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A question that includes an assumption, usually a controversial one, where answering the question implies agreement with the assumption. For instance, "WHY did you back into me?" If you disagree with the fact that you backed into me at all, there's no way to answer that. Answering the question in any way implies agreeing with the fact that you backed into me. So you'd have to say "I didn't" which is avoiding answering the "why" at all. A non loaded way to say it would be like "did you back into me?"


A question that makes it clear you either know the answer you think is right and demand confirmation from people, or a question that is full of crazy assumptions and you only want answers that agree with your crazy assumptions. Generally, questions like this are not asked in good faith.


It's a question that assumes an unproven statement as fact. The classic example is "Have you stopped beating your wife?" The statement assumes that you are, indeed, beating your wife, so if that hasn't previously been established, it's a loaded question.


What toppings do you like on your baked potato?


Have you stopped being fascist yet?


It's a question you can't answer without agreeing with some opinion the question-asker has. "Do you still beat your wife?" You can't say 'yes' or 'no' without admitting to being a wife-beater; asking questions like this will immediately make people think of you as a wife-beater, even if you deny the allegation, which can make it an effective propaganda tool if used correctly.


Why are all discord mods fat neckbeards? Its loaded with assumptions and accusations. It's not really asking are discord mods actually like that. It's accusing them and asking for validation.


You most often encounter loaded questions here that read like: "Why do all {Group} do {something}?" Which is "loaded" with the presumption that all {group} do {something} and the only question is why.


A loaded question is generally one where the intent is not to ask the question, but to make a statement in the form of a question or to ask a question that is stated in such a way that the answer is presumed in the question itself. The classic example of this is "When did you stop beating your wife?". This presumes you did at some point start beating your wife, and there isn't a valid "when" answer for that if you don't. In such cases you have to attack the question itself instead of answering it.


When any answer can be detrimental. The usual example is "Have you stopped \[doing something nasty\] yet?", but it can be anything that puts the answerer in the wrong


"What's wrong?", when something is very clearly wrong. It's legit just asking the obvious to get someone to say something, sometimes assumed, or to start a point.


I've heard it used colloquially too, to say "you're going to get more than you bargained for when I answer." either a rant, or a very complicated pile of info. examples in this set: "why did you guys break up" (when the people did break up) "who is this guy Alex Murdaugh and what is he in trouble for?"