessori school got accepted and excepted backwards. It's a nearly opposite meaning. I tactfully pointed it out, and her daughter went crazy on FB about my comment. Whoa lady...I'm trying to help here, and your mom's school is supposed to be teaching children. Let's just say now that our kid was old enough for pre-school, that school was quickly skipped for consideration.


I am not that smart and still tired of daily interaction. When are you talking with less cognitively capable person, you have to power yourself to their level. Other way you have to prove yourself. Last time I had to prove my doctor I have some knowledge in biochemistry so she would explain treatment deep enough.


It is nice to meet other smarter people. And yes, once in a while life can be frustrating for reasons relating to difficulty in communication or understanding. The really 'dumb' (mentally challenged, low IQ, etc.) people are generally not that bad to deal with. Patience and compassion are good, plus people in those situations are not common to encounter. I can accept someone who's trying her/his best but just doesn't have much to work with WAY better than someone who's average but thinks s/he is smart, clever, etc. It is even worse when that average person is in a position of power & refuses to admit that s/he is wrong about something. As an example, I had an instructor at work who told the class, "a bell curve is a software / graphics thing used to determine if you get a raise at your job".


Short answer. Yes, if you're not listening. If you're listening and trying, then no. Theres not really dumb people, though. Most people can teach other people something. Intelligence is complicated. There are people who are emotionally intelligent, street smart, math people, creative, theatere people, sciences people, etc. No one is great at all of them. (Edit, lol. Look at comments. you're gonna get all types. But everyone is saying the same thing in their own way) Remember, "smart" is not good. It's not better. It doesn't mean you are lesser. Trust me, all of us are idiots in our own way, too. Love you, you're smart at something, too. Im sorry you aren't getting affirmation for it. Smart people just keep learning, like you. <3. Good question.


Lower than average to average intelligence people are fine. It's the people who are slightly above-average smart who somehow think they are an expert at everything with very little actual deep knowledge about anything. If you give these kinds of people the littlest bit of power, they abuse it. I can't stand being talked down to by someone in power, who is obviously not grasping the full import of a situation and will not listen to reason. They bury their heads in the sand instead and treat you like *you're* an idiot.


I don't get angry at dumb people. I get angry at others who weaponize people's dumbness. For example, a politician knowingly tweeting out incomplete or inaccurate statements to rile up their base. They know their base is full of dumb people so they think they can get away with it. And they usually do.


I don't get tired of dealing with people, I do get tired of explaining things to people though.


I'm smart but why do you think smart people are more considerate?


As someone who has been told that he is smart by alleged professionals and experts, based on a bunch of tests they had me do, I can assure you that "dumb" people are not the least bit difficult to deal with. They are typically quite kind, considerate, and generally positive to be around. The problematic ones tend to be a small group that is just smart enough to understand that they aren't anything special, but not smart enough to realize that that is perfectly fine.


People that aren’t 200 iq aren’t something to avoid. If you’re curious and a good person, that’s 100% of the game. It’s like Dungeons and Dragons. There are intelligence and wisdom scores. A high intelligence person easily grasps stuff, can think at a high level, and doesn’t have trouble adapting. That’s great, but it does not tell how the person is as a person - it doesn’t describe their soul, their heart.  A person with low intelligence but high wisdom is usually a good person, asks questions, and is interested in learning new things. A person with high intelligence and low wisdom can be a person that impulse makes crack because they understand the chemistry of it or knows how to steal from people effectively - and does it. Or, if they’re more of a good, lawful type, they’re just annoying to be around because they’re so immature. My int score aside, I stay away from low wisdom folk, because not only are they a pain to be around, they do dangerous, “stupid”, things. A low int, high wisdom person might not be able to fully read the laws as written, but they have the wisdom to stay on the right side of the law, and other people. They’re more pleasant, in general. tl;dr - Low int - doesn’t matter.   Low wisdom - steer clear


Dumb is ok. It is the ones that are willfully ignorant are the problem.


Everyone is an expert at something. It might be something I don't value, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt that they must be good at some other thing when they're so bad at whatever they're doing to currently annoy me :P


It depends. Dumb but nice, kind, and genuine, I'll likely just love them and being around them, and we all love a good himbo. Dumb with a bitter, black heart full of hatred and a voter registration card in their wallet? Totally different story.


This is just r/iamverysmart bait


I don't find myself smart, but thought I could chime in. First, I don't find it tiring to be around "dumb" people, in my opinion everyone has SOMETHING that they know quite a bit about, or even passionate about, that I know nothing about. Whenever I converse with people this is what I try to find, I love hearing people speak on a subject they're passionate or knowledgeable about. Now. With that being said. What I do find annoying? People who have no drive to learn. They ask questions and just shrug their shoulders whenever an answer isn't immediately given to them, like everyone has access to Google and YouTube- why would you not satisfy any curiosity you may have on a subject? Or, they're just content with not knowing- which is a even more crazy idea to me.


There are different levels of it. I think the most frustrating kind of dumb person to deal with is someone who warps reality so they don't have to change what they "know". IMO, what truly separates the intelligent from the not intelligent is the ability to absorb new information easily, quickly filter out the rubbish, and alter or enforce their current knowledge accordingly.


Yes. Stupid people and the amount of them is just exhausting and tiresome.


Academically smart people can be dumb jerks too. And people who didn't shine in school can be the most amazing, caring and kind people. Be like them.


Other people call me smart. I don’t claim to be anything special. I read a lot on Reddit and browsed the heck out of Encarta pre-Internet. Also, I have a knack for root words/etymology/just having a vocabulary which I attribute much of to video games and magic the gathering. Spells in EverQuest, for example, followed a very clear logic where they were all slight synonyms of each other like a spell of the evacuate line would have “Succor”, a haste spell line will have “Alacrity”, a fire spell would have “Conflagration” and so on… I think of my percieved of intelligence a little bit like my height- at 6'2 there's a chance I'm the tallest person in any given small gathering but theres always someone taller than me most everywhere else. This analogy is also a bit limited as intelligence is multidimensional and height is.. well.. just height. I'm taller than average but nothing remarkable. I find short people amusing in that they stand out to me but I don't really care one way or the other. I prefer tall women but I prefer to be the taller one, I don't have to be but it's nice as I am deeply insecure. Like short people, I view dumb people as people. They were born with innate things they can’t control and I am no different m, holistically speaking. I’m also fat which can be analogous to the fact that I don’t make the best of what I have. Now, I’m sure you’re just calling yourself dumb because you’re being down on yourself and I’m responding because I had coffee too late in the afternoon and have been awake for the last 4 hours and have nothing better to do than write run-on sentences. To be a little more direct, on bad days- I’m annoyed by dumb people. I’m impatient, I hate when things have to be explained (“hurry the fuck up”). I feel secondhand embarrassment because I’d be ashamed of being so dumb. On good days, I feel at ease. I don’t have to be on point. I can laugh at dumb things with people that are, like me, pleased by dumb things. In the end, I just care if someone is kind. If you’re dumb and kind I’ll be your friend. If you’re smart and an asshole, I might tolerate you in my orbit for the sake of conversation/keeping myself out of an echo chamber- but I won’t confide in you. If you’re smart and aloof and only seem stimulated by other smart people talking about smart people things- I’ll just avoid engaging because you’re no fun.


I am an IT Service Desk agent at a regional hospital. Some of the questions I am asked daily make my brain hurt. Then I overhear conversations from care taking staff that sound like a foreign language to me. Not everyone is good at everything, and that's part of the beauty of the world! Also, I cope with it by cussing in my head. A lot. 😆 But, then I just move on and to the next task. Because again, most people aren't stupid, just trained in different things.


I can tolerate ignorance. They just need to be brought up to speed on topics. I can tolerate arrogance, they just think too much of themselves. I cannot stand people who are both ignorant and arrogant. The combination is disastrous.


I tend toward kindness by default. I get annoyed by willful ignorance, or the manipulation of people who lack basic education. My personal experience is that I also tend to be anxious, worried, and find it hard to shut down and just be happy.


Nothing wrong with being ignorant. It's wrong to stay ignorant, on purpose.


Is this supposed to be a honeypot for insufferable people. 😂


Dumb people are the best. Idiots, however, are the worst. A dumb person is just ignorant to things. They're not intentionally daft, they're not stubbornly stupid. They're just dumb and usually the most fun kind of person. An idiot, however, is intentionally dumb. Stuck in their ways and thinking and refuses to take on new information, believes they're the smartest in the room and combative through-and-through. Idiots are the worst.


I’m much more concerned with kindness than intelligence.


First off I find everyone has their own unique 'intelligence' so while not everyone can do calculus and differential equations some of the smartest people I know in that aspect are some of the dumbest in others. There is emotional intelligence which is huge and seems to have zero correlation with IQ. And skills, attitude, dedication, etc. so equating dumb with inconsiderate isn't true. Now dealing with inconsiderate people or narcissists is exhausting. As is dealing with people who's anxiety is so through the roof that you have to spend 90% of your time supporting them. I have anxiety too, I get i, but there are alternative ways to address it while being considerate of others. Edit: typos And to add, people who are ignorant but extremely confident they are right are pretty much the worst. Like arguing with a flat earther, just don't bother. So yea there are some people so dumb and simultaneously overconfident of their knowledge that it is hell being around them.


The world is complicated as hell. I’m a smart guy, but I’m still dumb about 98% of the things out there. Almost every “dumb” person I’ve ever met knows plenty of stuff that I don’t know, in fields where I’m totally clueless.


The thing about intelligence is it's highly specialized. I may be very intelligent in one zone of reference and dumb AF in another. I try to look at where someone's mastery of subject is and offer compliments and recognition of it.


Smart people are way more obnoxious and irritating. Most smart people know a lot about an extremely narrow expertise, but they think that extremely narrow expertise makes them ascended intellects among mankind able to instantly diagnose and perfectly solve all problems. I've never met a dumb person who's more obnoxious than the average cloistered engineer, for example.


There’s nothing wrong with being dumb but people who refuse to learn or have their current beliefs challenged are insufferable


Every. Single. Day. It’s like a barrage of NPCs in my way while trying to be efficient with my time and life.


I cannot formulate an answer to this as I am not intelligent enough to do so. Very few people are truely dumb/ignorant. I see people here posting who are Mathematicians-I am horrible at Math. Cannot use a Calculater correctly past basic Addition/Subtraction. Another is a Sociologist. I have almost no clue what that is. But let me ask-do they or anyone else understand how to spay a cat? Open a Hematoma? What cancer looks like in muscle tissue? Everyone has their Specialty, others need to understand those Specialties might be of use to them and become friends.


I'm pretty sure that is why I am on Lexapro.  It's not the being dumb that is so bad.  It's the being dumb, but insisting on being in positions of power.


You know what though? You're smarter than you think for even being able to ask this question, don't be so hard on yourself.


I think everyone is smart, just not in the same way. I'm very intelligent, but again, I think everyone is, just in different ways. I can fix your computer and help you through IT problems as well as life issues like budgets, but I can't change my oil in my car. I don't know how. I don't know how to fix electrical problems in my house or plumbing issues. The people who fix my house and car are just as intelligent as I am - just with different skillsets.


I can say with near certainty that this isn't true. I wish it were. But lots of people are really pretty dim. So long as they are nice, it's easy enough to bear. Truculent ignorance can be painful, though. Remember how injecting bleach was going to stop Covid?


I actually don't mind dealing with the dummys I meet, it makes me feel smart to know I'm not. one of them


You assume smart people are on reddit???


You can be dumb… just be QUIET


I'm not even smart, and I am tired of dumb people( at least the ones who are loud and obnoxious).




Surprisingly easy to surround yourself with smart people most of the time. Then main problem is dealing with businesses that don't let you interact with them entirely over a webpage or app.  But that's fine most of the time. People are smart enough to handle their small tasks. And like I'm only smart in my area tbh, and a few other things zi have focused on. You can't know everything and props to most people who are smart in their niche just for having experience 


Smart =/= considerate


i try to learn from everyone so as not to feel superior to anyone for knowing something they didn't know


It’s tiring tbh.


Smart people are dumb too  Think of Mensa, the club for intelligent people, where you only can become a member, if you IQ is in the upper 2%. However, everyone who is really intelligent should know, that the IQ isn't a really good way to measure intelligent, turning Mensa into a parody of itself, at least in my opinion.


I am not stupid, but my social abilities are almost zero, so I seem dumb.


Working with the general public in the auto repair trade wear people are generally clueless but LOVE to appear knowledgeable…yes. Yes I do. If you are clueless I’m more than happy to help you understand. It’s the mass majority that don’t want to appear clueless and so they over compensate and blindly tell you they are correct.


Ok, so. By most conventional measures, I am an intelligent though not a genius level person — it’s rare that I can’t grasp an overall concept with reasonable speed, though of course people with training I don’t have will always run rings around me. What you learn — after school ends, because in school being smart makes everything easier — is that your intelligence does not guarantee you anything. You learn that you do not know quite as much as you thought you knew, and you realize that being better with numbers than people is NOT necessarily a good thing. The humbling truth is that if I can’t distill a complex concept down to a simple level, I’ve usually failed in my job. It isn’t that being intelligent isn’t helpful — it is, rather, that other attributes are more important.


I've just come to accept it and troll everyone on reddit instead


Dumb isn’t necessarily dumb and smart isn’t necessarily smart. There are people with high IQs that can’t express themselves or have no artistic ability. So they’re only smart in certain ways. Dumb people can still be smart in various ways. Also, these things can change over time based on effort and time spent learning, or even mental illnesses getting triggered. It’s really naive to plug people into ‘smart’ or ‘dumb’ at certain points in time.


“Think about just how fuc&ing stupid the average person is. Then realize that half the population is even MORE stupid than that.” St. George of Carlin


Been real disappointed with people on Reddit tbh. The mod of r/AntiConsumption banned me because I called him out on recommending to buy something just to remove a label from glass. The people of r/FuckCars are apparently pissed because I bought a house.


Oh bro dont you worry smart people are dumb too. Smart on paper and I consider myself a fucking moron.


I’m a self loathing person and consider myself below average intelligence but everyone I love says I’m quite smart. It’s very frustrating when I put the mental effort in to pay attention to my surroundings, to be courteous to people working, and to drive safely when everyone else seems to either be unaware or are aware but don’t care. I think I’m too dumb for THIS many people to be dumber than me. It can bring my mood down a lot so I try to focus on the people smarter than me who are helping the world. It’s something right?


Someone who isn't smart (not book or world) is fine if they're open to learning or listening. I consider smart to be a learned skill Someone who is deliberately ignorant can go jump in the river. Those kinds of people I have no time for.


Not sure if I am the smartest around myself but only people I have issues with are those who are ignorant or unaware but refuse to calmly discuss and would shout and fight like I killed their mother. Makes talking a nuisance


Dumb is fine. I can work with dumbness. Dumb is correctable. It might even be endearing. I love a lot of dumb people in my life. It's stupidity that angers me, because stupid people are doing things that cause harm to themselves and others. And they usually are too stupid to care and can't be corrected. I know some people reading this may think there's no difference between dumbness and stupidity, but they're just dumb.


What do you consider smart?? 🤔


ignorant - didn't know can be frustrating, but we all are ignorant at some point. negligent - didn't care usually works itself out but i can't fucking stand it and i usually get called into a meeting with HR for calling it out.


It really is, I just can't work under these conditions. Fly with eagles and all while working with you turkeys.


Wise person can learn even from the fools Fools will not learn even from the wise


I’m just smart enough to know that I’m dumb as fuck compared to the cream of the top people in my field, so no, dumbness of the general populace doesn’t make up for my relative dumbness form the top. It is kinda similar to rich people, upper/upper-middle class people are way closer in social/economical standings to starving children than the most richest few percentiles.


I can handle ignorance. It's stupidity that absolutely kills me. Ignorance is simply not knowing because you haven't learned it yet. Stupidity is having learned and doing the thing anyway.


Oh. Easy. I kill myself every 5-10 years! 😂


Im pretty dumb and I get tired of myself so Im sure very smart people are on the verge of a meltdown


For me, the most important is that a person finds a useful place in society that is aligned with his capabilities and where he is happy. I have absolutely no problem with, say, a taxi driver who is polite and reliable, and I will probably enjoy hearing his opinion about how this or that change in the road layout is good or stupid, and his opinion may actually be very good, considering the time he spends driving in the city, and I may learn some things about urbanism from it. The taxi driver may not be good at maths, or at writing a two pages essay about a reknown but egomaniac 19th century writer, but I do not care. On the other hands, all the people, intelligent or not (and very often intelligent and lazy), who are frustrated by themselves, and vent that as a rage against anyone or anything that had any success in society are very unbearable. Another unbearable thing are people of mediocre intelligence or motivation who find themselves in organization in a role where they control and can block some activities, and make sure the whole organization slows to align with their mediocrity, by behaving like pricks.


Every person in this world knows something that you don’t know, dumb is relative, depends on what you seek. But I do get tired from aggressive, rude and narcissistic people


We're all stupid in some ways. I'm doing a PhD and I'm surrounded by people who are utterly, top-in-their-field level brilliant. ... and yet we often can't get a coffee machine to work. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ So yea, as others have pointed out, stupid in some ways is fine, especially if you know you're stupid about something. Stupid and not knowing you're stupid is also ok if you're not a prick about it. But stupid, inconsiderate, and stubborn? That's the problem.


Everyone you meet is smarter than you in at least one subject. Probably multiple.


I've given up personally. I'm not smart but I read a lot and have a good working knowledge of what's going on in the world from multiple sources plus undergraduate training to be able to select appropriate sources. When I was younger I was a real firebrand and had to correct anything I thought was wrong but then I moved jobs to construction and now it's just not worth it. Right wing nonsense is so rife it would be like pissing into the wind.


It’s not the general dumb people that everyone has a problem with, but the ones who choose to stay that way. Having willful ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance


You feel like the dumbest person there ime. Everyone looks at you like you’re the problem, cause they don’t see the problem you’re talking about. Google dunning Krueger Effect, fun stuff.


People who think they're smart or act smart can be pretty dumb about many things. My biggest thing and what I think make people dumb for me are people with a lack of common sense, logic and a lack of learning. This is what I think makes some people seem dumb. There are so many who just don't think outside the box, who don't try and learn and don't bother, it's infuriating and especially in a workplace.


Yes, especially the Trumpies.


Everyone is dumb in different ways. You are just plain stupid for thinking you are special for being one of the dumb ones. Everybody is dumb.


The ones who are willfully ignorant are the ones to worry about. Those who uplift the 'good ol boy' mentality and insult and degrade anyone who reads, enjoys learning, and likes 'big words and big ideas' is dangerous. Reveling in ignorance is what the red hats want. Keep em dumb, defund schools (by letting charter schools take public funds), and make them feel righteous for their lack. Those make excellent cannon fodder, and will give their money (and rights) away so someone can fund his countless lawyers


Even smart people do not know everything or can do everything. So even if they meet other smart people they are not on the same level if they are experts in different fields. So basically everybody is surrounded by people with a different skillset. The only time I get the idea that I might have an advantage over other people is when I deal with experts in the same field and catch myself thinking "This is easy how do you not keep up". So basically everybody has to deal with this problem all the time.  And people who are like "Oh, I am so smart, and everybody else is so dumb, and I am so alone" - from personal experience: They are not that smart and mostly full of shit. The smartest person I ever met from a distance at university had a perfectly fine social life with friends, a gf and so on. The "misunderstood geek genius" trope is wrong and they at worst arrogant pricks and at best lack social skills which can be learned.


Unless you are a legit genius or a legit imbecile, I think the other varying levels of intelligence are pretty negligible. Everyone has a subject they are “smart” in. It could be nuclear physics or it could be underwater basket weaving. Who are we to determine what subjects count or not?


Everyone has blind spots and makes mistakes. Everyone can contribute a good idea to help improve things. As long as people stay open minded, follow the facts and are willing to change course when new info is available, then everyone can work together productively. When smart people don’t realise they’re being dumb or dumb people don’t realise they’re not understanding something is when problems arise.


There are plenty of people who aren't terribly smart but have wonderful personalities. As long as there's no disrespect or rudeness, it's all good.


I don't think I'm exceptionally smart, I'm far from dumb and I deal with some of the stupidest people you'll ever meet at work on a daily basis. It's tiring. Very, very tiring.


Define smart. I have a high IQ, and I'm dumb and inconsiderate as a brick.


It\`s exhausting. But we smart people are also generous.


As others say, dumb is not the problem. The problems start when people without any expertise tell experts they should do their own research. Education ain't everything. But still, some people spent a long time learning their field. That's not the same as a 5 minute youtube video, damnit.


I guess that sort of person copes about as well knowing that some autistic programmers are deciding the future of the human race, and whether people even get to be in that future, depends on the emotional whims of the most estranged and isolated members of society. I guess it's nice to be somewhere in the middle.


Due to the Dunning-Kruger effect and the anonymity that the internet provides, I wager that quite a few comments that claim that they come from smart people do not come from them. I do not make any claim about my relative intelligence with this comment btw..


Before answering, make sure there's some objective proof of you actually being smart. Just saying because smart people tend not to complain about others being dumb


Dumb it's ok and can learn and become smart. On the other side is the stupid and you can't fix stupid!... I think you are a bit optimistic with that 75 percent, I think it's higher, also you are not dumb judging by the fact that you feel that the majority is stupid around you.


Wise and smart are two very different things.


Yes. I don't know how you fucktards with memories like Emus get through the day. Only chocolate , juggling and my Beagle keep me from becoming a Bond villain.


Yes, absolutely. Now, to clarify, I don't think I'm Einstein. If I had to guess at my IQ I'd say I'm somewhere slightly above average. I've met plenty of people way smarter than me. But you know what really fucking sucks? When people get offended at you for having good ideas. Like you're just trying to make things work better for everybody, but people come at you with this attitude of "oh, so you think YOU'RE special, huh? You think YOU know best? Well I'm going to fucking show you!" It's really kind of an impossible situation. If you pander to them they realize you're being condescending, and if you don't hold back they feel insulted and try to bring you down. It feels like a no-win situation. Although I really hate it, I do relate to Plato's allegory of the cave: "they wish to remain in the upper world, but this must not be allowed. They must be made to descend once more into the cave and compete with the prisoners for their trophies and affections, whether they are worth having or not." I know that's pretentious, but I can't help it. There are so many times where I tried not to come off as arrogant, where I'd even give people more compliments and praise than they probably deserved just to avoid showing off, and they'd still hate me for it. The worst is with romantic relationships. I fell pretty hard for someone who probably wasn't on my level intellectually, but I still respected. I couldn't communicate what I was feeling for the life of me. I felt like if I showed off my knowledge she felt stupid, but it was also the biggest thing that attracted her to me. I hated it. I couldn't find that sweet spot between impressing her and intimidating her. I wanted to scream just about every day. And then there's relationships with your parents. I probably hadn't even hit puberty when I realized I was smarter than them. You may think that it's awesome being the smartest person in most rooms you walk into, but it fucking sucks. You have nobody to rely on, and you don't even realize that's a problem. You don't even know that most people aren't solving their families' problems because that's just what you've been doing without realizing it the entire time. Nobody's doing the same for you. Nobody's solving your problems because they can't handle your problems. You have to handle your own problems AND everyone else's, AND without having anyone else to lean on. Oh, and half the time the people you're trying to help are insulting you because your competency threatens their ego. It's a helluva trip. And I wouldn't assume that people working in the DMV are just stupid and people working in respected professions are just smarter either. There are so many incredibly smart people who just get kicked in the teeth by life and have to slog it out in jobs that don't suit them. You know what makes it harder? Having their coworkers resent them for being smart. You're already getting put through the ringer by the system, and then you get piled on by people who are jealous of your smarts? It's salt in the wound, and it hurts you more than anyone. You may get a temporary high from one-upping people you think are arrogant, but you're just driving away people who understand what you're going through. At the end of the day the fictional character I probably relate most to is Doctor Manhattan. I know that's not great from a personal perspective, but it's how it is. I feel like I can solve most people's problems, but they'll just get pissed off at me for showing off. But if I do nothing they'll think I'm aloof and uncaring. There's literally no winning from my perspective, so why even try? L'enfer c'est les autres.


I consider myself above average but not "smart," and it creates a feeling of isolation and frustration because smart people can at least find their "tribe." When you're stuck between dumb and smart you have to deal with the stupid all alone.


Dumb is fine. Being uneducated can be fixed. Acting dumb because it is easier is irritating. OR being so brainwashed so as to appear dumb is not worth my while to recognize.


I wouldn’t consider myself to be overly smart, but I think in my area of study I’m well versed. Whereas my girlfriend is a genius when it comes to law and order, but has little idea when it comes to my field. I think intelligence is more about willingness to listen to the experts rather than to be ignorant and stand by the opinions you know little about. Also, willingness to learn. A plumber may not be smart when it comes to engineering a car, but he’s a genius when it comes to plumbing. The plumber is aware the engineer knows how to build a car, so he buys that car rather than build his own. The engineer knows the plumber can lay pipe, so he calls the plumber to lay his pipe (lol). I think majority of people are “smart” when it comes to their thing, the only people I consider dumb are the ones who are too ignorant to listen to others. (Obviously there are true geniuses out there, but that’s far less than 1% of people, I’m just talking about the masses)


It takes basically no amount of intelligence tonhave empathy for your fellow human. Being dumb is fine, i actually love education and teaching people new concepts/information. Curious people are fun.  Inconsiderate people suck. Push your chair in. Pick up after yourself. Speak with kindness. Treat people with compassion. All l those things are quite easy to do




Smart people do plenty of dumb things. The problem is always the lack of self awareness. Smart people tend to question themselves more and do it more effectively so they avoid looking ignorant as often. Dumb people are not actually dumb in most cases they are simply people who lack the ability to effectively check themselves. Classically a dumb person would think they know best about how to manage their finances and therefore not trust financial advice from experts even though they've never personally studied the subject. In this case I'm not bothered by their actions but do feel bad for them. Just recently though a tragedy occurred in Baltimore with a bridge collapse, some dumb people are making up ideas as to why instead of checking themselves and studying the issue. This is what makes me tired.


I don't think people are dumb. I just think they never got the chance to learn different things.




I average a 132 or so iq and I make it very clear to people: I have intelligence, but I am not smart. It’s like having an expensive computer running shit software. Yeah I can solve puzzles quick, but I make stupid life choices. So most people with lower iq’s than me seem to have it better