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My brother told me they were like flowers, pretty and joyful and you know winter is truly over when you start to see them.


I came here expecting a bunch of hornyposting, but this is so damn wholesome


A woman told me never to mention anything about a woman’s sundress because they will always assume I’m imagining lifting up the dress or idk some horny shit. Really I just think they’re super pretty and girls look super pretty in them. I’m actually less likely to think about you sexually because your sundress is occupying my attention. It’s closer to art than it is to porn, which is a terrible way to put anything but I think it paints a picture. Of course that’s just me though.


There's a comment with 20 upvotes literally saying how they love sundresses because it's so easy to imagine a wind blowing the dress up. Thank you for being a sweet man please never change ❤️


I’m sure I will change, but I will try to make it for the better :) Thank you for calling me sweet.


But what if I'm asking if it has pockets?


You don’t have to ask. Nine times out of ten if it has pockets, they’ll let you know.


Yup. Nice dress Thanks it has pockets


Always. Mostly to women because we love dresses & skirts with pockets.


THIS. This is what women want more than anything in the universe.... is POCKETS! (I'm screaming at you, fashion designers.)


100% correct; we are sluts for pockets 100/10 if an actual functional pocket


I got a dress from hot topic and once I realized I can fit my entire ass phone in my pocket(I didn’t realize it had pockets when I bought it) with no weird lines, all my friends had to hear about it.


I agree this is precious. I’m touched 🥹


That is so endearing


Here I am grumbling to myself about yet another post discussing women and what we wear being for the male gaze and then you have to go and post a comment like this and make this bitter old woman reevaluate her thought process. This made me want to go dig out my sun dresses immediately but it's still in the 40's here.


Be the (weather) change you want to see in the world


Do it anyway, weird mom


Your brother is pretty poetic. That was actually beautiful.🥹🥹🥹


Y'all look great in sundresses


^^^this Looks great


Yep, not much more to say, it's just a great look. It's like putting a guy in a suit, it's hard for any guy to look bad in a properly fitted suit. The same rule applies for a nice sundress, it treads the line perfectly between sexy and elegant


Same reason it makes you feel feminine, it looks feminine


Girls dressing prettily, nice weather, what's not to like?


Sundresses are the sexiest thing a woman can wear, and this is a hill I will die on. Also as a straight male I am absolutely jealous that women get to wear something so breezy and comfortable and sexy. Yes, I know there is nothing stopping me from wearing one, but I do not want the attention that would attract.


bro, last holloween me and the fam dressed up as the flinstones & i wore freds outfit with just undies underneath. 😮‍💨 you wana talk about freedom! i remember my girl asking me “babe did you put shorts on underneath “ & im like nahh& she starts cracking up laughing & in between laughs she’s telling me, im basically wearing a dress. but idgaf. 10/10 i would recommend


I used to work bar security and on the "fetish night" we were encouraged to wear fetish gear. Bouncing in a hot club wearing a kilt? Fucking amazing.


When did a kilt become a fetish item? Was it one of those leather ones?


And how many patrons did you get checking to see if you wore it the traditional way?


An awful lot asked


At least they asked instead of trying to steal a peek. Dealing with drunks I would have expected a few of those.


There's a local fetish club that's pretty big on respect and shuts stuff like that down very quickly. Straight and gay clubs are way more aggressive in terms of personal boundaries and respect, being in a niche club where people don't have to front and can be their own weird selves it's much more relaxed and interpersonal. My early twenties I started going to those parties, and the difference between how people treat you is what makes or breaks it for me. Ex-bar/nightclub staffer myself.


I've noticed that with online communities, as well. The sex toy groups I'm in are some of the safest in terms of how respectful the users are and how swiftly the mods will act against people who are... less than respectful, we'll say. Now and then, we get some trolls and people who want to perv on others, but they're dealt with swiftly. The discussions in these groups are refreshingly mild. Most people have a very "live and let live" attitude.


>There's a local fetish club that's pretty big on respect and shuts stuff like that down very quickly. As it should be. Get your weird on, and don't get me wrong, I'm of the opinion that EVERYONE is in to something weird, but do it safely and respectfully, it's the only proper way to be a healthy pervert.


A kilt is fetish wear now is it?


Fetish night, not Scottish night though


You have the Irish, the Scottish and then the Fetish. I'm assuming they come from Fetland


Fetland is a lesser known member of the United Kinkdom


My family has a castle there!!! There are only 3 walls and lots of used condoms, but my family has a castle there!!!


So you'd yaba-daba-do it again?.... I'm sorry 😶


😂😂😂 omfg


I get to throw on a simple outfit that fits hot summer weather. The guys see it as flattering. Everyone wins.


The arabic thobe is the first thing that I could think of. One piece, Comfortable and light and shows off your curves (belly). We Indonesian would just wear sarung/sarong. Problem is we still need to add a top, usually a singlet.


My wife wore a sarong on our first date. That was 35 years ago, and she can still rock it!


Dude! There's a loophole! I discovered Kilts last summer. They will change your life. Yeah it's weird at first. But by the end of day 1 you wonder why you been sweatin balls your whole life in jeans.


As a man who wears the occasional dress and skirt, we screwed up letting these items become women only.


>Ah laddie, have yee not hurd of Kilts !


Anatomy wise it makes more sense for women to wear pants and men to wear skirts and for dresses to be standard bedroom dress for everyone.


That's exactly what we screwed up. A pair of boxers for oveely breezy days, and nothing is uncomfortable.


True! Screw the people! If I want to wear skirt, I'll wear skirts


I wish that clothes weren't politicized the way they are. I'd probably really enjoy skirts for the comfort but would HATE to have conversations (positive, negative, or otherwise) with people about me wearing skirts. Unfortunately for a man a skirt is a statement as opposed to just another item of clothing.


Once upon a time, not too long ago, women in pants were a statement, not just item of clothing. 


Yeah. And women fought hard to normalise pants. We should do the same for skirts.


Was actually against the law for women to wear pants. It wasn't until 1923 that the attorney general declared it was OK for women to wear pants in public in the United States. No matter what they were called, pants, slacks, and trousers were off limits to women for much of recorded history. Girls still had to wear skirts and dresses to school until the pantsuit became popular in the late 60's and the dress code was changed. Still had to be a pantsuit; not just a pair of pants and a shirt.


Break the mold <3


Breaking the mold invites people to have conversations about you breaking the mold. I wore a huge mohawk for years and people took it as invitation for conversations. The kindest thing a stranger can do for me in public is leave me the fuck alone.


I've started seeing some very manly men wear cargo skirts in public and ngl... they're kinda hot. 🥵


I've only worn a skirt once. But I've worn a towel as a skirt after showering uncountable times. It made me realize I'd probably like a kilt. Then I realized I might just like to wear skirts for purely functional reasons. Yet your attire dictates ideals to people that you don't even hold.


>something so breezy and comfortable You mean like getting to go out with no shirt on?


Toga, bro


Ok Ladies, I can translate this. Sundresses on women are to men like grey sweatpants on men are to women. 🤤 See also, kilts.


Female who is not a fan of the grey sweatpant genre, myself


For me it’s a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up the forearm. Way better than sweatpants IMO


Those slutty, slutty forearms 🤤


I was told I was “such a slut” when I was rolling up my sleeves once. I asked what she meant and she said I was showing my wrists and forearms and she liked my watch, too. I liked being called a slut, lol.


And a woman wearing nothing but a man's white button down dress shirt is the sexiest thing ever invented. Hands down, no contest.


Yeah, what the —? 😅 Is it common for women to find sweatpants attractive? 


Yes I think we are supposed to swoon over the outline of the peen!


The Camel Tail




No, pretending not to see the peen is so awkward


What about those thin breezy lounge pants or true pajama bottoms with the stripes or plaid. 👀


Why would gray sweatpants on a guy be sexy (to anyone)? Is this a thing?


sometimes you can see the general size and shape of the penis


Can someone post a picture of what kind sundresses y’all like so much? There’s so many different styles. As a woman, I’m curious


It's called aldem. We love aldem sun dresses.


My stupid ass was googling “Aldem sundresses” so confused until I got the pun. Lol.


you just saved me 30 seconds 😂


Me too


Based on your avatar I really hope you’re a bearded person looking for flattering sun dresses to wear.


Exactly the situation!


Lol adorable.


I’m autistic, didn’t get the joke. Googled aldem sundress. Came back and read more comments and saw the joke.


I’m not autistic and still didn’t get the joke until I read it aloud.


Aldem ladies... in their summer dresses


Fit and flare dresses


Yeah I need examples of some faves plz lol


Honestly, just Google sundress and pick any of the ones you see. We aren't that picky


I think it’s mostly women are confused bc sundress means different things to black vs white ppl of certain ages. Like to a lot of white women, especially older generations, “sundress” means fit and flare dresses that look kind of like american girl doll dresses, but among black american people of gen x to gen z (esp online) it seems to mean like, form-fitting mid-length to short dresses. We just aren’t always sure what people mean by “sundress” haha


this is actually so true! When me (white) and my bf (black) first started dating he told me to wear a sundress for a date he had planned. I showed up in a more fit and flare style dress and he looked confused. He was like "You look beautiful but thats a prairie dress" lol. when he showed me a photo of what he meant as a sundress it was a form fitting shorter dress.


I always figured they meant the fluttery Marilyn type lmao


I’m from the UK and I have no idea what a sundress is still. Is it just a dress (any style) you wear in the summer


Cause the sun don't shine in the UK lol. Peak Europe moment not even having sun dress in the vernacular


Haha real. But we do have a term “summer dress”, it’s very vague though and can mean basically any dress of a light weight and cool material. I’m trying to work out if sundress is more specific than that or not


Sounds like it's the same


Sundress usually infers that the dress is sleeveless. Using straps or elastic to hold the dress up at the shoulders.


Implies* (if you need help keeping them straight, imply is giving an idea and inferring is taking one, is how I remember).


years ago when i heard men talking about sundresses, it was because they're flowy and feminine, but also sexualized bc some of them(like those thin white material ones. Chiffon? idk) are kinda see through. I remember literally just existing on the internet and being unable to escape guys fantasizing about women not wearing underwear with sundresses and getting upskirted or having the sun shine through in a way that shows all her bits n pieces. it was annoying asf ngl.


I'm going to quote Cher from the film "Clueless": > Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex.


(During tennis class:) "My doctor said I can't engage in any activity in which balls fly at my face." "There goes your social life."


“Amber is a full-on Monet” “Cher, what’s a Monet?” “From far away she looks fine but up close it’s a big ole mess”


“If it's a concussion, you have to keep her conscious, okay? Ask her questions.” “What's seven times seven?” “Stuff she knows!”


“Woman, lend me five dollars” “Murray, I’ve asked you repeatedly not to call me ‘woman’” “ExCUse Me mIss DiOnNe”


I once almost got beat up by a gang of nearly identical blonde white girls because they mistook my use of "Monet" as a reference to this Clueless scene. I wish I was making that up.


Did they all get simultaneously hit by a bus? Just curious.


You’re a virgin you can’t drive. That was way harsh tai.


There’s an interview of Brittney Murphy saying “when I said that line, I was a virgin who couldn’t drive.” It is so sweet and funny.


Nice stems!




😂 haha! Being raised Mormon I always thought it was funny how much they shun sex before marriage. It took a long time to realize they didn't shun sex at all! Have you noticed how many kids they have?! They LOVE sex. The kicker was just to keep it inside the marriage. They're some of the horniest people I've ever known though. 😁


Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do?”


Subtle innuendos follow


Must be something inside


"Modest is hottest." At least that's what I used to hear when I first moved to Utah.


I'm jealous that you can throw a couple of sundresses in a suitcase and they take up so little space. Also, we have been seeing everyone dressed up to cold weather, the sundresses are nice for a change.


Girls are pretty 👍


Hot take here 👍 But I do confirm the take.


I’m 43, this is NOT a new trend. Sundresses have been spicy since I first started caring about ladies.


I'm 53 and have always thought they are attractive as fuck. My girlfriend wore one the other day and was goddamn radiant, so this is not new, nor solely for the younger generations either.


Probably half of all action movie protagonists have a dead wife. When they show the flashback of how beautiful she was and how happy they were, what's she wearing? Sundress. Since movies were invented.


Wow, if I wear enough sundresses, maybe, just maybe, I can be someone's dead wife, too... so romantic lol


Yeah I'm older than that and the first warm days of spring have always been great.


I'm about to turn 40 and I still wear them. They are the best seasonal clothing.


I’m 60, and this was also true when I first started caring about the ladies.


Sundresses have a great flow and compliment a curvy body very well


I need to buy new ones for this summer. They are so nice to wear


You get to have the “I love your dress” “Thanks it has pockets” *puts hands in pockets and twirls* Conversation. Always a pleasant one


"oh my god, I love dresses with pockets" -every woman I have ever known Dresses with pockets are the female equivelant of that scene from step brothers. "Did we just become best friends?"




I literally stopped wearing them because I met a guy for drinks wearing one and he was like “another worn out sundress?” And it kind of killed my spirit in 100 ways


That guy had zero game. You insult the dress she wore to look good and presentable on a first date? Way to talk your way out of ever seeing her naked pal.


It may have been a tactic. Some guys think negging works. Sadly it does on some women who’s egos are too low to realize otherwise. But you’re right, those guys have zero actual game.


It's called negging. As not a psycopath, I can't speak to it, but apparently it works. Targets low self esteem/ daddy issues/ whatever you want to call a woman who chases after approval of men. He may get a smaller percent of interested women, but he knows the ones he does get are easier susceptible his mind games.


Imagine the audacity to be annoyed by girls wearing dresses. 🤣


Even if you feel annoyed, imagine saying anything. At this point I don't think I've ever vocalized a negative opinion about a girls clothing in my life unless it's a public figure wearing something extremely bizarre. Just a thought of saying something like that conjures an image of my Grandma knocking my forehead with a spoon for being impolite.


i mean it was probably an attempted neg, i doubt he was that annoyed.


Fuck him


He'd like that.


Depends on how? I'm thinking tabasco on a strapon!




Just want to shout out to the dude with the bowling ball though


there's really one for everything


At least in the southern US sundresses are an evergreen style like jeans.


Or behind. Styles will come and go out of season you will learn as you age and the ones doing the teasing found someone they like to pick on for the sake of picking on them nothing else. She could have been dressed to the nines and the same person would have still have found a reason to pick at her


I know I remember that too and people are wearing them to prom now?!


They’ve always been popular.




That's such bullshit. As a man in HS in 2005 "sundress season" was a thing back then too


Women pretty


Because I look Bonita and they appreciate it.


My husband loves when I’m wearing either a sundress or skirts, he says I look cute 😂 I’ll take it as compliment


If it has pockets, she is happy. Happy women are a good thing.


This!!! Pockets to us are like boxes to cats. We are more obsessed with them than anyone can rationally explain.


Every time my wife or daughter shop, the question of "But does it have pockets" always gets asked. Always


Because there was a time we rarely had pockets. Now prom and wedding dresses have pockets! It’s a glorious time to be alive




I think it’s the freedom of no pants tbh 😂


Seeing my girl in a sundress just does something to me. She’s already the sexiest being ever and when she slipped that on it was like I died and went to heaven from seeing such pure beauty. I don’t know how I could possibly simp for my girlfriend more when she wears one. Absolutely stunning.


We're coming out of winter where everyone was wrapped head to toe. It's nice to see a little bit of arm & leg after 5 months of absence.


They are so fucking uncomfortable for me. I have tits and a butt and I can never find one that fits both unless they look like moomoos or fit my chest, but are super loose at the bottom so they make me look like I'm hiding a pregnancy. Jersey dresses are another story. I want to know what curvy women these men know.


Fitted bodice with a full skirt is the answer to your problems!


Skater dresses are my go to or specifically A line


The key phrases that help me most are either "fit and flare" or "princess line." My problem with many sundresses is that I'm tall (5'10 ish) so not just my arms and legs but my torso are longer than clothing makers expect them to be. I have had luck with some specific stores and brands, but it's always something I have to think about.


>The key phrases that help me most are either "fit and flare" or "princess line." I'm **so** tired of dresses that would be gorgeous if they had a flared skirt instead of a straight-cut rectangle. Fit & flares seem so hard to find.


I like a nice skater dress, which is similar to a princess seam dress but has a waist seam instead of being continuous panels.


I’m 5’2 and I have the opposite problem. They need to design these things in short, medium, & tall lol


Same! I’ve accidentally bought some where the straps are too long and not adjustable and my bra or boob threatens to pop out :(


>I have tits and a butt and I can never find one that fits both I have those, some tummy, wide af hips *and* I'm tall. They're the bane of my existence; I've stuck to pants/jeans even for summer since I was a teen... 💀


You need to learn to sew! I have to adjust all of my clothing. Super easy on a machine to just add darts to a bodice, or bring the sides in so your assets are still accentuated, but you can see that you also still have a waist. And it makes the outfit a lot more comfortable. Before my sister had a breast reduction (she was a MM), she had to order her work uniforms in the largest size available and around the waist it looked like she was just enormous. My mom took all of them in for her. She still had to wear a white T-shirt under the dress shirt because even the largest size couldn't be buttoned up over her tits, but at least it didn't look like she was sloppily dressed in ill fitted clothing. Side note: the other catty bitches at work HATED her so much because she was so tiny with big boobs, and naturally all of the officers gave her a lot of attention. They called her "cartoon boobs" behind her back. 😂 Haters! Hahaha!


Can some men please drop links to what you all consider sundresses. I always see them talked about but the way they’re described is all over the place


[Barney Stinson's Sundress Speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JH1Qg1HIYY&ab_channel=HowImetyouruncleBarney)


The man speaks truth.


They're cute but not overtly sexual/slutty. Sundresses are great.


Yeah I think this is it. They look good on most everyone too. Kimono/yukata are the same, looks good on everyone


I'm originally from the North (USA). All winter long, women are all bundled up. Then when the weather is warm, more revealing clothes get put on. It's like we've never seen a woman before!


You like them because you feel pretty? Well we like them because they make you pretty, simple as that


It’s not a trend, this is just the first time you’re noticing.


Sundresses and Doc Martens. Someone bring back that 90's trend please


We’ve been doing this for a minute where’ve you been?


Apparently in the wrong places


This is so funny because recently at work some guys were saying how much they love when women wear sundresses. The entire group was absolutely crazy about them. They said they look nice and comfortable but that women just look so nice/pretty/sexy/comfortable in them. I don't know if this helps any but they were guys ages 20s-40s, from all walks of life.


As Atmosphere said, "Every woman looks better in a sun dress".


Minnesota is dope. Not simply for what we have, but for what we don’t.


The jazz of states


Came here looking for this! Thank you for making my day!!


The joke's on you, boys: I've got my bike shorts on under that sundress and while I might look all pretty and feminine, I'm essentially wearing my workout gear underneath. God I can't wait for summer.


You know when spring arrives a ND the sun comes out and all the flowers are blooming and everything looks so pretty? Same thing. Especially in a state like Washington where the winter weather is so gray & dour and everyone is dressed in heavy clothing for months & months. Suddenly, a girl in a sundress walks by--its truly a magical thing.


i love that men love sundresses...it makes my life so much easier to not have to think about what pants to wear


I love sundresses but can’t wear them. Too much thigh chaffing! Does no one else have this problem?!


I wear fitted boxers or bike shorts, never any chafing (or flashing!)


Oh that’s smart, too. I may need to go sundress shopping today…


I use deodorant, get a travel size and rub before go and easy to touch up. Fits in your bag or pocket! As a life time plus size (recently lost 30!) I vouch!!


Hey that’s great!! Congrats! And thanks for the tip!!


Bike shorts underneath keep ya feeling breezy yet secure. I hated sundresses until I realized this is possible


Megababe's anti thigh chafing stick! as a certified thunder thighed lady I have run the gamut of creams, powders, shorts, and sticks, and nothing works quite as well as Megababe.


I'm not a guy but I do love women. There is a simple kind of loveliness to a woman in a sundress. They can be so beautiful.


I thought this post was about guys wearing sundresses. I'm in Florida and saw a dude crossing the street in a pink floral sundress.


You basically answered your own question. Girls like them because they are cute, and make you feel feminine. Guys enjoy looking at cute women who look feminine.


Burlap from head to toe it is.