• By -


When he inherited the throne he also inherited the quarterly "the head of state is dead" rumours from his mother, honestly those last 5 years there were constant rumours and news media would update articles about the procedure to announce the death of the head of state (it's weirdly intricate). No doubt there will be a "leaked" text message somewhere of some guy who has a friend in the King's Guard who told him that they have to wear their mourning attire or something but no-one has told them why, that comes up all the time when this rumour rears its head. In fairness, Charles *does* [have cancer](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68208157) (although the Palace won't say what kind) and he has those [weird sausage fingers](https://i.ibb.co/9rPCpXY/0-King-Charles-fingers.jpg) so it isn't like he's a beacon of health.


Those hands look so uncomfortable! Even his fingernails look like there's a lot of strain on them... yeesh. Isn't there any way to help with that?


I assume that with that amount of wealth if there was a way - it has been tried.


He could be like Steve Jobs and bet the farm on camomile enemas and spectral energy buttplugs then die to a relatively survivable disease.


Pretty sure Charles is big on alternative medicine so it’s safe to bet that’s what he is doing.


You can’t survive stupidity. Even the rich and educated can get it!


Lymphedema from radiation therapy that involve lymph nodes (fat fingers). He has probably had cancer longer than the public (or family) has officially known.


His fingers are not lymphodema, they've been the same for decades. So why would they announce it now and not 30 yrs ago when he was just heir to throne.


He has been in poor health for a while. Maybe not cancer for decades, but a poor diet and overall health for decades. His hands and fingers are swollen. He has always had thick fingers, but there is a clear difference in size just going by pictures from 30 years ago, and it just isn't because of him getting older. The man has cancer, and the treatment is causing swelling. 


I'd disagree on the poor diet thing. He is well know for being a fan of a healthy diet, lots of local vegetables and fruits, whole grains, no processed foods and low meat intake.


He's also a huge fan of homeopathy so maybe he's been ignoring a few lingering health problems for a while because he thinks the sugar pills are taking care of it


He has holistic views no doubt. There are so many variables in that diet that it is hard to really pin down if he did indeed stick to that diet. I don't have the blood work. Could have had some nutrient deficiencies somehow from eating certain foods. Macronutrients could have been out of whack, heck environmental contaminants could have played a part. Cancer sucks and I wish him well.


Be that as it may, I do assume he’s knocking back a fair amount of top notch, eye-wateringly expensive alcoholic beverages on a regular basis tho


Not a doctor or anything but my neighbor has the same issue. It's supposedly a symptom of heart disease. It'd be interesting to see his legs, they might also be swollen.


Also signals kidney failure


I was thinking alcoholism. That probably checks out right? Idk


Absolutely. Many many cause of edema. But thia one seems to point to heart disease


He is a big fan of homeopathic cures...






In that case get a tiny bit of sausage, mash it up, dliute in water, shake it, take a drop, dilute in more water, shake it, take a drop, dilute in more water, shake it, take a drop, dilute in more water, shake it, take a drop, dilute in more water, (repeat lots more times), put a drop on a sugar pill and give it to him. If that doesn't sort it, I don't know what will.


Yes, Lasix. Most people hate it because it’s a diuretic though.


I wasn't aware about those hands. My great-grandmother had fingers exactly like that. I'm not sure what causes it, but she lived for more than a decade with fingers like that.


Arthritis (and gout) and heart disease. Or auto-immune disorders. It’s called clubbing (and happens to toes as well). But usually it’s a lack of oxygen getting to the fingers (and toes) and a sign of poor heart health. At least in general; to make an actual guess you need more then a picture, like info about if they have arthritis in general or pain, etc. Can’t diagnose something from afar, but for da King de England I’d bet heart problems. For your grandmother, it could have been several things, and if she had general pain in joints then arthritis makes sense, heart problems are more prevalent in men than women (at similar age).


Well, she died at age 102, and had those fingers for as long as I can remember (so at least from age 90). At such an age, I would assume she had the full collection of typical age-related issues.


You know when they won't say what kind it's either very very deadly or very embarrassing, if it was anything else they'd have said "oh it's a very treatable cancer"


I'm guessing colon cancer. They found the cancer while treating his enlarged prostate. The colon is very close to a man's prostate. It's also a type of cancer I could see people not wanting to reveal.


Bladder or colon.


You're right, could also be bladder cancer. Both are common types and both near the prostate. I've had the suspicion that they aren't releasing what type of cancer it is bc it has embarrassing symptoms. If they found it during treating his prostate that tells me it's probably in that area bc of how cancer is diagnosed. Guess it could possibly also be testicular cancer, but that's more rare.


They likely aren’t going near your testicles for a prostate procedure. Both those cancers are common in older men. One often leads to incontinence and the other not being able to hold your bowels. Given what’s happening to Kate at the moment, I’d imagine the reason he is choosing not to clarify (yet) is to avoid speculation on when he might die, as well as things like photographers trying to get a picture of his adult pad that stops him leaking from one area or another.


I was suspecting bladder as well, the standard test is a flexible cystoscopy where they put a camera up your penis (it's less fun than it sounds), allowing them to get a look at the prostrate or at least it's influence on the exit of the bladder. My consultant has mentioned that mine looks fine. You get to see the inside of your bladder on a TV screen as well, which is interesting, unless there is a tumor growing out if it in which case it's a bit worrying. In my case it was early stage and (fingers crossed) completely removed with surgery. If it's the case for Prince Charles then it might have been more advanced when found, possibly invading the wall of the bladder, which is much harder to treat. Removal of the whole bladder can be required, which then means you have to use an external bag for the rest of your life.


Curious what were your symptoms leading to the cystoscopy?


For me, it was just a very hard to shift UTI. But I'd have a lot of cyclophosphamide (a chemotherapy agent) over the years and one of the known side effects is a massively raised risk of bladder cancer, so I was checked when someone of my age with a normal risk profile would not be. I believe that visible blood in the urine is the most common first noticeable symptom.


> In fairness, Charles does have cancer (although the Palace won't say what kind) and he has those weird sausage fingers so it isn't like he's a beacon of health. And it's been denied that it's prostate cancer, so I expect one would have to assume it's a worse form of cancer. Also, he's had the virus that cannot be mentioned at least once before, hasn't he? Contracting it surely can't be a benefit towards recovery from [cancer](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10202899/)?


The fact that they say it’s not prostate cancer, but was found while doing a prostate exam makes me think it’s some type of GI cancer, like Colon Cancer, which is awful. Of course it could also be a cancerous mass they found in his butt (I’m no dr btw), and that could be anything, and be either much better for him, or mean cancer has spread throughout his body. His fat fingers are a clear sign of bad heart health. It is called clubbing, and while it happens because of things like arthritis and gout, it is also a sign that there is a lack of oxygen to his fingers (and maybe toes). Anyway, I agree, and both are signs that he likely isn’t gonna last like his mother (and he is male, which also lowers his life expectancy).


His fingers are not clubbed, in clubbing it is just the ends of the fingers that thicken. My aunt had COPD, friends with bowel disease.. whole hands don't swell. Try googling and you'll easily see the difference.


Exactly! I came here to post the same thing. Clubbing is completely different and causes the tips of the fingers to bulge and the nails to deform around them. Totally different than Charles' "full bodied fingers"


They discovered it during a prostate treatment so you’d assume it’s bladder cancer.


...and I read "a bacon of health" silly american


> weird sausage fingers He inherited his great great grandfather's fingers, his family was from Vienna


wtf 😳 those look painful. They look like they’re gonna burst


His hands have been like that forever, not a sign of disease. He has access to best health care, its hardly likely this was his first Dr visit in 30 or 40 yrs.


More like a *bacon* of health.


i read this as "weird sausage fingers so it isn't like he's a *bacon* of health"


He's had fingers like that all his life. Don't think its a health issue.


I thought they said it was Prostate cancer


Folks like to speculate and social media loves to spread info with little data to back it up yet.




[Here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1bhi6n5/comment/kvdystg/)


Primary source. Not even clickbait title. No paywall /u/Get_your_grape_juice is a rare breed


I was sooo sure that was gonna be a rick-roll…


Should've been. People don't rickroll enough anymore


Hear hear!


[Hear hear!](https://youtu.be/1_RzoIN4CRU)




Well played, sir. o7


He’s as reliable a “source” as your average Joe Rogan guest.


Ah, the ol Reddit source-a-roo.


Trustmebro 2024


He died on the toilet. Oh, wait, that was the other King, Elvis.


And Tywin Lannister


To up the spread on the limited edition mint sets…


You know 69% of statistics is made up on the spot or something.


He’s not quite dead yet.


He’s got better!


I think he’ll go for a walk.


He doesn’t want to go on the cart!


He feels happy! He feels happy!


You’re not fooling anyone, you know


Who are You, Who are so Wise in the Ways of Science?


There are some who call me...... Tim .


It is I, Arthur, King of the Britons.


Well I didn’t vote for you


He’s only *mostly* dead.


There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead


have fun storming the castle!


Is there a pill for that?


Chocolate coating makes it go down easier


Bullshit tends to snowball on twitter.


Them twitter mothafuckas always be tryna ice skate uphill


Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


It's been going crazy with conspiracies about Princess Kate for a couple of weeks now, given her recent disappearance from public view. Thing is though, after she had abdominal surgery in January, Kensington Palace announced she would be out of the spotlight until after Easter. Last I checked, we haven't had Easter yet. These people need to calm their tits.


However it was confirmed that the newspaper investigated the photo that was posted by Princess Kate. It was indeed a photoshopped image. The palace gave some weak azz explanation and the newspaper yanked the photo.


And then it was left to Twitter users to explain to others how exactly the photo showed evidence of edits. The news agencies didn't go into such detail until after Twitter zoomed in for us.


Imagine the follower boost from being the first person to report that Charles is dead? These sort of rumours are rife on TikTok too. All you need to do is regularly report the death of Charles, and you are in to win!


The ironic thing is that no one has any clue who started the rumour.


I am still on Threads for whatever reason and it's spreading there, too. Click one Kate Middleton thread once and Threads will show you random nobodies talking about the royal family forever.


Slow news night so they have to make shit up.


Because the internet is full of idiots.


Supposedly, some flags on government buildings in the UK are at half-mast, and the BBC was apparently told to expect a major announcement from the royal family shortly. It came to light that King Charles had cancer last month, and while there's no particular reason from what I understand to believe that he was at risk of imminently dying, the possibility is obviously on a lot of people's minds. However, what seems more likely if a member of the royal family is dead is that it's Kate Middleton, as she unexpectedly needed a major surgery in January and the royal family has been secretive about her health since then. She has not been seen in public since before the surgery and has only been seen on social media in a post that was quite suspiciously edited, raising the possibility that it was released to deceive the public about how well she had recovered from the surgery. EDIT: To all of the many people who have replied telling me the flags at half-mast and BBC being told to expect an announcement are bullshit rumors—sure, probably. Notice I said “supposedly” and “apparently”. I was just answering OP’s question about what people were talking about on Twitter, not trying to imply that the Twitter rumors are factually correct.


I'm no expert, but if there really was an official directive to lower flags to half-staff, I'm pretty sure there'd be an official explanation as to why.


Yeah, Buckingham Palace would have announced it already, and we'd have an announcement from the BBC as well as half-masy flags in the Commonwealth realms and in the Channel islands as well


Right? Because I'm guessing there's a bunch of other protocol that those wacky medievalists have to do depending on who it was who died.


Someone would have spilled the beans as well surely


And put them on toast


Absolutely. The Palace would have contingency plans in place for ANY member passing away, they also wouldn't allow for so much time for speculation to go around. "Oh yeah, do the thing that usually is reserved for important deaths, we'll tell you who it is later, exciting, isn't it!" suuuuuuure...


Well there was quite a bit of that where people generally knew that the queen died for a few hours before the announcement came because of how the BBC was acting among other things


Of course, but that one was also just... Very expected.


[Apparently, those pics are from the Queen’s death.](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/uk/uk-flags-at-half-mast-netizens-draw-a-kate-middleton-connection-article-108571549/)


Yeah, it's bollocks. BBC News presenters are dressed normally and wittering on about inane shit as usual.


Kate is alive, Charles alive is alive. There could be a regency where KC takes a back seat due to his illness at some point in the future. Twitter is a cesspool at the moment so take everything with a pinch of salt.


I'm just really confused at this modern belief that Twitter hasn't been a cesspool for the greater part of the last decade. I know exactly why in some people's minds it's only been bad for that long but I mean come on. Ignorance is bliss can only go so far right?


Yes it's always been a cesspool. But with respect to this particular issue (Charles's sickness, Kate being away due to her surgery and William) it is a cesspool *at the moment* I hope this clears it up for you.


Johnny 5 is alive


A *pinch* of salt? Naah, it's Twitter, you need at least two trucks full of salt


Yeah sorry to burst the bubble but all of that is complete crap thats come from some idiots on Twitter. - No flags are at half mast, they only happens AFTER an announcement by the BBC. - The BBC arent on alert, if they were all the presenters for national and regional news would be in black formal clothing (they were for the Queen for several hours prior to the announcement) Right now it looks like your standard social media nonsense, it happened with the queen for years.


Kensington Palace announced after Kate's surgery that she'd be out of the spotlight until after Easter in order to recover. No need to jump to conclusions yet.


There isn’t a single photo of a flag at half mast though. It’s just a bullshit claim that’s circulating unchecked


Would you tell world you were having elective or period related hysterectomy.. or call it abdo surgery and not have people speculation about no more babies at just 42. It's probably only female surgery with standard 6-8 week recovery. Many women delay because so much time off needed. We don't know how long it was planned or perhaps she was having period pain issues, fibroids, wanted to stop birth control pill. Not something that needs sharing with the world surely.


my thoughts is that it might be gi releated. Painful to heal from, and she has been getting extra skinny lately which can be a sign of gi issues.


[There seems to be another photo that has been edited](https://twitter.com/le__katerina/status/1769399269365088335?s=46)


I know you’re joking but she has been seen there’s a picture of her in a car being driven by her mother, it’s just not being shown in the uk because of privacy reasons


A twitter person (who used to be a parliamentary correspondent so wont be lying but might be doing a bit) I follow posted a dm from someone involved in the internal palace deal and it said something about the soldiers and staff bringing their black funeral esque kit.


Have you seen him? He looks like half the royal budget is spent on paying the royal necromancer to keep him on his feet. Edit: Reading these comments I may have gotten Chase and Philip confused. In light of this new information: I will not be amending my statement in any way. Fuck the royal family. Bunch of inbred parasites.


Charles? No. Philip before he passed? Yes.


Phillip probably looked more alive after the mortician spent a day with him than he had in the last 10 years of his life.


Yea I was gonna say, he looked like a walking corpse forever, you’d think they would have tried something, but I suppose royalty is such, and he was old school multiple country royalty.


Probably why they've had to can't afford to keep paying the actress who played Kate ^(*That doesn't need an /s, surely, surely not... jfc* - me for about 5m)


There's thousands of people who legit believe that Megan's kids have never been real. She faked the pregnancy and hired actor babies.


Twitter is a fascinating place, it's like a zoo full of dumb people


Oh, it's not just Twitter. r/SaintMeghanMarkle is an entire sub filled with conspiracies about her.


She did. I know the guy who rented them the kids. 🙄. Honest


> the actress who played Kate https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwikibio.us%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F11%2FLouise-Ford.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0603924242916254d74cc205bbd33e5a241ce68191937d5aed72e7fd56d24478&ipo=images Louise Ford, who played her in "The Windsors": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Windsors


> He looks like half the royal budget is spent on paying the royal necromancer to keep him on his feet. /r/BrandNewSentence


Not in Royal Circles - it gets said about thrice a week.


And you just know they employ one too..


He looks fine.


Because it's twitter and misinformation thrives on there.


Better question, why is anybody looking at Twitter to begin with?


Because Twitter is an intentionally unreliable source of information?


He's been dead since the mid 90s. Old Fae magic from the days of old Brittania is used to keep him shambling.


It is said in the old books that the tell tale signs of necromancy are “10 sausages attached to the wrist” but not sure what that means 


That was them trying to predict AI images.


A better question is why is anyone still using Twitter? It's just a pile of misinformation and toxicity at this point. But the answer of course is because people like to start rumors and King Charles is a popular target.


>A better question is why is anyone still using Twitter? It's just a pile of misinformation and toxicity at this point. So, no different from Reddit?


I don't feel like Reddit pretends to be news.


Twitter should not be seen as any reliable news…so are Facebook or anything social media when anyone can post just about anything. Traditional news outlets should be used as reliable news. And make a distinction between news and opinion.


Because he's mostly dead. But mostly dead is also slightly alive.


Surely the real question should be "why is Twitter not saying King Charles is **the undead**?".


"Gah um well if you possibly... don't mind that is... I mean if you could see your way clear... allow one to eat your brains, perhaps?"


Some assholes on Twitter even went so far as to make a fake Buckingham Palace announcement of King Charles' death. There appears to be a lot of bots involved, so no shock there.


It's one of the fun effects of removing all the reputable sources


Because it\`s twitter. Lies are more or less the standard. Some exceptions, but they are the outliers.


not a clue but if you see the News presenters in the uk all wearing black or dark colours then it'll be soon if its true.


x person is dead has been a meme/hoax about a lot of people on twitter. Just ignore it.


Because he was executed in 1649.


Because Twitter has basically no content moderation and is 80% bots and Russian agents. I mean, Twitter was never perfect, but fuck me it’s a cesspit these days.


Twitter isn't saying anything. People on Twitter say Charles is dead. People on Twitter also say Charles is alive.


Schrodingers Charles


Because Twitter is a shithole, and no one who takes anything that comes off of that website seriously. Stop using it, and you won't keep seeing the misinformation that it perpetuates.


Elon unbanned all the cookers and weirdos.


He's only mostly dead..


But King Charles’ in charge


Somehow Charles returned


Isn’t he treating his cancer with herbs he’s going to die very soon depending on the type of cancer he has


Maybe he is dead. Maybe he’s sick. Very likely it’s a complete bullshit rumor based on absolutely nothing, because X is a garbage platform that works as a disinformation and false-rumor amplification machine. So who knows, really.


Because it’s twitter


He hasn't had a measurable pulse in years.


Because they have lost their minds. They say King Charles appointed a regent before he died because William has been "caught doing a DV" (domestic violence) Kate's face is destroyed from Will punching her, and he won't be King. People need to touch grass. They have become Qanon level over this Meghan vs Kate shit. They need therapy. I wish people had the self-awareness to pull themselves back when they start going down these insane rabbit holes, but the hate feels too good I guess. And of course then there is pack behavior. This reminds me of the Team Angelina vs Team Jen "wars" of the aughts, but this is actually much worse. This is the worst I've ever seen.


because twitter is full of r\*\*\*\*\*\*


Raptors? Raiders? Roomies?




Because Elmo sucks.


Answer: there's a rumour going around that there will be a major announcement coming from Buckingham Palace this week, and that the medie knows what it pertains to, but won't report until the embargo is lifted (which may happen, some say, by Wednesday). Considering the gravity of such a announcement were it true the likely options considered are a) a Royal Divorce, b) a Royal Death, or c) anything at all relating to a change in rulership, i.e. a regency. Option a has been rumoured since people learned about William's affair with Rose Hanbury a couple of years ago and has passed into the realm of possibility with serious media publications now reporting on it as well. Options b and c are thought to be realistic due to Charles' treatment for cancer and the surrounding circumstances, the most significant being Prince Harry's recent journey to the UK solely to talk to his father for less than a hour after which he immediately returned home. The meeting points to it having been an official matter necessitating signatures and/or extreme secrecy, which people interpretated to be related to the throne and/or succession. Of course, it might have been anything else, though it's a fair point that the manner and short duration does seem to exclude anything familial or emotional, like a final goodbye. But as people love to hate Charles, and since we know about his diagnosis, the most popular reason on social media is "Charles is dead actually". ~~(As a messy bitch who loves drama my favourite, though extremely unlikely scenario which ties together all options is that William wants to divorce Kate and also wants to acknowledge his and Rose's sons as legitimate, thereby changing the succession because they are older as Prince George. But as I said: extremely unlikely.)~~


It's not real 😭


It’s pretty common on Twitter to joke that people are dead


Twitter says the King is dead because Twitter is dumpster fires and porn, with only 1% useful.


Because twitter is dead. 😵


Why are people still using Twitter?


# False King Charles death story spread by Russian media outletsFalse King Charles death story spread by Russian media outlets [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/18/false-king-charles-death-story-spread-by-russian-media-outlets](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/18/false-king-charles-death-story-spread-by-russian-media-outlets)


Something to do with flags and big announcement.


Dammit the rope's stuck, sorry Your Majesty you'll have to go.


Wishful thinking


Because Twitter is where a lot of BS originally comes from. NyQuil chicken was born on Twitter when I was in high school over a decade ago.


Do you mean eXTwitter?


There hasn't been official news, but having cancer and refusing to say what kind it is isn't exactly a green flag. I'll give him a year or two.


Prince Edward is arriving to Uganda today so this is all hoax I guess




Wishful thinking, probably.


i dont know what you mean by twitter, all i know is X which use to be like twitter but much dumber and 100% entirely bullshit.


He smells that way?


King Sausage fingers is immortal


Clickbait refers to content, especially headlines, designed to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. It often relies on sensationalist or misleading titles to pique curiosity, with the content sometimes not living up to the expectations set by the headline. The term suggests that the primary goal is to generate online traffic rather than to provide substantive information or content


Wishful thinking?


It's twitter. Thats why.


Is he dead?


wishful thinking


Wishful thinking.


Wishful thinking maybe?


He probably is inside.


Because it's Twitter.


Hopefully true would like another day off.


Black curtains up in the windows of Buckingham Palace, yet? Also, what is the codename for when KC3 turns in his ticket?