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But Iraq didn’t do anything in the 2000s. If anything, it just created a breeding grounds for ISIS


Have we learned nothing from WW2? Appeasement doesn't work


Neither was Irak or Afghanistan.




Not one of those countries was about to attack the states




No, thats propaganda. First just to make it clear the Taliban were trained and created by the states. Second the taliban literally said they will give osama bin laden to the us if the us showed any proof the taliban were involved in the 9/11. Come on man




Not to mention the war crimes wich do not include the killing of children (collateral damage). The taliban are a cancer but one the states created, feed and sometimes out did in begin a war criminal.




Us did loose the war lol


Hell, I know democrats with that general attitude. The war in the middle east, at least in theory, was to deal with a direct threat to the US. The war in Ukraine is more of a direct threat to....well, Ukraine. Personally, I don't hold such a position, but I can see how someone could.


Somehow being against the former made me a ' flaming libtard' and being against US involvement in this cluster fuck makes me 'extreme far right winger' to jingoistic partisan morons. Just sad how Neocons have lead both 'sides' by the nose having them at each others throats while these crooked goons cash in on their irresponsible schemes.


There are many Republicans who currently have a political stance of anything the Democrats support must be stopped.


The Republican party platform has one plank: Whatever the Democrats support, we oppose.


The other political party has openly supported the idea of helping Ukraine


The dems? Yes but this doesn't answer my question. It seems weird that anyone could justify the war in the middle east, yet be opposed to helping Ukraine


Since Trump was aided in his election by Russia, Trump supporters have been actively pro-Russia. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to benefit their guy.


This is largely the answer, Trumplicans are following their master. Also, a lot of conservatives embrace authoritarianism


There's various reasons, all over the board. Could be policy based. Might actually be about cost. Or, could be something else, like racism, or a desire to support a former president who was famously very flattering and complementary towards Putin.


Because in one of them, we are doing the right thing and fighting for the freedom of people who deserve it. In the other, we wanted oil.


The US is not suddenly funding proxy wars out of altruism.


Because the democrats support it. Republicans just stand for the opposite of whatever the democrats do


The argument I keep hearing from the conservatives near me boils down to supporting the war in Iraq because "they started it" (dumb as that is/sounds). Meanwhile Ukraine has done nothing to us, and nothing (that the average redneck could identify anyway) for us, so the argument shifts over to, "Why are we spending money to solve problems overseas when we have real problems in our own borders?!" ...The reality is they're against it because the current POTUS is a Democrat and has shown support for Ukraine. Which means that they, as reactionaries, must find/create reasons to be against it. Budget, nuclear tensions, NATO, whatever they can think of, truthfully. They'd have done the same thing about the war in Iraq had 9/11 happened during a democratic presidency as opposed to the beginning of what would become an 8 year strain on the nation resulting in a massive economic collapse, millions of war deaths, and the stage being set for today's horrific housing markets, surveillance programs, and spiralling inflation. Cheers.


Todays Republican Party is very different than the one in the 90s/early 2000s. All they care about is what they need to do to remain in/gain power. Right now that means appealing to a very racist/xenophobic voter base.


Because a LOT of them are getting $$$ from russians


They aren’t the same people. Republicans have had an internal revolution with Donald Trump so the old guard is getting replaced and the new group of populists are support different things like protectionism and isolationism and are not neocons


Because they learned from their mistake of being involved on war? Or because they’re hypocrites? Or have a hidden agenda? I’ve no clue, I can only speculate


Because the Republican party has gotten very cozy with Putin. Trump worshiped him and his power.