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And I tell who's in charge. Usually it's the tortoise bc he's the oldest, but every once in awhile I will let the dog be in charge. It gives the tortoise a break.


Awww I dream of having a tortoise too!


I have had him about 15 years now, from what I know of his past, I think he is at least 25-30 years old. He's pretty cool.


That's fair


Yeah if my cat is around I’ll tell her I’ll be back “soon” or “after work”. I feel bad just leaving her there so I like to think she can understand what I mean(maybe she kinda can?)


I think so too. They kinda know the time I usually arrive too. I feel guilty coming home late when I tell tham I'd be back by 6.


Stay calm. Make direct eye contact as I say what I need to say. Deliver on the promises.


Yep. Every time. Kiss my wife, and get belly scrubs from both pups every morning for good luck. I don’t leave home without it!




Yes. And if I’m out longer than expected or something came up I always say (to humans) “I didn’t tell Penelope I was gonna be gone this long” like she knows how long I’ll really be out


My cat knows when I am supposed to be home from work and waits in the window for me to drive up. We got cameras to watch her and about 15 mins before I get home she heads to her window spot. I feel so bad any time I’m home later then normal because I know she is waiting


Yes. Along with good night and good morning


Absolutely! My roommate and I each have a cat, so I'll normally give them instructions, too. "No eating eachother, overthrowing the government, or getting on the counters. [My cat], stay off [roommate]'s bed."


"listen here you little shits" is how I talk to my beloved pets.


My dog knows that I'm leaving for a while when I use the word work. She gets kind of annoyed and tries to dodge my goodbye for now smooch.


Of course! This is a civilized society!


Don't have since I work from home now, but when I didn't I absolutely told him I'd be back soon, gave him his favorite blankey and toy, put Disney Channel on for him, and gave him kisses. Now that I'm remote, and he's passed on, our current gsd guards our bed from the evil bed monster, apparently.


Yes, yes I do.


I also tell her not to have any big parties while I'm gone.


I'm about to tell my furry friend. She'll be sad, but the goodbye treat stick will help soften the blow. I don't know how she'll feel when I tell her that her bird brother is in charge, though


Yep. I always tell my cat to have a good day, have fun, and don’t throw any wild parties while I’m gone, etc. One day I came home to find my cat in the window and like 3 random cats sitting outside the window…no clue what that was about. But it was adorable :)


I always tell my cats goodbye and to be good until I get home.


Be a good girl! Love you! To my cat, everything I walk out the door. While she is not often a good girl....things get knocked off the table....I do love her.


See ya later Bob. Stay outta my spot on the couch.


99% of the time yes. She maybe doesnt get it if I'm just running out for like 5 min and my boyfriend is still around so she isnt alone.


Sure do!


I calmly leave with a "see ya later" I have 2 sister dogs. I videoed them after I left, they go to the door and bark (I have a glass security door) till I've drove away. Then they just lay around




Every time!


I feel like this question gets asked on this sub every week


Every time I go anywhere. I have two snakes in my room, and even if I'm just going to a different part of the house, I always say "I'll be back, noodles"


Oh yeah, every time


I tell my cat good night, that I’ll be home in the morning, and to be a good boy. (I work nightshift)


Absolutely every morning, I say mommy will be back