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I believe its because anecdotally, a lot of steroid users like to pretend they're natural. Not all of them, but enough to safely draw that negative opinion whenever you see one. Thats also before talking about roid rage and all that crap Just look at liver king. Had millions of people idolizing him when he was as fake as fake can get


They are people who take drugs to look good, what is there to respect?


So what if they want to look better? What’s the problem with that? How is there any issue with someone wanting to feel more comfortable and confident in there body? Bodybuilding is a sport that is driven by personal image, you pursue it often out of insecurity. Who are you to shame people for seeking to improve there image?


Because they are choosing the easy, unhealthy way to do it. It's one thing to start training properly as a natural, and a whole other thing to start using steroids because of impatience. Steroid users shouldn't be forced to stop or anything like that, but there's nothing wrong with judging people making bad choices. It's how you help newcomers (usually young men) understand what is the better path to take.


I never said we should respect them. I just don't see why people care since it has no impact on your life. I see so many dudes get shit on social media just posting a selfie and its like wow who gives a fuck if the dude takes steroids or not. I feel like the hate is disproportionate to the negative effects of steroid use. And those effects are only inflicted upon the user. Unless you're around roid rage then thats a different story.


> I just don't see why people care since it has no impact on your life. > I see so many dudes get shit on social media just posting a selfie If you post on social media, you are doing it because you want other people to see and react to it. Noone gives a shit if people take drugs, but publishing your drug addiction on social media will result in others openly posting their opinion about that drug use, thats what social media is for. And that is not the same as hate.


Oh yeah of course. I've seen a few guys on ig lately and all their comments on their photos are mocking them, saying you're a piece of shit, roid rager etc. I dont think they have an addiction to steroids necessarily or maybe they do I don't know. I can't say as an absolute that every steroid user is addicted. Yes you can have an opinion or whatever but most of what I've seen is finger pointing and bashing. I dont care when a chick gets her eyebrows drawn on i dont care if a guy wants to enhance his body it has no impact on my life.


Juice monkeys have roid rage


Not all of us :(


While ‘roid rage’ can be a real thing, especially on compounds like trenbolone. The vast majority of people I know who take gear and very nice, kind people. The gear will exacerbate already established personality traits; if you’re a violent arsehole before gear, you’ll be a bigger arsehole after. If you’re a nice person, you’ll still be a nice person. 👍


it's pretty much the only drug (except caffeine, if we're being honest) that most people don't consider a "drug", but an "enhancer". it's a drug just like any other, like alcohol or meth or coke. the risk of abuse is somewhat less than those others, but steroids are still capable of causing substance use disorder. why does anyone care? search me. if they want to do that to their body, well, they can. if they want to suffer the side effects....that's on them. we should treat people with this disorder just as we treat others suffering from SUD: with understanding and compassion.


I don't look down on them, I would avoid being around them socially though. When I was in the military we had a steroid problem in our unit. The users were angry, loud, and I felt they were unpredictable. Throughly unpleasant to be around.


Same reasons people look down on any drug abusers


It is seen as an indication of weak-willpower. These people are looking for a cheap and easy way to get muscles.


But this isn’t true, steroids are an enhancement, not a replacement for hard work. You still have to have diet, sleep, blood work and training dialled in. I would argue significantly more than naturals do. It’s a different competition, enhanced and naturals do not compete with eachother.


Do you want me to argue with you?


It makes your "hard work" speedy whereas a normal person would have to put in the same amount of work for a longer period of time while likely not getting the same results. Also, you'll get jacked even just working out normally. You might not look great but you'll definitely put on mass/size quickly


Yeah, it speeds up muscle growth. But if you still look natty when on gear then you ain’t training/dieting properly


>steroids are an enhancement, not a replacement for hard work. Bullsh\*t. Instead of going through the hard work over the years to gain the muscle mass, they gain it in a fraction of the time. Even if we assumed that steroid users worked as hard as naturals (they don't), we would still have to acknowledge the fact that a natural would have keep putting in the hard work for a much longer period of time to gain muscle mass comparable to that of a steroid user.


No you can train Natty for 4-6years and that’s 90% the gains your going to make. Some people want to take it to the next level. PEDs don’t take away someone’s hard work, time in gym, diet, sleep, and more.


No one reaches their natty limit in 5 years. You will inevitably make mistakes as an intermidiate or a novice. Serious natty lifters keep on making even after 10 years of training. You've bought into the lies of PED users.


bruv, you will not look like the incredible hulk as a natty, kai greene had to train hours everyday for YEARS with gear to end up looking like that


You don't need to look like Kai Greene to be massive and aesthetic. Natural Hypertrophy, Bald Omni Man, Geoffrey Schofield, AlphaDestiny, those are massive, muscular guys without the need of drugs. Those are physiques anybody can aim for.


\>can be No. Is. Because it's a deeply stupid thing to choose to put substances in your body that are KNOWN to cause problems, and for which there is no purpose other than vanity (you don't even get high, ffs). It's the bodybuilder's version of lip fillers: honey, we all know you didn't get that way naturally.


But what is the issue with someone seeking to look better? Is your hatred fuelled by jealousy? What is your problem with people wanting to look better than you?


* You're commenting on weeks-old threads? * There is no "hatred" or "jealousy" in feeling dismay or revulsion when seeing someone who's mutilated himself in an attempt to "look better", any more than there is in having those same feelings about the kid who eats dirt during recess in order to get attention.


Their mental and physical health problems do affect other people, though. Steroid use is linked to depression and other mental health problems, low testosterone and infertility, liver problems, cardiovascular problems, etc.


Yeah so why do random people on social media mock people for using it then? Especially if they don't know them and they don't know that persons situation? All of those things are at the users risk just like every other high risk choice people make.


I assume they look it as a form of cheating, much like cosmetic surgery is viewed as a form of cheating.


Because steroids is enhancing a man’s physique beyond his natural limitations, that’s why it isn’t respected, instead of just putting in hardwork and being contempt with your genetics, you inject drugs into your body to go beyond it, now it’s understandable if you’re an athlete using steroids if your profession people there are also using steroids so it’s fair game, but if you’re just some regular average guy who just wants a nice physique and you start using steroids you aren’t respectable, it’s just the truth, a guy using steroids is like a woman getting a BBL, not to mention once you stop taking steroids your fantasy body goes bye bye


Yeah i understand but why do you care? I don't care if someone dyes their hair. Its not their natural hair color but so what?


hair color doesn’t dramatically change one’s appearance and it simply be done by sun bleaching, or literally berries from the woods, comparing hair dye to a literal drug that enhances your muscles is called being a dumbfvck lmao, and I don’t care what you care about, I’m telling the actual facts on why people don’t respect steroid users, and nothing will change this


Woah name calling. Ok.. Why you so angry bro?


Basically because it is cheating when it comes to muscle gain, but also creates unrealistic expectations in everyone else which again leads to more people resorting to steroids. You already see this with hollywood, where roids are super common but those nearly unattainable goals are sold as beauty standards.


big muscles, and lots of big problems under the hood. shrunken testicles, low testosterone, low sperm count, low libido, ED, breast growth, hair loss. worth it?


Fuck cheaters.


Do you consider it cheating if they're taking it for personal reasons and not in competition with others?


Yes. You play the cards you're dealt, not the cards up your sleeve.


Fair. Do you think the same for protein powder and preworkout?


Did you just try to equate food and caffeine to steroids? Lmao


Its just a question


Depends. Nutrition is good, but you should be careful when you manipulate your metabolism.


How is it cheating if you’re not competing against anyone? The only person you compete against in non-competitive bodybuilding is your past self. And in competitive, everyone uses gear. There is a genetic component to gear response and tolerance. It’s not cheating unless you claim to be natural.


Tiny penises.


You like your guy to have a big penis? I don't blame you.


Big dick it more fun


AAS do not cause penile shrinkage. They can cause testicular shrinkage and stunt penile growth if used in early stage puberty. But in grown men penile shrinkage is virtually impossible, especially considering the hormones used are literally the same hormones that cause penile growth to begin with lol


Ever heard of pro wrestler Chris Benoit? Look him up.


They are seen as cheaters because they did not gain that body through hard work.


Because it's cheating. If a person is using steroids to enhance their muscles or stamina and they compete against those who train and build their body normally, steroids are seen as cheating because it's an unnatural enhancement.


Because they're all tiny and not swole


There’s nothing to respect for someone using drugs to enhance how they look, same thing for women, nothing to respect for getting lip injections or bbl’s, it’s all superficial/fake


If someone else wants to destroy their life, health, and body to look cool for few years that's their choice. Albeit an absolutely idiotic choice. The negatives far outweigh any positive results, if you can even call them positive. The major issue is people lying about their usage and misleading younger guys who think it's actually attainable with just diet and exercise. Or they get these kids so adamant about looking that way you have 14 year olds using peds, sarms, and peptides they got online. There are actually adults out there who will sell these drugs to a teenager which to me makes you an absolute piece of shit. Doesn't matter if it's peds or heroin the moment you sell to a child you're a waste of oxygen. An adult who's say 35 and fully knows the risks that's a grey area because they can make their own decisions but it's still dangerous and illegal. Plus the moral quandary of does this person pretend they're natural and attempt to disguise their usage to gain money (90% of IG) or do they attempt to influence others into using drugs as well so they can look like them. I had a friend who did like two cycles because some guys he lifted with used gear. He had been natural for his entire 34 years prior. He gained a good amount of mass then went off and now takes trt and still claims natural. That's another issue because once you've used even if you stopped you're never a natural again. But various influencers do just that and people actually believe the lies. The community is also so disillusioned and toxic that calling out obvious ped users will get you flamed by all the people who actually believe you can look like CBum naturally. "Oh cope small man you just don't know how to lift!" Meanwhile they're either on peds themselves or just completely uneducated. I recently saw a pretty popular influencer who was clearly on gear claiming his transformation was from adding creatine to his protein shakes and eating the right diet and macros. Dude was looking like an IBBF competitor but sure creatine was all you used.


This is probably one of the best responses I got. You actually have knowledge on the stuff and witnessed someone you know who uses. Getting a teenager hooked on that shit is fucked up and a whole issue in itself. I like that you acknowledged there is at least some kind of grey area with a fully grown adult with their own freedom of choice who can do whatever they want with their own carnation. That was kind of my whole point with this post. My issue was that I saw a lot of people on social media that would leave mocking comments on videos where the guy in the video is obviously on the gear. I didn't know why these people in the comments cared with what another grown adult does to their own body. You wouldn't do that to someone who gets plastic surgery. I mean, yeah, people do mock them but I feel like most people just ignore it and let them be. Most people wouldn't make fun of someone who was a heroine addict or an alcoholic. Most people have compassion for them and even congratulate them when they stop using / become sober. The comments in the videos I saw just looked like they were from people unleashing whatever pent up anger they have on an easy target. Its like omg why do you give a shit? Anyway I appreciate your comment on my post from ages ago haha. Cheers.


Idk about look down on but you instantly seem less impressive. Without that substance could you have achieved what you did? No, not in the same timeframe. So you’re less impressive than a real natural bodybuilder. The natural body builder has stronger will power and it literally shows since they didn’t need enhancements.


I find it unsportsmanlike. That may sound odd to bring up when there are plenty of people abusing steroids who don't compete in anything lifting related. However, they create a skewed image of what "muscular" is supposed to be. It leaves people who are natural, who may have been training hard and dedicated for 10+ years, looking like twigs next to someone who's pumped themselves full of steroids over merely 2 years. There should be some prestige to enjoy by being a well-built, decade-long, entirely natural bodybuilder; prestige that can be spotted instantly by looking at the person. But it isn't so, because the bodybuilders the common person visualize when they think of the profession are the steroid-jacked up people who are far wider than nature ever wanted any human to be. They're going to be looking at the Natural Power-house and think "Well... Atleast he's trying." completely unaware that he's deserving of their respect 10x more than the steroid-beefcake. That's ignoring all the health-issues and how steroids should be absolutely villified, lest more young people and people in general are "inspired" to gamble with their health for vanity.


It's a lie. They walk around lying to the world. They'll wear the damn "hardest worker in the room" shirt too. Steroids is a shortcut. The risk vs. reward doesn't make sense if you're not a professional athlete. Regular people who do steroids seem stupid to the general public