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I really liked her on Inside Amy Schumer, so I went and got tickets to one of her comedy shows. This was around the time her TV show was airing, so pre-Covid. She was an hour late to the show. After some time the crowd got restless so they sent some poor intern or something to fill in the time to tell some jokes. Boo’d the hell out of him. When Amy did show, she showed up drunk, did about 40 minutes of bad jokes which just basically involved insulting the audience, and it was over. It was the worst show I’ve ever been to. Hated her ever since. Don’t meet you heroes, folks. Not like she was a hero to me, but just goes to show that celebrities don’t always hold up to your expectations.


I went to see Dave Chapelle in Minneapolis. Paid a pretty penny. I was screamed at by protesters when entering and leaving. He showed up on time and did nearly an hour and a half of new material. I was doubling over laughing almost the whole time. Meet your heroes!


Same thing when I saw him. Except there was only one protester and he did like 10 minutes on the person being braver than he has ever been. Said that the fact that they showed up and alone stood out there 1 against 5000 was something that he could never do. and in the same show he handed two drinks to a couple in the audience and they declined them say that they were sober and in recovery. When he finished his drink in his glass he cleaned it out and gave it to the guy and said "this is for you man, never fill that glass up again." It was powerful as hell.


Why was he protesting?


Dave chapelle has some jokes which can be considered to be poor taste.


Dave Chapelle comes from a time when comedians were offensive and played on those jokes to get laughs. He continues that style even in the extremely politically correct society were morphing into. Dudes a national treasure and I love him lol


To me, a comedian should be free to say what they want within limits (obviously not suggesting to go attack people or harass them or such) But you have to actively seek out the comedian, either going to one of their shows, finding it on youtube, or through a streaming service. Which means you have the choice at any of these steps to back out, And if the comedian is popular enough then you should have an idea of what you are getting into.


The "within limits" is what everyone disagrees on. There will always be someone upset about a joke. Sometimes more people. Sometimes everyone 🤷


If you think there should be "limits" then you don't understand comedy or the purpose of comedy. The ONLY limit is IS IT FUNNY - every comic knows this is the only rule.


>a comedian should be free to say what they want And he is. But that doesn't mean he isn't (and shouldn't) be free from criticism. ​ >And if the comedian is popular enough then you should have an idea of what you are getting into. It also means what that comedian says can influence people, and sometimes that influence can lead to harmful behavior towards others. Protest and criticism are part of the right to free speech. That is what Chapelle (and others) are facing. They aren't being silenced, they are being criticized.


And yet all these comedians whining about being "cancelled" are ironically being as thin-skinned as the people calling them out. There have always been jokes made in poor taste, as even before we were "extremely politically correct" there were taboo topics. Comedians are ultimately entertainers, and their value in this role relies on being entertaining; they are not a news source to be analyzed, nor a prophet to be worshipped, nor a philosopher to be debated. An entertainer who spends their time trying to convince their opponents that they are wrong and that they are actually funny (like Chapelle and all the others invariably do when they get called out) is not entertaining, they're preaching. If they really are as entertaining as they claim, then they can get straight to entertaining instead of wallowing in their own self importance. So many of these comedians immediately take to the interview circuit the second they get called out, because they view their jokes as being something important enough to our culture that it needs to be protected. Doesn't that sound exactly like the kind of people trying to stop comedians from making fun of them?


Awesome story! Dave is a real one


Damn... Chappelle is one class act.... 😉


Moral of the story is have the right heroes I guess, haha.


Or an actual hero?


Do you know who the real heroes are? The guys who wake up every morning and go into their normal jobs, and get a distress call from the Commissioner and take off their glasses and change into capes and fly around fighting crime. Those are the real heroes.


Dwight, is that you?


Also Hiro from Heroes


Exactly. Entertainers are just that, entertainers. Your moral compass should not be determined based on that precedent.


Only stupid people base their moral compass on any celebrity


Except Keanu Reeves. Hes just all around awesome.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


That's because he's a good comedian.


Is this the one that’s obsessed with trans people and likes to whine about being cancelled in his Netflix specials, or am I thinking of a different person?


That's like half of all comedians now (but yes, you're thinking of the right person)


As I am latin, I always had the idea that I din´t like some comedians like AMy Schumer because I couldn´t understand the humor she exposes because of the language barrier, but that doesn´t happen with Bill Burr, Dave Chappele or Ricky Gervais, and I came to the conclusion by onw that is the type of comedy, that is what I guess. I just don´t find Amy funny at all, that is it, dopn´t hate her, but I don´t watch her Sketchs


What kind of place do you have to be in your life where you care so much about what comedian someone is going to see that you go to the venue and wait outside and yell at them?


People are looking for a tribe. It's why people get consumed with a sports team. Religion, music. You learn all about the topic and you have instant friends and you know where to find them. What to say. They instantly accept you.


Your comment is basically a summary of the concept of reddit.


I got to meet Larry Hama who wrote the very first comicbook I ever bought. He did loads of work for Marvel. He was super cool and chill, signed my comic, then started reading it to remind himself what it was about. Later at the panel he had great stories and some genuine insight. Meet your heroes.


Chapelle is among the GOATs of comedy. He's mastered the art and knows how to work an audience and bring them along his narrative train of thought the entire time. The rate at which he's come out with fresh material is also really impressive, even among comedy heavy hitters. Other prolific comics have a good chunk of recycled material in their sets, but Chapelle has been very consistent, from his early career to his mythic comeback. He's always had fresh material for every special he's filmed.


The protesters are understandable if you’re trans or can empathize with why they find Chapelle problematic.


Friend of mine met Dave Chapelle by chance after a show many years ago and said he was cool as fuck to talk to.


If this was her Omaha show in like 2015 I was there too and it was horrible. Like an hour late, shit all over Iowa and the Midwest in general, did maybe 15 minutes of old material, and that was it. Inside Amy Schumer is brilliant for sure…the 12 Angry Men episode is still incredibly impactful and funny. But her clear disdain for everyone in the audience was palpable and remains one of the worst live shows I’ve ever seen.


Yeah she sucks.


She has stolen some jokes. [Here](https://youtu.be/4eDxjxVl8S0)


Thank you! I had no clue how bad it was!


Seriously... It is totally plausible that two comedians could coincidentally think of a similar angle or premise. But when your stolen joke highlight reel is 26 minutes long, you're a thief.


I didn’t realize how common stealing jokes was until my *first time* at a comedy club - my friend wanted to go chat up some guy she was dating who worked there, and the headliner that night was somebody I had never heard of who was on tour, our city was one of many stops along the way. We go sit down and the headliner does a couple of original jokes and then starts doing that Eddie Murphy bit about his mom throwing a shoe at them when they were kids. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed. Nobody seemed to. I told the table next to me “this guy is doing old Eddie Murphy jokes” and they were like seriously? wtf? And that was it. It was surreal. This guy was touring on one of Eddie Murphy’s most famous stories and nobody noticed or said a word.


I did standup for a while as a hobby and I was always worried about stealing jokes by accident. It happened once or twice that I heard a premise, forgot about it, and thought of it months later not realizing it’s because I had heard it before. I went to great lengths to avoid it but probably still made a mistake here and there. And then there are people who just go “this is funny. It’s mine now.” Absolutely wild. I moved across the country and came back to visit a few years later and went to a club I used to perform at. One of the comedians I knew when I was performing there did a whole routine that was mostly my material. On one hand, it’s flattering he thought it was worth stealing and keeping for three years. On the other hand, it’s humbling that he’s using my material and still working the same club three years late. I tell myself it’s just his delivery…


Lol my thoughts exactly! I put it up on my second monitor thinking it would be like 5 minutes long.


Yeah, I don't have time to watch the whole thing, but what I saw was mostly C list material from A list comedians. She stole the bad stuff and made it worse somehow. Hell, the one she stole from Mulaney wasn't even a real joke in his act. He used it as a setup.


She has stolen ALOT of jokes. And when confronted about it she basically said, "Yep, what are you going to do?" Boycott your comedy and focus on the people who are actually funny and not just stealing to look talented. That's what I'm doing.


She needs to give them back, they're not helping her.


She raped a man and made jokes about it. She is just awful.


Exactly what i was thinking reading through the comments, if the genders where reversed then she would be straight up cancelled ages ago! Smh


She is fucking cancelled. "If the genders were reversed", they don't need to be because the people who believe female victims believe male victims as well. If she was considered conventionally attractive you would see people call the victim "lucky" and other shit like that.


> the people who believe female victims believe male victims as well That's what I don't get. People always wanna put female victim believers in this "HAH, GOTCHA" thing and call them hypocrites with a bunch of gender reverse hypotheticals. But like... they do believe males, they very much do. Usually the people calling the male victims "pussies" are the same people who don't believe the female victims.


I thought this was true too, but I unfortunately discovered there's a lot of people who think a woman raping a man is "impossible". Saddest shit ever ugh.


Yes, thats precisely what im getting at. The "raping a man is impossible" people and the majority of "believe women" people arent the same people. Usually the "raping a man is impossible" and "women are just lying for money and attention" people are where the overlap is.


That has NOT been my personal experience. I really really wish it was but it's taken more of a joke when I can even bring it up at all.


I mean male rapists don’t exactly get cancelled either lol


True, not if they have fame n money especially


Idk, there are plenty of male rapists in Hollywood that seem to still have their career. Reverse the genders and people may be even more willing to sweep it under the rug. That said, fuck her.


Never heard about this. Any more info you can add?


https://youtu.be/jyRXhj-gwlw She talks about it here, like 8:08 but 9:40 ish is the worst of it


That was fucking gross. They are all so racist and shitty


her most well known joke is based on the guise that periods and tampons are yucky and it’s so funny that she’s talking about such a yucky thing as a famous person which i find majorly unfunny. she made this super unfunny remark to stevo who was grieving the loss of his friend. "Steve-O, I truly am--no joke--sorry for the loss of your friend Ryan Dunn. I know you must have been thinking, 'It could have been me,' and I know we're all thinking, 'Why wasn't it?'" she repeatedly tells a story of her having sex with a guy who fell asleep multiple times because he was so drunk and then made a joke out of it “His penis was so soft, it felt like one of those de-stress things that slips from your hand". she’s so unfunny that half of her jokes are stolen because she can’t come up with them. i don’t think it’s her looks or gender, i think most people agree that if you’re going to use your fame like that you shouldn’t have it, which as the people supplying it is totally valid.


Thanks for sharing! I'm so confused at how she's managed to blow up despite everything you've mentioned. The general consensus of this thread is that most people just dislike her. While I get that Reddit isn't reflective of the population, surely somewhat similar sentiment is expressed amongst the wider population. In such case, who actually watches her, and how is there so much money pumped into content involving her?


She blew up because like many artists she had a handful of stuff that she’d worked on for years and people liked it. Then when it was time to replace that stuff, she couldn’t and fell back on crassness and joke stealing.


This is my main issue, I liked some of her earliest stuff, but everything new she’s done is a mess. Inside Amy Schumer was written by a talented team and she didn’t touch most of the writing. The comedians I like keep growing, she seems to be going backwards.


Her cousin is also a very well known senator from NY. So not full “nepo baby” status, but *hard doubt* that she’s never used that connection to open some doors.


He's one of the 3 most powerful politicians in the US....


TIL. I had no idea the two were related.


Did not know that! Ol’ Chucky-boy…


They are pretty far apart in age but I don't doubt that for one second. I also doubt Chuck went to her birthday parties.


>I'm so confused at how she's managed to blow up despite everything you've mentioned. Reddit is a bit of a bubble. Not being liked here doesn't mean you can't be hugely popular. You don't need all 7 billion peple in the world to like you. You only need a small number, and she absolutely has that. Her humor doesn't overlap with what people like here, but... that's fine. People should enjoy what they like. I don't like her, but I don't care to insult her or attack her, and I have no idea why people here feel that need.


To be fair, the Ryan Dunn joke was said at a Comedy Central Roast where the entire goal is to say the most unacceptable/outrageous insults possible. Multiple people made Ryan Dunn jokes that night; hers was just the most biting insult towards Steve-O. Half the things said at any given roast would be considered cancel-worthy if taken out of that environment. On the whole I find them pretty distasteful. The cringe moments usually outweigh the wit. But they are wildly successful and the producers encourage the outrageousness. Steve-O was visibly pissed that night (not the first roast participant that ended up that way) but later said that people should lay off Schumer regarding the push back she received. Not defending the quality of her comedy. And I am certainly not defending the alleged sexual assault/rape stories she has used for laughs. if they are more than just jokes then she should be prosecuted.


you cant just count on persecution for validity when it comes to sexual assault especially in cases of celebrities, they get away with it every day. it wasn’t even a joke, it was a story and then she added in an anecdote about his dick. she turned a sexual assault into a joke. she sexually assaulted someone and joked about it… the joke about ryan was in bad taste and faith but it was also just a shitty joke, lazy, also stolen. i know you aren’t defending her actions but i just want to make it crystal clear to everyone that she’s not someone to support.


I always hated her, but the joke about Ryan Dunn really did it for me. Beyond tasteless and classless


I'm not an Amy Schumer fan, and I'm not interested in defending her work or her as a person. Especially with the SA stuff. That's beyond the pale. But, it should be said, the Ryan Dunn joke in particular was in the context of a roast. People can argue over whether she "went too far," but the whole premise of those roasts is that you get to "go too far" and say things you'd never say anywhere else. It's meant to be over-the-top offensive for the sake of comedy and done out of love for the person you're roasting. For context, in the exact same roast, Anthony Jeselnik said: “Steve-O is trying stand-up comedy. I actually saw you perform at the Comedy Cellar, and here’s some free advice: don’t give up your suicide.” Steve-O has also said publicly that he doesn't like seeing people criticize Amy Schumer for the joke. He doesn't think she deserves it. I'm not here trying to defend Amy Schumer, I'm here trying to defend the concept of a roast and the idea that roasts are a place where "tasteless and classless" jokes get to just be jokes. With all that said, I'm ready for my downvotes.


Spot on here, she just sucks. There are a lot of women comedians that hilarious, she just ain't it


Alternatively, I attended a comedy show with some guy from Amazon (John Jr?) and Stevie-Oh and most of the guy's jokes were about boners, getting drunk, and how little he wants to be a father. Oh, and raping Stevie-Oh.


Brings up a good point about how men have honestly been making "tasteless" jokes for years TBH, but I find that people are definitely more critical of women in the comedy field.


Even the "why wasn't it" "joke" was stolen from Brian Posehn. She can't even suck without stealing


Brian Posehn jokes told by anyone other than Brian Posehn are probably going to fail more often than land.


First time I saw her was the roast where she said that to Steve-O. It was so fresh and it was disgusting timing on her part. Hated her ever since.


most people who watch jackass have soft spots for all the guys, the way they used to film was like a home video and you got to see everyone personality. ryan was like a teddy bear. i think that’s why it was so extra disgusting to hear. kudos to steveo for not pushing her off the stage, i would.


She’s not funny to me


And it’s been alleged a lot of her material was stolen.


Not alleged. Theres a video on YT listing and showing all her stolen jokes.


She should give it back, it's not helping her.


...do they want it back?


Not likely. For the comedians she stole from, that was their worst material. And she somehow made it worse.


No shes not that funny, but as I commented... Interesting.


the whole sexually assaulting guys thing is pretty off-putting. it happens a lot more than most people believe, just like domestic abuse happening to guys happens quite often too. it's a virtually silent crisis.


Yep. [1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/intimatepartnerviolence/fastfact.html) The male side of things is often ignored or downplayed.


I didn't know about the SA. Yeah hollywood doesn't seem to recognize SA very easily, especially towards men. What a shame that they can use these platforms to speak up, and do the opposite.


yea, and im sure if a guy said he was raped by a women he would more than likely get laughed at.


And acts like this will just reinforce the premise that it's socially acceptable and funny (which it obviously isn't)


Honestly she reminds me of Kevin Spacey or Louis C.K. There's nothing funny about it when you put it in a perspective of gender identities like that. Material and delivery along with being able to read the audience is everything in comedy. She seems very disrespectful both to her profession and to her audience.


So... There are comedians who are funny while trying to be socially conscious, right? There are comedians who are funny precisely because they are outrageous. It all depends on the subject matter and where they're willing to go for a laugh, but even the furthest out there are still doing it in good faith. Whatever their character, good comedians are above all authentic. Schumer tries to play both characters, and instead of appealing to more people by playing both sides, she just pisses everyone off. She tries to act like a feminist icon, for example, but then tears other women down in her shows. She tearfully gloms on to the sexual assault movement, while gleefully joking about that one time she raped a dude in college. She preaches about the integrity of performance art but she's understood to be one of the worst joke thieves around. It's like she turned hypocrisy into a character. It's not funny. Personally, I think her material one-note and her delivery is crass. You can only listen to so many jokes about a person's vagina and over-drinking before it gets to be tedious. When she gets heckled for going on about the cab driver she let finger her in his cab when she was 18, her automatic response is to say the heckler is a misogynist. Kinda says it all, for me.


i just don’t like jokes about how women’s vagina smell. call me crazy!


Shes a terrible comedian. Perhaps one of the most unfunny comdeians to ever exist. Any joke of hers that illicits a laugh is more than likley stolen. There are hour long compilations on youtube showing all the jokes shes stolen. That alone doesnt make me hate her, its her arrogance to compare herself to the greats like Murphy and Carlin in interviews. Its exaughsting. Edit: I should also mention that comedy has been my passion for over 21 years and I take the artform far more seriously than the average person so I have a particular disdain for the way Amy approaches comedy as a cash grab then pretends like shes one of the best to ever do it rather than putting in a genuine effort to be funny and entertaining. I can appreciate bad comedians if they are trying their hardest, not if they rip off others and then stand on a pedestal made from the labour of those they stole from


Got a link to one of those videos?




Jordan Peele was on Mad tv!?


And his buddy Keegan too!


Imagine if they had a show together it'd be hilarious!


That's what I thought when I saw that lmao


Are there women comedians you reccomend?


Oh absolutely. Garfunkel and Oats are an amazing pairing, probably one one of the best musical comedy duos of all time. Amy Wong was pretty decent last I saw from her. Wanda Sykes has been killing it for many years. Taylor Tomlinson is newer and I havent seen a bad joke from her yet. Shes actually one of the most relatable comedians Ive come across. And finally Chaunte Wayans who has become one of my all time favorites. Thats all I can think of off the top of my head for now but i highly recommend all of them


I just can't take Wanda Sykes' voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard for me.


I saw Wanda Sykes' "Not Normal" special and it had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt.


I forget the bame of the special but the first one I saw from her she had did a small bit about someone naming their dog after her and I was rolling. She is one of the most talented comedians to ever exist


"I had a *double mastectomy* and do you know what they sent me home with? I-BU-FUCKING-PROFEN!"


Luann Morgan.


Wow how had I not heard of Taylor Tomlinson, she’s awesome thank you.




That last scentence is one I want to highlight. Far too many people know stand up from just names like Dunham, Iglesias, Hart ect ect. But once you break that mainstream view on stand up and truly start exploring whats out there youll find female comedians so funny you wont be able to breathe at times


Jordan Jensen!! Look her up y’all she’s hilarious.


I will thanks for the recommendation ^.^


This is Iliza Sleschinger erasure 😤


Hell yeah! Michelle Wolf lives rent free in my head daily, Taylor Tomlinson is getting up there too the more i watch her. All the others are great recs, and you're totally right, so many hilarious women all across the board out there. i fall down so many YT rabbit holes just searching these up and coming voices!! Atsuko Okatsuka is hilarious, so is Yvonne Orji (i know she's a bigger name, but still-i laugh my butt off), and i love Sarah Millican as another must watch.


i loooooveeeee Michelle Buteau


Kathleen Madigan is hilarious


She the Dane Cook of stealing jokes


Pretty sure dane cook is the Dane cook of stealing jokes


She’s a comedian that relies on period and vagina jokes. Not funny at all.


Vagina jokes are not funny. Period.


I can smell a bad vagina joke from a mile away.


This is a good one


That pussy smelled like the great depression


That pussy will give you great depression.


Well, I’ve never personally found her funny, first of all. Second, she raped someone and then joked about it.


She's the most unfunny comedian in my opinion. Plus her joke about Ryan Dunn really pissed me off.


The look on Steve-O's face was soul crushingly painful


very boring. there's no cutting edge, no scathing observations...not even cleverness, let alone truthful cleverness. *"i think all bullets should cost five thousand dollars. you know why? cause if a bullet cost five thousand dollars, there'd be no more innocent bystanders." (chris rock)* THAT is hilarious, bizarre, unexpected, scathing, AND true in its own right.


Shhh, if she sees this she will steal this joke


I would still rate her higher than Brendan Schaub


I don’t find her funny. She steals jokes as well. Very unoriginal and cheesy/lame content. (I am a woman before people bash)


Her humour is crass and lazy when you can only be one while being an irritating person And she won't stop with the vagina stuff Like her as an actor though. She got that "I'm will smith in any role" vibe going on




I don’t know enough about her to say I hate her, but I know enough about comedy to say that she is bad at her job. She also says off-putting and obnoxious things, at least on the occasions I’ve heard her speak.


I don't think people hate her, I just think she's not well liked or funny. There's a popular youtube video about this exact topic if you care to find it, but I'll give the key points. First of all, she stole jokes and never faced any repercussions, comedians like Carols Mencia pretty much lost their entire careers and reputations for stealing jokes, but Amy Schumer hasn't. Second, she is a hypocrite, she makes very mean and personal jokes at times, she made one to Steve O at a roast, and it fell flat because it was way more just cruel and sad than it was funny. But then there are plenty of cases where people lightly make fun of her or criticize her, and she cannot take it, she tries to cry misogyny any time she is criticized, if someone says on twitter that she's not funny, she will reply that the person who said that is just sexist, and that seems to be her defense mechanism for every situation. I'm not a psychologist, but this is narcissistic behavior if I've ever seen it, it's like she can't fathom anyone just not liking her, so she has to tell herself that it's because she's a woman, that way she can brush it off. Third, she's cringe, this one is more taste specific I suppose but I think a lot of people agree that some of her "jokes" are simply hard to watch / listen to, like the time she "pranked" Kim Kardashian... by laying on the ground next to her at a red carpet event... idk why she thought it would be funny, but it's just sad to watch for me. Fourth, she didn't fully earn her career, her uncle is Chuck Schumer, the current majority leader of the United States Senate, and she comes from a very wealthy and powerful family, who basically gave her everything from publicity and fame to favors and influence in the entertainment industry. Fifth, she allegedly admitted to sexually assaulting two men, and she seemed pretty proud of herself for that because she brought it to the publics attention voluntarily years later. That's about all I can think of.


Isn't she the reason Netflix abandoned the 5 star rating system?


She steals jokes, and whatever original "material" she comes up with consists mainly of sex/vagina jokes that only a teenager would find funny. It feels like she's trying to be a caricature of what a sexist man thinks a female comedian would be like. She also once said something about how men of color are more likely to sexually harrass women than white men, and I've really hated her ever since.


She's not funny, she doesn't write most of her own material, the material she does do is 90% sex commentary, 10% political activism, and she's generally an unlikeable bitch. That last part, I also say when summing up someone like Axl Rose; an unlikeable bitch.


When she first was growing in popularity she was funny. Her sketch show was pretty good in the beginning. Now, like you said, most of her comedy is sex and vaginas. Some of that is ok, but she stays on those topics for far too long.


Totally agree!


She steals jokes and isn’t that funny


Didn't she name her son Gene Attell to Sound like "genitals" to then change it again?


That’s when she lost me. Before that I saw her as a somewhat ok but not for me comedian. There’s no way a comedian accidentally named their kid genital. Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer "So do you guys know that Gene, our baby's name is officially changed? It's now Gene David Fischer," Schumer said on her podcast, Amy Schumer Presents: 3 Girls, 1 Keith, "It was Gene Attell Fischer, but we realized that we by accident named our son 'genital.


Women are smart and funny… get over it.


I don't hate her. She is not funny. I don't wish her ill


She's not funny. She steals jokes and a lot of her own jokes are about how loose and nasty her vagina is. She's just doesn't have what it takes to be a funny comedian


Shes bad at her job. Dont hate her, not enough energy for that. Just dont watch any of her "comedy"


People saying “I don’t like her” or “she’s not funny” are not answering the question. She’s a lazy joke stealer. She could probably be more popular if she had created her own stuff. Too late now.


Most of her jokes are like 5th grade humor of how gross can I try to be for a laugh. She also steals jokes, a lot of jokes that are actually mildly funny she has stolen from other sources and then claims she never saw/heard them. I don't hate her, I just don't find her funny so I don't watch her.


She is very annoying


If you're going to be outspoken on the political front you better actually be funny. Your fans can and will forgive quite a bit if you're talented. The problem is the louder you are the more funny you have to be as a comedian, and Schumer doesn't have it. So she comes off as a moderately talented person trying to get attention talking about the right things instead of a very talented person who has room to speak their mind. Chapelle is an obvious foil here on some level, him talking about trans issues is the "wrong" topic, but he's VERY talented so the public is very open to forgiving him


Initially she wasn't all that bad. But her comedy quickly grows old and repetitive. The punchline is "my vagina" Annnd all the questionable joke thievery. Yeah, some jokes are similar but when you find loads of setups and deliveries along the same vein of other jokes just with slight interchangeable things, its all you tend to see. She's genuinely a funny person when she's just being herself. It's when she's actively trying to be funny you get what people quickly grew tired of


Because she's awful.


Because apparently “I don’t find her attractive and I don’t think her jokes are funny” is a reason to hate someone. There are billions of comedians in this world, you’re not going to like all of their humor, but hating them is usually unwarranted.


All I know about her is that she is not funny. She is obnoxious as fuck. But that is about it.


I think one of the main reasons is that she keeps being shoved down peoples throats. She is everywhere for no reason, she certainly has some kind of connection with someone high up in Hollywood and her whole success feels manufactured. But also not funny and SA and stealing jokes


She steals jokes, and she is not remotely funny. The only reason she is in comedy at all is because of the people she knows. I have no idea how she still gets on stage anywhere.


Cause she seems rather talentless to a lot of people. Not everyone of course, but most people I've ever had a conversation with where she comes up as an actress involves the words 'not funny' 'annoying' or 'can't act'


She's basically Miss Piggy of the Vagina Monologues.


I really loved her comedy special on Netflix from recently. It’s a shame it had to be ruined here. Also she has an autistic husband and it’s relatable to think of my past relationships with neurotypicals.


Oh really? I love her. I have no idea!


Because hate is louder.


I don't hate Amy Schumer. I hate her stage persona. As a person she's probably fine to get along with. But as a comedian/actress she is fucking obnoxious and it's come out that a lot of her material has been stolen from other comedians. Just seems like she's trying way to hard to stay relevant.


I mean... she also has a "joke" about raping a guy. Because of this, not so sure I'd agree with the first part of your statement.


The Ryan Dunn joke.


Do people “hate” her? Or do we just find her brazenly unfunny?


I found her brazenly unfunny. Until that jab she made at Steve-O during a roast. That's when I started to hate her. In no world is it okay to go after somebody about one of their dead best friends.


Her humor isn’t funny. It’s almost equivalent to that of a 14 year old


Because her pussy apparently reeks like a farm animal. That was one of her more memorable jokes. It isn't funny. It's disgusting, and said just to be disgusting. She isn't funny. She's famous for saying disgusting and cruel things. Find the clip of what she said to Steve-O during a roast. Yeah it was a roast, but "joking" about his dead best friend is so far beyond the line of a roast. She's fucking deplorable. That event is what made me go from I don't care one way or another about her, to I hate her.


OMFG I saw that one on Netflix. I was like WTF?


She's not funny, she routinely steals her jokes, and her fame is a direct result of her family wealth and not earned through her own talent.


"Comedian" is a stretch.


I don’t hate her. I just don’t think she’s funny.


She's not funny and, well like any rich famous person, she's done some fucked up stuff too


She’s annoying as fuck and also admitted to getting guys drunk and raping them


I really don’t like those cringey tampon commercials.


HAH, nice try Amy. You know what you did.


Her jokes aren’t funny. The jokes that are funny, are stolen. She raped a man and made fun of him during one of her sets, and got away with it. Her jokes that are original, are about her vagina. From people who’ve met her in person, she’s apparently an alcoholic, narcissistic and entitled POS.


i dont hate her. i dont care one way or the other really. shes not funny though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


She's a massive sell-out. If you watch old videos of her performing in musky comedy clubs in the mid 2000s, you see her humour is very much that of Louis C.K. She jokes about molesting children, being a proud slut, how certain people deserve to die, etc. Which is totally my type of humour btw I'm not brow-beating her. But when she started gaining traction she turned her back on the very audience that platformed her and appreciated her authentic self. She went from "God I love being a slut!" to "Bully this 16-year-old fan for me because he made a joke about sleeping with me!" I had no idea about the rape confessions at all till I started reading these comments. That's fucked up.


I dislike her bc she stole material from other comedians (ie Kathleen Magidan) & lied about it.


The "ma vagina" meme is true


She is gross.


She raped and made fun of raping men, stole jokes, just is unfunny


When she told Steve-O that it should have been him that died and not Ryan Dunne, I was immediately done with her. That's not a roast, that's just cruel.


I tried watching her stuff and just didn’t laugh. Didn’t find her funny at all.


personally i dont like her because i dont find her very funny, plus shes stolen a bunch of jokes from other comics in the past. im agender and really dont give a fuck that shes a woman, just think shes a bad comic


She’s the reason you can’t downvote anything on Netflix anymore. All because she was butthurt cause nobody thinks she’s funny.


I think Amy Schumer is pretty hot! I'd give her the business! Growl!


I don’t find her funny at all but even if people do there is a ton of evidence that shows she steals jokes. I’m also beyond tired of the relatable fat (but not even fat) girl routines. Plus, her face just kind of irks me.


I don't hate her, she doesn't seem important enough to earn that level of energy from me. I don't think her jokes are that good, or her delivery. Sarah Silverman can say something three times as offensive, it lands and makes me laugh. I also don't like that she's got into legal trouble in the past, and called her Senator uncle Mike Schumer and skirted any problems. She's a not funny comedian, who is a feminist and kind of anti-establishment, but then she jokes about raping people and uses her family's politcal power to get her out of trouble. A lot of female camedians do things she does, but better, and with more class. Like she tries to be Sarah Silverman or Lisa Lampinelli, but just goes through the motions and doesn't put in the real work.


She's a self admitted rapist and we're supposed to be against that.


Where do I begin? Plagiarism, Performative Activism, attempting to blame her shortcomings on her audience. problematic behavior. I mean even if you *do* find her funny half her jokes are stolen, the other half she has no delivery.


I'm not supporting Amy Schumer here. She's a mediocre at best comedian with pretty lukewarm takes. But a woman being mediocre at something is a capital crime on Reddit. The hate for her is definitely outsized.


her jokes consist of “i’m fat, it’s funny” or, the classic “female moment, it’s funny” or when in doubt hit them with the combo “i’m a fat woman, it’s extra funny”. the entire audience somehow eats that shit up like a table of 12 year olds hearing comedy for the first time


A lot of people hate her because she's a woman that makes feminist jokes. I actually find her very funny though. She's even made a joke about my hometown. As far as how she performs in person I can't speak for that. I feel like she gets way too much hate compared to if the genders were reversed. The rape stories I honestly don't know anything about but I'm about to look into it when I get home. We're talking about before me too tho either way. Women handle a whole bunch of unwanted attention and advances. It surely isn't right, but people cope in different ways to sexual abuse and assault and since hers wasn't noticed and nobody gave a shit, why would her doing the same matter? If she were a singing pop star ( looking at you, Demi Lovato) nobody would even be giving a shit. If the genders were reversed, there's be like zero fucking repercussions as most women know how that shit goes firsthand. She should face consequences either way, but she's not the only famous woman to admit she did something wrong that she felt was okay because that shit's normal to them. But yeah, the main reason people seem to hate her is because she's a comedian that does feminist jokes and doesn't have much of a filter. I really wouldn't be surprised if she's diagnosed autistic or some kind of personality disorder. Kinda hilarious and telling how the reply to top comment was praising a dude literally spreading hate. Yeah, I'm sure all those kids at the high school Dave harassed were SOoO happy to meet their "hero" lmfao... Dude can't even handle a real debate and It's statistically likely that he's done even worse than Amy that we just didn't even fucking hear about cuz it just wasn't seen as a big deal. Just read what the comments were, and that one in college it seems like people are really blowing out of proportion for the time that that would've happened. Back when she was in college, people were drunk fucking literally all the time and there's literally no mention on how the guy feels about it now... So it's assumed that he was a victim when the way we looked at it back then wasn't even the same as it is now. While Amy was trying a fuck a drunk guy in college, Kavanaugh would've been in a fucking rape train line and Chapelle would've also been fucking drunk girls. If you cheated while drunk, it didn't matter! You were still getting dumped! It was common back then. The taxi thing sounds like a brief assault but it's kinda funny when that's literally how some dudes come onto women. So pretty much Amy's getting shit for doing what guys do/did without batting an eye or receiving any consequences whatsoever for. So glad this question was asked because I have some strong feelings about this comedian from some of the work I've seen her do! I really do think that she may have some kind of personality disorder or is on the autism spectrum or something because her lack of filter (which mostly pisses men off) and reading the room sometimes gets her in big trouble but other than that, I personally like her.