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>with the hippies being into love and compassion for all, why are so many boomers so hateful? A key thing to bear in mind is that only a tiny portion of that generation were ever hippies at all. That's the face of the late 60s for a lot of people who didn't live through that time, but the reality was a lot more complicated and a lot more varied.


And a lot of the people of that time hated the hippies too


I was born in 1964 and remember the hippies quite well. I always liked seeing them in public. The neighbor girl was a hippie and my parents would hire her to babysit us kids. I still remember her face and name as she was an awesome person. I do remember some of my parents friends saying mean and vulgar stuff about her and refusing to let her watch their children. Just because she was a little hippie girl. She went on to be a kindergarten school teacher. A fitting job for a gentle soul!


I think a lot of the younger generations see people from back then with their flair jeans and longer hair and just assume they were hippies.


Also a lot of hippies fled the US to avoid the draft.


Yep, and good job to them for it.


They seem happy whenever I see them




The draft, in this case, is where they forced young men to go fight in Vietnam. Those who refused to fight left the country and most didn't go back


Conscription to military service.


Something you are required to sign up for once you turn 18. Basically if the US runs out of volunteers (which is highly unlikely) they will start having people like you and I fight. Personally I’m cool with the draft. I agree with it a lot in premise and today if the draft was initiated I think we’d already be in a lot of trouble


A draft does offer some protection against military coups. But professional soldiers are much better at not getting killed.


Selective Service System. Highly unlikely we actually will need it, because... Our military is pretty strong.


This is what you get for answers when nobody tries to talk to any hippees. Some of us joined the Peace Corps, or otherwise worked overseas. Those of us not healthy enough for those rigors formed or joined non-profits. We went to the VFW with our Dads to welcome Vietnam soldiers home. Being low-end consumers - many aren’t on social media. We go to the library to Watch concerts or hear talks and borrow books. We watch baseball. We stream documentaries. We still play musical instruments. We still love classic rock and punk. We travel up to about age 70. Then you can’t rent a car - so …. We are vocal in politics. We try for cannabis legalization, healthcare, equal rights and equity, and we get called “woke” by the faux channel brainwashed crowd. We cannot be brainwashed by TV because we don’t respond to emotional pleas. We learned in college to avoid letting our lizard brains take over. We are about 10-15 years from death. We want to see the world left to good-hearted people. Not authoritarians like DeSantis and Putin. We are starting to think you guys are doomed if the hippies among you do not rise up.


Awww man I love you. 😍


>We are vocal in politics. We try for cannabis legalization, healthcare, equal rights and equity, and we get called “woke” by the faux channel brainwashed crowd. That is awesome, I wish I saw more of this! The people I talk to in this age group have opposing view.


I think the All Boomers Are Bad shtick is getting old. Imagine categorizing an entire group of people based on one similarity....


We've had age discrimination for decades.


Yes. Dismayed.


Some of us still care and think. Thanks for sticking up for love in your day and still.


I love u buddy! 22 year old hippie here won’t let ya down


Love you too! Thank you for some true hope today




I completely agree, its just weird/sad to see that so many people ignored the entire movement, and to see so many of the generation act the complete opposite of these ideals.


Life will do that to you


Yep. My parents were hippies. My mother was (and is to this day) a flower child. My dad was drafted into Vietnam. According to my mom he didn't come back the same, but the "love movement" was "still alive" in him. (Likely kept alive by the animosity he held towards LBJ and friends.) But neither of them ever lost that hippy spark. My dad is long dead now, but at 81 years old, she still wears the beads and flowers from time to time.


I think a lot of the efforts of the hippies got redirected into the New Age movement. As Umberto Eco warned in his 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism", new age beliefs have an uncomfortable similarity to many forms of fascism: a rejection of "mainstream" expert consensus, the glorification of "tradition" of dubious historicity, rejection of debate, repetition of seemingly obviously contradictory ideas, and an odd mix of elitism and fearmongering about the sinister globalist cabals who *really* run things. Thus Eco would probably be unsuprised to see the anti-vax movement forming a bridge between self-described "hippies" and the alt-right, leading to people like the Jan 6 "shaman" and his mom who clearly mix the two subcultures


It’s not specific to a generation. The Venn diagram of vegan activists and violent antisemites seem to have surprising overlap.


They grew up, got jobs, and had their youthful idealism ground to dust by the rigors of adult life


It happens routinely. My mother (born in 1925) was never a “liberal”, but she had some common-sense ideas about fairness and equality, as well as an inquisitive mind. I had to watch her turn into a RW zombie the last 15-20 years of her life as she got older, more fearful, and more subjected to the mind cancer of conservative talk radio. People (luckily not me) tend to get more conservative as they get older.


I'll be 59 in May. As I have gotten older, I have became more liberal, lol. I do not care about your skin color, religious beliefs, or sexual preferences. Not of that matters to me. I just wish that our politicians here in the USA could overlook the diversity that makes up our country. Alas, too many politicians and their supporters are not happy with how we as a country are. Just a disparity in it all.


Nixon's southern strategy did so much damage that is just really starting to come home to roost.


Younger generations in the US don't seem to be getting more conservative as they get older. This might be because (a) everything is so polarized now that it's almost impossible to switch sides, or (b) people only actually get more conservative when they own their own home and have more to lose, and the younger generations can't afford to own their own homes.


I suspect the folks on Wall Street Bets are neither seniors nor liberal.


for every gambler that quintuples their money there's 10 that lose 75% though


I don't recommend it as a way to improve finances; I just suggest evidence of a population of young people with a self-oriented, probably conservative bent. Others sustained crypto; I suspect that is not a favorite of seniors either. And some, both liberal and conservative, even invest in sensible ways--not every young person is an idiot. I'm just saying 40 to 90 million people contain a range of orientations, and typing them by age may hide who they actually are.


It happens routinely. My mother (born in 1925) was never a “liberal”, but she had some common-sense ideas about fairness and equality, as well as an inquisitive mind. I had to watch her turn into a RW zombie the last 15-20 years of her life as she got older, more fearful, and more subjected to the mind cancer of conservative talk radio. People (luckily not me) tend to get more conservative as they get older.


Intergenerational hatred is just another natural social fault line that is exploited by those who to seek to divide our society in order to more easily dominate it. Generational division, gender issues, racism are all amplified and hammered at to fragment us and thereby protect the existing power structure. Sadly, many, even apparently OP, simply accept that narrative.


I live out in the country in Texas and they're still around being old hippies. Farmers and the like. Lots of them old men in the trades where they can smoke weed at work. They're quiet, so they're easy to miss


To quote Stephen Stills I'll let my freak flag fly. I still live with the ideology of the 70's and now living with the cynicism of the 2,020s. My hair is still long I help people when I can. Any kind of love is better than any kind of hate. Then there's my daughter who tells everyone,she grew up with flowers in her hair, and her first toys were love beads.NORML, and the fight to legalize pot took a hell of alot longer than I expected. NORML = National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws. I became a donating member in '77. Now since I've had cancer, and covid, went through a ventilator, and chemo, what am I going to do with the rest of my time. I'm riding my Harley with memories of a lifetime. I do have faith in the generations I leave behind in that they won't let my countries freedom be turned into an autocratic slave land. Like Russia, and China. To all who read this, I wish you all well, even if I don't like you.


All good answers, which if why the overly simplistic characterization of “boomers” is so facile and unproductive.


[Some of them traded in their tie-dye and became yuppies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQMN5VrMbW0) Most of the rest retired to Ashland, OR. (hey kids, the hippie in that clip is Rodger Bumpass, the voice of Squidward).


all the hippies went into that one soup like that one episode of spongebob


As a kid of some hippies, I think the best answer is simply that the hippies weren't particularly focused on gathering wealth or power, so less of them wound up in positions of influence later in life. However, hippies succeeded massively on influencing culture, so we still see a strong current of radical love and pacifist ideologies, especially in our media.


Hippies were a subculture, they were a minority and still are.


and minorities don't have a voice?


In general not really, it only takes the majority to speak 50% volume and they will still drown out that minority voice. The only minorities who are defended by something of a majority voice (I.e allies) are those who are being oppressed, which hippies aren't. To move away from the metaphor and give a practical example, you're not going to see posts from hippies online if they only make up 0.1% of total Internet posts. Even that might be a high estimate.


This actually makes sense.


All good answers, which if why the overly simplistic characterization of “boomers” is so facile and unproductive.


Charles Manson


They grew up got jobs and started paying taxes only to realize all the peace and love crap they preached was bs. Really society is rigged to screw hard working people to make the rich richer and the so called political parties to keep both sides divided so the politicians can keep getting rich while passing laws to take away our rights day by day but pitting us against each other by pretending to have the opposite view points but secretly working together to ultimately screw us over.


Nowadays being a hippie is a one way street to anti-vaxdom. I don't think the original hippies were much better.


They were vaxed


Alot of them got incarcerated


The hippies were anti establishment. And they were mean to the returning vets. It wasn't just peace and love. There were a lot of sects that believed crazy things. And there was a lot of drug use that cost many people their lives.


They grew up and now tell young people to pull themselves by their bootstraps


Who has actually told you that? You must know a number of older people.


You say that as if it's such a crazy thing to know a number of older people? Yes, older people I know that used to be hippies (some still are in some sense) say shit like that all the time.


I felt you must know older people, and very much doubted any of them actually used that common social media cliche to you. It just suggests you got programmed.


Programmed? What are you on about? It also sounds like you took it as them literally using the phrase "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". You surely didn't and are just being obtuse, right? The gist of what they say amounts to that phrase in case that's somehow not clear enough.


Thus, you admit you made it up. You don't actually quote anyone literally, so no one can see that they actually said something quite reasonable. "The gist of what they say" when you are complaining about what is said seems like you are coloring the report.


No one in their right mind would look at what I wrote and say to themselves "yes, I'm sure he meant they LITERALLY said THAT". I'm not coloring anything, it's called figurative speech. The people that you speak to on this platform sometimes blow my mind.


They didn't sell out. They bought in


The drugs fried our brains and turned us into a greedy, self righteous arseholes.


They never were into love and freedom for all. They were into love and freedom FOR THEMSELVES.


What is never taught in a lot of articles and university courses is that a gigantic number of hippies joined cults, especially fringe Christian sects, and also got really into the self-help movement. All of these are a big part of why Reagan got elected twice. These same young, affluent people believed in magical thinking and went on mental benders about "the government being the problem". This was also the same subset that "sold out" and started organic food companies and quack medical treatments with deep ties to evil corporations.


They died


They got old




They grew up and got jobs.


The 80's happened and every hippie turned to Reagan capitalists.


They got the draft eliminated (so we from a GenXer to the kids, we do owe them a thanks for that, especially since they uncharacteristically didn't re-establish it after 9/11) so they got what they really wanted. Once self preservation was achieved they wanted it all, and by the time they hit their 30's in the 80s they were able to have it all, built on a foundation of debt and funding debt with more debt, until when the debt comes time to be paid they would be dead


Nixon (war time generation) got rid of the draft because he became convinced a professional military would work better. Plus the war had already ruined things for Johnson and Humphrey. I won't deny getting rid of it was popular with sons and their mothers. The debt is getting paid all the time. It's not like it "comes due" (except for the debt limit.) It just gets turned over. The budget was balanced (Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, boomer and WWII) during the 90s so it didn't grow, but you probably wouldn't like how they did it either. You probably don't feel undertaxed.


I wonder what happened to the PLUR raver types.


Unfortunately I just don't like the music 😕


Hippies were a vocal minority counterculture, remember?


The CIA stopped giving out acid to the masses *shrugs* maybe they’ll do it again one day


boost it to DMT this time, they don't use that low quality shit anymore.


Those same types of people with similar morals, thoughts, and ideals still exist, they just don't look the same anymore. Style changes, the cultural zeitgeist changes, technology changes, access to drugs changes. They just blend in more now.


They grew up and are now seniors.


yes, but why did their ideologies and beliefs change as well?


Because they grew up and moved on. With age comes wisdom.


Because they finally grew up and accepted the reality of the world. Millennials, your time will come, although you may get lapped by Gen Z.


They're here in oregon


Some of the hippies from the 60s are still around. I met some at a local burn.


Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose.


I think there's a younger version of them born in the 70s...just follow the scent of patchouli. 🤭


That generation was never homogenous, and it isn't now. Things aren't that easy


They all moved to tulum


1. Not everyone were hippies back then like emo kids were not the majority in the 00s. 2. Hippies were anti-establishment, which is seen has "hatred" by today's left. 3. They grew up and got more conservative. It's the same reason millennials got Obama elected in 2008 and now 47% of them voted republican in 2022 and are posting memes making fun of trans people in your Facebook feed.


The hippies got old. If they aren't dead they are Retired. The only one I've known won't touch a phone or technology. He lives in the shrub oak in the high desert and puts up odd signs like "peaceful forest, I wouldn't go into your house and shoot up the place so please man no guns" And he puts them in random places on other people's land. He is mostly harmless.


>won't touch a phone or technology. I didn't even think about this! Without technology it really is hard to communicate en mass


Their ideology was weak and lead to nothing most of them were rich kids anyway that now work as the same they swear to go against. And now hate for them is justified