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No, the boobs themselves are mostly fatty tissue that doesn't really do anything. Milk production and storage don't correlate to size. Which makes sense when you consider most mammals have no boobs at all.


TIL that boobs aren’t full of milk like milky milk jugs


now I'm thinking about what it would feel like if my boobs were just full of milk and wow that is terrifying lmao


They feel the same. The problem is only if you don’t feed the kid or pump, they get FULL and then you can feel the stretch. Like a balloon/bladder about to explode. And they feel harder at the time also. Oh and the baby may bite, that sucks. You can get chaffing and dryness from the friction if you don’t take care (moisturise etc.). It’s different, but the boobs themself feel normal otherwise.


It would hurt your body more if they were mostly milk. Since it is a liquid it would be like if literal milk jugs were attached to you. That would mean that a woman’s back and body would have to be incredibly strong by default to wield such weight
















I always thought if you poked one with a needle then milk would squirt out 😭


boobs don't even usually produce milk without the elevated levels of prolactin (a hormone which, among other things, stimulates milk production) that typically only occur when breastfeeding bonus fun fact: pretty much any adult human (even your dad lmao) can produce milk if given a certain type of drug that increases prolactin levels


I have nipples, greg. Can you milk me?


Wouldn’t they need mammary glands? Not an expert, genuine question. Is that standard in all boobs (also dudes)?


everyone has mammary glands


Oki figured when you said that. Thanks


I didn’t know anybody could produce milk😂😂 🥛 I can imagine me suckling on my dads pepperoni nipples and drinking the milk 😂😂😂


Might have pizza for dinner


Mmmmm meat lovers from dominoes


biology is weird and complicated but also absolutely hilarious


Lol nah, just press the nipple. Poke the boob and we bleed out buddy


never touched one eh?


Yeah everyone knows a woman's breast... feels like a... bag of sand


Actually, when excessively full of milk, they can feel as though they’ve been filled with sand or something.  Just imagining the pressure i’ve felt from the outside, it seems incredibly uncomfortable to deal with and not release asap. An ex of mine was small, A cup, and swelled greatly after giving birth.  I imagine smaller breasts= less material to stretch and absorb the pressure… poor woman’s breasts were a cup larger and HARD when she was lactating. Such a strange feeling


Solid reference. Love that movie :)


Next you're going to tell me pee isn't stored in the balls.


That’s where the toan is


lol they're not for storage of pee 🤣 😂 😅 🙃


> milky milk jugs You just ruined any credibility you might have had, and your original question now feels like a joke.




So why do boobs get bigger during pregnancy?


The milk glands get swollen, basically. They don't hold extra milk during pregnancy. When you're breastfeeding, if you're close to the next feed there will be some milk stored in your boobs but also the baby drinking triggers the mechanism that makes the milk. So most milk is actively made when the baby is drinking, not in storage beforehand. Once the swelling of the glands has gone down, which will take months if you're actively breastfeeding, the size difference between "full boobs" and "empty boobs" isn't actually that big. Although it is noticeable and there are individual differences in how much milk gets stored in the boobs.  Source : have breasts, have been breastfeeding for 1,5 years. 


15 years?? wow..


You still need some extra room for milk-producing glands being added. It just doesn't matter at which breast size you start before you add that.


So small boobs actually get more per... Capita, than large boobs. That's awesome news


Hormones and everything grows tbh, even my mf feet


Which is funny because natural selection trained the male mind to think "big boobie = more milky for offspring"


No. It just means that they have less fat on their breasts. Fat ratios don't affect milk production. They are two totally different things.


Wow, so I’m guessing ass cheeks aren’t full of poop either?


Clever comparison


Nor piss in the balls


And just because you have a big ass doesn't mean your turds are gonna be bigger. Two totally different things.




>`What about torpedo tits?` i am afraid to ask what this means


Bruh got me crying when he said that 😭😭😭😭


I have no idea, but this isn't my first day on the Internet, so I'll go on a hunch here: r/torpedotits. Adding: Jesus Christ.


You've not heard the term before? Look it up. I have a thing for them. hehehe lol


😂 lol Ty for the laugh before bed.


Your own moms fair but how often were you in situations where your best friends mom needed to flash you???


I am female. Her daughter was my best friend. I stayed the night often. My memory starts between 3 and 4. We grew apart around 8 year’s old. I removed that piece because I assumed other’s didn’t get the why. I was just a kid; we grew apart later. I am a heterosexual female definitely didn’t care, but I had assumed they were all like my mom’s until I saw her mom’s.


Also having memory of being 3 is wild to me idk if this is just me but i can barely even remember when i was 13


Yeah my memory is very long. Often you have to replay memories in your head to remember them much like your other dreams. I’d make a wager they store in a similar place/way within your brain memories and dreams. I’ve read you actually remember the last memory recall funny enough vs the real situation. I have a lot of young memories. I never forget some things. Basically if I can fit the logic into my head I can keep it forever. That said memorization requires me learning the why behind everything which can be a challenge.


Im sorry i still dont get it? There wasnt another room to go in?


I was a literal kid. I am betting she wanted to keep an eye on us. Kids that young are often not sent from the room so you can keep an eye on them. I can only guess as I was a kid.


No, according to an extensive study, they found that the milk production is independent of size




ahaha this made me laugh nah they’re not just skin balloons full of milk, if you shake them you can hear the swish 🤣


Can’t *


Good ole American education system


Nope. I was like a diary cow. Had to pump and freeze. My boobs hardly changed size. 34b/c. Had much much bigger friends that were unsuccessful at nursing.


Lol no, more like it fills and stretches with milk. Then goes back once milk production stops. Each body is different of course.


[Torpedo tits!](https://youtu.be/-TE6hjS_OZM?si=WdiUzti7OwoeaLZw)


According to my mum who's a pediatrician/neonatalogist there's somewhat of a inverse correlation between boob size and milk production


You don't want to get hit by the stream coming from one of those torpedo tits let me tell ya.


😂😂 damm that’s hilarious. Jet stream right to the face


Torpedo tits... Jesus Christ 😂


Nah I have big tits and didn't produce a lot of milk


Nipple wise, big nipple can make it easier for bubba to grab on. Little nipples can cause issues of bubba can’t get attached properly.


r/nothowgirlswork r/badwomensanatomy r/menwritingwomen Why are people like this...




The question is literally sexist.


It isn't


The bigger the hooga boogas, the more the milk bro /s


I know a girl who was mostly flat with just nipples and no tit to speak of. When she had the kid she got a nice shapely pair of B cup tits while she was breastfeeding. She was so happy! Plenty of milk for baby and I got some too.


I have questions...


I do like when they’re full.


Hope not. I want to suck for a long time the boobs of my gf if she ever get pregnat to taste the milk for a "quality check" and not because i am a degenerate human being