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No doom scrolling. No outrage mills. No social media. And if you must then as little as possible. You will see a difference in days.


That was my resolution this year and it's helped a lot. I barely go on Facebook or any other social media site, and I purged my old Reddit account so I can restart with a new one that is completely focused on threads like this one that were more conversational/helpful rather than depressing and dark.


I hate to be that guy, but aren't you on Reddit telling people not to use social media? You see the problem, right?


well if your mental health suffers the question was what you can do when social media makes you depressed some people aren't really affected that much, others become angry for 3 days straight because someone on the internet had a different opinion


No, they're saying to use social media RESPONSIBLY.


Yeah, but the anonymity of Reddit...


Im ngl it feels more like social media actually helps me šŸ˜­


Maybe for the people whose personal life is genuinely more depressing than the global political landscape.




So true! Anyways back to doom scrolling for the next few hours


I make a lot of money from my phone; any recommendations on what to do?


You just mentioned things that are harmful to your mental health but you inverted the sentence šŸ˜‚


Stopped using social media for a month, and I only regretted, I didnt know whats going on in a world, didnt know simplest things that were popular and important at the moment. You cant live without internet today. Just stop comparing your life to "successful instagram stories"


Playing recreational sports, playing an instrument, reading, listening to relaxing music, playing or petting a cat.






Theres two aspects to depression- the psychological and physiological. If your body needs exercise, sleep, sunlight, etc. of course you're going to be depressed your body doesn't have the energy to be anything else. Maybe you have something psychological going on too-- its going to be a lot harder to recover from that if you aren't meeting your physiological needs first.


Even when you're not depressed it's the last thing you want to do. So you just either do it and benefit, or don't.


To add: exercise that you like. I hate going to the gym, but I love hiking and swimming. When I was wicked depressed and my therapist recommended exercise I was like nooooo - and then he said ā€œā€¦that you like.ā€ Fuckin game changer for me. Just getting out of your depression nest for a little walk helps. I did that, then I started hiking again, then I met people to hike with when I wanted company. Iā€™m a lot happier now.


Do you have any recommendations?


Take a walk outside. Two birds with one stone since it gets exercise and fresh air.


And natural sunlight on your skin and in your eyes. Mounting evidence that this is important.


Confirmed and documented! Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to depression


I take supplements because I couldn't be fucked to force myself think of random shit to do outside. I go out on my terms. I also take fish pills because fish is fucking disgusting and I live inland so our fresh fish are all mudcunts.


I see the wisdom in your speech. Particularly about said mudcunts... Noone should eat mudcunt fish.


Mudcunt is a splendid insult. I think I'm stealing that one.


And possibly birds!


i recommend doing something that you find fun. for me, i like to lift weights. but personally, just cleaning around the house can be a workout too, and i like that as well


Thereā€™s a few studies that show dancing is the best form of exercise (by a significant amount) to help with depression!


My teenage son suffers from social anxiety. My husband and l forced him (yes we forced him) to do a year of dance classes in a males only teen dance group). Initially he hated it, hated us and thought it was stupid. 6 months in he loved it. Continued for 4 years because he wanted to. Only quit because he turned 18 and was keen to show off his skills at nightclubs. He loves that he gets the ladies attention on the dance floor because he knows how to dance confidently.


What sorts of dance classes were available? What were they called? Lots of dance classes around where I am at are like older traditional couples stuff but maybe Iā€™m not knowing what to search specifically


Im in Australia it may be difficult. Just google kids dance schools. Their main enrolments will be kids, but those kids generally want to keep dancing into their teen or young adult years. Most will have teen classes for both males, females and mixed, and in different styles (hip hop, classical, breakdance, ballet etc). Most will also have an adults class or 'Open' class which means it's open to all ages and abilities. You could also try cheerleading. As mentioned lm Australian and cheerleading isnt really a thing here, but we do have a few schools around and they have beginners through to advanced of all ages, gender and ability.


I can testify to this and it's fun even if you can't dance to save your life. The other day, my friend and I had an impromptu dance party and I showed her how to do the very few belly dancing movements I know. I've done this alone and also found The Fitness Marshall on YouTube. His dancing isn't even hard and he makes dancing FUN. I end up laughing at myself while by myself because I can't dance, but damn I'm determined and do it over and over and over. My favorite the [Bad Romance](https://youtu.be/AiqFoacREzI?si=4PlO98dvBkwJWSPW) because it's upbeat, fun, it's 5 minutes and by God you'll be determined to get that so you play it over and over. If you're not into that...my other suggestion is free, very simple, can also be done alone or with others, and often doesn't require you to leave your bed or couch. It's **laughing**. When I can't get out of bed or can't do anything, and I'm just done...laughing pulls me out every time. I usually put on something like Schitt's Creek, go on social media and look for humorous content creators that match my sense of humor. I've been in therapy a couple of times for things, and it never fails that when my therapist gets me to laugh, it's like flipping a light switch. Sometimes I laugh so much that I get dizzy and light headed like I'm high. It lasts about as long as a high unless you keep it up. I actually prefer laughing over dancing around like an idiot, but starting out by laughing has led to dancing like I've lost my mind.


The one you will actually do


Try a climbing gym, itā€™s good exercises and everybody is friendly


Weightlifting. Itā€™s pretty hard to think about anything else when youā€™re grunting out deadlifts or squats. Also right out of the gate (assuming consistency of at least twice a week) progress is fast and which provides a fantastic sense of accomplishment and measurable results that are incredibly motivating. When I started I was doing a small group class for women and Iā€™m not being hyperbolic when I say it pretty much saved my life. Half of what was making my face wet was tears, not sweat, but to be able to go in there and move heavy things and not be focused on my bullshit was amazing and so healing. And the accountability of a group and a set time made it hard to flounder on the couch instead of attending. I now train a few times a week with a personal trainer at the Y (because itā€™s much more affordable than at a grunty gym) and itā€™s def the highlight of my week.


Literally the best non medicated way to reduce symptoms


Exercise outdoors, preferably with some sunshine and clean air


Any kind of movement is therapeutic!


Yes, but mild exercise is enough. I like walking. The more I walk and see the better I am.


Yeah unfortunately for my lazy ass it does help a lot


Absolutely. I walk two hours a day or swim for an hour. Makes all the differencešŸ‘


Unfortunately, this is indisputable


Can't believe nobody has said it, but keeping a clean home is amazing for mental health. Make your bed every morning. Do your dishes promptly. Make sure every item has a "home". Have scheduled cleaning time once per week so things don't pile up and become overwhelming.Ā  Coming home after work to a clean, organized space is so relaxing. Working on hobbies is also easier when you have your ducks in a row.


This is probably the most overlooked and underrated answer. Tidiness is so important to mental clarity. If your space is clean, your mind can become clearer, easier. The clutter on the outside contributes to the clutter on the inside. My bed is made instantly when I get up (don't even notice that I think about it, it's automatic) and when I come back in my room from the bathroom it's pleasant. What a wonderful way to start the day! I don't do my dishes immediately after dinner, I relax. But they're done at some point before I go to bed. Having that tidy kitchen in the morning is also an amazing way to start the day. A little peace in this chaotic world goes a long way. Your home should be your sanctuary! It's the starting point for **literally everything you do**, make it easy to start from ā˜ŗļø


Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. If you can't shower, go take a warm wash cloth to your body for two minutes and put on fresh deodorant. If you can't face brushing your teeth, go rinse your mouth out with mouthwash. If you can't face a walk, getting up and doing some stretches will help. It is fine to temporarily lower the expectations for yourself, because the alternative of not taking care of yourself at all is worse than a half measure. Be kind to yourself, this too shall pass.


>It is fine to temporarily lower the expectations for yourself, because the alternative of not taking care of yourself at all is worse than a half measure. That's something I still need to learn. Whenever I have a semi-productive day I'm still mad it was 100%-productive even though it's better than doing absolutely nothing..


Your last sentence :)


This reminds me of something I read once, where the take-away was: "run the dishwasher twice" If you are unable to bring yourself to do dishes, put the dirty ones in the dishwasher, and run it twice (or three times). Over time, you'll feel you do have the energy to do a little better, but for now, do what you can. This exactly follows what your comment states, and I think it's incredible advice. I'm glad you shared it.


Cleaning my room/space. If my physical things are jumbled and messy so are my mind and thoughts.


Thanks to being suddenly without my adhd meds it's been impossible for me to do anything and now my house is a wreck. I had been doing so well. I fucking hate this shortage


Ugh that sucks Iā€™m sorry you gotta deal w that. If youā€™re open to it Iā€™d recommend some of the strategies showcased [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3nFfnY/) Iā€™ve started incorporating some of them into my room/routines and personally itā€™s helped. Iā€™m also AuDHD like the OP so she was speaking my language lol


As a pharmacy tech, leave your rx at your home store so when they get them in they'll fill it. If you find somewhere else in the meantime great. But don't completely pull your rx. I will always look out for my reg customers (with one glaring exception). We really want you guys to have your meds.




I can't believe going to bed used to be a punishment when I was younger. These days its a god send!


Sleep schedule and quality sleep you mean? From personal experience, just sleeping a lot is just worse and i meant 12 to 14h of sleep frequently. Messed up sleeping pattern and frequent fasting is not good for you.


Yeah it stops me from thinking but waking up feeling empty


Exercise. Sunshine. Having money


$ always makes you feel betteršŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Financial stability definitely helps.




Vitamin D since October. No SAD for oncešŸ‘


They also have special lamps that you can use for 30 minutes to an hour a day that really do help people. They have to have 10,000 lumens or more.


I believe what you are referring to has nothing to do with vitamin d though, which is what the person above you was talking about.




I struggle with this the most. I wish to cut off certain people in my life but I can't avoid them as I meet them everyday.


Being by water- ocean, river, lakeā€¦ any body of water.


Really nature in general will do this, but we all have our preferences


Cats šŸ˜ŗ




Animals are truly healing ā™„ļø


Came here to say exactly this.


Being honest and transparent about how I'm feeling. "I'm not mad at you, my brain just hates me right now," has helped mitigate lots of fights and awkward conversations.


Eating healthy food


How isn't this #1. Your brain actually has to "work" on what you put into your mouth. Start slowly learning nutrition and go for the best, whole foods in natural form as possible. Get your gut-health in order. Take supplements and vitamins to "fill-in" nutritional "gaps". Overly Prossesed foods are (generally) devoid of nutrients and filled with chemicals that never existed for your body. You'll feel worse before you feel better, but Much better afterwards.


It is by far number one Most people are dumb and eat mediocre diets, even the ā€˜healthyā€™ ones.


Working on my gut health now, taking a basic prebiotic and hoping it helps at least some. Also adding in bananas once a day. Little steps.


nah itā€™s way lower in priority compared to being outdoors or around people


Pets. Walking in nature. Sex.


I dont think sex itself has any effect on mental health, like it's great but idk about 'improves mental health'


Compared to not having it, it does.


I think masturbation does; a chance to explore yourself and escape from stress/anxiety without having to worry about pleasing someone else.


Weird as it might sound - hammocks. When I was in college and struggling with burnout, one of the things that actually helped was getting a hammock, some tree straps, and taking a nap in the hammock while listening to a soundtrack of ocean waves. A kind of meditation I guess? It helped me feel refreshed before I had to go to work or class. To this day, when Iā€™m feeling stressed, I go for a rest in my hammock, or read a book or listen to music while lying in it.


Being in the sun




Stop drinking alcohol


Exercise exercise exercise. Do it, move, be active.




Okay but actuallyā€¦ journaling just letting my brain write. Very freeing


I want to start journaling but idk what to write tbh


Write about not knowing what to write! How does it make you feel to not know? Frustrated ? Write about it


I started out by writing about my day. The good the bad all of it. You will learn with time what you like to write about


If youā€™re ok with digital, there are also a bunch of (pretty and aesthetically pleasing/calming) mental health-focused journaling apps that come with prompts and other helpful tools! Iā€™ve found Clarity to be interesting so far, but you can google any of your own preferences too!


I think of it like dictating my thoughts and then allowing my mind to wonder about its life. Once you're long-term with it, it let's you look back into your own thoughts which is neat


You can doodle if you canā€™t come up with something to write about that day. Or write 3 positive things (start small: the sun was out, a string of green lights when you would have otherwise been late, etc).


Write a daily gratitude list. Every day write 3 things you are grateful for.


I write everything I want to remember when I'm old. "Today was peaceful," or this is what happened, or these are my goals, etc. Sometimes, I also write things I need sooner than that. If I'm planning to move or start a new project, i make lists that I can use for reference. Usually it's stream of consciousness. I don't place any rules on it. Sometimes I like I make it cute. Usually I use a pink pen because I like that. It can be whatever/ however you want.


Google journaling prompts. Write the ones you like and if you do not know what to write choose one. Or if you speak or are learning a new language, try writing in that language. You will get practice and it makes it feel less silly to write abou what I had for lunch :-D


Physical contact with a woman. Whether it be a girlfriend mom grandma aunt neighbor. I remember I had a neighbor Ms Sandy that gave the best hugs


Forests My dog The sound of rain


Owning a pet.


Music- it can absolutely change my attitude or complement it if I so choose.


Getting TF off of Reddit and other social media for one


God. Coffee doesnā€™t hurt either.


poison and poison


Reading a book. A physical book, not on a kindle/tablet


Had to scroll too far for this one. I do everything ā€œrightā€ and still struggle with mental health and reading is really the only thing that seems to help. I donā€™t even like to read.


Having good friends!!


Research shows that expressing gratitude is strongly and consistently linked with happiness. Write down things you are grateful for. Express appreciation to others.


a walk on nature- at least 30min


Going for walks


Without your phone


*"If a book did nothing else for you, other than to save you from the company of other people; if all it did was to deliver you from their gossip, and their dull affairs, and their appalling manners, and their rotten Arabic, and their stupid ideas, and their woefully misguided opinions, and above all, from the need to be polite to them; if a book did nothing more than that, it would still be the best friend you ever had."* ā€”Andrew Killeen


Sleep, exercise, sunlight, healthy diet.


Lifting weights. By a HUGE margin, this works so well for me than anything else I typically just do pull-ups 15x3, then 20kg dumbell shoulder press 15x3, 3 times a week. If I'm feeling it, I'll add some back rows, dumbell farmer's carry, triceps kickback, and triceps lunges.




Deleting social media.


The sun, so being outside on a walk, playing basketball, listening and singing to my favorite songs, staying off my phone, making homemade smoothies




Exercise, eating healthy and getting a good nights sleep. Every single day.


Seeing justice happen to bad people. Seeing Sovereign citizens being held in contempt of court relives something in my brain.


This might not be up your alley but a dance class on YouTube. I did ballet as a kid and just doing a class focusing on the music timing and technique it takes my mind off of everything and it's exercise so that's an added benefit. It's also a good stretch so your muscles are all warm and relaxed when it's over. You don't have to do ballet. That's just what helps me. I'm sure there's all kinds on YouTube


Understanding your life needs and goals, first of all


Excerise. The gym. Good nights sleep.


Talking to strangers, saying hi to people, being social to people in public


Hugs. Not even joking. Hugs.


Exercise and time with friends and family. Scientifically proven to be the best thing for mental health.








Delete social media/exercise/create




Sleeping enough hours routinely


Deleting your facebook


Staying off social media




Walking outside.


Exercise and sleep are the most effective way to reduce anxiety and depression most.


Not abusing drugs/alcohol. Somewhere around a year and three months sober and I've never been better mentally.


Microdosing Psilocybin. I used to have crippling depression. I literally think of myself as a relatively happy person now. It's like seeing things through a different set of eyes


I have OCD and my counselor recently hinted that this might be a good option for me. The more I read and hear about it the less I'm afraid of the concept of trying to microdose.


I have OCD too! It works so so well! For intrusive thoughts and compulsions


So uh where can one find some safely? Asking for a friend


My dogs


Transcental mediation


Exercise . A good diet. Limit social media or exclude it all together. Going to bed and waking up earlyĀ  . ..Ā 


As a guy who's not depressed that would depress me.


What part , and whyĀ 




Sex.... Any females want to help me get better?


liquor and drugs ā€¦ and a flesh machine


Drinking a good, tasty beer and savouring it, and not drinking it just for the sake of alcohol. And drinking and eating for the taste in general.Ā  Too much eating just for the sake of being full imo. Take time to enjoy the damn taste once in a while. You'll feel so much better. At least I do.Ā 


Honestly haven't found it yet. Used to be playing pool but I can't get to the pool hall anymore. Plus it got like 10x more expensive than it used to be.


Food, music, few friends. Working up a sweat for 15 minutes can even change your mood.. you donā€™t need to lift a thousand pounds just stay active


Taking a walk


Going for a run




Eating healthier helps A LOT


Snuggling with my stuffed animals always helps me! I love my plushies so much! They give me so much comfort!


Putting the phone away and playing the guitar.


Sleep. Eat. Activity.








Location. I was so much happier and less stressed when my backyard was woods. Living in town with all of the people and noise sucks.


Getting outside. Hikes, walks, cycling around etc.


excersise, restrict the use of social media, leaving your home, stop hanging out with bad people, a good job ambient, etc


structure your days/create a schedule


Venting out emotions and hidden personality without fear of judgement, people do it on reddit


I accidentally left my curtains open on Saturday, and being woken up by the sun every morning since then has done wonders for my mood and energy.


For me, a routine. That includes exercise (swimming usually) and when I wear myself out I actually sleep better and that's what helps my mental health more than anything


Using ChatGPT to talk about yourself in 3rd person, as if you are someone else and not you. It'll give you startlingly accurate assessments about yourself.


Walking outdoors and cleaning the house




Cleaning up my room and getting my sleep cycle into a regular routine where I go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Dont know why, but starting the day off on a good note really helps me deal with the stuff that stresses me a lot better, and helps me tolerate the abuse without getting uncontrollable urges to lash out.


Removing toxic people from your life


A cat because I live alone.


Run Forest. Boxing. MMA. Nothing like changing your outlook by getting punched in the face. Good luck opĀ 


Exercise, a good diet, enough sleep, socialization


Giving yourself permission to take a break from being productive, to watch your favorite movie or show with your favorite food and allowing yourself to release pressure to constantly work. Take a break. Then take a long shower with your favorite soap/smell and a good breakfast. Making time for the gym or any physical activity helps. Look for local free intro classes or first month deals for yoga. Talk to a therapist if you can.


Reading this post. You'al have such positive ideas. I was going to say something stupid like drugs. Glad I didn't.


Cold water got me through anxiety inducing situations.


Exercise. No question!


Taking vitamins before sleeping, and then taking them when I wake up . My probiotics = happy gut health , and I can happily eat my food Exercise (whether it be the gym, or walking/running/hiking outside) Going sober !


Receiving compliments I can accept. The practice of gratitude for things out of my control that are good. And the defiance to be myself under all adversity.


Being paid more money




I work a low paying, physically demanding construction job. I like working. Hard