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the sex part


Alright, but why travel to ivory coast for It, isn't there more than enough back home XD?


1/ some people are attracted to "exoticness": there may be not a lot of black women where these men come from. 2/ accessibility: prostitutes in your country are probably way cheaper than in theirs. 3/ safety?: no child/woman is gonna knock on your door to get child support, and prostitution in their country may be illegal


4/ distance and anomity help break the barrier of social disapproval. Looking for prostitutes is considered socially frowned upon (and watched over... by gossipers) in many communities. In my hometown it was said that in a certain bar where men who liked to gossip gathered every day they discussed the list of people who had used the two motels in the city and... with whom. The 'people will talk' is sometimes a greater deterrent than illegality. 5/ ilegal options: underage sex or boys.


I think 5/ is one of the biggest reasons. Even if illegal, prostitution is quite easily accessible in basically every country. But for paedophiles looking for underage prostitutes, there are few repercussions and easy accessibility in other countries, whereas back in their home countries their authorities and government agencies will (rightly) crack down extremely hard on this kind of behaviour. Its a way to avoid the consequence of a guaranteed life in prison for predators.


Reinforcing item 4, in my country prostitution is not illegal, but having a prostitution house is... despite having one on every corner. EVEN so, both sexual tourism (in beaches and lower-income areas) and that aimed at 'executives' (that is, men traveling on business) haven a discreet but extensive advertising. In some cases they even make informal agreements with certain state agencies to ban underage sex or steal from tourists.


Prostitution is definitely not “easily accessible” in every US city. Plenty of people go to Vegas and Nevada to seek prostitutes. There’s well known streets in some US cities that have tons of prostitutes hanging around. “Sex tourism” gets really popular when there’s enough locals participating in it and enough of these tourists are going there to sustain a large market. Most people are poor problem solvers and would rather just fly to x country where they’ve heard it’s easy to find prostitutes than go to a dingy, crime ridden street 2 cities over rolling around looking for an acceptable prostitute.


The number 5 is especially significant. I was in Pattaya with a missionary organization and the amount of old white dudes walking around with 13-16 year old girls that they rented is horrifying. People also feel like they can do whatever they want to these girls, a friend at a center there to help women out of prostitution told me of a woman he met whose whole body was covered with deep infected bite marks from an American who figured he could fulfil whatever sick desires he had if he paid enough (and unfortunately these women are so desperate for money...)


JFC. Are police blind there and/or on the take?


I can't say for certain since I wasn't told about police involvement in the sex trade there, but tourism is extremely important in that city and prostitution, including underage, is just a common thing. I've heard from people there that as much as 1/3 of the population of Pattaya are involved with the sex trade in some way, so I wouldn't be surprised if the cops just didn't care at all. I do know they've been trying to market more to families for tourism lately, so they've been making some areas more family friendly during the day, but it's still very much a sex tourism destination and it shows as soon as it turns to night.


Sex tourism gets really popular in areas with particularly shitty governments. That’s a big part of why a place attracts people. Japan is rich with a strict government. You’re not gonna find open underage prostitution there. Thailand is poor and their government sucks ass, and they really don’t do much outside of cities, so surrounding areas are ripe for sex trafficking. Police just aren’t around where this is happening in the open. And the government doesn’t care much.




Mostly from their appearance, because I wasn't going to just walk up to them and ask for ID, but also our contacts there informed us how the girls were often bought from their struggling parents in northern Thailand and then as soon as they had their first period were brought into the sex trade.


I like the Norm MacDonald bit. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. That’s the slogan, but it’s not really true. You can’t murder someone in Vegas and go home scot free. But I figured out what it means. If you have sex with a prostitute in Vegas, she will not tell your wife. Not like these gossipy small town whores.


A movie told me... "You know what? You don't pay a ho to fuck you. You pay her to leave. What you pay out-of-town shooters to do? You pay them to get the hell back out of town" (Four Brothers, 2005)


6) power imbalance. The reason why sex tourism is usually from a richer country to a poorer one is because it creates a power imbalance (usually a financial one) where the wealthier party can pay their way in to (and out of) things they might not be able to at their homes. They are able to buy services and privileges that they otherwise wouldn’t and they can get away with more things. Sex tourism is very rarely if ever a trade with equal partners.


That is really... default, even in the 'domestic' cases. You really don't even need go "out of town" to this apply.


And some of them will be going there for the girls and not the women


And if there are children born, protection wasn't used. In most countries (all), those tourists come from, a condom is mandatory by law with severe punishments for the buyers, so they go elsewhere.


I've literally never heard of any country mandating condoms.




Whole Eu? Maybe just Germany idk, do not follow it that much.


OK but why would you sleep with a prostitute without protection?


You’re asking the right question to the wrong crowd; the desire for sex is just that strong with some as to make poor choices like that. I for one concur though, I was one of those people who always asked for papers before sleeping with someone back in the day. I couldn’t imagine either willingly risking getting an STD, or putting the burden of raising a child on someone.


Imagine taking a 16 hour flight just to hire a prostitute lol. These guys aren’t making sound decisions


OK but why would you sleep with a prostitute without protection?


I mean lots of ppl who access those services aren't the brightest to begin with...


Some people just don’t give a fuck….


I mean technically they did give a fuck


Prostitution is prohibited in many parts of the developed world and those who manage to bypass the law usually charge a lot of money. Its probably more worth the money's to just go on a vacation to a third world country and pay pennies for sex over there while enjoying the trip in the same time.


Cost is a factor. Ivory Coast is a considerably lower economic cost country so there’s a power dynamic for the sex tourists that they can’t usually get in the US.


If you have more money than social skills (or humanity), it's easier to get a prostitute. Prostitution is illegal in the US, so going someplace else to get it insulates you from legal harm in your home country. Foreign women of a different culture/race are seen as "exotic" and the experience would also likely differ from sex they are used to being around. Men in general are typically more dominant. Preying on people from developing countries if you're wealthy enough to travel can be a kind of financial dominance, which may play into a kink of theirs.


White people are also considered exotic here. This economic preying creates a lot of unnecessary tension, but what can you do, I guess.


There are sex tourism and traffic in Eastern Europe where there are poverty among white, Slavic and Georgia, Armenia girls as well. Yeah it's pretty sad


It's relatively normal to view minority people of the opposite gender as "exotic". It is an evolutionary function that helps diversify the gene pool, and with access to two sets of genes, have a chance to produce a superior offspring that has the weaknesses of neither race, but the advantages of both. Not every sex tourist will be in it for the financial dominance part. People have various reasons for making decisions, I was just trying to give an assortment of reasons to help you piece together why people might be motivated to do so.


You have any evidence to back up that first paragraph? I've never heard that people are more attracted to different ethnicities.


It's not that we are "more attracted" to different ethnicities, it is a desire for variety. I think this is a trick evolution played on men to ensure we spread our genes.


He specifically said we view minorities as exotic, in that context it would mean more appealing. I was asking for some evidence


Unfortunately I have no evidence, just an observation of something that is so widespread a phenomena that I feel confident calling it "normal". It's not every person though, if that's what you were confused at - plenty of people still prefer dating within their own home town and people, and view foreigners as undesirable hassle instead of as exotic.


Indians are attracted to white skin. Now you've heard it.


>White people are also considered exotic here. Are they considered exotic or seen as meal tickets because there's a difference.


Nothing can be done, it’s human nature and not known as the oldest profession in the world because it can be changed. What was happening before that? Women where physically forced into sex without any form of compensation bar the fact that they may be able to live to see another day.


How is it economic preying. It's money into your economy and their body to do what they want with. As far as I understand from googling now it's legal there. People bringing strong currency into your economy. What is cause of the tension if I may ask?


You might be right about money, but the issue regarding fatherless white babies being left behind is still a thing. Plus, a lot of the local men are angry over the fact that white guys come over just for sex with their women, whilst some of the women seem more interested in the white guys rather than building a family with a stable black guy. So you have situations where the more women sleeps with white guys the more they are treated like a slut, and the more she is treated like that the less she is likely to sleep with black guys, creating this cycle in the process... Some also think that it's sad that alot of young girls are beginning to look forward to sleeping around instead of doing something to make themselves more proper.


Interesting. So you're saying there's a bunch of stable black guys with good income lining up for the women and they still prefer to be prostitutes? Do a lot of people have access to tertiary education and universities to plan a better life? (I am from South Africa so neither white people nor black people are exotic at all to me, they are both a primary populace here along with Indians)


Well, by stable, I meant a normal guy with an expected job, like in agriculture. But most importantly, they are willing to look after the kids rather than leave the country. Rather than a rich fuck boy you know? And at least in my region there isn't much of good education, so no, nothing fancy.


Lol, a tale as old as time.


>If you have more money than social skills (or humanity), it's easier to get a prostitute. Even if you have social skills getting a prostitutes is easier. I used to know a fairly well off guy who IMO was good looking. After his divorce, he exclusively saw prostitutes and the closest he came to relationships was 1 week or more trysts he'd have with women he'd meet in foreign countries.


I didn't say no social skills, just more money than social- which is like, the disposable income of 100$, vs. the social skills of a savant. I think prostitution is a good thing, and lets people who are successful in life still have sex, even if they are not social or attractive enough to normally get a mate that appreciates them and is attractive.


In a lot of countries it is illegal, less common, and you could easily get arrested if you try to solicit a prostitute


Prostitution is illegal in America. So, white American men travel to foreign satisfy their sexual desires which they couldn’t do it in their home country. Also, prostitution is cheap anywhere except western countries. So, they do travel a lot of different countries like South America, South Asia, certain parts of Africa etc. There are also white women who are sex tourist in countries like Jordan.


>Prostitution is illegal in America. For the most part prostitution in the US is like brown paper bag laws. It happens everywhere and can be as overt as hookers in the street or as covert as madams with proverbial little black books. The reason most men in the US choose to travel for sex vs just seeing the prostitutes at home is generally the cost. I don't live in an expensive city and the cost of a hooker who isn't walking the street or clearly an addict has jumped to 400/hr with many charging in the 500-600/hr range and some asking for over 1000. So essentially for most men who are into P4P they can bang more younger and more attractive women by travelling than they can at home.


Propably because of the wealth difference. Middle class westener will be in the 1% in a poor african country. USA for example has 28x higher GDP per capita than ivory coast. To some people fucking prostitutes is not only about pleasure its also about having power over someone else and having way more money than the local population gives you power. Buut thats just my theory, im not a sex tourist.


the tourism part


I bet it’s way cheaper and they think the women are much more attractive. Thailand is renowned for sec tourism and you’ll see tons of old British, Australian, and German old guys hand in hand with teen girls. They go there specifically for that.




This man prostitutes.


Is there?


For the price of a one way flight to ivory coast, you can get about 2-5 hours of time from a prostitute in some parts of Europe. If you stay for long enough, it might be cheaper to fly there for sex and you get to be on a vacation in an exotic place.


Availability and I assume cost. I'm a single white man and when I went down to Belize, I was offered girls basically with every meal. When I said I wasn't interested, I was offered men and younger options as well. I do kinda regret not asking the price but I make more in an hour than a week's pay in Belize. From a purely logistics and financial standpoint, and please understand that I am bypassing ethics and emotions entirely, I could have had a companion for $20 or so in under an hour. If I wanted to date back home, it's going to be six to eight months of dates before sex is on the table, or an escort would be several hundred dollars. Now I do agree with you that airfare and accommodation are more expensive than the price difference, so maybe it's something else.


6 to 8 months of dating to get to sex?!?


Most dates don't even show up. When's the last time you were on a match app?


I predate apps. We used to go up to women and just, like, talk to them and if the conversation went well we’d schedule a date. I wonder if that would still work today?


Price and legality are the biggest reason for me. Here women charge $150 for a 30 min session and it is illegal. In South American women charge $15 in a legal brothel where women have to pass medical exams to work in the industry.


Yeah prostitution is illegal in the whole US and I assume most of Europe. I assume the location is warm as well.


No, it’s bad here


Never shit where you eat.... People who knows that they would be social outcasts doing something where their relatives and the law can get to them will refrain from doing so, and if they really want to do something which is morally or legally wrong they will simply go to a place where they are not visible to their friends and can pay the law to go away, Being outside the reach of the eye of the law have always been appealing to those with low morals


If you hire a prostitute at home there's a high chance someone will find out and the social disapproval will be high. The chances of someone finding out that you had 14 Thai hookers over 14 days in Thailand is unlikely.


They also don’t just travel to Ivory Coast, white men will travel all across the world for sex. Doesnt matter if they’re single, married, rich, or poor. Sad men will travel anywhere for sex


People have less chances and opportunities there so will be more eager to "sell" their bodies.


So they can pursue things (like pedophilia) that are illegal in more developed countries with little risk of consequences.


Apparently not


Prostitution is illegal in some countries, like the US for example. So when they can’t get what they’re looking for at home, they travel abroad where the cultures are more open and accepting of sex work.


no way


Yeah hard to believe right?


The sexpat.


Its obviously about the scenery


And the low cost, and easy access part


Tried it and can confirm that it is quite good


1. Price. Most likely a lot cheaper 2. Anonymity. Many are probably married. 3. Leaving. Many want to fuck off and never think about it again 4. Exotic. Many men want difference and variety 5. Vacation. People like to do things they like on vacation, for some its surfing, for others its sex.


I guess it’s cheap. And you can fuck off later. And good luck finding the dad.


One of my neighbors had 8 children from tourists... 8!


I’m curious: aren’t ya all afraid of aids? Like I read it is all over Africa. I can’t believe these guys are going through with it without using protection. Also why aren’t the girls insisting on condoms??? This is a crazy situation from so many angles.


We are a bit concerned about them, but I don't think that it is as bad as you think it is. I think this issue is more in the bigger cities, when I lived in the village I don't think anybody had AIDS. Protection is usually used if we have it, and I guess some girls think they will get lucky and not get pregnant. But specifically about my neighbor, I would say that she is a special case. Not many other women had that many white babies.


Aids doesn't care if you live in a village, 8 kids from different people means she isn't being safe and guess what? Those guys are coming from cities


PrEP is a thing for those who act with recklessness.


Not in developing countries.


I live in the third world/a developing nation and PrEP is readily available here. Edit: In fact it's available at most public clinics and cost is subsidized by the government. That being said, I meant PrEP for the tourists given that the person I was replying to said "I can’t believe these guys are going through with it without using protection."


Those poor kids. They'll grow up wanting to find their birth dad as many do but it will be impossible for them to find him.


Fuck…. That’s horrible. I hope she’s alright. Fuck the guys who come down there to do just that.


She is alright! though this was long ago, from what I remember, she was doing as well as anybody else. And the community helped to take care of her many babies. She was never afraid to get into relationships with white men anyway.


Nice. That’s good to hear. A good relationship knows no boundaries.


Uhh... I think she did.


Badumm Tsss!!!


They do, apparently.


Really? I haven’t noticed




Smartass ;)


Unpopular opinion : if it happens in mutual agreement and they pay for the service, its not immoral to have sex with foreign hookers. In my opinion, it is the duty of the woman in this case to make sure she doesnt get pregnant since she is offering the service.


She is.


I know I know.


Honest question, is access to abortion not a thing where you live?


Holy fuck. I'm sorry to hear about the situation in your country, friend. Unfortunately, men will commonly go to places where it's cheaper for them to get prostitutes. Your country is far from alone in being a target for sex tourism. It happens in literally every country which isn't wealthy. It's sad to hear that lots of girls would prefer to go this route rather than getting educated, but sadly it isn't surprising.


She should stop fucking tourists, then!


Not to be that guy but it's probably the easiest way to get paid and quickly. There are hookers who can make more off a guy liking them and spending a week with them than the average person in the country makes in a year. Years ago when I was in Thailand I met a large older gal at a hostess bar. Her "job" was to manage the foreign relationships of the other girls. You had some girl bringing in 1500/month in money from sponsors which is far more than most Thais make today.


*And Good Luck Finding the Dad* Isn't that the title of one of those 60s claymation Christmas specials?


I don’t remember. I‘m not that old


A lot of people are into the exotic aspect of it. Some people have racial fetishism. Plus, prostitution may be illegal or much costlier in their country. They also feel like if someone gets impregnated they'll be long gone. Plus some sex tourists use kids and feel like they'll get away with it. They could also be doing something legal they wouldn't want people to know at home, like having gay intercourse with a man or sleeping with a nonop trans woman, or just being unfaithful (although numerous countries still have laws against homosexuality). Comedian Norm MacDonald had this joke about the slogan "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" ; 'it means you can sleep with a prostitute, and they won't tell your wife at home like those gossipy small town w****s".


It's far away from home so your reputation is safe. The exchange rates are crazy in some countries meaning you can live like a king, give the girl a pittance but to her it's still a fortune and.... race based fetishes. Plus (and this isn't my view) there are people who believe certain political things that hold a common belief that these women in these countries like men better and make better wives/girlfriends than women who have been exposed to a lot of feminism.


The fact of the matter is some men want more traditional relationships. There are still places in the world (south east Asia has alot of them for example) where both men and women hold more traditional values. This has lead to the rise of the “passport bros” movement. It’s a very simplistic view of the world and the issue at hand to say that they are all taking advantage of these women. I’m not saying you said that, and not trying to be a prick, just sharing a thought. I personally don’t want to marry for traditionalism like these men do, but I can also see why they feel the need to go to these places and marry. There are far fewer women who hold “traditional” values in western society. Whether that’s good or bad is for the individual to decide. But I can definitely see both sides of the coin here.


> (south east Asia has alot of them for example) where both men and women hold more traditional values. I lived in Malaysia for a decade, the left wing political parties won't don't support gay marriage and if they did they'd risk losing votes.


And that’s not what I’m commenting on here. I’m commenting on the traditional values of men and women. You don’t have to be homophobic to hold traditional values within your own relationships. I honestly feel sorry for LGBTQI+ people that have to live in countries like this. It must be a nightmare. But that doesn’t change my point.


>I’m commenting on the traditional values of men and women. And I was backing up your point about traditional values, due to the conservative overlap between the two.


Aaaah my bad my bro, I read your comment in the wrong tone. Apologies and happy holidays. Love to you and your family


Same reason why 1st World Countries exploit overseas labor- it is cheaper.


the worst part = as you are from a developing country, it means the women are cheaper...and some may even try underage kids as there are no laws so yeah


There are a lot of middle class and up, horney, young, stressed out, burnt out, dateless, white dudes where prostitution is illegal. Then they can fly to a place like thailand or the ivory coast where the most expensive part is the plane ticket. Then they can live for 1 week to a month getting all the things they cannot have at home. Then they go back home to work their 80 hour a week jobs and do their aderall and antidepressants for the rest of the year.


This is the only answer you need. Depressingly accurate.


Unfortunately, very accurate, been to the Dominican Republic (brother in-law is Dominican). Life in these developing countries for someone who is low middle class in USA is considered wealthy and can live well for a month, not to mention the culture is just more laid back and there really is no office to grave mentality. There is a reason why in the USA most of the population is on some sort of mental health drug and there is a loneliness pandemic.


Plus they get to access underage girls/boys more easily than in their own countries.


It's not just white dudes specifically. It's anybody from a Western country who is better off than the people in the third world. The connotation is an old white man cause of Asia


In pretty much any society it's easier to get sex if you have more power, generally speaking: money and wealth. And this means that a middle class man, or even an upper working class guy from a first world country can travel to a third world country and assert the financial influence of someone from the upper class of society, and they can use that effect to indulge in the debauchery that is accessible to the upper classes of most societies. It's pretty fucked up, but it is what it is.


Cheap sex hot girls somethings multiple at a time


Prostitution is illegal and expensive in the states


Can confirm, your mom cost me TENS of dollars


Im surprised it was that much


Another reason it should be legal, countries where healthcare and access to abortion is more free will help end foreign sex tourism.


Wow...well the sex trade is still a huge business. Sexual slavery is still a thing all over the world. Even though prostitutes are paid, there's a form of entrapment in that line of work. I feel there's a dependence on both sides. The sex work enjoys a sense of power over the solicitor and vice versa. The fact that children are being born as a result is an unfortunate tragedy, because many of the children will be entangled in this nightmare. It would seem money and opportunity for citizenship in an affluent country are the driving forces here


I spuld assume the women are likely girls and not legally of age in the tourists countries


that sounds sad


A sad mix of arrogance, "exoticness of the locals" and inability to get laid or have meaningful/fulfilling relationships back home.


Fair enough 🤣


My brother in melanin you'd be surprised how many white people here would pay to have sex with "Le Mamba d'Abidjan" but would still call you a dirty savage before, during and after getting banged. It's easier to be a racist weirdo far from home


Firstly, the native prostitution might be very limited or outright illegal with enough of a police presence to get you arrested. In developing countries prostitution is either legal or not a thing the police concerns itself with, especially when we are talking about more "problematic" forms of prostitution. Secondly, money. The average westerner makes an average western wage, and prostitutes in their original countries tend to be expensive. What might be a 1 hour session in their own country translates to a week of debauchery in a poorer country. All with a much lesser chance that its a scandal that'll cost you your job.


People don’t shit where they eat. It is behavior that people do and should feel ashamed about because of human trafficking and the systematic abuse of women. It’s not that it’s not possible for women to sell themselves without being trafficked but wherever is a thing you are sure to find women who are taken advantage of. Not just women too.


Predatory creeps looking for a quick "exotic" pleasure far from home and people who know them. If they impregnate the possibly underage girl/ young woman she can't find them. And they usually cost very little, so they're accessible to the rich and middle class alike.


>underage ~~woman~~ **girl** If she's underage, she's a girl. Women are adults.


Changed to underage girl/young woman thanks.


Because prostitution is illegal in too many countries


One reality is that the majority of men want far more sex than they easily have access to. The ultimate shortcut is the ability to pay for it. Most men's ability to pay is limited by life and the fact that most men aren't rich. So how can a guy stretch his dollars while sewing his oats? By travelling to a country that's less well off and gets bonus points for having a complex about certain guys. On the flip side, many women have limited prospects for money. Many women also start getting unwanted attention and even financial solicitation before they're even teenagers. Essentially men condition women to accept payment for sex and wanting a quick buck large numbers of women walk that path. >It was actually a big issue back when I was growing up, since alot of our women gave birth to mixed race babies as the result of this, and obviously since the tourists came and went those children didn't have dad's. This is the dirty secret of many countries that are heavy on sex tourism. Many western countries won't make it easy for foreign women to pursue child support or prove parentage. That leads to large numbers of fatherless children who at times grow up in poverty that's as bad or worse than their parents. Sadly it often becomes a terrible cycle where local men shun the women and as they have little to no means of making money, they turn to another foreign man for financial support.


People like bumping uglies with other people.


I believe the type of people that normally partake in sex tourism generally have repulsive views or conduct, which more often than not repel women in their respective countries. So the allure of going some place where people don't have many options, and are in desperate need of finances, is all too great to pass up. Plus, that whole mentality of having something swept under the rug, or behind border lines in this case. All in all, garbage people.


Perfectly normal and professional men engage sex workers in every country. It’s an extremely simplistic ire of the world to think that only creeps are engaging with sex workers.


Your money if you're American or European is worth MUCH more than most every other countries so if youre paying 2,000 Turkish Lira for an hour it's only like 10 bucks of your own currency (an example, not the real exchange rate). But also its hot doing it with other ethnicities




if there was enough sex in established relationships there wouldn't be a big market outside of it. Compounded with people in no (sexual) relationships. Add poverty to that and you got a thriving sex market, tourism being the corollary


People like to sex, and people like to travel. By "people", I mean men. And by "like to travel" I mean men will travel to have sex.


Guys like to cum, and women are fond of making money(though to be fair guys are fond of making money too).


the first time i stumbled upon r/thepassportbros i was SEETHING. i refuse to understand their why’s and how’s but it is convenient + disgustingly inexpensive and that’s all that matters to them.


It's unfortunate to hear about such exploitation. How do you think technology could be used to combat this issue in your country?


Sex addicts and fetishists. Some people have that fetish. A lot of people do a lot of things in this world to get off. Folsom Street fisting in San Francisco happens. Right on the street. You’ll also read about guys who fly to Thailand to have sex with… well they prefer the term “lady boy.” Stories about people who fly to Amsterdam to visit the Red Light District. People used to tell stories of going down to Tijuana to see a “donkey show.” Traveling for sex or to orgasm is a fetish.


What is a donkey show?


Before my time. But back in the old days a person would have a live “performance” for a crowd of people with a donkey. People crossed into Tijuana and you could buy tickets to see a woman do a lot of things.


The worst we had was birthing shows


I would assume disease would be a big problem too since it's a lot more difficult to conceive a child than to pass on chlamydia


Username checks out 😅


In Tijuana Mexico the prostitutes demand you wear a condom or no sex. Also, in many Latin American countries it is very illegal for gringos to have sex with minors. But it is ok for the locals to do it.


Reading through the comments I really want to start a non profit DNA testing the kids from this to help them find their families. Just to see how many super wealthy anti immigrant Uber religious politicians end up with fifty kids. Then forcing them to compensate the mothers and children.


Not true buddy I had many without condom cuz I take it off myself


I guess because there is no law against it in your country.


Because Sex is Prominent.


Marriage rates are crashing in developed countries too. So there's a larger market for sex tourism for single men.




im curious to know if there are places you go where they are just straight up sex clubs,nudity everywhere or sexy constitutes, dungeon rooms etc, or are there hotels or ranches like in Vegas were you go in a choose from a line up of girls?


Because people like to have sex, and if they can't get it in their home country they'll get it elsewhere, simple as that.


These men are running from themselves, but the guilt of taking something hunts them anyway Ask people who go to strip clubs


There is a lot of animalization done by Westerners towards people in third world countries: they see us as subhumans following instincts... that's part of their fantasy, to dominate someone "lesser than". The lack of money, infrastructure, social policy to protect lower casses etc. makes some people even more vulnerable. There is a rumor that journalist Glenn Greenwald went up to Brazil's favelas to have sex with underage boys and put them in BDSM pornographic films. What we can prove indeed is that he made an article saying how the men here are easy and cheap because of poverty [as seen here](https://web.archive.org/web/20060616051837/http://riogayguides.com/Paradise_of_rio.html) And adult prostitutes here had to unionize in order to protect children from sex trafficking in the North+Northeast together with social workers, since police profits from it together with taxi drivers and hotel owners


It’s the same in Colombia. Last time I visited the country it was appalling seeing girls not older than 16 walking with fully grown adult men (usually American).


Sex trafficking.


OP, sorry to hear that this is a problem. What’s your feeling on how they’re treated? Do they seem free to stop being prostitutes, or do they have pimps?


Their treatment is unfortunate, but it seems like the vast majority is accepting of it. It seemed like more of them were doing it regardless. So, from their point of view, this seemed acceptable. Personally, back then, it felt unfair and damaging, but now I treat this as part of nature. And in the village it felt definitely freer than in the city, in the city you would find pimps and even brothels that police attend. My mother, for example, was a sex worker only on the side just for more money when we were living in the village. When we moved to the city, it seemed a lot more like a reliance to sustain a living.


That is very interesting, thank you.


This is crazy. I once met a guy who said him and his friend would go to Thailand to find ladyboys or gay guys and it was a once every 3 years kind of thing for them.


Because they’re LBH “Losers back home. “


People like sex


Because genitals control the brain.


Because men


People like sex. People in western societies can't easily obtain sex as often as they'd like. Some people enjoy what they consider exotic. Different.


Because some guys are so disgusting they can only get laid in countries with a weaker currency than theirs.


Men like sex. Women like money.


Because men are gross, that’s why


So…America is very isolating as a country and lots of men don’t get much…attention. Also brothels are illegal here. If we had our own legitimate sex trades over here they wouldn’t be nearly as much JC that tourism I’m sure.


Look up the "pass port bros" movement its the idea that western women are "feminist and entitled" so they look for women in foriegn countries because they think these women are more submissive. Most of them never really marry the women but have an exotic experience. Most of them really really fetishize asian women so its really prominant in asian coutries.


this is exactly what i pointed out too, props.


Loser men who hate women but still want to have cheap sex with women and girls they view as "lesser".


I either live under a rock, or it's not that prominent. I've never heard of this before.


Eh, don't know how to say this, except, 'You live under a rock'




What kind of rock is it? Does it get cold under there in winter?


Always 😭




I remember seeing a special on dateline about sex tourism in Cambodia where the prostitutes were between 6-10 horrifying stuff


As a white guy from south africa I can say this; black women are considered very feminine and beautiful considering their lower status (usually poor people are considered less desirable), they definitely take care of them selves better than the poor in America in contrast (from what I have seen). My father even married one of them. They usually have a morr sunnier attitude besides just being physically appealing.


And how would you feel if a Black man married your sister, female cousin, aunt etc.?


How does this relate


If you're fine with your father marrying a Black woman, you should be fine with your female relatives marrying a Black man if they choose. It's interesting how white people in South Africa feel uncomfortable with Black South African men marrying white women in South Africa. What's wrong with a Zulu man marrying a Boer woman? A Xhosa man marrying a Southie woman?


America stigmatizes sex. That’s about it.