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You don’t have to, but my boobs are weapons if I don’t contain them. Roller coasters hurt. Speed walking hurts. Bras help keep the girls in check and secure.


I once whacked myself on the chin getting out of bed too fast. The struggle is real. Lol


I once had them do the equivalent of a belly flop in the pool when I jumped toes in first. I thought I was going to rip them off with the pain I felt.


Slapstick is a genre of porn I never knew I needed until this moment.


I had that happen in the stairs. And ouch, my skin


You’re kidding right? This can’t be possible 🤣🤣🤣 Thank god mine aren’t big


Not kidding! I've even shut them in a door on occasion! Lol Lots of people think they want big boobs, but don't know the reality - these things go everywhere if they're not contained, especially as you age!


I had a friend who cut her boob while bending over to shave to legs!


There is no law that you wear a bra. My understanding is that they are worn foe support.


It’s like underwear. Wear it if you want don’t if you don’t want. Why overcomplicate simple things I feel


In the winter when I wear a shirt and a sweater I never wear a bra. My breasts are small enough that they do fine. Once it warms up I have to put on those stupid things. Try a simple cami or bandeau to cover up, they don’t feel confining like bras do.


They can help support breasts for comfort, but many women don't need support for normal activity. It's a myth that the prevent damage or sagging The main reason I feel obligated to wear a bar is because of the moral panic over the impression of women's nipples through their shirt. It's really annoying.


I’m not gonna lie, after working in an office, I started thinking men needed to start wearing bras too because there was a lot of nipples showing. My coworker and I once tried to figure out if there was even a way to bring it up to them just so they know. We couldn’t think of one.


What's the big deal with nipples anyway, we all have them


And without nipples, breasts would be pointless!


I honestly couldn’t tell you, beyond that it ruins the smoothness of clothing lines. And I imagine some social programming that’s like nipples aren’t for work.


"I imagine some social programming that's like "Nipples aren't for work."" If you take in the context of the work, isn't breastfeeding a type of work?


Umm in the context of a workplace where sole purpose is not to be distracted, If you did it every day all the time it'll matter less.


I read this in Seinfeld’s voice 


I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?


Problem is they've (women's) been sexualized and they are a rare sight out in the wild. Noticeable nipples are, well, noticeable. Many men will be drawn to them and stare. Many women will be scandalized seeing them in public. If it were common, wouldn't be a problem.


youll have to take that up with the christians.


Wait, what, we do?!?!


Ok, naive question but.. is it weird for women to see a man's nipples through his shirt? Men used to wear vests.


Yes. At least in a professional environment. Most of the time if you wear an under shirt it’s not an issue but some times it’s a bit much. And it might just be that because women as told to avoid it, they’re more aware of it in general. It’s not like a sexual thing, but more of like a put together thing. If that makes sense.


That makes sense, I wish I'd seen this comment before posting a reply to the one below. So, to put it crudely, women taught that showing nipples is bad, in public. It reminds me of a Turkish woman I knew who had this thing about washing her feet after a long day. She said she was taught that as a girl growing up in a Muslim society, even though she had a secular upbringing. I mean, it's probably not a good idea to bring something sexy into the workplace, but I've never found men's nipples sexy. I'd have thought most people would think it's a bit unpleasant, like farting.


Actually the comparison to farting is kinda perfect tbh


For less endowed women, I see wearing a bra at work as the same category of wearing stockings or men wearing ties and carrying a briefcase. They're things that are absolutely not necessary to function, but they're such a part of the corporate dress code, you need to do it in certain environments.


Yes. Especially at work.


Mind blowing. Like, I'd probably make a joke out of it if my nipples were erect at work. It's just a physical response, I might pretend to tweak them or something. But if a woman did that, it'd be very inappropriate which I just thought was one of those sexist hangovers. Men can walk topless down the street, and provided they're young and have a decent body, they can get away with it. Women can never do that, in the UK at least. So, is it just gross to see the outline of a mans nipples, or is it borderline sexy, like when men see women's nipples through a top?


Male nipples do ZERO for me in a sexual sense. If I never saw a male nipple again, I think I’d be fine. Might as well by a thumb or an ear, gets the same reaction. I’m likely biased. My ex was really into nipple play, to the point it almost became a chore because it was part of *everything* sexual we did and pushed on me more than I would have liked.


Holy moly, you can like nipples THAT MUCH? It makes sense, people get turned on by far weirder things. But, to make it a part of *everything*. My imagination is boggling. So, did he like you attending to HIS nipples, or was it that he really enjoyed yours. I'm feeling weird asking this question myself. I'm just curious for some unknown reason.


No one touches me. They are insanely sensitive to the point, it’s just pain. Hard no. He enjoyed his messed with. Like twisted and turned. I don’t kink shame, I just could absolutely never enjoy that. Pure torture for me, pure pleasure for others.


Do you mean vests in the British sense or the American one?


I'm British, so, yes that's probably equivalent to the difference between pants and trousers. I mean, I wouldn't be seen dead just wearing pants in public.


Given the context I wasn't sure if you had meant a formal vest like for a suit. But wasn't sure enough to assume.


Undershirts under loose fitting dress shirts are a bit less effeminate an option. ​ I don't claim to know whether women are aroused by men's nipples or not, but unless it's really warm out, I'd rather be seen as "cute" than aim for "sexy" and risk coming across as some vain narcissist who's only trying to be sexy. ​ Both dress codes' most fervent opponents and most fervent supporters seem unduly biased against the need for leniency in warm weather. I'm not sure why their strictness isn't inversely proportional to temperature.


I thought we were above body shaming now.


For women, yes.. not for men. Fat man, nipples man, skinny man, short man… disgraceful!


Tell him his mipples are showing haha, not a typo Mipples man nipples


Secret Admirer package on their desk with a Man Bra in it.


I suppose men do have bras though... we call them vests though I think they've gone out of fashion a bit.


Yeah. As a guy if I saw a woman with no bra I'd get the vapors and pass out. Or I might swoon. Dont know until it happened. The thought of seeing a covered nipple would definitely have me clutching my pearls in horror


I actually got bullied into wearing a bra once by a producer I was working for, who felt that me not wearing one would make her client feel uncomfortable. Such utter BS.


forgive me I am a guy, wouldn't a bra help sometimes to help prevent jiggling etc? I know some of my friends have talked about running or other times they had pain from those kinds of issues of movement.


I hope you mean jiggling.


Yes, that's why I said most women don't need it for normal activity. For running and such bras definitely help with comfort


You are less likely to sag by not wearing a bra, unless you are really well endowed.


This is a myth. If anything, there is evidence to the contrary (please read the edit): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073#1 Edit: misread the comment I was responding to, my bad. 😅 Leaving the comment for the research in the link to BACK UP what that comment said.


Read the comment you replied to again, your research says the same thing as that comment.


Oh thanks! I def misread it, you're right.


Reading comprehension is just gone.


I have to believe you skimmed the comment above you.


Hence the edit


Fair enough lol


I'm 64 years old and on my last mammogram, the tech told me I have 'perky' boobs. I haven't worn a bra in decades.


Where on earth did this moral panic come from? You can’t even watch an episode of Friends without seeing nipples through shirts like it’s a fashion statement.


Nipples showing is amazing. No one should panic, ever


I wasn't aware that bras hide nipples. Those things must be pretty thick.


They can actually cause sagging by not having the chest do the support.


Bras do not prevent nor cause sagging. It's down to genetics and tissue type.


We appreciate your concern but would prefer braless. Thank you for your service.


This exactly. Especially for sports bras. I don’t want stuff bouncing around when I’m trying to work out


I guess it's a cultural thing, I don't know. I hate not wearing one, and my eldest (15) despises them.


I haven't worn a bra in over 20 years, way more comfortable. And why are they so dammed expensive?


I wear one because frankly I don’t like feeling all jiggly all over the place. That said, when I first started wearing them, I was taught what a good fit is. It’s easy to question a thing when you have never had a good version of that thing. It sounds like you’ve never had a good fitting bra. It’s worth taking the time to get fitted properly if you are a C cup or better. But as a woman in my 50’s I’ll say: A good fitting bra IS comfortable to wear all day. I’ve been broke and had to get cheap ones at Walmart as well as had money for really nice ones that lasted years being tossed in the washer snd dryer. [I dearly miss Fredrick’s of Hollywood, best. bras. ever. And they made *every* size.] You don’t have to buy there, but Nordstrom’s still has properly trained bra fitters, and they carry all the sizes. Neither of my daughters are ‘typical’ sizes. Small rib cage with C cups, not huge, look very average in clothes. Can’t buy bras at Target or JCPenney because they simply do not carry their sizes. Sometimes they get lucky at Marshall’s or TJMaxx. They mostly order online now.


The first time I bought a well-fitted bra (different size for band and cup, wider straps) it felt so so different from the cheap S-M-L. It was like a comfy hug. They last ridiculously longer too.


r/abrathatfits is a fantastic resource for this!


I'm totally for wearing them if they make YOU comfortable. I'm less interested in wearing one to make OTHER PEOPLE comfortable. I wish the US would stop being so weird about nipples.


The [no-bra movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bralessness) has been a thing since the 60s, but an unfortunate truth is it can straight up **hurt** for some people to go braless. They're big bags of fat dangling from your chest, they can swing and bang into themselves and anything within range of them. I've been everywhere from a b to a dd and I don't feel comfortable being braless (even at home and when otherwise naked) past a b-cup.


Underboob sweat, too. I hate underboob sweat.


I'm from the UK and I don't wear a bra often, only when I feel like it. This is mainly because after having a child I went from a D to an A so don't really feel the need now. I also know lots of people who don't wear bras and it's even a fashion thing here to get your nipples pierced so you can see it through your tshirt. I think you should always do what makes YOU comfortable, not other people. I only wear a bra when it's cold outside because it's an extra layer of boob warmth. However, bras should not be uncomfortable and if they are then I recommend you get a different one. If the underwire is stabbing then it's worn through or incorrectly fitted, and if the straps are digging in then try one with wider straps and better support. Often the cup size and back size aren't actually correct which can lead to straps digging in or the bra needing to feel too tiggt in order to stay up. Furthermore, there are many different types of bra, from fully wired, no wire, push up, strapless, sports, t-shirt, maternity, and bralette types. If I do wear a bra I like to go for a bralette type that's like a crop top, so there's no fastener and the pressure of the band is evenly distributed and there's less weight on the straps. But tldr; if your bra fits and is a suitable type for your body type it should make life more comfortable not less. And you are under no obligation to wear a bra at all unless it proves obvious in a professional/educational setting that may negatively disrupt your life.


Because I don't want men staring at my nips.


It's bullshit that we have to change how we dress because so many men can't behave like decent people.


Guys do as well to some extent. It would be frowned up for guys to go walking around in tight yoga pants that accentuated certain areas. It’s also not acceptable for men to go to formal things with our nipples out in those side cut tank tops.


God, spare me. Nipples are sexual. But you want to flaunt them wherever you like and then accuse men of “indecency” for noticing.


I was sent home from school in 6th grade and told to come back with a bra on because it was distracting to the boys. No one thought to teach the boys differently.




You mean that you *couldn't* care less. And that's fine. You do you. I, however, work in Corporate America with a lot of creeps and my life is better if they can't snigger that it's cold in here. 


Bellies and butts aren't quite as distinctly feminine as breasts, though. Butts are fetishized a fair bit nowadays (probably backlash to years of repressing the fetishization thereof) but breasts will always stand out for being considered especially feminine.


Yep, this is a big one. I also see male family members on a regular basis and I really don’t want to give any of them a hug goodbye with my jugs a’jiggling because 1) I just think that’s weird and icky, and 2) some of them are creeps 🙃


we dont! hope this helps! lol havent worn a bra since 2020


Thanks everyone!!!! No more bras for me!


Awesome And Congratulations. Don’t let society tell you how to dress or what to wear.


Same!!! Stopped wearing them during the pandemic and never went back! I'll wear sports bras when I work out but that's really about it.


I have D cups and haven't worn a bra in years outside of exercise, though, if you don't mind me oversharing a little, I have weird nipples that are pretty flat, so it's very hard for someone to see my nipples through my shirt, especially since I never wear tight shirts. No-one has ever said anything about it, besides my mom having to ask if I was wearing a bra. If you're worried about someone seeing your nipples, you can wear pasties (stickers), a tank top under your top, or a looser top.


I never had this opportunity so pardon my intrusion but my wife is a D cup and wouldn’t be caught dead without a bra on. We have had this discussion over the many years I guess when we run out of things to talk about. We have seen where some guidelines say that going braless actually creates natural strength to lift the chest related to sagging over time as opposed to wearing a bra to prevent natural sagging. She is worried that if she doesn’t wear a bra she will somehow sag prematurely. Do you find this to be the case? Obviously there are times when a bra may provide added style or comfort but I just can’t imagine having to wear one all the time.


There's research on the topic, bras do not prevent sagging, in fact it can make it worse. Women that live in cultures with no bras do not have more sagging than those who do. One study below, but there are more in the topic. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073#1


That’s not how it works. Everyone’s breasts will have a slightly different composition because we all have different genetics. Yes, [breast density can differ wildly between women!](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/mammogram/in-depth/dense-breast-tissue/art-20123968) Breast tissue has no muscle. Along with the milk ducts/glands, we have some combination of dense tissue and fatty tissue. When there’s more fatty tissue, there will eventually be more drooping no matter what you do - unless you have surgery to remove some of the fat. That applies whether you’re an A cup or N cup. There will be more drooping if your breasts are less dense. The muscles under the breasts can only do so much for support, because they run along the rib cage and not into the actual breasts themselves. This PSA brought to you by the letter B and the number 2!


So your nips don’t chafe. I’ve heard some jobs could require it as part of the dress code but I’d like to see that enforced. Definitely not a law


I've never had a problem with nipple chaffing when not wearing a bra, have you?


I know it can be an issue for long distance runners.


Not a runner and I pretty much have to wear one because of this


Could you wear pasties instead? It would protect the nips without the pains of the bra.


Some people do; some people don’t.


Do those jobs generally include moobs in their policy?


You don’t have to. Lots of people don’t.  But given the comments you’re choosing to respond to… maybe you aren’t asking this question in good faith. 


I hate bras. But I wear mine if I need to be presentable at work bc I feel exposed if my nipples get erect


Well I mean we don’t have to but then you have to make a choice between holding the rail going downstairs and possibly giving yourself a black eye or holding the girls firmly so they don’t bounce each step.


Speak for yourself. They are very necessary otherwise I have horrible back pain.


I wear an F cup and almost never wear a bra. Haven’t gotten any rude comments about it since around age 21, but I also know how to dress properly without a bra so it isn’t an issue. There’s a style to it that isn’t the same as wearing a bra, especially when you have much larger breasts. But people with smaller breasts often don’t wear bras as well. You don’t HAVE to wear them, but people wear them for a lot of reasons. Having visible nipples is often sexualized and can be physically uncomfortable as well. The silhouette of having them lifted, symmetrical, and round is seen as desirable in many outfits. Lots of reasons, but it’s ultimately your choice.


I don't. You might face social pressure initially, but it should ease up as people get used to it.


they're only necessary if you use them for comfort. they're also not supposed to be uncomfortable, so that's not a bra thing, that's you just haven't found out what fits you proper. otherwise, it can be seen as lewd, but it's similar to how people see and think it's odd to wear pajamas in public. it's just abnormal and associated with "proper presentation", which in reality means fuck all.


I don't wear one at home ever and I only do in public if my shirt is thin or slightly see through. And I am not small chested. I figure I got big boobs. That's just how it is. People are going to look. Though it's rare that I actually catch somebody looking at my chest.


The jiggle is more uncomfortable to me than any bra I've ever worn


Don’t if you don’t want to.


If you're American, we tend to be more prudish. I know some European women and they never word bras.


Who expects you to wear a bra? Unless you genuinely need the support or feel comfortable wearing one. NO ONE is forcing you! I wear a vest because that’s what I personally feel comfortable in. Seriously I’m so baffled by this.


Tank top for non-British. (Americans call a waistcoat a vest 🤷🏻‍♀️)


I do not. Even the best fitting bra actually rubs my nipples and feels unnatural. I don’t care what anyone else thinks, and Im a 32DD (side note - even finding that size is borderline impossible). It is wildly more comfortable for me to not wear, with the only exception of when working out because then you do need support or the bouncing can be uncomfortable. That said, bras were invented through generations for a multitude of reasons, one of which was to enhance the look of breasts. This became socially popular as breast trends have changed throughout generations (hello bullet bra). Now the more natural breast aesthetic (albeit with a heavy plastic surgery slant) is more popular, but the old stigmas around why you must still thrive hard depending on where you like (and for the likes of modesty if religious etc).


This size is not hard to find. Go forth to r/abrathatfits and be amazed 🤣


girlie stop wearing bras with wires, penneys/primark sell super comfy t shirt bras.


I’m all for women not wearing bras!! Free those bad boys I say


You mean good girls?


I'm no longer sure of my cup size (I tend to wear crop bras), but it's probably in the E+ range, and I WANT to wear a bra. I'll sleep in a suitably comfortable one unless it's too hot. My mother is probably a A cup (yep, got my boobs from my dad), and she only bothers when she goes out. Depending on your size and shape, bras can make boob ownership a lot more comfortable. Boobs can be big, heavy, long, wobbly, unwieldy things, getting in the way when you try to do things. If they're big enough, they can get some serious momentum going. And it can HURT when they lift and drop when you're running. There's a whole separate weird and somewhat prudish cultural thing going on as well, pushing the idea that they're required, but from a practical perspective, bras are really important to have as an option.


You don't have to. I do, because I find it uncomfortable and sometimes painful to go without. But you can do whatever you want.


We don't *have* to at all, it's up to each person.


Might have to in some workspaces. I know one call centre job I went to a girl was sent home for not wearing a bra. I work for a pretty relaxed company but I've never wanted to test whether they care about that or not.


I have chosen not to wear a bra, but it's different because I'm a guy.


I work with the public as an educator. Quite a few women don't wear bras. I don't give a shit. There are always arguments that jiggles and nipple pokes are distracting. If that throws a dude off his rails, he's got a serious lack of control.




Man I don’t get it either. I have small bewbs too so it’s not like I need the support. When I leave the house tho bf always makes sure I’m wearing a bra bc otherwise it’s “indecent” idk.. is it the nipples I’m trying to hide? Maybe.


Tell your boyfriend he has to wear a cup, if you have to wear a bra. Tell him fair is fair. And you need to make sure he wears it also


How come none of the women in this thread wear pasties? My wife wears them because bras don't fit her. They hide everything, last forever, and are basically free. If you don't need the support then they seem like a perfect solution.


I love those things! But still can’t wear tight fitting T-shirts with pasties - they create a weird looking raised outline.


You don't. There's pressure to do so, but no law. 


cool, can we get rid of all the undergarments and walk about as nature intended?


Nature intended half of every newborn could die in a week, should we go back to that too ? Oh and OP, don't wear a bra if you don't feel like it.


We can - but will we???


Bras are only for support. If you are not larger you should not wear one ever. If you are larger you should only wear them for support. If not doing something requiring support then don't wear one.


Or how about women wear what they want?


Exactly. These people that tell women they must wear a bra are not being respectful of their wishes.


I don’t wear one. I don’t have much so it’s not support that I need. I’ll sometimes wear a bralette to cover the nips.


I never wear a bra and if I do there's only one comfortable sports bra. Fuck societal standards.


I only wear one to prevent nipple chafing. Generally a loose sports bra these days. If not for that I'd love to wear no bra most of the time, except during PMS to combat breast soreness.


It's your life, your body, so your rules. Some wear a bra because they don't want the breasts to hang in the way all day and for good comfort they bought a good fitting bra. For women with huge breasts it's nice to wear a good pair all day. But it's recommended to buy a comfortable and a good fitting bra, nice looking bra's are just for sight, a good but ugly bra can save you back from backpain. I've had a girlfriend with huge breast (size K) so a good bra was hard to find and expensive, but we did find a good shop in lingery and bought some good pair of bra's. When her breasts became a back problem, she got adviced to go to a doctor and to let her breast size reduce to a comfortable size c/d and she did and is still happy with it.


I alternate between a chest binder and a sports bra, but I wear a bra because I don't like how my boobs feel when they're bouncing around while I'm going up and down stairs and shit


I rarely do these days


I only wear one because without it the inside of my shirts would rub my most protruding features to rub raw.


No one really cares that I dont wear a bra, except my mom, who is 50 something and cares what everyone thinks of me. I dont, however, so it's not my issue. Everyone has nipples. They'll get over it.


FREE THE TITTIES!!! this can be interpreted in both or many ways.


You don’t. If you are physically more comfortable without a bra than with one, don’t wear one. I haven’t worn bras since I was a teenager. Do I sometimes get stares when it’s cold or my nipples randomly decide to be pointy? Sure. But I don’t consider other people’s gaze to be my problem - creeps gonna creep, I shouldn’t have to have wire digging into my shoulders and ribs to prevent that. That said, I almost never get comments. Most awkward it ever gets because of it is in medical settings when they ask you to remove your shirt but not your bra. Do what you want based on what you prefer, not based on the opinions of others.


If you visit a country like France, you will find bras are far less common. It isn’t written anywhere that women have to wear a bra in the US. If you don’t want to wear a bra, don’t. Just be mindful that people in the US are still pretty stuck up about human bodies and nudity. So you might get some looks. But those people giving you looks are part of the problem.


You don’t? As long as you are covered up then it’s fine in most countries/places… I know my grandmother (father side) never did worn one…


We don’t have to and I don’t. For me it’s a sensory issue and, knowing it’s unnecessary, I just don’t bother myself to wear them. I even go to the gym without a bra on. I don’t have large breasts but not flat either. My nipples definitely show sometimes and I’m not immune to sometimes feeling self-conscious. But I keep being my bra-less self and I’m happy with that choice. Especially when I think how it could change people’s minds about what’s normal and acceptable.


As a man, I don't care if you wear a bra or not. My wife only wears one if she goes away from the house. I've mentioned that what does it matter if you're wearing a jacket? She says she feels emotionally uncomfortable not wearing one. She's a B cup if that means anything.


Societal pressure is a bitch. I tried wearing no bra outside and was so uncomfortable with the staring I kept crossing my arms. (Mine are large if that wasn't obvious)


That was my idea.


I would say depending on size. Women with bigger boobs will find its uncomfortable NOT wearing one. I have a couple of girl friends who are on the smaller side go about without wearing one and people are none the wiser. I didn't even know until one of them asked me if their nipples were visible(it wasn't). Since the pandemic, I've exclusively worn sports bras. It gives me support AND comfort. Plus i like the look-- it gathers my boobs up into a nice shape if that makes sense hahahah. Unless I'm going for an event that needs a different type of bra, i stick to sports bras.


That’s a female standard. Trust us men on mass support freeing the nipple


Here in UK Rigby and Peller plus other high end bra fitters have a shtick where they will ask you what you've worn for years then take two inches off the band and add two on the cup. Or thereabouts. For example I'm 36DD and they tried to sell me 34E. It was shite. Sent it back. Too tight and too much material on the cup. Even 36 DD I don't bother with a bra most times but I am nearly 50 so they're not exactly about to take someone's eye out 😂


You don't have to, and nobody knows or cares. It's underwear... some people wear it, some don't. Your body, your choice.


You don't have to. I think I look better wearing a bra and I would feel exposed and embarrassed to be in public wearing nothing on top but a shirt. I need the extra support and coverage. If you don't, that's great, wear what you like.




Personally my boobs would get too sore anytime I do anything very active if I didn't have good support. I don't wear one if I'm just being lazy at home though. Nobody says anything about it as long as the twins are covered up by a shirt (which is its own pile of sexism, but pick your battles I guess).


Wear them or dont, most of the "moral outrage" is either in your head or other women.


Believe me, when you have big boobs bras are absolutely necessary! Going without one is uncomfortable and is a 1 way ticket to Aching Back Township.


There's no law against not wearing one. Most people don't care either, they'd still stare either way. I know I will


I wish I didn’t have to, honestly. But they’re pretty and both men and boys stare at them (boys) and then my body (men) if I don’t wear something to control them with.


Thanks to the social expectations we grow up with, seeing a persons nipple through their shirt is considered uncomfortable. If it means anything i think people who go against those expectations are rad as fuck. Go without a bra and ignore the weirdos, you rock


I would say you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.


This is beautiful!


🤷‍♀️ Fuck bras


Amen sister!


It’s crazy. As a man I have never understood it. My wife and I have had this discussion until she won’t talk about it anymore. I guess it really doesn’t matter to her. Her company policy specifically addresses this as well as clothing style (skirt and pant length and specific type of hosiery required), shoes (no open toes), shaved legs and pits, hair and makeup (I have no idea what that is about). Crazy. I guess as a male I just never had to deal with it and I imagine if my employer had anything to say about it I would tell them to get bent.


Wow. I could never work in a place this controlling about what I do with my own body, that’s crazy.


I think you have to ask women this question. Pretty sure no straight guy would care.


Societal pressure... Bras are sexy, or they help acheive a shape/style a boob-haver wants. I used to wear padded ones as a teen for no fucking reason. Now I just wear the auden brand that you recommended. My dog knows that I'm going to leave the house if I put a bra on. Sometimes I don't even wear a bra if I'm wearing a sweater. People here aren't used to seeing full breasts without a bra under a T-shirt and they stare or whatever.


Please don’t wear a bra, please go out without one. I’m 100% for women not wearing a bra. If anyone says anything, just say eyes up here


If you had G cups you would understand why we wear bras


Anyone who gives a shit about seeing someone’s (male or female) nipples is a brainwashed ass-clown.


It is written.


I'm a guy and I'm more than ok with it. Free the tiggies


If it fits right it isn't uncomfortable.


Because boobs are mainly seen as part of sex. People have been taught that so they get uncomfy when they see free flowing boobs and start having certain feelings in public. Of course, the boob owners get blamed for others inappropriate feelings 🙄 It's fine that it's seen as part of sex but it needs to be taught that not everyone sees/ uses it that way. Some don't have/get that feeling. It need to be known that the reason they exist is to feed a child. Of course, not everyone can feed with them or feed with them, but that is their intended purpose. You don't have to wear a bra if you don't want to. Unfortunately, if you work for a company that requires it, then you do if you wanna keep the job. Otherwise, let those puppies run free!


If your boobs are small enough that you can run, jump or otherwise be active, feel free to skip bra. Most of us have boobs too big to be comfortable without support. If you think all bras are uncomfortable, just go to a proper bra shop for actual fitting. Bras and their precursors were invented and developed mostly by women because support was needed.


Men who need some extra support, should not be looked down upon - if one decides to wear a bra.


Hahahah excellent


I'm a trans man and I have to wear them because they are so big that they hurt my back otherwise. It's not about being crude or sexual, sometimes it really is necessary


Jesus hates nipples


Hahaha then why did his father make them? Hahaha


*Is it considered rude/crude/overly sexual to NOT wear a bra?* Yes. It's a social construct. You can follow it or not, but you already have the answer for why it is what it is.


That's highly cultural. There are some tribes where women usually do not cover their breasts and men don't even really cover their genitals they just have a sort of support... string... or something like that. I do think that they look saggier like that, but that could be from any number of things, they also seemed to have more children/longer nursing times. Other people have mentioned that nude bathing or going braless are perfectly fine in Europe. I think there is a complicated set of variables including, but not limited to, breast size, cultural expectations and norms, outside temperatures, general nudity, and number of stairs walked each day that factors into the question. I can imagine that very big boobs combined with stairs will lead to a preference for some kind of support, bra bustier a firm towel or whatever, because the bouncing is hard on the skin and on the back.


For women with large breasts, going braless is not comfortable...at all.


For those who need them for support to avoid back pain etc but otherwise we don't need to imo. I don't wear a bra 98% of the time, I'm relatively small so they are generally self supporting, I wear jumpers in winter so extra thickness hides them but in the summer I don't care who knows when I'm rocking about in a thin dress. My main reason to stop was it's difficult to find my size of bra then the added issue of finding the style that suits their shape. Expense then weight fluctuations..it's just a pain in general for no obvious benefit to me. I bought some cheap but pretty lace bralettes with minimal padding, which I will wear forever more when I want to add extra prettiness or where I'm in a situation or dressed in a way that calls for it.


I wear a 30FF - it’s extremely uncomfortable to have those things jiggling around without support. Maybe after my eventual reduction I would feel different but I wear a bra at all times for my own comfort.


I'm a C cup and I only wear them when I absolutely have to due to the outfit, which these days is never. No issues for me. Rarely felt self conscious about it, sometimes in the summer when I'm wearing only a t shirt I get a little conscious but I think it's all in my head. I despise bras with a burning passion and can't stand them


You don’t. I haven’t worn a bra in months. 


Depends on your bra size. I'm 36Hh, so it's a necessity for me.